3680 of 3680 items

La France fire engine at Potlatch Mercantile fire. Potlatch, Idaho.

La France fire engine at Potlatch Mercantile fire. Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1963-01-13

fire engines

Fire engine is 48 years old.

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Fire at Potlatch Mercantile. Potlatch, Idaho.

Fire at Potlatch Mercantile. Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1963-01-13

fires firefighters fire equipment stores

Mercantile burned to the ground

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Fire at Potlatch Mercantile. Potlatch, Idaho.

Fire at Potlatch Mercantile. Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1963-01-13

fires firefighters fire equipment stores

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Potlatch Lumber Mill. Potlatch, Idaho.

Potlatch Lumber Mill. Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1908

lumber mills

From the files of C.J. Brosnan

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Flood. Potlatch, Idaho.

Flood. Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1933-12-23

flood towns

Potlatch Lumber Company was flooded, including 2 ft. of water in the lunch room

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [04]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [04]

Date: 1924

exteriors logs buildings

East end remanufacturing shed.

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Exterior views of buildings [03]

Exterior views of buildings [03]

Date: 1949

exteriors buildings

Entrance to plant showing 1949 landscaping.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [02]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [02]

Date: 1949


Four boys wearing P.F.I. tee shirts

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Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [01]

Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [01]

Date: 1949

women parks railroad bridges

Rolling pin throwing contest (for wives only).

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [02]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [02]

Date: 1950

parks monuments soldiers

Potlatch Idaho

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [01]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [01]

Date: 1950

parks ceremonies

Potlatch Idaho

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [03]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [03]

Date: 1950

spectators ceremonies

Potlatch Idaho

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Individual      employees [05]

Individual employees [05]

Date: 1945


Edwin Chambers with Harland Owens. Both home after 3 1/2 years in Japanese prison camps. The are survivors of Bataan...

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [06]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [06]

Date: 1950

soldiers ceremonies

Potlatch Idaho

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [05]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [05]

Date: 1950

soldiers ceremonies

Potlatch Idaho

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Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [04]

Memorial Day celebration, 1950 [04]

Date: 1950

soldiers ceremonies

Potlatch Idaho

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Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [01]

Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [01]

Date: 1942

workers machinery

General view as overhaul was started. Note the drop sign to warn that the wheel inching dog is out of...

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Exterior views of buildings [01]

Exterior views of buildings [01]

Date: 1949

exteriors buildings gardens

Exterior of Pres-to-log plant.

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Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [02]

Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [02]

Date: 1942

workers machinery

Lee Gale on Corliss engine shaft. Note size of spokes and bolts in flywheel compared to a six foot man....

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Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [03]

Views of Corliss engine taken during overhaul [03]

Date: 1942

workers machinery

Art Flieger by the Corliss engine crank pin disc.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [01]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [01]

Date: 1939

winter buildings

Man standing beside a large pile of snow

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White Pine King, 1911 [02]

White Pine King, 1911 [02]

Date: 1911

lumber railroad cars

Quality logs (top cut) Scale 16,170' cut from the largest know white pine tree by Potlatch Lumber Company, Potlatch, Idaho....

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Sawmill overhaul 1942

Sawmill overhaul 1942

Date: 1942

workers machinery

During the sawmill overhaul the power plant crew repaired the turbine.

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White Pine King, 1911 [01]

White Pine King, 1911 [01]

Date: 1911

forests lumberjacks

The largest white pine tree ever found grew in the woods of Potlatch Forests. Inc. It was 207' tall, had...

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White Pine King, 1911 [04]

White Pine King, 1911 [04]

Date: 1911

lumber railroad cars

Quality logs (top cut) Scale 16,170' cut from the largest know white pine tree by Potlatch Lumber Company, Potlatch, Idaho....

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White Pine King, 1911 [03]

White Pine King, 1911 [03]

Date: 1911

lumber workers railroad cars

A truck load of white pine lumber sawn from the White Pine King.

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Exterior of Office Building

Exterior of Office Building

Date: 1946

exteriors buildings automobiles

Exterior of office building.

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Washington, Idaho & Montana Mail Co. 'bug' #10

Washington, Idaho & Montana Mail Co. 'bug' #10

Date: 1920

mountains railroad cars snowplow

A Studebaker passenger car with custom built chassis, used to haul passengers and mail between Palouse and Bovill, 1920?

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Exterior views of buildings [02]

Exterior views of buildings [02]

Date: 1949

exteriors buildings bicycles workers

Two employees bicycling away from plant entrance.

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Logs & Logging [02]

Logs & Logging [02]

Date: 1915

logs railroad cars

Logs on the way to the mill at Potlatch.

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Logs & Logging [01]

Logs & Logging [01]

Date: 1915

logs railroad cars buildings

Logs on the way to the mill at Potlatch.

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Logs & Logging [05]

Logs & Logging [05]

Date: 1915

logs railroad cars buildings

Railway car of logs on the way to the Potlatch Mill.

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Logs & Logging [03]

Logs & Logging [03]

Date: 1920

logs railroad cars buildings

Logs on a W.I.M. flat car at the Potlatch Lumber Company Log Pond.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [12]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [12]

Date: 1939

winter lumber

Lumber yard in winter.

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Logs & Logging [06]

Logs & Logging [06]

Date: 1915

logs railroad cars buildings

Logs loaded on a railway flat car in Potlatch.

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Logs & Logging [07]

Logs & Logging [07]

Date: 1920

logs railroad cars buildings rivers

Logs on a W.I.M. flat car at the Potlatch Lumber Company Log Pond.

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Canadian Pacific Railroad Company

Canadian Pacific Railroad Company

Date: 1920

railroad cars advertising fields

View of several CP box cars and a Pres-to-logs box car.

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Logging Equipment [06]

Logging Equipment [06]

Date: 1936

railroad cars workers mountains equipment

'"The Potlatch Navy', a multipurpose craft used as an icebreaker, pile driver, skyline rig and sea-going donkey engine on the...

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Logging Equipment [05]

Logging Equipment [05]

Date: 1936

railroad cars workers mountains equipment

'"The Potlatch Navy', a multipurpose craft used as an icebreaker, pile driver, skyline rig and sea-going donkey engine on the...

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Interior view of office

Interior view of office

Date: 1942

interiors workers offices

Secretary and clerk in an office.

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Logging Equipment [04]

Logging Equipment [04]

Date: 1936

mountains workers barges (flat-bottomed watercraft) river

'"The Potlatch Navy', a multipurpose craft used as an icebreaker, pile driver, skyline rig and sea-going donkey engine on the...

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Logging Equipment [03]

Logging Equipment [03]

Date: 1936

workers railway cars equipment

The multipurpose craft being transported on a railway flatcar.

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Logs & Logging [04]

Logs & Logging [04]

Date: 1920

sawmills logs

Typical lag yard and sawmill

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Logging [13]

Logging [13]

Date: 1920

lumber jack mountains

An old-timer hand sawing lumber in Alaska

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Logging [20]

Logging [20]

Date: 1946

logging trucks

Logs loaded on a truck and transported to the pond.

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Logging [14]

Logging [14]

Date: 1946

logging trucks workers

Logs loaded on a truck and transported to the pond.

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Logging [27]

Logging [27]

Date: 1946

logging trucks workers

Logs loaded on a truck and transported to the pond.

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Logging [26]

Logging [26]

Date: 1946

logging trucks workers

Logs loaded on a truck and transported to the pond.

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Logging [29]

Logging [29]

Date: 1955

logging trucks

A fully loaded logging truck arriving at the mill.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Log Pond

Potlatch Lumber Company Log Pond

Date: 1937

ponds logs mountains

View of the upper log pond

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Lumber yard [02]

Lumber yard [02]

Date: 1928-01-21

lumber yards mountains

View of lumber yard in winter.

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Logging [17]

Logging [17]

Date: 1946

logging trucks

Logs loaded on a truck and transported to the pond.

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Logging Equipment [01]

Logging Equipment [01]

Date: 1940

equipment workers cranes

Osgood Loader at the mill.

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Logging Equipment [02]

Logging Equipment [02]

Date: 1940

equipment cranes buildings

Crane lifting logs out of the pond.

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Logging [24]

Logging [24]

Date: 1924

railroad tracks mountains forest

Inclined railroad in a logging area.

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954

Date: 1954-06-08

Group portraits mountains dams water falls

Group by dam and waterfall

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [03]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [03]

Date: 1954-06-08

fields Group portraits

Group from Spokesman Review on Steptoe Butte

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [06]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [06]

Date: 1954-06-08

forests photographers

Group in the St. Joe National forest.

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [05]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [05]

Date: 1954-06-08

highways photographers

Two men photographing wild flowers.

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [04]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [04]

Date: 1954-06-08

Group portraits forest

Group picture taken at Benewah County line, St. Joe National Forest.

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [02]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [02]

Date: 1954-06-08

automobiles roadways fields

The road to Steptoe Butte.

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Fork-lift truck

Fork-lift truck

Date: 1945

lumber workers forklift trucks

Operator of fork lift truck stacking lumber in yard.

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Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [01]

Spokesman Review Trip, June 8, 1954 [01]

Date: 1954-06-08

logs equipment workers

At the P.F. I. log pond.

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Palouse River Valley Rural Fire Protection District

Palouse River Valley Rural Fire Protection District

Date: 1905-05-07

fire truck

Truck belonging to Potlatch Station No. 1.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [10]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [10]

Date: 1949

winter lumber workers trucks

Snow in the lumber yard.

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Proposed Potlatch Runway site

Proposed Potlatch Runway site

Date: 1905-05-10

aerial photographs

Aerial view of the mill with the proposed location of a runway drawn in ink.

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Cedar Mountain Lookout tower, 1917 [02]

Cedar Mountain Lookout tower, 1917 [02]

Date: 1917


The tower was completed in the fall of 1916. The lower part is used for living quarters, the upper for...

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Relief map of Potlatch area [02]

Relief map of Potlatch area [02]

Date: 1917


Unidentified- possible of the Potlatch, Idaho area.

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Relief map of Potlatch area [03]

Relief map of Potlatch area [03]

Date: 1917


Unidentified- possible of the Potlatch, Idaho area.

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Relief map of Potlatch area [04]

Relief map of Potlatch area [04]

Date: 1917


Unidentified- possible of the Potlatch, Idaho area.

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Cedar Mountain Lookout tower, 1917 [01]

Cedar Mountain Lookout tower, 1917 [01]

Date: 1917


The tower was completed in the fall of 1916. The lower part is used for living quarters, the upper for...

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Relief map of Potlatch area [01]

Relief map of Potlatch area [01]

Date: 1917


Unidentified- possible of the Potlatch, Idaho area.

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Lumber yard & pond

Lumber yard & pond

Date: 1936


View of lumber stacked in yard.

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Cyclone Seed Sower [01]

Cyclone Seed Sower [01]

Date: 1930

machinery winter

Close-up of Cyclone Seed Sower.

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Cyclone Seed Sower [02]

Cyclone Seed Sower [02]

Date: 1930

workers machinery winter

G.B. Ringold operating the seeder.

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Solar eclipse, June 8,1918 [01]

Solar eclipse, June 8,1918 [01]

Date: 1918-06-08

solar eclipse

Viewing box inscribed with the names of those who watched the eclipse.

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W.I. & M. Locomotives

W.I. & M. Locomotives

Date: 1917

railroad tracks railroad stations locomotives

Washington Idaho and Montana Railway Co. Locomotive #1.

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Solar eclipse, June 8,1918 [02]

Solar eclipse, June 8,1918 [02]

Date: 1918-06-08

solar eclipse

Multiple exposure showing phases of the eclipse

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Locomotive (Shay) No. 103 [02]

Locomotive (Shay) No. 103 [02]

Date: 1913


Engine in process of being dismantled.

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Locomotive (Shay) No. 103 [01]

Locomotive (Shay) No. 103 [01]

Date: 1910

debris locomotives

Several men looking at debris around a shay engine.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [11]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [11]

Date: 1939

winter buildings lumber

View of snow covered lumber yard.

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W.I. & M. Locomotives No. 22

W.I. & M. Locomotives No. 22

Date: 1915

trains workers logs

Four men posed on the engine of a logging train.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [04]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [04]

Date: 1939

logs railroad tracks workers

Logs piled beside the railway line.

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Lumber yard & pond [01]

Lumber yard & pond [01]

Date: 1936


View of lumber stacked in yard.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [04]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [04]

Date: 1938


Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [05]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [05]

Date: 1938

locomotives workers

Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Locomotive (Shay) No. 106

Locomotive (Shay) No. 106

Date: 1915

locomotives scrap metal

Two of the shay locomotives which were scrapped

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [07]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [07]

Date: 1938


Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [02]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [02]

Date: 1938


Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [03]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [03]

Date: 1938

scrap metal railroad cars

Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [01]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [01]

Date: 1938

scrap metal

Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [06]

Potlatch Lumber Company Locomotives Shay [06]

Date: 1938

scrap metal

Views of the dismantling of a shay engine.

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Logging [02]

Logging [02]

Date: 1923

forests automobiles

Stand of sixteen year old larch north of Dover, Idaho

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Locomotive (Shay) No. 107

Locomotive (Shay) No. 107

Date: 1915

locomotives scrap metal

Two of the shay locomotives which were scrapped

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Lumber yard & pond [02]

Lumber yard & pond [02]

Date: 1936

lumber railroad tracks

View of lumber yard. Note railway tracks running between stacked lumber.

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Logging [08]

Logging [08]

Date: 1923

forests roadways

40-45 year old reproduction of white pine 1 1/2 miles north of Clarkia, Idaho

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Logging [21]

Logging [21]

Date: 1923

forests roadways

Second growth tamarack, 40 years old, in Kaniksu National Forest Bonner County, Idaho.

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Logging [04]

Logging [04]

Date: 1923

forests buildings

Thirty year old western white pine western larch western yellow pine and white fir.

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Logging [22]

Logging [22]

Date: 1923


Yellow pine growth about 100 years old in the lower yellow pine zone, Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho.

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Logging [03]

Logging [03]

Date: 1923


Disposal of slash after logging is one of the most vexing problems before Idaho lumbermen. Scene is near St. Joe,...

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [06]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [06]

Date: 1939

buildings lumber railroad tracks

Lumber piled outside of a shed.

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A broadcast slash fire is almost always disastrous from a timber growing standpoint [01]

A broadcast slash fire is almost always disastrous from a timber growing standpoint [01]

Date: 1923


Idaho white pine type before fall slash fire, near St. Maries, Idaho.

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A broadcast slash fire is almost always disastrous from a timber growing standpoint [02]

A broadcast slash fire is almost always disastrous from a timber growing standpoint [02]

Date: 1923

forests roadways

After a slash fire, all of the young timber is killed.

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Scene near Fernwood, Idaho [01]

Scene near Fernwood, Idaho [01]

Date: 1923

forests logging

White pine fir type before the broadcast burn

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Area of cut-over yellow pine before and after a slash burn [02]

Area of cut-over yellow pine before and after a slash burn [02]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

Before slash was burned.

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Lumber yard & pond [03]

Lumber yard & pond [03]

Date: 1936

trees workers ponds equipment

Men hoisting logs at the pond.

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Scene near Fernwood, Idaho [02]

Scene near Fernwood, Idaho [02]

Date: 1923

forests logging

After the slash fire practically all of the young growth is killed.

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Yellow pine area in California before and after a slash burn [01]

Yellow pine area in California before and after a slash burn [01]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

Before slash was burned.

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Area of cut-over yellow pine before and after a slash burn [01]

Area of cut-over yellow pine before and after a slash burn [01]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

Same area after burning.

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Yellow pine area in California before and after a slash burn [02]

Yellow pine area in California before and after a slash burn [02]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

Same area after burning.

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Logging [07]

Logging [07]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

Preparing logging debris for disposal on State Forest Land. By careful burning, cedar, hemlock, and white pine trees around eight...

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Logging [23]

Logging [23]

Date: 1923


A crane hoists a log over the side of a ledge. The description on the back of the photograph reads...

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [05]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [05]

Date: 1939


View of snow covered yard.

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Logging [12]

Logging [12]

Date: 1923

forest fires notices

On the other hand, a cutting across the line where the slash has been burned broadcast. It is easy to...

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Logging [28]

Logging [28]

Date: 1923

forests loggers

By careful brush disposal such as this the advance growth is saved for future cutting, white pine seeds are given...

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Logging [10]

Logging [10]

Date: 1923

seedlings hats

White pine seedlings starting at edge of spot where brush pile has been burned. Brush piles cover 25% or less...

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [03]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [03]

Date: 1924

interiors construction

Interior of remanufacturing plant.

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Logging truck, 1948

Logging truck, 1948

Date: 1948

trucks workers logs

Fully loaded logging truck. Height 12 1/2 feet: 5200 feet on load.

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Logging [11]

Logging [11]

Date: 1923

loggers horses logs

Logs being hauled out of the woods by a team of horses.

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Logging [19]

Logging [19]

Date: 1923

forest fires railroad tracks

The results of a summer fire on cut-over land on the Idaho-Montana line.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [15]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [15]

Date: 1939

winter lumber buildings

View of snow covered lumber yard.

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Logging [15]

Logging [15]

Date: 1923


Brush piles ready for burning on State timber sale land.

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Logging [09]

Logging [09]

Date: 1923


Brush piles ready for burning on timber sale on the Priest Lake State Forest.

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Logging [05]

Logging [05]

Date: 1923


After careful piling and burning

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Logging [18]

Logging [18]

Date: 1923

exteriors log buildings

View of an area showing remains of fine white pine forest after slash and brush fires have run over it...

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [09]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [09]

Date: 1939

winter lumber buildings

View of snow covered lumber yard.

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Logging [06]

Logging [06]

Date: 1923

forests camps exteriors buildings

Private effort at proper slash disposal is not altogether lacking. Picture shows how debris has been piled and burned around...

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Logging [25]

Logging [25]

Date: 1923


Brush piled ready for burning at foot of Meline, Elk Basin.

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Landscaping of plant, 1949 [01]

Landscaping of plant, 1949 [01]

Date: 1949

cities landscaping

Lawn ornaments at the Potlatch Plant.

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Logging [16]

Logging [16]

Date: 1923

forests workers fires

Piling and burning of slash on private land.

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Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [05]

Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [05]

Date: 1952

parades bands (ensembles) main streets

Band marching past Potlatch Mercantile Company

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Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [04]

Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [04]

Date: 1952

parades bands (ensembles) main streets

unidentified marching band.

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Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [01]

Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [01]

Date: 1952

parades bands (ensembles) main streets

View of C.J.H.S. marching band

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Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [03]

Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [03]

Date: 1952

parades bands (ensembles) main streets

Band marching past public library.

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Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [02]

Prairie Music Festival Parade, 1952 [02]

Date: 1952

parades bands (ensembles) main streets

Band marching past the Confectionery.

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Potlatch Elementary School [04]

Potlatch Elementary School [04]

Date: 1939

children schools

Children and teacher on steps of the school

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Potlatch Elementary School [02]

Potlatch Elementary School [02]

Date: 1939

interiors children

First grade students.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [13]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [13]

Date: 1939

winter streets

Local street after being plowed.

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Potlatch Elementary School [03]

Potlatch Elementary School [03]

Date: 1939

schools workers children

Third and forth grade students in the school cafeteria.

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Landscaping of plant, 1949 [02]

Landscaping of plant, 1949 [02]

Date: 1949

automobiles lawns (landscaped grass)

Lawn built at Potlatch Plant, season of 1949.

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Potlatch Elementary School [05]

Potlatch Elementary School [05]

Date: 1939

schools workers children

School Cafeteria serving line.

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Potlatch Elementary School [01]

Potlatch Elementary School [01]

Date: 1939

schools workers children

School Cafeteria serving line.

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Potlatch High School [03]

Potlatch High School [03]

Date: 1939


Gradating Class

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Potlatch High School [02]

Potlatch High School [02]

Date: 1942

basketball players coaches

Girls' Basketball Team with coach.

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Potlatch High School [01]

Potlatch High School [01]

Date: 1939

basketball players coaches

Girls' Basketball Team with coach.

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Potlatch Junior High School, Potlatch, Idaho.

Potlatch Junior High School, Potlatch, Idaho.

Date: 1940

interiors classrooms fixtures

Interior of new classroom.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [03]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [03]

Date: 1939

winter streets

Local street after being plowed.

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Clearing of land

Clearing of land

Date: 1913

workers horses equipment farms

Men and horses clearing brush from land. They appear to be making a road.

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Clearing of land

Clearing of land

Date: 1913

workers horses equipment farms

The women have brought lunch to the men and are posing for a picture similar to the previous one.

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Date: 1950

workshops (work spaces)

Man in a home workshop containing various types of carpentry tools.

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Dry shed

Dry shed

Date: 1938

construction workers

Unidentified man standing in front of dry shed #6 which is under construction.

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Father-son teams

Father-son teams

Date: 1941


Earl Compton with his father Edward T., one of the many father-son teams working for the company.

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horse-drawn cart

horse-drawn cart

Date: 1896

horses carts men

horse-drawn cart

Go to Item



Date: 1902

houses log cabins dogs

The man on the porch may be William Deary.

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Weyerhaeuser, Charles A.

Weyerhaeuser, Charles A.

Date: 1925


Weyerhaeuser, Charles A.

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Potlatch Forests, Inc. Potlatch Unit Exhibit [02]

Potlatch Forests, Inc. Potlatch Unit Exhibit [02]

Date: 1960


Types of packaging manufactured from Potlatch products.

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Tussock Moth Control Project Idaho

Tussock Moth Control Project Idaho

Date: 1936

aircraft fields

Stanton Ready, State Forester of Idaho, explains the tussock moth spraying equipment installed on the Tri-motor Ford of the Johnson...

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Logging [01]

Logging [01]

Date: 1922


Controlled burn on farm land

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [11]

Farms and Farming [11]

Date: 1920

gardens wilderness

two men standing in a large vegetable garden.

Go to Item

Potlatch Forests, Inc. Potlatch Unit Exhibit [01]

Potlatch Forests, Inc. Potlatch Unit Exhibit [01]

Date: 1960


Types of packaging manufactured from Potlatch products.

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [08]

Farms and Farming [08]

Date: 1920

gardens wilderness workers buildings

Large vegetable garden.

Go to Item

Community Christmas tree (1937)

Community Christmas tree (1937)

Date: 1937

exteriors Christmas tree lights

Community tree outside of P. A. A. C.

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [10]

Farms and Farming [10]

Date: 1920

gardens buildings

View of large vegetable garden with agricultural buildings in the background.

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [13]

Farms and Farming [13]

Date: 1925

strawberry (fruit)

Boxes of strawberries on display.

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Farms and Farming [06]

Farms and Farming [06]

Date: 1925

gardens workers mountains

Two men hoeing the cabbage patch. Corn is growing on the right and possibly potatoes on the left.

Go to Item

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [07]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [07]

Date: 1939

fork lifts workers lumber

Lumber stacked on a fork lift truck.

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [12]

Farms and Farming [12]

Date: 1931


Raspberry bushes and melon plants.

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Farms and Farming [05]

Farms and Farming [05]

Date: 1936


Timothy hay on Robert Mowlds property near Princeton. The land is valued at $40.00 an acre.

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Farms and Farming [09]

Farms and Farming [09]

Date: 1936


Timothy meadow on Robert Mowlds property, one mile from Potlatch. The land is valued at $40.00 an acre.

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Farms and Farming [03]

Farms and Farming [03]

Date: 1920

fields barns

Man standing in a field of oats on the J.E. Garton property (SE. SW.29-42-4W) two miles from Potlatch. 35 acres...

Go to Item

Farms and Farming [07]

Farms and Farming [07]

Date: 1920

workers horses equipment farms

Steam bailer in operation on J.P. Vollmer property 1 mile west of Potlatch (Lot 2-2-41-5W).

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Farms and Farming [01]

Farms and Farming [01]

Date: 1920

fields horses workers

Crew harvesting oats on I.E. Wolheter farm near Potlatch. Six horses are behind one binder while four horses pull the...

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View of Gymnasium & hotel with Deary memorial, 1921

View of Gymnasium & hotel with Deary memorial, 1921

Date: 1921

exteriors gymnasiums hotels memorials

View of gymnasium the two large granite boulders are a memorial to William Deary. The building on the right is...

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Farms and Farming [02]

Farms and Farming [02]

Date: 1920

This harvest of Timothy hay on the J.P. Vollmer farm yielded 2 1/2 tons to the acre.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [02]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [02]

Date: 1938

workers fork lifts trucks

lumber stacked on a Ross fork lift truck.

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Farms and Farming [04]

Farms and Farming [04]

Date: 1918

cows pigs sheep barns

Cows and pigs in a barnyard. Sheep are grazing on the hillside.

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Animal Science (Cattle) [02]

Animal Science (Cattle) [02]

Date: 1922

judging cattle students barns

Animal Husbandry students judging steers.

Go to Item

Animal Science (Cattle) [01]

Animal Science (Cattle) [01]

Date: 1922

judging cattle students barns

Animal Husbandry students judging steers.

Go to Item

Steer herd from UI shown at the Northwest Livestock Association show at Lewiston, Dec. 1915.

Steer herd from UI shown at the Northwest Livestock Association show at Lewiston, Dec. 1915.

Date: 1915

cows students

These steers won every 1st and 2nd prize and the steer Beaufactor,third from right, was made grand champion over all...

Go to Item

Animal Science (Horses)

Animal Science (Horses)

Date: 1915


Six month old shire filly foal bred on the University farm at Moscow.

Go to Item



Date: 1920


Poultry are raised with big profit on Potlatch logged off land.

Go to Item

Dairy Cows

Dairy Cows

Date: 1920


Dairying on logged off land in the Potlatch District is making money for its farmers.

Go to Item

Farm machinery and implements

Farm machinery and implements

Date: 1922

horses plows children

Horses pulling a young boy on a plow.

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Office interiors, 1918 [17]

Office interiors, 1918 [17]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Idaho Office. Interior view.

Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [02]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [02]

Date: 1931


Squash growing on a vine

Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [12]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [12]

Date: 1931


Rows of onions

Go to Item

Group of employees

Group of employees

Date: 1925

Group portraits

Potlatch Lumber Company W.I. & M Railroad Shop Crew, Circa 1925.

Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [03]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [03]

Date: 1931

apple trees

Apple tree

Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [13]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [13]

Date: 1931

apple trees

Apple tree

Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [11]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [11]

Date: 1931


Rows of peas and beans

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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [15]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [15]

Date: 1931

farms mountains


Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [07]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [07]

Date: 1931

farms mountains buildings


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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [05]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [05]

Date: 1931



Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [08]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [08]

Date: 1931

buildings farms

farms and buildings in the back ground

Go to Item

William Deary

William Deary

Date: 1906


General manager of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [16]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [16]

Date: 1931

farms mountains


Go to Item

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [01]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [01]

Date: 1931

farms mountains


Go to Item

Honor Roll Memorial [01]

Honor Roll Memorial [01]

Date: 1943

exteriors memorials

Memorial built by Potlatch Lumber Company to honor company and community servicemen.

Go to Item

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [08]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [08]

Date: 1939


Lumber stacked in yard

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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [06]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [06]

Date: 1931

farms mountains


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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [09]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [09]

Date: 1931

farms buildings


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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [04]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [04]

Date: 1931


Two flats of beans

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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [10]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [10]

Date: 1931


Box of freshly picked peas.

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Silver Birch Farm, Newport [14]

Silver Birch Farm, Newport [14]

Date: 1931

farms buildings beans

men picking beans

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Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [22]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [22]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Lot 2, Sec. 2-41-5W J.P. Vollmer land assessed at $_____ per acre.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [06]

Office interiors, 1918 [06]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Employees in an office.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [10]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [10]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Chris Colle land assessed at $70.00 per acre. improvements on lot 17 $50.11.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [05]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [05]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Lot 2, Sec. 2-41-5W J.P. Vollmer land assessed at $50.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [13]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [13]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Lot 3 or NW1/4 SW1/4 7-41-4W; Land assessed at $15.00 per acre (erroneously descried on roll as the SW1/4 NW1/4)....

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [18]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [18]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NE SW 3-37-5W; John Lorang land assessed at $52.50 per acre, improvements assessed at $1200.00

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [01]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [01]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

SW NE 27-38-5W; A.O. Grove land assessed at $48.75 per acre improvements $600.00

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [19]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [19]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Lot 3 or NW1/4SW1/4 31-42-4W; at right of picture D.D. Harroun land addressed at $40.00 per acre. NE1/4SE1/4 36-42-5W; at...

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [14]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [14]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

S1/2 NE1/4 12-41-5W; in foreground J.W. Rummage land assessed at $15.00 per acre. N1/2 NE1/4 12-41-5W; in middle distance Potlatch...

Go to Item

Standard Atlas of Latah County, Idaho

Standard Atlas of Latah County, Idaho

Date: 1914


Atlas G1483.L3O6 1914

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [21]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [21]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NE NE 12-41-5W; Potlatch Lumber Co. land assessed at $100.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [16]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [16]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

SE1/4 NW1/4 29-42-4W Albert Schultz land assessed at $35.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [01]

Office interiors, 1918 [01]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior view. Note old Burroughs adding machine; also spittoons by each desk.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [17]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [17]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NE1/4 NE1/4 16-41-4W; G.W. Wilton land assessed at $40.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [02]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [02]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

N1/2 NE1/4 9-41-4W less town site; L.L. Young land assessed at $45 and $50 per acre, improvements assessed at $1500.00....

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [20]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [20]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

In NW1/4 15-39-5W; Charles Westein land assessed at $65.00 per acre, improvements $500.00

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [11]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [11]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

SW NE 15-39-5W; J.E. Anderson Less 3 acres (for road?), 22 acres at $65.00, 15 acres at $10.00, improvements $600.00....

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [15]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [15]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

E1/2 1-38-6W; Frank Slater land assessed at $58.75 per acre, improvements $2200.00.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [07]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [07]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NE1/4 24-39-6W; Peter Johnson land assessed at $70 to $73 an acre, improvements assessed at nothing.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [08]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [08]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

Lots 1 &2 Sec. 1-41-5W; Potlatch Lumber Co. Lot 1 assessed at $20.00 per acre. Lot 2 assessed at $40.00...

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [09]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [09]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

No identification provided of land parcel.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [06]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [06]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

SE1/4 NE1/4 4-41-5W; J.I. Anderson land assessed at $50.00, improvements at $1200.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [23]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [23]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

W1/2 NW1/4 26-42-5W; On the right David Notman land assessed at $50.00 per acre. E1/2 NE1/4 27-42-5W; on the left...

Go to Item

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [01]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [01]

Date: 1924

exteriors logs buildings railroad tracks

Dry sheds looking northeast: old loading dock and planning mill at extreme left.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [11]

Office interiors, 1918 [11]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Employees at their desks.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [04]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [04]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

S1/2 SE1/4 36-42-5W; Potlatch Lumber Company Land assessed at $20.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [05]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [05]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

SE 1/4 NE1/4 12-41-5W; (no owner listed) Land assessed at $15.00 per acre.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [12]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [12]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NW SW 18-39-5W B.T. Byrnes' land assessed at $68 to $88 per acre. Improvements assessed at $1700.00.

Go to Item

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913.  24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [03]

Exhibit of Potlatch Lumber Company, Hearing before the Board of Equalization, Moscow, July 28, 1913. 24 views of land with legal description and assessment of each parcel [03]

Date: 1913-07-28

lots (land)

NW SW 18-39-5W B.T. Byrnes land assessed at $68 to $88 per acre. Improvements assessed at $1700.00.

Go to Item

Presbyterian Church, Potlatch

Presbyterian Church, Potlatch

Date: 1942

churches, exteriors

Presbyterian Church, Potlatch, Idaho

Go to Item

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [04]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [04]

Date: 1937-08-22

exteriors monuments parks

View of granite shaft before the unveiling.

Go to Item

Honor Roll Memorial [02]

Honor Roll Memorial [02]

Date: 1945

exteriors memorials United States flag

Memorial built by Potlatch Lumber Company to honor company and community servicemen.

Go to Item

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [02]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [02]

Date: 1937-08-22

parks, boy scouts children monuments

Two of A.W. Laird's grandchildren, Mary Ann and Allison Laird Decker prepare to unveil the monument.

Go to Item

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [03]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [03]

Date: 1937-08-22

monuments children parks

The granite shaft which stands as a memorial to Allison W. Laird for whom the park was named.

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Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [01]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [01]

Date: 1937-08-22

parks monuments bands (ensembles)

Rev. W.A. Hitchcock addressing the crowd.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [13]

Office interiors, 1918 [13]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Typists at work.

Go to Item

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [06]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [06]

Date: 1937-08-22

Group portraits monuments parks

A.W. Laird's daughter (Mrs. A.D. Decker) with her husband and two children, Mary Ann and Allison Laird and an unidentified...

Go to Item

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [05]

Laird Park Dedication, 1937 [05]

Date: 1937-08-22

parks monuments families

Part of the crowd attending the dedication.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [06]

Laird Park, Views [06]

Date: 1937

wilderness men

The park is located 12 miles east of Potlatch and was formerly known as 'Grizzly Camp.'

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [08]

Laird Park, Views [08]

Date: 1937

wilderness men

The park is located 12 miles east of Potlatch and was formerly known as 'Grizzly Camp.'

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [01]

Laird Park, Views [01]

Date: 1937


Two views of Laird Park.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [02]

Laird Park, Views [02]

Date: 1937


Two views of Laird Park.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [04]

Laird Park, Views [04]

Date: 1937

parks camps

Group playing a net game.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [05]

Laird Park, Views [05]

Date: 1942

rivers bridges trees

Several girls wading in the river.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [07]

Laird Park, Views [07]

Date: 1938

roadways trees

View of road through park.

Go to Item

Laird Park, Views [03]

Laird Park, Views [03]

Date: 1939

rivers automobiles wilderness

Looking across the river into the park.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [05]

Office interiors, 1918 [05]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Employees at their desks.

Go to Item

Picnic at Palouse Town Park on September 6 [01]

Picnic at Palouse Town Park on September 6 [01]

Date: 1948

parks families picnics

Part of the crowd of 1100 waiting to be served.

Go to Item

Picnic at Palouse Town Park on September 6 [02]

Picnic at Palouse Town Park on September 6 [02]

Date: 1948

parks families picnics

A.P. Colvin with two plates of hotdogs.

Go to Item

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [11]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [11]

Date: 1948

families picnics

Employees and their families enjoying a picnic lunch.

Go to Item

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [05]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [05]

Date: 1948


A P.F.I. employee checking the coffee supply.

Go to Item

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [12]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [12]

Date: 1948

picnics families trucks parks

Part of the Littemore family reunion at the picnic.

Go to Item

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [02]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [02]

Date: 1948

picnics children families parks

Children at the lemonade stand.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [10]

Office interiors, 1918 [10]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior of Sales Department looking south. Note spittoons by each desk.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [02]

Office interiors, 1918 [02]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Sales Dept. staff at work.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [14]

Office interiors, 1918 [14]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Sales Dept. looking north.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [04]

Office interiors, 1918 [04]

Date: 1918

workers interiors office

Men at their desk in the Sales Dept. Note the old Dictaphones.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [12]

Office interiors, 1918 [12]

Date: 1918

interiors maps offices

Interior of room at the top of the stairs.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [20]

Office interiors, 1918 [20]

Date: 1918

interiors stairs

Interior stairway. Land Department door at rear, Auditing Department at right of photo.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [08]

Office interiors, 1918 [08]

Date: 1918

interiors office furniture

Interior of small office.

Go to Item

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [05]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [05]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings railroad tracks

Dry sheds, from northwest corner; new loading dock in foreground: taken from present loading dock.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [09]

Office interiors, 1918 [09]

Date: 1918

interiors office worker furniture

H.L.M. Gleave, Townsite Supervisor at his desk.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [15]

Office interiors, 1918 [15]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior of small office.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [16]

Office interiors, 1918 [16]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior of Land Department Office.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [03]

Office interiors, 1918 [03]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior of A. W. Laird's office.

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [18]

Office interiors, 1918 [18]

Date: 1918

interiors office

Interior of W.D. Hummistons's office

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [07]

Office interiors, 1918 [07]

Date: 1918

interiors office workers

Employees busy in Land Dept. Office

Go to Item

Office interiors, 1918 [19]

Office interiors, 1918 [19]

Date: 1918

interiors office workers

W.D. Hummistons's office looking east.

Go to Item

High School     auditorium construction [06]

High School auditorium construction [06]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

Go to Item

High School     auditorium construction [04]

High School auditorium construction [04]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

Go to Item

High School     auditorium construction [09]

High School auditorium construction [09]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [02]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [02]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings construction workers railroad tracks

East end dry sheds 4 and 5.

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High School     auditorium construction [05]

High School auditorium construction [05]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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High School     auditorium construction [08]

High School auditorium construction [08]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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High School     auditorium construction [07]

High School auditorium construction [07]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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High School     auditorium construction [03]

High School auditorium construction [03]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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High School     auditorium construction [02]

High School auditorium construction [02]

Date: 1938


auditorium construction

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High School     auditorium construction [13]

High School auditorium construction [13]

Date: 1938


Details of auditorium roof construction

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High School     auditorium construction [01]

High School auditorium construction [01]

Date: 1938


Details of auditorium roof construction

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High School     auditorium construction [11]

High School auditorium construction [11]

Date: 1938


Details of auditorium roof construction

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High School     auditorium construction [10]

High School auditorium construction [10]

Date: 1938


Details of auditorium roof construction

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High School     auditorium construction [12]

High School auditorium construction [12]

Date: 1938


Details of auditorium roof construction

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [07]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [07]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings

East end dry sheds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with remanufacturing plant in center.

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Exterior of mill [01]

Exterior of mill [01]

Date: 1938

mills exteriors trucks workers

View of burner with Osgood Log Loader in foreground taken in June.

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Exterior of mill [02]

Exterior of mill [02]

Date: 1949

exteriors buildings fuel (woodchips)

Reserve fuel pile, taken in June.

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Burner [01]

Burner [01]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures)

The burner at Potlatch just before the dismantling began in March.

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Burner [05]

Burner [05]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures)

The burner at Potlatch just before the dismantling began in March.

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Burner [04]

Burner [04]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures)

The burner at Potlatch just before the dismantling began in March.

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Burner [03]

Burner [03]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures) workers construction

Dismantling the burner in March.

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Burner [06]

Burner [06]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures) workers construction

Dismantling the burner in March.

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Individual      employees [07]

Individual employees [07]

Date: 1939


Winner of the planning mill crew mustache competition.

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Individual      employees [01]

Individual employees [01]

Date: 1927


Cashier at Potlatch State Bank from 1927. Manager of Idaho First National Bank in Potlatch in 1940.

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Individual      employees [03]

Individual employees [03]

Date: 1926


Thomas B. Murphy, M.D.

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [08]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [08]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings railroad tracks

Five dry sheds and remanufacturing plant, looking southwest.

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Burner [02]

Burner [02]

Date: 1950

exteriors buildings industrial plants (structures) workers construction

Dismantling the burner in March.

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Individual      employees [06]

Individual employees [06]

Date: 1938


All Members of the family work for the Potlatch Company.

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Individual      employees [02]

Individual employees [02]

Date: 1942


J.D. and Walter Piper, another of the father-son teams at Potlatch.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [13]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [13]

Date: 1948

picnic tables parks

Employees at a picnic table.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [10]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [10]

Date: 1948

parks picnics families

Employees at a picnic table.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [01]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [01]

Date: 1948

games judges parks picnics

Horseshoe contest judges.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [09]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [09]

Date: 1948

picnics families parks

View of picnic tables at Palouse Town Park

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [06]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [06]

Date: 1948

parks picnics families

The picnic was held at Palouse Town Park on Sept. 6.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [08]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [08]

Date: 1948

children slides (recreation equipment) railroad bridges

Children enjoying the slide and swings at Palouse Town Park.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [03]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [03]

Date: 1948

parks picnics picnic tables

Employees at the coffee stand

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [09]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [09]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings construction workers

Erecting dry shed 6.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [07]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [07]

Date: 1948

swimming pools children railroad bridges

Children at the swimming pool.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [04]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1948 [04]

Date: 1948

parks games

Horseshoe pitching contest.

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Individual      employees [04]

Individual employees [04]

Date: 1945


Both soldiers with their fathers.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [14]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [14]

Date: 1949

parks flagpoles

Flagpole at Palouse Town Park.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [10]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [10]

Date: 1949

picnic tables parks workers

John Gano, Albert Moody and Walt Mallory preparing hot dogs for the crowd.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [05]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [05]

Date: 1949

families picnics

Chow line

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [03]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [03]

Date: 1949

families picnics

Chow line

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [12]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [12]

Date: 1949

families picnics

Ice cream line

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [11]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [11]

Date: 1949


Spectators at the pool

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [06]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [06]

Date: 1949

children swimming pools

Children enjoying the swimming pool.

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Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [06]

Dry sheds & remanufacturing sheds [06]

Date: 1924

exteriors buildings construction workers

Erecting dry shed 6.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [07]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [07]

Date: 1949


Views of the pie eating contest.

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W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [14]

W.J. Gamble's winter pictures [14]

Date: 1939

winter buildings

Roof of a building in winter.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [01]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [01]

Date: 1949

participants pies

Views of the pie eating contest.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [08]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [08]

Date: 1949

children swimming pools

Children enjoying the swimming pool.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [04]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [04]

Date: 1949

participants pies

Views of the pie eating contest.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [09]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [09]

Date: 1949

participants group photo

Views of the pie eating contest.

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Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [13]

Potlatch Unit picnic, 1949 [13]

Date: 1949


Views of the pie eating contest.

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Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [02]

Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [02]

Date: 1949

children parks railroad bridges

Girls foot race.

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Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [04]

Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [04]

Date: 1949

children parks railroad bridges

Boys foot race.

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Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [03]

Potlatch Unit picnic,1949, Sporting events [03]

Date: 1949

women parks railroad bridges

Rolling pin throwing contest (for wives only).

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The site of Headquarters, ID

The site of Headquarters, ID

Date: 1930

company towns railroads (infrastructure)

Looking across the railroad tracks towards the site of Headquarters, ID. Three stacks of lumber sit on stilts. Written on...

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Observing the town

Observing the town

Date: 1927


Three men sit on the porch of the store building in Headquarters, ID. The description on the back of the...

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Small town in the forest

Small town in the forest

Date: 1930


A small town in a valley. A bridge over a creek can be seen as well as a lot of...

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The Todd house

The Todd house

Date: 1944

homesites houses

The Todd family house in Headquarters, ID is surrounded by snow covered trees. A creek can be seen in the...

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Headquarters, Idaho [02]

Headquarters, Idaho [02]

Date: 1926-08-27


Headquarters, Idaho. Written on the bottom of the photograph: 'Headquarters from N. P.Orade 8-27-26 No. 50. Written on the back...

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Log cabin in the woods

Log cabin in the woods

Date: 1924

log cabins (houses)

A man stands on the porch while another stands below him on the ground at a log cabin in the...

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CTPA Headquarters buildings

CTPA Headquarters buildings

Date: 1926-08-26


In the foreground, a sign reads C.T.P.A Headquarters (Clearwater Timber Protective Association). In the background, a man leans against a...

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Train engine and wood cargo

Train engine and wood cargo

Date: 1935

track components railroad cars railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Engine #73 sits on snow-covered railroad tracks in Headquarters, ID

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Flying a load of logs [01]

Flying a load of logs [01]

Date: 1981


A Vertol twin rotor helicopter flies a load of logs to the log deck

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Flying a load of logs [03]

Flying a load of logs [03]

Date: 1981


A Vertol twin rotor helicopter flies a load of logs to the log deck

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Helicopter logging

Helicopter logging

Date: 1981


A helicopter is used to log trees out of rugged terrain

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Flying a load of logs [02]

Flying a load of logs [02]

Date: 1981


A Vertol twin rotor helicopter flies a load of logs to the log deck

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Jaype Mill Dedication [02]

Jaype Mill Dedication [02]

Date: 1965

dedications (ceremonies)

Dedication of the Jaype Mill. A man is standing at the podium speaking with other officials seated behind him. A...

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The site for the Jaype Mill

The site for the Jaype Mill

Date: 1964-09-15

construction sites

The site is where the future mill in Jaype will stand. In the background are construction equipment and a house....

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Aerial view of the Jaype Mill

Aerial view of the Jaype Mill

Date: 1973-10-16

sawmills aerial photographs aerial photographs

An aerial view of the Mill, lumber yards, and rail tracks around the mill.

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Inspecting the equipment

Inspecting the equipment

Date: 1965

dedications (ceremonies) inspection visual inspection

Two men inspect some of the equipment at the Jaype Mill during the dedication.

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Train headed to Jaype Mill dedication

Train headed to Jaype Mill dedication

Date: 1965

railroad cars rails (transit system elements)

A train, led by a police car makes its way to the Jaype Mill dedication from Lewiston

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Jaype Mill Dedication [01]

Jaype Mill Dedication [01]

Date: 1965

dedications (ceremonies)

A speaker speaks at the Jaypee Mill dedication. Behind the speaker are other speakers as well as stacks of wood...

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Jaype Mill [01]

Jaype Mill [01]

Date: 1965

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

An aerial photo of the Jaype mill at Pierce, Idaho. The mill is surrounded by thick forests

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Jaype Mill [02]

Jaype Mill [02]

Date: 1965

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

A color aerial photograph of the Jaype Mill. To the left of the mill are log decks. Behind the mill...

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Kamiah Mill [03]

Kamiah Mill [03]

Date: 1961-04-21

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

An aerial photograph of the mill at Kamiah.

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Kamiah Mill [02]

Kamiah Mill [02]

Date: 1960-04-28

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

An aerial photograph of the mill at Kamiah.

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Working in the Kamiah Mill

Working in the Kamiah Mill

Date: 1960

offices (work spaces)

DM Sowa sits at a desk in the Kamiah Mill office.

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Beno the Safety Steer

Beno the Safety Steer

Date: 1960

A man stands in front of the pen holding 'Beno' the safety steer. According to the note on the back...

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Lewiston Mill [07]

Lewiston Mill [07]

Date: 1980-09-03

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills pulp mills

An aerial photograph of the Lewiston Mill. It is to be noted that the dam that use to sit east...

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Log jam [01]

Log jam [01]

Date: 1966-05-05

railroads (infrastructure) rivers Log (wood)

Logs jam underneath the Spalding railroad bridge during a log drive.

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Camp T3

Camp T3

Date: 1965

logging rivers logging camps

The bunkhouses and main building of CampT3 on the North Fork of the Clearwater River. The men here are in...

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Lewiston Mill [08]

Lewiston Mill [08]

Date: 1960

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills pulp mills

An aerial photograph looking west towards Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington and over the Potlatch Mill. In the lower right...

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Pulling logs into the river

Pulling logs into the river

Date: 1945

logging rivers horses

Two men (Kayes and Loeb) uses teams of horses too pull logs into the river while Golden stands watching off...

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Pushing logs into the Clearwater river

Pushing logs into the Clearwater river

Date: 1965

bulldozers rivers Log (wood)

A bulldozer pushes logs into the river to be moved downstream

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Back into the river

Back into the river

Date: 1955

rivers Log (wood) logging

A man uses a long pole to push a log back towards the center of the river during a log...

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Looking over the Clearwater River

Looking over the Clearwater River

Date: 1965

rivers loggers

A man holding an ax stands on Greer Grade and the town of Greer, Idaho. The description on the back...

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Jet boat on the river

Jet boat on the river

Date: 1965

rivers loggers boats

The jet boat 'Mariposa' powers across the river. On the bank of the river is a farm as well as...

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Potlatch Oarsman

Potlatch Oarsman

Date: 1940

rivers loggers boats

Potlatch men use oars to propel a boat through the Clearwater river in a log drive. Attached to this photograph...

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Clearing a log jam [02]

Clearing a log jam [02]

Date: 1940

creeks (bodies of water) loggers Log (wood) boats

Men work to clear a log game on Bedrock creek, Idaho.

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Towing logs

Towing logs

Date: 1960

rivers loggers boats Log (wood)

Three men in the front of the boat hold ropes attached to a log on the side. One man steers...

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Clearing logs in eddies

Clearing logs in eddies

Date: 1940

creeks (bodies of water) loggers Log (wood) boats

Men use long poles to clear logs that have become stuck in eddies. The description on the back of the...

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Bateau crew at work

Bateau crew at work

Date: 1939

rivers loggers boats Log (wood)

The men in the boat use oars and long poles to pull logs into the Clearwater River while two men...

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Moving logs

Moving logs

Date: 1939

rivers loggers boats Log (wood)

The bateau crew moves logs that have become stuck on the shoreline back into the middle of the river

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Log deck [01]

Log deck [01]

Date: 1970-11-03

rivers Log (wood)

A large log deck waits to be moved down river with the Clearwater river on one side and US highway...

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Large log deck [02]

Large log deck [02]

Date: 1950

creeks (bodies of water) logs cranes

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Approx. 45 million board feet of logs are 'driven' to Lewiston,...

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Dumping logs

Dumping logs

Date: 1966-05-04

creeks (bodies of water) logs cranes

A crane empties it's arm of a log into Butle Creek.

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Large log deck [01]

Large log deck [01]

Date: 1960

rivers Log (wood)

A long log deck sits next to the Clearwater River.

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Breaking the log deck

Breaking the log deck

Date: 1960

rivers Log (wood) cranes loggers

A man helps push logs into the river as a crane above him dumps logs. The description on the back...

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Placing on the log deck

Placing on the log deck

Date: 1956-08-02

Log (wood) cranes

A crane places a load of logs onto the log deck.

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Stacking the deck with snow

Stacking the deck with snow

Date: 1965

snow Log (wood) cranes

A crane stands waiting for a load of logs to be placed on the deck. Snow can be seen all...

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Benton Creek Bridge and log deck

Benton Creek Bridge and log deck

Date: 1960

Log (wood) cranes creeks (bodies of water)

The log deck on Benton Creek in Idaho. In the background is the Benton Creek Bridge. Men work at the...

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Log jam [02]

Log jam [02]

Date: 1945

Log (wood) rivers

A large log jam has stopped the flow of the river. Stamped on the back of the photograph is 'Scamahorn...

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Unjaming logs

Unjaming logs

Date: 1945

Log (wood) rivers peavies

Men work to unjam logs using peavies)

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Large log jam

Large log jam

Date: 1950

Log (wood) rivers peavies

Men use peavies to unjam a large jam. On the back of the photograph is a paragraph 'a Potlatch rearing...

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Pulling logs out of jam

Pulling logs out of jam

Date: 1940

tractors (agricultural equipment)

A caterpillar tractor uses cables to pull logs out of a jam. Attached to the photo, a card reads ''Caterpillar'...

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Getting away from a log jam

Getting away from a log jam

Date: 1955

Log (wood) rivers boats

One of Potlatch's boats powers away from a log jam that is breaking up. The description on the back of...

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Breaking a log jam

Breaking a log jam

Date: 1940

peavies Log (wood) rivers

Men use peavies to break up a log jam. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'log jam...

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Winter log jam

Winter log jam

Date: 1950

Log (wood) river snow

Snow covered logs form a jam on the Clearwater River.

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Log jam [03]

Log jam [03]

Date: 1935

creeks (bodies of water)

A log jam about five miles from the mouth of Elk Creek.

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Working logs out of a jam

Working logs out of a jam

Date: 1940

rivers peavies Log (wood)

Men wearing life vests use peavies to push logs out of a jam near the shore

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Using peavies to push a log

Using peavies to push a log

Date: 1960

rivers peavies Log (wood)

men wearing life vests use peavies to push logs back into the river on the 34th annual log drive

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Driving a log by hand

Driving a log by hand

Date: 1955

creeks (bodies of water) Log (wood) peavies

Six men use peavies to drive a log in the rapidly moving river. The descriptions on the back of the...

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Pushing a log back into the river

Pushing a log back into the river

Date: 1955

rivers Log (wood) peavies

Two men use peavies to push a log back into river as one stands on a rock, the other on...

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Running for safety

Running for safety

Date: 1960

logger rivers

A Potlatch worker runs after un-jamming a log jam. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'She's hauling:...

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Clearing a log jam [01]

Clearing a log jam [01]

Date: 1945

logger rivers Log (wood)

Potlatch drivers use peavies to break up a log jam near the show.

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Charles McCollister

Charles McCollister

Date: 1955

logger rivers peavies

Charles 'Red' McCollister stands looking over the Clearwater holding a peavy.

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Moving logs

Moving logs

Date: 1959

logger rivers peavies Log (wood)

Men use peavies ot move a log that has breached itself on shore. In the background, a man stands in...

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Jumping logs

Jumping logs

Date: 1950

logger rivers peavies Log (wood)

A worker jumps from log to log carrying a peavy.

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Camp 11

Camp 11

Date: 1940

lumber camps bunkhouses

A view of camp 11 near Bingo Creek, Idaho. Bunkhouses line the area near the railroad.

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Camp 60

Camp 60

Date: 1945

lumber camps bunkhouses

Description from the photograph reads 'New Camp 60, W. Side Washington Creek. Old CP 60 on E side - lodge...

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Camp 44 bunkhouses

Camp 44 bunkhouses

Date: 1945

lumber camps bunkhouses snow

The bunkhouses numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, and the wash house of Camp 44. A man stands in the isle...

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Camp D [02]

Camp D [02]

Date: 1915

lumber camps bunkhouses

Camp D showing the bunkhouses that were elevated railcar type houses. Behind the bunkhouses the land is cleared of many...

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Log Flume at Camp H

Log Flume at Camp H

Date: 1931


Water creates splash as a log comes down the flume at Camp H. The description on the back of the...

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Skidding logs [02]

Skidding logs [02]

Date: 1943

machinery logging Log (wood) loggers

A man uses a caterpillar to skid logs down a steep hillside while another man watches

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Camp 44 with snow

Camp 44 with snow

Date: 1955

lumber camps bunkhouses snow

Camp 44 bunkhouses almost buried by snow.

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Camp 4

Camp 4

Date: 1926-08-28

bunkhouses lumber camps

Viewing camp 4. To the left of the road are the bunkhouses for the lumberjacks, while further down the road...

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Skidding logs [01]

Skidding logs [01]

Date: 1937

machinery logging Log (wood) loggers

A man drives a caterpillar pulling a group of logs down the hillside while another man rides atop the logs....

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Camp 2 [02]

Camp 2 [02]

Date: 1926

lumber camps bunkhouses

The back of the Camp 2 bunkhouses. Also in the picture two horses used for moving the logs.

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End of the day's work

End of the day's work

Date: 1950

logger boots (footwear)

A logger removes his boot and pours out the water from a day's work.

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Camp 3

Camp 3

Date: 1926-08-27

loggers lumber camp bunkhouses cooks

Two loggers stand in front of their bunkhouse in camp 3. In the next building over, three men, possibly cooks,...

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Logging Camp in winter [01]

Logging Camp in winter [01]

Date: 1930

loggers lumber camp bunkhouses snow

Loggers stand in front of log cabin bunkhouses at a logging camp near Bovill, Idaho.

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Road construction machinery [02]

Road construction machinery [02]

Date: 1940

machinery snow

A caterpillar pushes dirt and snow out of the way to make the way for a road for camp 42...

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Muddy street

Muddy street

Date: 1935

bunkhouses lumber camp mud

A man walks on the elevated walkway between the bunkhouse to avoid the mud. The description attached to the photograph...

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Log deck in Camp L

Log deck in Camp L

Date: 1937

Log (wood) Log deck loggers bunkhouses

A man and dog stand atop a log deck stacked at Camp L. Behind him are the bunkhouses for the...

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Camp 6 Flunkie

Camp 6 Flunkie

Date: 1927

women bunkhouses rails (transit system elements)

A woman leans in the doorway of a bunkhouse in Camp 6. In front of her is an elevated wooden...

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Camp C

Camp C

Date: 1928

bunkhouses lumber camps

A view of the converted railcars that made up camp C in the Upper Basin. Running along side the bunkhouses...

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Log scaler [02]

Log scaler [02]

Date: 1970

scaling Log (wood)

A man uses a tool to measure a log

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Log scaler [01]

Log scaler [01]

Date: 1970

scaling Log (wood) railroad cars

A worker measures the diameter of a log

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Loading a truck

Loading a truck

Date: 1937

trucks Log (wood) snow cranes

A logger stands and watches as a crane moves log to a truck nearly full of logs. Description on the...

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Clothesline in lumber camp

Clothesline in lumber camp

Date: 1935

bunkhouses clothing outhouses

A clothesline stretched from a bunkhouse to an outhouse holds the laundry for loggers in a logging camp near Headquarters,...

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Horse teams

Horse teams

Date: 1910

horses loggers lumber camps

The horse teams of Camp 14.

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Log deck [02]

Log deck [02]

Date: 1931

snow Log (wood) Log deck

Men stand next to large logs watching a crane. Snow covers everything around the site

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Camp 34

Camp 34

Date: 1935

bunkhouses lumber camps

View of Camp 34 at Mason Meadow. The bunkhouses can be seen surrounding the administrative buildings.

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Early Log Camp

Early Log Camp

Date: 1924

snow bunkhouses lumber camps

The bunkhouses of Camp 23 on a ridge. Description on the back says 'Cp 23 in 1924 (no RR didn't...

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Life on a day off

Life on a day off

Date: 1965

logger boots (footwear)

One man works on one of his boots, replacing the metal studs while behind him, another man gets his hair...

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Camp 55

Camp 55

Date: 1945

bunkhouses lumber camps rails (transit system elements)

The converted railcars into bunkhouses of Camp 55.

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Camp 2 [01]

Camp 2 [01]

Date: 1920

lumber camps Log deck

Log decks are piled in a meadow. In the distance is Camp 2.

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Men in Camp 12

Men in Camp 12

Date: 1932

Canis familiaris loggers bunkhouses

'"Butch' Nolting and Nick Nollar sit with dogs Snowball and Bob in front of their bunkhouse in Camp 12."

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Camp P [01]

Camp P [01]

Date: 1925

bunkhouses lumber camps

The bunkhouses of camp P are seen. Also several of the large stumps of trees that use to stand there....

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Loading area of Camp 4

Loading area of Camp 4

Date: 1925

rails (transit system elements) railroads (infrastructure) lumber Log (wood)

Several log decks are stacked near the railroad tracks awaiting transport to a mill. Already on the tracks are several...

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Camp 1

Camp 1

Date: 1930

bunkhouses lumber camps

The back of the bunkhouses for camp 1. As with being in front of them, an elevated runs behind the...

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Sawing a tree

Sawing a tree

Date: 1940

sawyers loggers

'"head sawyers with 'springwood' near Camp 14' (description taken from back of photograph). One man stands behind the tree pulling...

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Log skidding [02]

Log skidding [02]

Date: 1940

loggers horses Log (wood)

A man drives his two-horse team hitched to a log to skid it down the hillside

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Train wreck [03]

Train wreck [03]

Date: 1942-05-15

rails (transit system elements) railroads (infrastructure) railroad cars wrecks (sites)

The wreckage of train that tipped off the tracks near camp 14.

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Train wreck [01]

Train wreck [01]

Date: 1942-05-15

rails (transit system elements) railroads (infrastructure) railroad cars wrecks (sites)

Two men inspect the wreckage of a train tipping off the tracks near camp 14.

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Camp B

Camp B

Date: 1924

loggers bunkhouses lumber camps snow Canis familiaris

A dog and a man walk through the snow in Camp B. Written on the back is the dog's name...

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Large white pine trees

Large white pine trees

Date: 1910

white pine (plants) forests (plant communities)

Two men look at the camera through a strand of white pine trees.

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Sourdough creek Dam

Sourdough creek Dam

Date: 1935

Log (wood) earth dams

A man pushes logs away from the side at Sourdough Dam. To the left of the man stands a cabin...

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Using chainsaw to fell a tree

Using chainsaw to fell a tree

Date: 1950

logging loggers chain saws

a man uses a gas-powered chainsaw to cut down a tree. Written below the picture: 'Gasoline powered chain saws make...

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Cable crossing

Cable crossing

Date: 1950

trolley skyline logging Log (wood)

A man driving a sky trolley carries two logs.

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River filled with logs

River filled with logs

Date: 1929

logging Log (wood) rivers

The north fork of the Clearwater river is jammed full of logs, it is impossible to see the river

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Cutting a tree [01]

Cutting a tree [01]

Date: 1930

logging forests (plant communities) saws sawyers

Two men use a two-person saw to cut down a large tree, while another man faces the camera.

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Lumberjack sandals

Lumberjack sandals

Date: 1955

boots (footwear)

A pair of lumberjack sandals are shown. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Loggers' sandals worn for...

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Hauling logs [02]

Hauling logs [02]

Date: 1925

horses logging loggers (plant communities) snow sleighs

A two horse team hauls a log of logs on a snowing road. The driver sits atop the logs. The...

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Stump and seedling

Stump and seedling

Date: 1975

white pine (plants) forests (plant communities) white pine (wood)

A man stands next to a white pine stump with a seedling growing out of it.

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Marking a tree [01]

Marking a tree [01]

Date: 1930

logging forests (plant communities) loggers hatchets

Walt Fields uses a hatchet to mark a tree.

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Building the flume

Building the flume

Date: 1926-08-27

logging flumes loggers Log (wood)

Logs are stacked to build a log flume down a mountain.

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Falling tree [02]

Falling tree [02]

Date: 1968-02-14

logging forests (plant communities) snow

A tree falls down a snowy hillside near Crystal Creek, Idaho.

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Ash while logging

Ash while logging

Date: 1981

logging forests (plant communities) loggers

A logger kicks up leftover ash from the Mt. St. Helens eruption. Written on the back of the photograph 'Following...

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Precaution to ash kick-up

Precaution to ash kick-up

Date: 1981

logging forest (plant communities) loggers

'"Murl Sines, a logger based at Bovill, Idaho, was one of many employees who wore face masks for weeks or...

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Sky cables

Sky cables

Date: 1945

live skyline skyline

A man works on a tree attached to sky cables near camp 55

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Sky carriage

Sky carriage

Date: 1945

live skyline skyline skyline carriage

A man drives a sky car carrying a log in Camp 55

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Sky carriage on the ground

Sky carriage on the ground

Date: 1945

skyline carriage

A close-up view of a sky carriage as it sits on the ground before being hoisted onto the sky cables...

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Eating in mess hall

Eating in mess hall

Date: 1955

meals (eating, event)

Men dine in the mess hall in Camp T. Attached the photograph is 'hearty breakfasts, complete with scrambled eggs and...

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Osgood loader

Osgood loader

Date: 1945

cranes logging

An Osgood loader crane moves up a road. In front it stand a group men, looking over the side of...

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Falling tree [01]

Falling tree [01]

Date: 1950

logging forest (plant communities)

A tree falls down after being cut.

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Date: 1935

yarding logging

A crane hoists a log over the side of a ledge. The description on the back of the photograph reads...

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Hauling logs in snow [02]

Hauling logs in snow [02]

Date: 1915

logging sleighs horses snow

A driver's view from a horse-drawn sleigh of logs. In front of him is another sleigh of logs

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Steep log flume

Steep log flume

Date: 1925

flumes logging

Two logs run down a very steep flume. The description on the photograph reads 'those two logs you see in...

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Transport trucks

Transport trucks

Date: 1945


Trucks used to carry lumber are lined up reading to leave the Bovill, Idaho yard

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Log sleighs [02]

Log sleighs [02]

Date: 1910

sleighs snow Log (wood) machinery

Log sleighs being pulled by a early caterpillar which is then driven by a man on a sled.

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Log Flume [03]

Log Flume [03]

Date: 1925

flumes logging

The log flume near camp L. The description on the back says 'CP L - entering spacing dam mid-way to...

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Hauling logs in snow [01]

Hauling logs in snow [01]

Date: 1915

sleighs snow horses

A driver stands atop a load of logs being pulled on a sleigh by two horses across a bridge in...

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Loading cut logs

Loading cut logs

Date: 1915

trucks lumber logging

Two men load cut and stripped lumber onto early model trucks.

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Big-wheeled wagon front

Big-wheeled wagon front

Date: 1920

horses wagons (cargo vehicles)

Three men stand atop the front end of a big-wheeled wagon hitch with two harnessed draft horses in front.

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Oxen team pulls a log

Oxen team pulls a log

Date: 1900

oxen oxen logging Log (wood) loggers

Twelve oxen hitched to pull a log out of the forest. On either side of the two teams closest to...

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Steam donkey

Steam donkey

Date: 1965

donkey logging

The steam donkey near Bovill, Idaho. This, according to writing on the photograph, is donkey #4. One man standing behind...

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Log sleighs [01]

Log sleighs [01]

Date: 1921

sleighs snow Log (wood) machinery

An early caterpillar pulls six sleighs full of logs through the snow

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Loading the sleighs

Loading the sleighs

Date: 1965

sleighs snow Log (wood) horses loggers

Men pose for a picture in front of one of the sleighs used for transporting logs. On the left side...

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Logs heading down the mountain

Logs heading down the mountain

Date: 1935

Log (wood) railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) flatcars

A load of logs tied to a flatcar are slowly winched down the mountain on railroad tracks.

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Setting up Camp T

Setting up Camp T

Date: 1955

logger passenger vehicles

Setting up Camp T in preparation for men working on the log drives. In the background, the floating mess hall...

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Log flume [02]

Log flume [02]

Date: 1915

flumes snow telephone poles

A log flume on Haystack Mountain in the Coeur D'Alene National Forest. Next to the flume stands telephone poles and...

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Hauling logs [01]

Hauling logs [01]

Date: 1915

logging Log (wood) loggers horses

Two men work with a team of horses to haul two logs up a small incline

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Working steam donkey

Working steam donkey

Date: 1920

logging donkey yarding

A steam donkey works on Frei Ridge, North Northeast of Bovill, Idaho.

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Elk River Upper Basin

Elk River Upper Basin

Date: 1926

logging yarding

A view of the Upper Basin near Elk River. Shown are new paths of donkey skidding and new railroad paths....

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The incline

The incline

Date: 1923

flatcars Log (wood) rails (transit system elements)

An empty flatcar is winched onto an open siding on the incline near Clarkia, Idaho on Merry Creek. On the...

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Log Flume [04]

Log Flume [04]

Date: 1935


A small log flume runs through a forest. On the left side, unlogged trees stand while on the right, a...

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Log flume [01]

Log flume [01]

Date: 1926-08-27


A log flume runs through the forest. To its right is a partial wooden walkway

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Loading logs [03]

Loading logs [03]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) cranes

A crane lifts a log off a truck to be loaded into a railcar to take it to a mill....

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Date: 1960

aerial photographs aerial photographs mill towns

An aerial view of the mill at Ahsahka, near present-day Lenore, Idaho.

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Lumber Yard in Palouse

Lumber Yard in Palouse

Date: 1907

lumber sawmills

The lumber yard at the mill in Palouse, Washington.

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St. Maries Plywood [01]

St. Maries Plywood [01]

Date: 1950

lumber sawmills

The lumber mill at St. Maries, Idaho. The river running through the center of the photograph is the St. Joe...

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Kooskia Mill

Kooskia Mill

Date: 1950

aerial photographs aerial photographs mill towns sawmills

The mill at Kooskia, Idaho. Next to the Clearwater river sits the log pod

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Saw mill engine room

Saw mill engine room

Date: 1915


The large engine that drove many machines in the saw mill. A man stands next to it for size comparison...

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Lewis Mill

Lewis Mill

Date: 1938

sawmills automobiles

The Lewis mill near Bovill on the East Fork of the Potlatch river. Cars are parked along the dirt road...

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The mill at Headquarters

The mill at Headquarters

Date: 1910


The mill at Headquarters, Idaho. A wooden walkway leads up to railroad tracks in the center of the photograph

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Paper mill

Paper mill

Date: 1960

paper mills

Men working at the paper machinery in Lewiston, Idaho

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The mill at Spalding

The mill at Spalding

Date: 1960

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

An aerial photograph of the mill at Spalding, Idaho

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Serving meet

Serving meet

Date: 1955

logger meals (eating, event)

A lumberjack waits for his meal being served by the cook. Attached to the back, it reads 'Ladling out noon...

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Record of lost time injuries

Record of lost time injuries

Date: 1959

billboards (site elements)

The billboard at the Twin Feathers Mill in Kamiah, Idaho which depicted the lost time for injuries at the unit....

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Coeur D'Alene Mill

Coeur D'Alene Mill

Date: 1950

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

The mill on Lake Coeur D'Alene. At the bottom of the photograph, there are logs waiting to go into the...

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Band Mill [01]

Band Mill [01]

Date: 1960

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

The Band Mill located near Orofino, Idaho.

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Band Mill [02]

Band Mill [02]

Date: 1960-09-08

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

The Band Mill located near Orofino, Idaho, processed mainly white pine.

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Showing wood products

Showing wood products

Date: 1950

celebrations women

A man shows a group of men and women different products from the mill during Orofino Lumberjack Days

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Showing tree structure

Showing tree structure

Date: 1950

celebrations children (people by age group)

A man shows children types of tree diseases during Orofino Lumberjack Days

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Charles Roger

Charles Roger

Date: 1906

horses yard lumber lumber

Charles Roger sits on horseback in the lumber yard at the mill in Coeur D'Alene. Behind him is the mill...

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Sitting on a flatcar

Sitting on a flatcar

Date: 1915

flatcars Groups of people women

'"John, Noeher (?), Ms. Bloom, and Mary See Rockwell sit on a flatcar covered in snow"

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Men of Potlatch [02]

Men of Potlatch [02]

Date: 1928

Groups of people portraits

Mr. John Weyerhoeuser, Jack Grwin, and A.W.L (Andrew W. Laird) and a fourth man pose for a picture in Potlatch,...

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Office of Old house

Office of Old house

Date: 1915

portraits offices (work spaces)

A man stands next to records for the company. The description for the photograph says 'Office of old house (?)...

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Cabin near Headquarters

Cabin near Headquarters

Date: 1905

horses wagons (cargo vehicles)

Two men sit on a shortened wagon hitched to a team of horses. The description on the back of the...

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Two men working

Two men working

Date: 1910

offices (work spaces)

Two men work in the offices of a mill. The description on the back of the photograph says 'left to...

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Dynamiting pond

Dynamiting pond

Date: 1945

logger Log (wood)

A man ties a group of dynamite together in order to break up the frozen river with logs. Two other...

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A group of people in the forest

A group of people in the forest

Date: 1900

portraits Groups of people women

A group of people stand on logs next to railcars filled with logs as a steam engine is moving toward...

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Company men

Company men

Date: 1910

Groups of people women

Company men stand on flatcars. Behind them stand unlogged forests. The three sitting on the log are listed from left...

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Company house

Company house

Date: 1910

Groups of people women horses homesites children (people by age group)

Stanley Smith sits on his horse while behind him, Mr. and Mrs. Smith sit on the railing (Mr. Smith was...

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Potlatch family

Potlatch family

Date: 1910

Groups of people women children (people by age group)

Fred Fredrickson poses with his wife and child on a porch of a house in Potlatch, Idaho

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Robert T. 'Bob' Bowling

Robert T. 'Bob' Bowling

Date: 1930


Portrait of Robert 'Bob' T. Bowling, who, according to the description on the back of the photograph, invented the Pres-To-Logs...

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Out in the forest

Out in the forest

Date: 1910

Groups of people women forests (plant communities)

Dorothy and Lauren Bovill stand with A.W. Laird in the forest next to a very tall tree

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Loading lumber [04]

Loading lumber [04]

Date: 1910

Groups of people lumber rails (transit system elements)

Group of men take a break from loading lumber to pose for a photograph. They are still using horse-drawn railcars...

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First car of selected lumber

First car of selected lumber

Date: 1905-09-11

Groups of people lumber rails (transit system elements) sawmills

Men of the Potlatch company sit on a load of lumber board. The caption for the photograph reads 'first car...

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Cutting a felled tree

Cutting a felled tree

Date: 1935

saws sawyers loggers Log (wood)

Two men are almost all the way through a felled tree by cutting with a two person hand saw.

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Horse hospital

Horse hospital

Date: 1910

horses Canis familiaris Groups of people

Men pose for a photograph in front a of a barn of George Palmer and the horse hospital in Bovill,...

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Wheeled cart

Wheeled cart

Date: 1910

rails (transit system elements) vehicles (transportation)

Joack McCleklan rides a four-wheeled vehicle along the train tracks.

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Headquarters teachers

Headquarters teachers

Date: 1945

women log cabins (houses)

The teachers of the school in Headquarters, Idaho stand in front of the school. They are 'Joy Boll, Helen Nyberg,...

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Elk River Fire department

Elk River Fire department

Date: 1922

Groups of people

The men of the Elk River, Idaho fire department stand in front of a fire hydrant, posing with hoses.

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Wanigan [01]

Wanigan [01]

Date: 1955


Photograph of the wanigan used for log drives. At the front of the wanigan, a plank of wood goes from...

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Felled tree

Felled tree

Date: 1910

Log (wood) forests (plant communities)

A man sits on top of a felled tree while another sides beside it.

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Elk River Warehouse

Elk River Warehouse

Date: 1928

offices (work spaces)

Chet Younger sits in the Elk River warehouse. Behind him is a stove used to heat the room.

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Date: 1915

Groups of people women automobiles children (people by age group)

Two women stand on the porch of a log cabin, while two men and two children pose with their car....

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A. W. Laird

A. W. Laird

Date: 1922


A. W. Laird stands in front of the Potlatch mill office in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Dedication of Laird Park [01]

Dedication of Laird Park [01]

Date: 1937-08-21

Groups of people portraits women children (people by age group)

The Decker family stands at the plaque at the dedication of Laird park. They are 'Arlie D. Decker, Mrs. (Charlottee...

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Potlatch Home Guard

Potlatch Home Guard

Date: 1917

Groups of people portraits armed forces

The Potlatch Home Guard poses for a picture near Potlatch, Idaho

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Ezra Warner

Ezra Warner

Date: 1922

portraits snow rails (transit system elements)

Ezra Warner stands on railroad ties next to snow pack near Elk River, Idaho.

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Camp 32 men

Camp 32 men

Date: 1938

Groups of people bunkhouses loggers

Left to right: unknown, Bighom, A. Hughes, C. Crane, B. Hobbs, B. Shook, and G. Hughes stand on the wooden...

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Wash day

Wash day

Date: 1925

Groups of people women laundry baskets washtubs (housekeeping containers)

Sam Frei and his family on wash day.

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Wanigan on shore

Wanigan on shore

Date: 1945

rafts logger

Men sit on shore near the wangian. A pot sits over a fire in the foreground.

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50th  anniversary

50th anniversary

Date: 1959

Groups of people portraits

Men pose for a re-enactment of Organization meeting of January 1909. This is the 50th anniversary of the Western Forestry...

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Railroad Crew

Railroad Crew

Date: 1905

steam locomotives Groups of people

These men are the train crew that handled the first log train out of J.P.

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Lewiston construction crew

Lewiston construction crew

Date: 1927

Groups of people

These men are that which helped built the first mill at Lewiston. Written on the photograph is 'Teo Matkes and...

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Installing computer systems

Installing computer systems

Date: 1961

computer components

Attached with this photograph was a description that reads: 'despite recent advances in solid state mechanics, wiring--miles of it--is still...

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Meeting with an engineer

Meeting with an engineer

Date: 1961

computer components meetings

'"Management of Potlatch Forests, INC. first examined the newly-installed IBM 1710 process control unit at its Lewiston, Idaho paper mill...

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Repairing boots

Repairing boots

Date: 1943

logger boots (footwear)

A lumberjack sits near the wanigan repairing his boots. Written on the back of the photograph is 'log drive 15'...

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Installation of computer system

Installation of computer system

Date: 1961

computer components meetings

'"Physical installation of the Potlatch Forests, Inc., 1710 process control system took slightly more than two weeks from August 22...

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Explaining how the system works

Explaining how the system works

Date: 1961

computer components meetings

'"Potlatch Forests, Inc., officials inspect their IBM 1710 process control system, first of its kind in the nation, immediately after...

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Learning new system

Learning new system

Date: 1961

computer components meetings

'"Potlatch Forests, INC., management is briefed on operation of the paper tape input-output unit at their newly installed IBM 1710...

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Seedlings [01]

Seedlings [01]

Date: 1980


Hundreds of seedlings wait to be taken into Idaho forests and replanted

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Wanigan battles white water

Wanigan battles white water

Date: 1954-05-16


A wangian battles the white water rapids of the Clearwater River.

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Unboxing seedlings

Unboxing seedlings

Date: 1980


Men and women work to unbox seedlings so they can start to grow in order to be replanted

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Discussion about seedlings [01]

Discussion about seedlings [01]

Date: 1970

seedlings meetings

A men shows off the Lewiston Nursery and Greenhouse and the seedlings of different trees that they have waiting to...

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Discussion about seedlings [02]

Discussion about seedlings [02]

Date: 1970

seedlings meetings

Four men stand in front of hundreds of seedlings.

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Chopping wood

Chopping wood

Date: 1955


A paragraph attached to the photograph reads 'Besides his regular duties on the wanigan, the cook's flunky gets a daily...

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Re-caulking boots

Re-caulking boots

Date: 1955

boots (footwear) logger

A lumberjack sits and adds new caulks his boots. The description on the back reads 'Dinner over, a Potlatch driver...

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Wanigan [02]

Wanigan [02]

Date: 1955

rafts rivers

A wanigan floats down the Clearwater River.

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Pulling into shore

Pulling into shore

Date: 1960

rafts rivers

Two parts of the wanigan steer into shore.

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Close up of a wanigan

Close up of a wanigan

Date: 1935

rafts rivers logger

'"Close-up of an early wannigan made entirely out of wood without any metal fastenings. The large sweep was used for...

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Last wanigan

Last wanigan

Date: 1971-05-20

rafts rivers

The last wanigan in use for the last log drive makes it way towards Lewiston. The description on the back...

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Early wanigan

Early wanigan

Date: 1935

rafts rivers

One man sits on the long sweep while another man stands on the logs of an early wanigan. Notice it...

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Old Camp 8

Old Camp 8

Date: 1910

lumber camps railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Old Camp 8 near Bovill, Idaho is shown. Railroad tracks run roughly through the center of the photograph while stacked...

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Lumber Camp

Lumber Camp

Date: 1915

lumber camps log cabins (houses)

Log cabin bunkhouses are seen at a lumber camp near Harvard, Idaho.

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Winter in Camp 12

Winter in Camp 12

Date: 1932

lumber camps snow

A man stands in between bunkhouses covered in snow at camp 12, near Deary, Idaho.

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Early log flume

Early log flume

Date: 1926-08-28

logging flumes

An early log flume is show splitting off into two different directions in the forest.

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Clearwater Timber camp

Clearwater Timber camp

Date: 1926-08-27

lumber camps bunkhouses

A view of Clearwater Timber Company camp number 6. On the right-hand side of the photograph are the bunk houses....

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Potlatch camp 35

Potlatch camp 35

Date: 1940

lumber camps bunkhouses

A view of camp 35. The focus of the photograph are the bunkhouses which are raised above the ground. Also...

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Working in a snow storm

Working in a snow storm

Date: 1935

snow Log (wood) cranes flatcars machinery

Men work in a snow storm to load logs onto flatcars for transport.

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Log skidding [01]

Log skidding [01]

Date: 1945

logging Log (wood) machinery

Bill Shook (per back of the photograph) uses a caterpillar to pull logs down the logging road.

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Early log flume

Early log flume

Date: 1926

logging Log (wood) flumes

The log flume near camp 8. Discarded logs pile off to the side of the flume. Stamped on the back...

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Camp P [02]

Camp P [02]

Date: 1939

bunkhouses lumber camps automobiles

Cars sit in front of bunkhouses. These bunkhouses unlike other camps were made to be more of fixtures rather than...

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Logging camp

Logging camp

Date: 1925

bunkhouses lumber camps log cabins (houses)

An early logging camp near Harvard, Idaho. Shown are the bunkhouses. They are made of wood logs for a more...

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Camp kitchen [02]

Camp kitchen [02]

Date: 1930

lumber camps log cabins (houses)

Four man stand in a log cabin serving as the camp cookhouse. On both tables are the dishes used to...

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Part of Camp 4

Part of Camp 4

Date: 1915

bunkhouses lumber camps Log (wood) cranes machinery flatcars

The logging operation of Camp 4. in the lower left corner are the bunkhouses. In the center of the photograph,...

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Camp kitchen staff

Camp kitchen staff

Date: 1960

lumber camps personnel cooks

The man and women of a camp kitchen. The women stand in front of a set table with coffee cups...

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Railroad Camp

Railroad Camp

Date: 1945

railroad camps track components rails (transit system elements) railroads (infrastructure) bunkhouses

Three men stand to the side of a railroad track. Behind them are railroad bunkhouses

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Camp flunkey

Camp flunkey

Date: 1943

women lumber camps tools

Ms. Adair holds a hammer reading to ring a bell in camp. 'Dolly Adair, attractive flunkey at Camp 27 on...

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Camp store

Camp store

Date: 1945


Jack Anderson stands next to the cast register at the Camp 44 store. He was the camp clerk. Behind him...

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Camp 44

Camp 44

Date: 1955

lumber camps bunkhouses

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Used for stockholders meet 5/15/1958.' The bunkhouses are seen as well...

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Camp 14

Camp 14

Date: 1935

lumber camps bunkhouses

Camp 14 in the St. Joe National Forest, Idaho. In this camp are both more permeant type structures (foreground) and...

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Camp 44 office

Camp 44 office

Date: 1955

lumber camps personnel

Gio Rauch, Earl Rihtensen (?) and Lye Lyle Taylor (the clerk) work in the Camp 44 office.

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Early logging camp 02]

Early logging camp 02]

Date: 1910

lumber camps horses

An early logging camp. In the background are large temps for the lumberjacks. Several men are holding teams of horses....

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Lumber yard workers

Lumber yard workers

Date: 1910

lumber yard lumber

A group of mill workers pose next to stacks of board lumber

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Potlatch store

Potlatch store

Date: 1905-03-19

company towns mill towns stores

Description from the back of the photograph reads 'This is the present Potlatch Sears Co. store (Grocery dept) in the...

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Potlatch mill [01]

Potlatch mill [01]

Date: 1921

panoramic photography sawmills

A panoramic view of the mill at Potlatch, Idaho. Written on the back of the photograph 'Engine House, Mill and...

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Town plaza

Town plaza

Date: 1910

company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures)

The town plaza of Potlatch, Idaho. In the foreground of the photograph are wooden sidewalks. The house in the background...

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Fire engine [01]

Fire engine [01]

Date: 1925

fire engines

A boy stands watching a fireman shooting water out of a fire house near the post office in Potlatch, Idaho....

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Potlatch, Idaho [02]

Potlatch, Idaho [02]

Date: 1915

company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures)

A panoramic view of Potlatch, Idaho. The train depot can be seen behind the barn towards the right side of...

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Union church exterior

Union church exterior

Date: 1912

churches (buildings)

A postcard showing the exterior of the Union Church in Potlatch Idaho. The building was constructed in 1912 by the...

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Early Potlatch [01]

Early Potlatch [01]

Date: 1905

company towns mill towns

'"Looking at residence hill. Over temporary bunk houses and office of Mr. C. N. Lerekiusou(?) who built the mill.' Description...

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Building the mill [01]

Building the mill [01]

Date: 1905-11-21

company towns construction sites sawmills mill towns

Men work to excavate the ground for the power plant at the Potlatch Mill. This photo is taken, looking west...

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Potlatch school

Potlatch school

Date: 1905-03-20

groups women children (people by age group) schoolhouses

'"This is the first school house [in Potlatch] and was located on the ground where the old gym stands. The...

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Residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho [01]

Residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho [01]

Date: 1913

panoramic photography mill towns buildings (structures)

Looking at the residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho. In foreground are a church and school. Just beyond the church is...

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Early Potlatch [03]

Early Potlatch [03]

Date: 1906-02-10

company towns mill towns

Looking at Potlatch with a view of the mill in the background.

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Future site of the Potlatch Mill

Future site of the Potlatch Mill

Date: 1905-09-22

company towns log cabins (houses) Groups of people

Four men stand in front of a log cabin. According to what is written on the photograph this is 'pioneer's...

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First house [02]

First house [02]

Date: 1865

homesteads houses log cabins (houses)

According to the description on the back of the photograph, this is the 'first house built in Potlatch area'

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Potlatch, Idaho [01]

Potlatch, Idaho [01]

Date: 1910

homesteads houses railroad stations

Looking towards the train station in Potlatch, Idaho. In front of the train station are train cars and a steam...

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Building the mill [02]

Building the mill [02]

Date: 1905-11-11

company towns construction sites sawmills mill towns


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Main street [01]

Main street [01]

Date: 1921

panoramic photography mill towns

A panoramic view of main street in Potlatch, Idaho. According to the description on the back of the photograph 'Left...

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Residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho [02]

Residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho [02]

Date: 1905-03-24

company towns mill towns horses houses

The view of the residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho. In the lower right hand corner, two horses pull a wagon...

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Union Church auditorium

Union Church auditorium

Date: 1912

churches (buildings)

A postcard showing the main auditorium of the Union Church in Potlatch, Idaho. The building was constructed in 1912 by...

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Home furnishings

Home furnishings

Date: 1905-03-19

stores bedframes mattresses stoves (heating equipment)

The home furnishings section of the store in Potlatch, Idaho. In the photograph are bed frames, mattresses, and stoves

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Potlatch Hotel

Potlatch Hotel

Date: 1915

company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures) hotels (public accommodations)

The Potlatch Hotel, which no longer exists. There are two men standing on side of the hotel. Two things to...

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Boarding house

Boarding house

Date: 1906

boardinghouses mill towns houses buildings (structures) horses

According to the description on the back of the photograph, this is the 'permanent co. boarding house.' In front of...

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Sidewalk to town

Sidewalk to town

Date: 1906

sidewalks mill towns houses buildings (structures)

Looking towards the train station and residence hill in Potlatch, Idaho. In the center of the picture is a long...

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Early Potlatch [02]

Early Potlatch [02]

Date: 1906-04-20

company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures) homesteads

According to the description written on the back of the photograph 'Potlatch was built on the 'Peterson place' the farm...

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Loading platform [10]

Loading platform [10]

Date: 1910

sawmills rails (transit system elements) railroads (infrastructure) lumber

The loading platform at the Potlatch mill. Note that the area is covered by the roof

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Constructing monument

Constructing monument

Date: 1921-06-11

memorials (structures)

The placing of two granite boulders for the memorial to William Deary. These is on the lawn next to the...

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Constructing monument

Constructing monument

Date: 1921-06-11

memorials (structures)

Both granite boulders are finally in place for the William Deary memorial. These is on the lawn next to the...

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Memorial for William Deary

Memorial for William Deary

Date: 1921

memorials (structures) mill towns houses buildings (structures)

'"Granite boulders from Elk Butte, near Elk River, Idaho, placed on the lawn of the Potlatch Gymnasium and club house...

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New mill construction

New mill construction

Date: 1906

sawmills construction sites

The construction of the mill in Potlatch. The main building is finished, while outbuildings are still being worked on. Several...

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Potlatch Mill [03]

Potlatch Mill [03]

Date: 1966-06-30

sawmills aerial photographs aerial photographs

An aerial photograph of the Potlatch mill. To the left of the mill is the town itself.

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Postcard showing Potlatch

Postcard showing Potlatch

Date: 1906

company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures)

A postcard to Mr. A. W. Morgan in Winona Minnesota. The postcard is showing Potlatch in its early days with...

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Potlatch log pond

Potlatch log pond

Date: 1910

Log (wood) ponds sawmills rails (transit system elements)

Logs are packed into the log pond at the Potlatch mill. Next to the pond are the train tracks used...

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Rock creek Dam

Rock creek Dam

Date: 1905

earth dams water (inorganic material)

'"Between two log ponds on south side of Potlatch' [description taken from back of photograph]."

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Potlatch men and logs

Potlatch men and logs

Date: 1915

Log (wood) ponds

A group of Potlatch men stand and sit on top of logs, next to one of the log pods at...

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Lumber yard vehicle

Lumber yard vehicle

Date: 1915

vehicles (transportation) boards (flat objects) lumber rails (transit system elements)

A postcard depicting a vehicle used in lumber yards. Behind it are stacks of board lumber.

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Excavation for log pond

Excavation for log pond

Date: 1905

construction sites sawmills

Men work on excavating the ground for one of the log ponds at the Potlatch mill.

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Workers in the mill

Workers in the mill

Date: 1910


Men pose for a picture inside the mill at Potlatch.

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Mill railroad [01]

Mill railroad [01]

Date: 1910

vehicles (transportation) boards (flat objects) lumber rails (transit system elements)

A man drives a railcar in the Potlatch mill lumber yard while another man rides on the front. Behind them...

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Mill railroad [02]

Mill railroad [02]

Date: 1910

vehicles (transportation) boards (flat objects) lumber rails (transit system elements) horses

Men pose for a photograph with the cars that make up the rail system in the Potlatch lumber yard. Behind...

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Unit Office

Unit Office

Date: 1965-08-31

automobiles office buildings offices (work spaces)

The exterior of the Potlatch Unit Office. Parked in front of it are three cars

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Loading lumber [03]

Loading lumber [03]

Date: 1910

vehicles (transportation) lumber planks (wood) vehicles (transportation) railroad cars

Men load lumber into railcars at the Potlatch mill. Several men are driving cards full of planks to loading stations,...

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Potlatch general store

Potlatch general store

Date: 1910

general stores buildings (structures)

The exterior of the Potlatch General store. Note the electrical poles and lights on both corners.

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Railroad depot

Railroad depot

Date: 1910

railroad stations

The railroad depot at Potlatch, Idaho

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Horse teams of Potlatch

Horse teams of Potlatch

Date: 1910

horses barns

Men stand with the horse teams of the Potlatch Lumber company. The description on the back of the photograph reads...

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Train of lumber

Train of lumber

Date: 1910

flatcars lumber vehicles (transportation) sawmills

Five men stand with long train of flatcars full of lumber at the Potlatch mill which stands behind them.

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Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Date: 1910


A portrait of Charles A. Weyerhaeuser, President of the Potlatch Lumber company. Scanned from the book 'Potlatch Lumber Company: Manufacturers...

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William Deary [01]

William Deary [01]

Date: 1910

offices (work spaces)

William Deary sits in the office in Potlatch. Scanned from the book 'Potlatch Lumber Company: Manufacturers of Fine Lumber.' The...

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Potlatch office

Potlatch office

Date: 1910

offices (work spaces)

men work in the main office of Potlatch lumber company. Scanned from the book 'Potlatch Lumber Company: Manufacturers of Fine...

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Public school

Public school

Date: 1910

buildings (structures) schoolhouses

The children of Potlatch schools pose for a photograph in front of the schoolhouse. Scanned from the book 'Potlatch Lumber...

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Potlatch Mercantile Company

Potlatch Mercantile Company

Date: 1910

general stores

The dry goods and clothing department in the Potlatch Merchntile Company store. Scanned from the book 'Potlatch Lumber Company: Manufacturers...

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Potlatch Mill [02]

Potlatch Mill [02]

Date: 1920

sawmills smokestacks

The finished Potlatch mill

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Lumber yard [01]

Lumber yard [01]

Date: 1945

sawmills lumber yard lumber

The lumber yard at the mill in Potlatch, Idaho. Two tractors work to move lumber places

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Reservoir construction

Reservoir construction

Date: 1906

sawmills construction sites

The construction of the reservoir at mill in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Main street [02]

Main street [02]

Date: 1905

sawmills company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures)

The first 'Main' street in Potlatch, Idaho. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Temporary store and boarding...

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First house [01]

First house [01]

Date: 1905-11-11

construction sites homesites

Men are laying the foundation for the first house in Potlatch

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Mill flooded

Mill flooded

Date: 1940

floods (natural events) lumber yard lumber rails (transit system elements)

The lumber yard at the Potlatch mill is flooded.

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Aerial view of Potlatch Mill

Aerial view of Potlatch Mill

Date: 1945

sawmills company towns mill towns houses buildings (structures)

An aerial photograph of the mill in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Early Pres-to-log operation

Early Pres-to-log operation

Date: 1930

machinery wood products

A man stands next to a machine that is making pres-to-logs in the early days.

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Pres-to-logs for sale

Pres-to-logs for sale

Date: 1945

stores wood products

A stack of Pres-to-logs stand outside Villa's complete food market

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Pres-to-log machinery

Pres-to-log machinery

Date: 1940


A piece of equipment stands outside the plant in Lewiston, Idaho. This piece is for the processing of making Pres-to-Logs...

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Pres-to-log delivery

Pres-to-log delivery

Date: 1964

trucks wood products

A truck loaded with pres-to-logs makes its way to Potlatch for delivery

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Pres-to-logs machinery [03]

Pres-to-logs machinery [03]

Date: 1945

wood products machinery

Inside the pres-to-logs manufacturing plant in Lewiston, Idaho

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Variety of pres-to-logs

Variety of pres-to-logs

Date: 1955

wood products

A man holds one of the variety of pres-to-logs, while others are in a display case to his right.

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Pres-to-logs machinery [01]

Pres-to-logs machinery [01]

Date: 1950

wood products machinery

A man operates a pres-to-log machine in Lewiston, Idaho. The photographer is 'P.O. Valentine. Commercial photographer 155 Arthur str., Hillside,...

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Pres-to-logs machinery [02]

Pres-to-logs machinery [02]

Date: 1935

wood products machinery

A worker operates a pres-to-log machine in Lewiston, Idaho

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Operating Pres-to-log machine

Operating Pres-to-log machine

Date: 1925

wood products machinery

A man operates a pres-to-log machine in Lewiston, Idaho.

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Feeding logs

Feeding logs

Date: 1945

wood products machinery

A machine feeds logs into a Pres-to-Log machine at the plant in Lewiston, Idaho

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Pres-to-logs warehouse

Pres-to-logs warehouse

Date: 1945

wood products warehouses forklift trucks

The Pres-to-Logs warehouse in Lewiston, Idaho. At the back of the photograph, a forklift is lifting a pallet of Pres-to-Logs....

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Packing train cars

Packing train cars

Date: 1945

wood products railroad cars

A shirtless man works on packing a train car with Pres-to-Logs.

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Date: 1945

wood products

A pyramid of Pres-to-Logs made by the plant in Lewiston, Idaho plant

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Transporting Pres-to-Logs

Transporting Pres-to-Logs

Date: 1945

railroad cars

A railcar used to transport Pres-to-Logs is also used to advertise them. This car, one side says where the logs...

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Men on flatcars

Men on flatcars

Date: 1925

Groups of people rails (transit system elements) flatcars women

According to the writing on the back of the photograph, these are Japanese commissioners that have come to a mill...

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Log train [02]

Log train [02]

Date: 1900

Log (wood) railroads (infrastructure)

A long train full of logs travels in Idaho.

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Logs on flatcars

Logs on flatcars

Date: 1950

flatcars Log (wood) railroads (infrastructure)

According the description on the back of the photograph, there are 11 logs which totaled 11 million feet of board...

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Loading logs [05]

Loading logs [05]

Date: 1935

flatcars Log (wood) railroads (infrastructure) locomotives cranes

The ''Heisler' No. 72' engine sits waiting while logs are loaded on to its cars. Toward the right-hand side of...

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Pres-to-logs machinery [04]

Pres-to-logs machinery [04]

Date: 1940

machinery wood products

A worker watches a Pres-to-log machine. Stamped on the front of the photograph is 'Juleen Evert WN'. On the back...

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Railroad switch

Railroad switch

Date: 1925

locomotives railroads (infrastructure)

'"Switch from Main N.P. (Northern Pacific) line to Camps 4 & 5 spurs.' (description from back of photograph)."

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First log train

First log train

Date: 1905

railroads (infrastructure) Log (wood) Log deck

The first log train out of Jaype, Idaho. On the right hand side of the photograph are log decks waiting...

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Last engine

Last engine

Date: 1951

locomotives Groups of people

'"Last run of steam locomotive to Potlatch. Last steam Shay locomotive #107. Train crews were all gone by this time....

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Log train [05]

Log train [05]

Date: 1915

railroads (infrastructure) Log (wood) Log deck

A log train moves by log decks waiting to be transported. Attached to the back of the photograph are two...

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Engine #74

Engine #74

Date: 1965

locomotives railroads (infrastructure) Log (wood)

Engine #74 on its way to Warren, Arkansas and the Arkansas Hardwood Mill.

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Train wreck [02]

Train wreck [02]

Date: 1925

wrecks (sites) railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) Groups of people

A train wreck along the Palouse river mainline between Potlatch and Palouse (information taken from back of photograph). Men stand...

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First log train crew

First log train crew

Date: 1905

locomotives Groups of people

This is the crew that handled the first log train out of Jaype, Idaho. The engine is #77

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Log train [03]

Log train [03]

Date: 1960

locomotives log (wood) railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

'"Two PFI diesel-electric engines moves a string of loaded flatcars over company tracks near Headquarters, Idaho. The cars will be...

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Clearing the tracks

Clearing the tracks

Date: 1955

locomotives railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) snow

'"A stout, low-geared logging locomotive pushes one of Potlatch Forests, Inc. snow plows up a stiff bit of grade along...

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Log train [01]

Log train [01]

Date: 1925

locomotives log (wood) railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) water (inorganic material)

Engine #21 (a steam powered engine) takes a trainload of logs from Bovill to Potlatch following the Palouse River (information...

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Date: 1915

flatcars Log (wood) loggers snow

A group of loggers stand around large logs that have been harvested and placed on a flatcar.

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Repairing tracks

Repairing tracks

Date: 1925

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) snow

A man works on the railroad ties that hold the railroad track together.

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Log train [04]

Log train [04]

Date: 1940

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) snow locomotives Log (wood)

Engine #74 pulls a log train past a 1939-1940 Plymouth Coupe (information taken from back of photograph)

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Railroad buildings

Railroad buildings

Date: 1935

rails (transit system elements) pickups (trucks)

The railroad buildings in Headquarters, Idaho. A pickup truck is parked in front of the one of the buildings

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Train wreck [04]

Train wreck [04]

Date: 1940

wrecks (sites) railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) railroad cars

Cars from the Milwaukee Railroad litter the St. Joe river and embankment. Men work in the open cars to insure...

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Loading logs [06]

Loading logs [06]

Date: 1926

locomotive cranes Log (wood) flatcars

A locomotive crane loads logs onto a flatcar for transport. Description from the envelope 'Elk Basin 1925-1926 loading Gdan Poles...

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Railway grade

Railway grade

Date: 1926-08-27

railroads (infrastructure)

The N-P (Northern Pacific) grade near Headquarters, Idaho.

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Log runners

Log runners

Date: 1925

rails (transit system elements) logging

A view of the log runners next to railroad tracks. These runners were how logs were loaded on to the...

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Building a railroad

Building a railroad

Date: 1926

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Men work on the railroad bridge going over a logging run.

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Lifting machinery

Lifting machinery

Date: 1926

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) cranes machinery locomotive cranes

A railroad crane moves a piece of machinery over the tracks at the Lewiston mill

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Spur lines

Spur lines

Date: 1925

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Highway N.P. Grade C. T. Co (Clearwater Timber Co), spur into Camps 4 & 5. The bridge that can be...

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Dumping dirt

Dumping dirt

Date: 1920

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

A flatcar on a train dumps dirt and rocks over the side.

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Train derailment

Train derailment

Date: 1925

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

A speeder car is derailed off the tracks. A man kneels to one side of the tracks, while two other...

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Camp 2 [03]

Camp 2 [03]

Date: 1927

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) flatcars Log (wood)

Engine #22 from the Intermountain Railroad Company pulls flatcars full of logs near Camp 2 in the Nez Perce National...

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Camp cars

Camp cars

Date: 1964

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Camp cars similar to the ones used in many of the camps in Idaho. These sit at Camp 4 in...

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Moving train full of logs

Moving train full of logs

Date: 1968-02-15

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

A loaded train full of logs near Headquarters, ID. Engine #316. In the background of the photograph, Silver Butte can...

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Loading logs

Loading logs

Date: 1915

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) flatcars Log (wood) cranes snow

Two men stand in front of a crane loading a log onto a flat car.

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Date: 1950

fishing creeks (bodies of water)

A man stands on a log in an Idaho creek fishing.

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Picnicking in Idaho [02]

Picnicking in Idaho [02]

Date: 1945

picnic areas Groups of people

'"A family group enjoys a picnic lunch at the Fohl picnic area on state highway 11 between Pierce and Weippe.'...

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PFI tree farm sign

PFI tree farm sign

Date: 1965


Sign for Kaylor Tree Farm for Potlatch Forests, INC.

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Engine pushing logs

Engine pushing logs

Date: 1935

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) Log (wood)

A 'shay engine pushing loads of logs.' Description taking from back of photograph. Railroad men stand on the right hand...

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Playing badminton

Playing badminton

Date: 1962-08-12


A group of people play badminton at the Sweetwater Creek Picnic area.

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Inside the ski lodge

Inside the ski lodge

Date: 1965

skiing ski resorts

Inside the ski lodge at Bald Mountain Ski area. Two adults, one behind the counter while two children are pictured....

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Bald Mountain Ski area [01]

Bald Mountain Ski area [01]

Date: 1960

skiing ski resorts

Part of the Bald Mountain ski area.

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Picnicking in Idaho [01]

Picnicking in Idaho [01]

Date: 1965

picnic areas Groups of people

'"A family group enjoys an outing to the Hollywood Campground on Idaho Highway 11 between Pierce and Headquarters. The area,...

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Bald Mountain Ski area [02]

Bald Mountain Ski area [02]

Date: 1960

skiing ski resorts

One part of the ski area of Bald Mountain. On the left, skiers use a tow rope to be pulled...

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North Fork of the Clearwater

North Fork of the Clearwater

Date: 1955


Looking at the North Fork of the Clearwater river

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Animal pelts

Animal pelts

Date: 1955


Two animal pelts are stretched on hoops.

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Looking over Lake Pend Oreille

Looking over Lake Pend Oreille

Date: 1950

skiing lakes (bodies of water)

A couple overlooks lake Pend Oreille on Blacktail in Northern Idaho

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New growth of trees

New growth of trees

Date: 1943

forests (plant communities)

A new growth of trees stands near the Potlatch mill. A sign behind them talks about why new growth is...

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Helicopter seeding

Helicopter seeding

Date: 1959


Using a helicopter to do aerial seeding. Pictured here on Washington Creek, Idaho.

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Idaho White Pine seedling

Idaho White Pine seedling

Date: 1959

seedling white pine (plants)

A man shows a white pine seedling

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Planting new growth

Planting new growth

Date: 1959

seedling white pine (plants)

A man uses a small hoe to plant a white pine seedling for new growth

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Reseeding [03]

Reseeding [03]

Date: 1959

forests (plant communities) white pine (plants)

Men walk among a cleared hillside to begin reseeding.

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Reseeding [02]

Reseeding [02]

Date: 1959

forests (plant communities) machinery

A man uses a small jackhammer to make a hole to plant a seedling of white pine.

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Reseeding [01]

Reseeding [01]

Date: 1970

forests (plant communities)

Men work on a cleared hillside, reseeding trees

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White Pine

White Pine

Date: 1959

forests (plant communities) white pine (plants)

A new strand of white pine trees.

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Splash Dam

Splash Dam

Date: 1910

creeks (bodies of water)

One of many splash dams in the forest used to help bring logs downstream before the railroad came in

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Sisters Creek

Sisters Creek

Date: 1935

creeks (bodies of water)

Looking at Sisters Creek from the St. Joe River

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Clearwater River [01]

Clearwater River [01]

Date: 1950


Looking up the Clearwater river.

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Bridge over Benton creek

Bridge over Benton creek

Date: 1934

creeks (bodies of water) bridges (built works)

A bridge spans the 'h' riffle of the Benton creek

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Water discoloration

Water discoloration

Date: 1960-03-23


The water of the Orofino Creek has changed with the run-off of bedloads of silt. Description taken from envelope.

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Creating a park entrance

Creating a park entrance

Date: 1935

creeks (bodies of water) bridges (built works) machinery

A caterpillar works to move dirt and debris away to make room for a road entrance into a park. The...

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Plowing snow [01]

Plowing snow [01]

Date: 1955

snow machinery

A tractor is used to plow away snow near Avery, Idaho

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Bridge building

Bridge building

Date: 1960

snow cranes machinery bridges (built works)

A crane is hauling up a log to help build a bridge in the Bovill woods.

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Moving earth

Moving earth

Date: 1900

horses earth (soil)

Several teams of horses move earth in a building project. On the photograph is a sign that reads 'this was...

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New bridge

New bridge

Date: 1958

bridges (built works)

A man stands in front of a bridge that crosses the Potlatch River. According to the description on the back,...

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Date: 1970

bridges (built works) rivers

One of the many bridges over the St. Joe River. This bridge is between St. Maries, Idaho and Avery, Idaho....

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Elk Creek Falls

Elk Creek Falls

Date: 1935

waterfalls (natural bodies of water)

Looking north toward highway bridge over Elk Creek Falls. Power house is left of the falls behind shoulder.

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Building a bridge [01]

Building a bridge [01]

Date: 1930

bridges (built works) creeks (bodies of water)

Men stand on a mostly completed bridge. Below them is a creek. On the other side, the road goes up...

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Large logs

Large logs

Date: 1950

Log (wood)

A man stands next to a log to show scale of said log. Taken in the Lewiston, Idaho yard.

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Scaling school

Scaling school

Date: 1966-04-05

Log (wood) log scale railroads (infrastructure)

Three men kneel near logs next to the railroad tracks. Two of the men are learning how to scale logs....

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Scaling logs [01]

Scaling logs [01]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) log scale

A man uses a tool to measure a log to scale it

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Scaling logs [02]

Scaling logs [02]

Date: 1948

Log (wood) log scale

Fred Chamberlain scales logs at Camp 29 on Washington Creek, Idaho.

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State scaler

State scaler

Date: 1960-01-13

Log (wood)

The state scaler stands watching and making notes at Clear Creek landing.

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Date: 1960

Log (wood)

Ross Hall stands atop logs making notes on their scale measurements

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St. Maries Plywood [03]

St. Maries Plywood [03]

Date: 1968

sawmills rivers

The plywood plant at St. Maries, Idaho. The river in the picture is the St. Joe River

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St. Maries Plywood [02]

St. Maries Plywood [02]

Date: 1976

sawmills rivers Log deck

The plywood plant at St. Maries, Idaho. In the picture is the St. Joe River (left side of the photograph)...

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Discussing rehabilitation project with media

Discussing rehabilitation project with media

Date: 1989

broadcasters machinery

One of the men working on the Orogrande Creek rehabilitation project talks on camera with a member of the media....

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Stream Rehabilitation Project

Stream Rehabilitation Project

Date: 1989


The sign discussing the Orogrande Creek rehabilitation project.

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Dumping rocks [02]

Dumping rocks [02]

Date: 1989


A boulder makes a big splash after being dumped by an excavator into the Orogrande Creek. Boulders and logs are...

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Western White Pine [01]

Western White Pine [01]

Date: 1921

white pine (plants) forests (plant communities)

A photograph of a strand of Western White Pine that is eighty years old.

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Dumping rocks [01]

Dumping rocks [01]

Date: 1989


An excavator dumps a boulder into the Orogrande creek to help rehabilitate the stream.

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Western Red Cedar [01]

Western Red Cedar [01]

Date: 1925

western red cedar (wood)

Two men stand among a strand of 200+ year old Western Red Cedar.

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Old growth

Old growth

Date: 1968-02-15

western red cedar (wood)

A strand of old-growth cedar grow on the hillside on Middleton Creek, North East of Headquarters, Idaho

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Forest and a road

Forest and a road

Date: 1925

roadways forests (plant communities)

A man stands on a dirt road looking at the trees on one side of the road

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Young tree strand

Young tree strand

Date: 1928

forests (plant communities)

Year strand of Western White Pine and a few Douglas fir, Western, fir, and L.P. Pine, north aspect near Pony...

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Brush piles [01]

Brush piles [01]

Date: 1923

forests (plant communities) brush

Brush piles lie on a partially logged hill. The description on the back says 'Fox Cr. Cooperative area on state...

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Resting among the trees

Resting among the trees

Date: 1925

forests (plant communities)

A man sits, leaning against a tree. Several tall trees surround him

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Logged and growing back

Logged and growing back

Date: 1938

forests (plant communities) brush

The picture is titled 'A Nice residual strand for the future' and the description written on the photograph says 'logged...

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Deary, Idaho

Deary, Idaho

Date: 1900

company towns

The beginnings of Deary, Idaho. The mountain in the background is Potato Hill.

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Elk River, Idaho

Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1911

company towns

The town of Elk River, Idaho as seen from one of the surrounding hills. The mountain in the background of...

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Hall-Interstate Mine

Hall-Interstate Mine

Date: 1910

company towns

A partial view of a Hall-Interstate mine. Several log decks can be seen to the right hand side of the...

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A new cabin

A new cabin

Date: 1925

log cabins (houses)

A new building is built near the Deadwood Reservoir.

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Date: 1930

log cabins (houses)

One of the cabins on the Elk Creek R.S. In front of the cabin lies a dog.

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Blue Point Lookout station

Blue Point Lookout station

Date: 1925


A man stands on part of the roof of the lookout station on Rice Peak.

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Billings Point Lookout Towner

Billings Point Lookout Towner

Date: 1950


'"Billings Point lookout tower -- well known vantage spot overlooking the Clearwater tree farm of Potlatch Forests, Inc. This is...

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Iron Mountain Lookout

Iron Mountain Lookout

Date: 1910

watchtowers women

The Iron Mountain lookout station. A man stands with a woman holds a young child at the door. A goat...

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Resting in Headquarters

Resting in Headquarters

Date: 1921

log cabins (houses)

Four men sit on the front porch of a building in Headquarters, Idaho.

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Boehls Cabins

Boehls Cabins

Date: 1965

log cabins (houses)

The entrance to the cabins at Boehls Cabin. This location would soon be under water of the Dworshak Reservoir.

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Downtown Headquarters, Idaho

Downtown Headquarters, Idaho

Date: 1940

company towns automobiles

The Post Office of Headquarters, Idaho is pictured. In front of the Post Office is a car.

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Headquarters, Idaho [01]

Headquarters, Idaho [01]

Date: 1910

company towns

The town of Headquarters, Idaho

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Bridge crossing the Clearwater

Bridge crossing the Clearwater

Date: 1950

bridges (built works) rivers

A bridge crosses the middle fork of the Clearwater river.

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Cook house

Cook house

Date: 1921

log cabins (houses)

The cookhouse at Boehl's cabin.

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Kamiah, Idaho

Kamiah, Idaho

Date: 1902

company towns

Looking at Kamiah, Idaho. A wooden sidewalk is running down through the middle of the picture towards the buildings.

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Hotel Kamiah

Hotel Kamiah

Date: 1902

company towns

The building on the left of the photograph is the 'Hotel Kamiah'. Photograph looking at 'downtown' Kamiah.

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University of Idaho Administration [01]

University of Idaho Administration [01]

Date: 1925

state universities (buildings)

Pictured are Niccholls Home economics building (on the left) and the University of Idaho Administrative building.

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University of Idaho Administration [03]

University of Idaho Administration [03]

Date: 1925

state universities (buildings)

The University of Idaho administrative building

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University of Idaho Administration [02]

University of Idaho Administration [02]

Date: 1925

state universities (buildings)

Pictured are the University of Idaho administrative building and the circular drive. Also in the background is the life sciences...

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Niccholls Home Economics building

Niccholls Home Economics building

Date: 1925

state universities (buildings)

The Niccholls Home economics building is pictured from the direction of the University of Idaho Administrative building.

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Western Pine tree farm

Western Pine tree farm

Date: 1945

tree farms

A man stands next to a tree on his Western Pine tree farm.

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Fohl Memorial Forest

Fohl Memorial Forest

Date: 1960


A sign for the Fohl Memorial Forest (now Fohl Picnic area) that says 'dedicated to good forestry and timber management....

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Pfi sign

Pfi sign

Date: 1961


A sign, which reads 'privately owned land produces timber game and tax $'s)' at the entrance to part of PFI...

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Sign at Potlatch

Sign at Potlatch

Date: 1955


A sign stands in front of a group of new growth trees. The sign reads 'Trees like these will furnish...

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Tree farm sign

Tree farm sign

Date: 1950


A sign in Latah county announces a 4-H tree farm which was sponsored by the Potlatch Corporation.

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Receiving his member sign

Receiving his member sign

Date: 1960

signage Log (wood)

A tree farmer receives his sign. The sign says 'Member; Tree Farm; American Tree Farm System'

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Ponderosa Pine branch

Ponderosa Pine branch

Date: 1970

Pinus ponderosa

A pinecone and a branch of the Ponderosa Pine tree

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Western White Pine [02]

Western White Pine [02]

Date: 1970

white pine (plants)

A pinecone and a branch of the Western White Pine.

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Lodgepole Pine

Lodgepole Pine

Date: 1970

Pinus contorta

A pinecone and a branch of the Lodgepole Pine

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Mountain Hemlock

Mountain Hemlock

Date: 1970

Tsuga mertensiana

A pinecone and a branch of the Mountain Hemlock

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Western Larch

Western Larch

Date: 1970

Larix occidentalis

A pinecone and a branch of the Western Larch.

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Western Red Cedar [02]

Western Red Cedar [02]

Date: 1970

western red cedar (wood)

A branch and leaves of a Western red Cedar.

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Engelmann spruce

Engelmann spruce

Date: 1970

Picea engelmannii

A pinecone and a branch of the Engelmann spruce.

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Spraying against the Tussock Moth

Spraying against the Tussock Moth

Date: 1960

aircraft aircraft spraying (coating)

'"A Ford twin motor from the Johnson flying service discharges a curtain of spray. The swatch covered by the Ford...

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Using an increment borer

Using an increment borer

Date: 1960

increment borer

Al Eberhardt uses an instrument called an increment borer in the fight against the Tussock moth

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Interior of plane

Interior of plane

Date: 1945

aircraft aircraft

'"Interior of Douglas plane showing arrangement of tanks. Improper adjustment of equipment on first flight nearly filled the cabin with...

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Testing spray coverage

Testing spray coverage

Date: 1960

fieldwork (research)

'"Field crews placed glass plates through the area to determine coverage. Pilots were found to have done an exceptionally thorough...

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Refilling spray tanks [02]

Refilling spray tanks [02]

Date: 1950

aircraft aircraft tank trucks

'"Tank trucks were borrowed from the Air Corps to transport spray mixture from Moscow, Idaho to the various landing fields....

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Refilling spray tanks [01]

Refilling spray tanks [01]

Date: 1950

aircraft aircraft

A man stands next to a plan having it's spraying tanks filled. Another plan can be scene in the background...

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Using a prism

Using a prism

Date: 1960

forests (plant communities)

Forester Norman Tomilson uses a prism to check light on Camal Creek, north of Pierce, Idaho

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Tussock Moth egg mass

Tussock Moth egg mass

Date: 1960


Close-up view of tussock moth egg mass. Eggs go through the winter and hatch the following spring into the destructive...

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Adult male tussock moth

Adult male tussock moth

Date: 1960


'"Close-up view of the adult male Douglas-fir tussock moth, which can be distinguished by its wings, while the female moth...

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Tussock moth caterpillar

Tussock moth caterpillar

Date: 1960


'"Close-up view of the fully grown caterpillar of the Douglas-fir tussock moth. Tussock caterpillars prefer feeding on the new growth...

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Researching the Tussock moth

Researching the Tussock moth

Date: 1960

research laboratories

'"Symbolic of the quest for new tools to help combat Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks, Dr. Gary Daterman, a U. S....

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Adult female tussock moth

Adult female tussock moth

Date: 1960


'"Close-up view of the wingless female Douglas-fir tussock moth in the adult stage. After mating with the winged male moth...

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Boards from White Pine King

Boards from White Pine King

Date: 1912


A.W. Laird and Mark Seymour stand next to 'white pine lumber sawn from the White Pine King' in Potlatch, Idaho....

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Largest White Pine tree

Largest White Pine tree

Date: 1912

forests (plant communities)

The largest white pine tree owned by Potlatch Lumber Company. Standing near the best of the tree are A.W. Larid...

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Logs cut from largest white pine

Logs cut from largest white pine

Date: 1912

Log (wood) flatcars rails (transit system elements)

These three logs are cut from one tree, believed to be the largest known white pine. These three logs yielded...

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White Pine King felled [02]

White Pine King felled [02]

Date: 1911-12-12

Log (wood) loggers

Lumber jacks and members of the management of Potlatch lumber company stand on and around the White Pine King.

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Log of White Pine King

Log of White Pine King

Date: 1912

Log (wood)

One of the logs from the White Pine King. When scaled, this log came out to 29,800 feet.

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Felling the White Pine King

Felling the White Pine King

Date: 1911-12-12

Log (wood) loggers snow

Two men work to saw the White Pine King while another supervises.

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White Pine King loaded

White Pine King loaded

Date: 1911-12-12

Log (wood) loggers snow

The logs from the White Pine King are loaded on the flat cars to transport to Potlatch, Idaho.

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Big stump

Big stump

Date: 1938-06-07

Log (wood)

'"At big stump.' A man stands behind/on the stump of the White Pine King."

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White Pine King stump [02]

White Pine King stump [02]

Date: 1950

loggers snow Log (wood)

Two men stand in front of the White Pine King stump.

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White Pine King stump [01]

White Pine King stump [01]

Date: 1975

Log (wood)

The stump of the White Pine King with a seedling planted in it.

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911-12-12

Log (wood) loggers snow

Two men saw at the base of the White Pine King to fell it.

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Load of White pine lumber

Load of White pine lumber

Date: 1912


A man stands next to a truck load of white pine lumber sawn from the White Pine King.

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Fence display

Fence display

Date: 1960

display types

Potlatch-made fence on display.

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Inserting beams

Inserting beams

Date: 1955

cranes construction sites

A crane lowers a lumber beam as part of construction on the Clearwater plant.

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Loading logs [04]

Loading logs [04]

Date: 1940

Log (wood) loggers

A man loads a log onto a truck while another watches. A third man looks at logs still needed to...

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Lumber boards

Lumber boards

Date: 1950


Boards of lumber sit waiting to be either purchased or transported

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Promoting lumber

Promoting lumber

Date: 1925

lumber trucks

A truck loaded with lumber boards is parked in Lewiston. The sign on top reads 'Weyerhaeuser 4 square Lumber with...

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Inspecting logs

Inspecting logs

Date: 1915

Log (wood)

A man inspects two logs of white pine.

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White Pine King felled [01]

White Pine King felled [01]

Date: 1912

Log (wood)

The White Pine King: Length 207 feet; average diameter of butt 6 feet 9 inches. Age of tree 425 years....

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Cows grazing

Cows grazing

Date: 1945

cows (mammals)

A herd of cows graze in Bear Valley.

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Young moose

Young moose

Date: 1950

Alces alces (species)

A young moose walks in a meadow.

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Rocky Mountain Goat

Rocky Mountain Goat

Date: 1950

A Rocky Mountain goat stands on a rock on a steep rock wall

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Young white tail deer

Young white tail deer

Date: 1930

Odocoileus virginianus (species)

'"This little orphan was adopted by a cook in a logging camp near Headquarters, Idaho. It didn't take long for...

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Sheep grazing

Sheep grazing

Date: 1950

Ovis (genus)

Two sheep graze in the forest.

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Sheep grazing [02]

Sheep grazing [02]

Date: 1950

Ovis (genus)

A hillside full of sheep grazing

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Camp 57 Crew

Camp 57 Crew

Date: 1955

Log (wood)

The crew of Camp 57 taken in the 1950s. Back row from left to right is John Schenhost, unknown, Ed...

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Dinner at a hotel

Dinner at a hotel

Date: 1950

parties (events)

Men sit around an L shaped table at the Lewis Clark Hotel. The men are unidentified.

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Retirement party

Retirement party

Date: 1955

parties (events)

The retirement party for Curly Hanson of camp 62. Party was held in Headquarters, ID

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Demonstrating a tool

Demonstrating a tool

Date: 1940


John Johnson (name and description taken from the back of the photograph) demonstrates the use of a tool. According to...

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Speaking about fire safety

Speaking about fire safety

Date: 1960

presentations (communicative events)

'"Robert W. Olin speaks for wood in schools. National Fire Protective Association report on Our Lady of Angels School Fire...

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Preparing a log for transport

Preparing a log for transport

Date: 1965-06-25

Log (wood) chain saws

The description on the back reads 'loading totem pole log for Iowa State Fair. Cp 57 landing, June 25, 1965...

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Sheep grazing [01]

Sheep grazing [01]

Date: 1950

Ovis (genus)

A variety of sheep graze near Adams Camp in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest

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Company event

Company event

Date: 1945

parties (events)

An event for loggers, men stand behind bars, ready to pour drinks. Signs above them read both Bourbon and Scotch...

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Loading logs [08]

Loading logs [08]

Date: 1970

logging Log (wood) machinery cranes

A crane loads a log onto a trailer full of logs while logs wait to the side to be loaded....

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Woods crew

Woods crew

Date: 1960

personnel machinery

A group of men pose in front of a piece of logging equipment. The envelope holding the photograph says 'personnel...

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Watching the project

Watching the project

Date: 1940

loggers logging

'"E. C. Rettig - the ubiquitous and informative 'Eddie' of this narrative- is 32 years old, chief forester, land agent...

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Pulling logs [02]

Pulling logs [02]

Date: 1970

logging Log (wood) machinery

A caterpillar pulls several logs in the Headquarters, Idaho area

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Company band

Company band

Date: 1935

bands (ensembles)

Men and women holding instruments stand in front of the Liberty Theater in Lewiston Idaho. On the marquee above them...

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Surveying a project

Surveying a project

Date: 1950


Art Henderson looks at something off the distance (name taken from back of the photograph

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Loading logs [07]

Loading logs [07]

Date: 1970

forklift trucks logs flatcars

A large forklift loads logs into a flatcars for transport at the railroad landing at the Jaype Mill

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Banquet for retired employees

Banquet for retired employees

Date: 1947-03-31

parties (events)

The description on the back reads 'banquet at Lewis Clark Hotel for Clearwater employees retired March 31, 1947.' It then...

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Road construction machinery [01]

Road construction machinery [01]

Date: 1950

steamrollers machinery

A steamroller used in road construction near camp 36

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Truck accident

Truck accident

Date: 1950

trucks accidents

A truck lays on its side in the river surrounded by ice. The description on the back of the photograph...

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Processing envelopes

Processing envelopes

Date: 1961

secretaries (clerical workers)

Joan Elsensohn Gruber puts envelopes through a machine. The name of the studio is stamped on the back; it reads...

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Wannigam bunkhouse

Wannigam bunkhouse

Date: 1955


A look of the one of the bunkhouses at camp 62. The description on the back says 'Wannigam - mid...

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Dinner party

Dinner party

Date: 1950

parties (events)

Men sit around a table decorated with wood products. The man in the lower right hand corner is sitting in...

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Log for the Iowa State Fair

Log for the Iowa State Fair

Date: 1965-06-25

personnel Log (wood)

Four men stand in front of the log used for a totem pole at the Iowa State fair.

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Sheep being driving to market

Sheep being driving to market

Date: 1950

Ovis (genus)

Sheep that have been shorn are being driven to market

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Loading for transport

Loading for transport

Date: 1965-06-25

Log (wood) machinery cranes

A crane picks up the log for the Iowa State Fair totem pole in order to load it onto a...

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Transporting logs

Transporting logs

Date: 1965-06-25

Log (wood) trucks rivers

A truck transports logs destined for the Iowa State Fair.

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The totem pole log

The totem pole log

Date: 1965-06-25

Log (wood) trucks

Two men stand near the cab of the truck that is hauling the log that was used for the Iowa...

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Working on a log [02]

Working on a log [02]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) machinery logging axes (tools)

Four men work on a log next to the railroad tracks. The man closes to the camera holds a logging...

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Spruce beetle hole

Spruce beetle hole

Date: 1953

spruce (wood) loggers

'"An example of a spruce tree showing the holes bored into the bark by the spruce beetle. This tree has...

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Daily maintenance check

Daily maintenance check

Date: 1954


'"Truck is undergoing daily check. Actual check required three minutes, not including adding of oil.' Description taken from the back...

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Snow-covered camp

Snow-covered camp

Date: 1950

snow bunkhouses

The roofs of camp bunkhouses are very visible due to piled snow.

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Pulling logs to landing

Pulling logs to landing

Date: 1954

tractors (agricultural equipment) Log (wood)

'"International TD-18 tractor with pan and Carco winch and fairlead, skidding tree length logs to landing. Roads are built on...

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Thorough Tunnel

Thorough Tunnel

Date: 1953

tunnels roadways

'"Tunnel through which trucks travel on the logging road on Fish Hook Creek Road. Logs go down this road to...

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Camp in winter

Camp in winter

Date: 1940

bunkhouses lumber camps automobiles pickups (trucks)

A Potlatch camp in winter. Bunkhouses can bee scene as well as the cars and trucks of the workers.

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Working on a log [01]

Working on a log [01]

Date: 1940

machinery loggers Log (wood)

Two men work on cutting log into planks while a third waits by a caterpillar.

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Land Board meeting [01]

Land Board meeting [01]

Date: 1965-07-14


Men gather on Bertha Hill for the land board meeting.

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Land Board meeting [02]

Land Board meeting [02]

Date: 1965-07-16


Men gather on Boehl's Butte for the land board meeting

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Fishing trip

Fishing trip

Date: 1960

meetings rivers

Members of the land board are sitting on a raft during a fishing trip.

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Sitting near a cook stove

Sitting near a cook stove

Date: 1960


Two men sit near a camp stove at the land board meeting

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Near the Jordan tree

Near the Jordan tree

Date: 1960

identification signs

Three men pose next a sign for the Land Board Park and The Jordan Tree. It reads 'this grove of...

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Signing a cast

Signing a cast

Date: 1960

crutches (equipment)

Men gather round at the land board meeting to sign a member's cast on his leg

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Senator Jordon

Senator Jordon

Date: 1965-07-16

meetings senators

Senator Len Jordon at the land Board meeting on Boehl's butte

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Cattle grazing

Cattle grazing

Date: 1949


'"Cattle grazing in a lightly stocked pastures.' Description taken from back of photograph."

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Posing next to a tree

Posing next to a tree

Date: 1962-07-20

white pine (wood) white pine (plants) trees

A man poses next to a large white pine tree

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Land Board

Land Board

Date: 1960


The men of the Land Board pose a group picture

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A. J. Magnuson

A. J. Magnuson

Date: 1945


A portrait of A. J. Magnuson.

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Men of Potlatch [01]

Men of Potlatch [01]

Date: 1950

Groups of people

A group of men pose for a picture outside building

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Forman's Picture

Forman's Picture

Date: 1945

Groups of people

A group of foreman for Potlatch pose for a photo. They are as listed, according to the roster included with...

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J.P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr.

J.P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr.

Date: 1932


J.P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr. who was president and general manager from 1931 to 1933.

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Paper rolls

Paper rolls

Date: 1980

machinery paper (fiber product) paper mills papermaking

Photograph of the machine that puts paper products on to large rolls

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Circles of paper

Circles of paper

Date: 1980

machinery paper (fiber product) paper mills

A machine that cuts larges roles of paper (seen on left side of the photograph) and turns them into to...

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Finishing paper products

Finishing paper products

Date: 1940

machinery paper (fiber product) paper mills

Men work to finish paper products and tie them into bundles for transport.

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Rolls of paper

Rolls of paper

Date: 1940

paper (fiber product) paper mills

Hundreds of rolls of paper sit awaiting production at the Lewiston mill

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Processing paper products

Processing paper products

Date: 1940

women paper (fiber product) paper mills machinery

Men and women work to process different types of paper products at the mill in Lewiston, ID

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Paper products for distribution

Paper products for distribution

Date: 1940

paper (fiber product) paper mills

Pallets of paper products are stored in a warehouse at the mill in Lewiston.

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Date: 1950

Cervus canadensis (species)

Elk in a meadow.

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Repair shop [02]

Repair shop [02]

Date: 1965

machinery tractors (agricultural equipment)

Looking at the repair shop in Lewiston. A large tractor can be seen to the right of the photograph

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Repair shop [01]

Repair shop [01]

Date: 1942

buildings (structures)

The repair shops at the Bovill mill

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Repair buildings

Repair buildings

Date: 1942

buildings (structures) automobiles

Image of some of the repair buildings at Headquarters, ID

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Clearing for the railroad

Clearing for the railroad

Date: 1950

railroads (infrastructure) snow

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'plowing out rail line to camp 35, one of camps that...

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Fixing machinery in winter

Fixing machinery in winter

Date: 1945

machinery snow

A man uses a sledgehammer to hammer into the inside tracks of a caterpillar.

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Riding a handcar

Riding a handcar

Date: 1925

handcar yard lumber railroads (infrastructure)

A worker stands on a handcar in the Rutledge Mill lumber yard. Behind him are pallets of lumber and in...

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Unloading logs [01]

Unloading logs [01]

Date: 1940

Groups of people cranes Log (wood)

Men and women stand around at the 1940 Lumber Congress, watching a crane lower logs onto the field. Behind the...

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Pres-to-Logs exhibition

Pres-to-Logs exhibition

Date: 1940

A man studies a Presto Log demonstration.

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Stores of lumber

Stores of lumber

Date: 1925

yard lumber planks (wood)

Lumber is stored at the Rutledge Mill. In the lower left of the photograph, the tracks for transporting the lumber...

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Winning an award

Winning an award

Date: 1999

awards women

Left to right: Jerry and Pat Klemm receive an award from Ron Wetmore who is the APA [American Pulpwood Association]...

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Seedlings [02]

Seedlings [02]

Date: 1980


A man holds a tray of seedlings that will be grown for replanting

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Office with PFI wood products

Office with PFI wood products

Date: 1960

offices (work spaces) secretaries (clerical workers) women

An office showing the walls made of Potlatch Forests, INC. In the center, a man talks to secretary

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Elk grazing

Elk grazing

Date: 1963

Cervus canadensis (species)

'"Typical scene of elk in the Selway National forest.' Description taken from the back of the photograph."

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Four men from lumber companies

Four men from lumber companies

Date: 1926

Groups of people

The description for this photograph says 'taken at one of the annual 4L picnics at Coeur d'Alene about 1925-1928' From...

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Fakealoo Brown - Assistant supervisor

Fakealoo Brown - Assistant supervisor

Date: 1915


A postcard showing a man wearing a bowler hat sitting on a fence. On the back, it is written 'Fakealoo...

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Men singing around a piano

Men singing around a piano

Date: 1940

Groups of people

Men gather around a piano and are singing while two men play.

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Little girl with plants

Little girl with plants

Date: 1920

girls portraits

A little girl, standing on covered piece of furniture, holds a plant of some sort. She is wearing a white...

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Man on horseback

Man on horseback

Date: 1915


The description on the back of the photograph reads 'J.S. LePard on his horse (Babe).' Resident of numans add. To...

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Pointing out a camp

Pointing out a camp

Date: 1954

maps (documents)

'"Walt Field pointing out Camp 44 on ownership-progress map in Earl Ritzheimer's office.' [description taking from back of the photograph]"...

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Annual log drive [01]

Annual log drive [01]

Date: 1956

logging machinery rivers

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Annual log drive on North Fork of Clearwater river.' In the...

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Sawing to cut down a tree

Sawing to cut down a tree

Date: 1940

logging white pine (plants)

Two men use a two person saw to cut down a tree. Written on the photograph '1940s R. cox photo'...

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Sectioning a tree [02]

Sectioning a tree [02]

Date: 1940

logging white pine (plants)

Two men use a two person to section a tree that has been logged. On top of the tree sits...

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Skyline trolley

Skyline trolley

Date: 1940

skyline logging

A skyline trolley carries a log from one place to another

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Annual log drive [02]

Annual log drive [02]

Date: 1956

logging machinery rivers

A man drives a bulldozer to push logs into the Clearwater river for the annual log drive.

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Sectioning a tree [01]

Sectioning a tree [01]

Date: 1940

logging machinery

The man closes to the camera uses an electric saw to cut a log into pieces for transport. Two other...

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Felling a tree

Felling a tree

Date: 1940

chain saws logging

Two men watch a tree fall in the forest. One of the men is holding a chain saw

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Loading logs [02]

Loading logs [02]

Date: 1945

cranes Log (wood) logging locomotive cranes traveling cranes trailers (vehicles)

A railroad crane loads a log onto a trailer for transport. A man stands atop of the logs already on...

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Bringing logs down

Bringing logs down

Date: 1945

logging machinery

A caterpillar pulls two logs down a hillside. In the background, you can see the bare land left by logging...

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Logging in winter [02]

Logging in winter [02]

Date: 1945

chain saws logging snowshoes

A man, wearing snowshoes, uses a chain saw to cut at the base of a tree

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Cutting a tree [02]

Cutting a tree [02]

Date: 1945

chain saws logging

A man uses a chain saw to cut a log after it was felled.

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Pulling logs [01]

Pulling logs [01]

Date: 1945

logging machinery

A man drives a caterpillar pulling six logs down the mountain. In the front of the picture is brush and...

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Young bear

Young bear

Date: 1925

Ursidae (family)

A young bear climbs on a piece of logging equipment while a man sits on it.

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Packing toilet tissues

Packing toilet tissues

Date: 1964


A young man packs toilet tissue into boxes at the Clearwater plant

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Date: 1960

children (people by age group) children's playhouses

Two children play inside a playhouse made by Potlatch Lumber Company while another girl 'sweeps' the doorway

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Date: 1960


Inside on of Potlatch's mills. Sticks of wrapped and unwrapped lumber sit, waiting to be transported for building.

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Inside of a house with a Potlatch made roof

Inside of a house with a Potlatch made roof

Date: 1955


The inside of a house who's roof was made by Potlatch products.

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Siding made by Potlatch

Siding made by Potlatch

Date: 1960

buildings (structures)

The siding of this commercial center was made by Potlatch lumber

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Showing off Potlatch fence lumber

Showing off Potlatch fence lumber

Date: 1960

display types

This store displays a model of a fence that used Potlatch lumber

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A-Frame house

A-Frame house

Date: 1960

A-frame houses

Two men stand in front of an A-Frame house made from Potlatch products.

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Demonstration of Potlatch products

Demonstration of Potlatch products

Date: 1960

display types

A man demonstrates the uses for Potlatch wood in a wood-paneled covered room.

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Loading lumber [02]

Loading lumber [02]

Date: 1955


Two men load long boards of lumber into a train car

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Loading lumber [01]

Loading lumber [01]

Date: 1955

lumber railroad cars

A man uses a tool to help guide the lumber into a railroad car while two men watch

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Ceiling made of Potlatch lumber

Ceiling made of Potlatch lumber

Date: 1955

ceilings houses

The entrance way into a home where the ceiling and entrance overhang are made from Potlatch lumber.

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Loading logs [01]

Loading logs [01]

Date: 1945


A large crane loads a large bundle of logs on to the back of a trailer while a man watches....

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Logging Camp in winter [03]

Logging Camp in winter [03]

Date: 1915

Group portraits

The description on the back of the photograph sais 'from logging Camp 5 (Bovill)' and the photograph is stamped on...

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Train loaded with logs leaves camp

Train loaded with logs leaves camp

Date: 1920

logging lumber camps railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

A train loaded with logs, leaves a logging camp near Bovill, Idaho. On the left side of the photographs are...

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Looking at brush

Looking at brush

Date: 1941

landscapes (environments) trees

A man stands in the forest looking at downed trees and brush. On the back, the description reads 'summer, Aug....

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Cleaning the floor

Cleaning the floor

Date: 1930

bunkhouses dry cleaning

A man stands on the steps to his bunk house with a broom in one hand and a dust pan...

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Tools of the trade

Tools of the trade

Date: 1930

saws axes (tools) sleeping bags

A photograph of many of the tools a lumberjack may use while working in the forest. At the top is...

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Logs jammed at low water

Logs jammed at low water

Date: 1950

rivers Log (wood) logging

Logs are scene jammed at in low water. The description on envelope says 'Jam. Logs being up at low at...

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Logging in winter [01]

Logging in winter [01]

Date: 1930

snow snowshoes

A man stands near a tree in preparation for cutting it town. The snow surrounding the tree well is at...

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Cleared land

Cleared land

Date: 1930

forests (plant communities)

Land near Camp 8 and Bovill, Idaho is cleared of trees, leaving the stumps. Caption on the picture reads 'Stump...

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New growth

New growth

Date: 1923-08-27

white pine (plants)

Description from the photograph reads '18 year old white pine reproduction on Corral Hill. 5500 feet. 8-27-23. Nez Perce N.F....

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Log-built bunkhouses

Log-built bunkhouses

Date: 1920

logging lumber camps

Snow covered log-formed bunk houses make up part of camp 1. Behind the bunkhouses are un-harvested trees.

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Setting up a weather station

Setting up a weather station

Date: 1940

meteorological stations

A man stands on a pole attaching a weather station to it. Written on the back of the photograph is...

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Unloading Logs [03]

Unloading Logs [03]

Date: 1967-01-25

machinery Log (wood)

A log unloader unloads logs from a train at the Rutledge mill in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho.

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Snow-covered boards

Snow-covered boards

Date: 1952

forklift trucks snow

Two men stand on the running board of a forklift that is holding a board covered in what looks to...

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Unloading a tugboat

Unloading a tugboat

Date: 1967-01-25

tugboats machinery

A tugboat is lowered on slides

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Early logging camp [01]

Early logging camp [01]

Date: 1910

lumber camps

Men pose for a picture in front of buildings at an early logging in Latah county, Idaho. The area in...

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Pulling logs towards the mill [02]

Pulling logs towards the mill [02]

Date: 1952

lakes (bodies of water) Log (wood)

A boat pulls a pile of logs from Lake Coeur d'Alene towards the mill

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Men work to pull logs in

Men work to pull logs in

Date: 1952

boats sawmills

Four men work to pull in a log at the Rutledge Mill in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. Behind them sits a...

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Showing Potlatch trucks

Showing Potlatch trucks

Date: 1950


Ray Bjormstad, Clyde Durdy, and George Alexander stand in front of two trucks bearing signs for the Potlatch Company

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Pulling logs towards the mill [01]

Pulling logs towards the mill [01]

Date: 1950

lakes (bodies of water) Log (wood) tugboats

A tugboat pulls in a group of logs from Lake Coeur d'Alene towards the mill

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Mill office

Mill office

Date: 1950

buildings (structures)

The main office building for the Rutledge mill in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

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Rutledge Mill [01]

Rutledge Mill [01]

Date: 1950

buildings (structures) sawmills

The Rutledge mill in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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Logging men

Logging men

Date: 1920

logging lumber camps Group portraits

A group of loggers (and a dog) stand in front of building in an unknown logging camp near Bovill, Idaho....

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Ponderosa Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Date: 1929

pine Pinus ponderosa

A ponderosa pine stands in a section to be logged and then slash burned

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Idaho White Pine strand

Idaho White Pine strand

Date: 1930

pine white pine (wood)

A group of white pine stand in the back while the ground in front is littered with stumps and downed...

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Camp kitchen [01]

Camp kitchen [01]

Date: 1900

lumber camps

Men stand in an early logging camp kitchen. On the left is the stove, in the middle a island table,...

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Brush piles [02]

Brush piles [02]

Date: 1924

brush disposal logging

Two men work to make brush piles for a brush disposal. According to the back of the photograph this picture...

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After slash and burn

After slash and burn

Date: 1926

logging brush

The aftermath of slash and burning logging. The description on the back says 'area logged 1925, broadcast burned spring 1926...

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After slash and burn

After slash and burn

Date: 1926

logging brush

Two men stand on railroad tracks while in back of them is the effects of slash and burn logging. On...

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Construction template work

Construction template work

Date: 1950-09-20

construction sites

A man works on a piece of part of a building using a construction template. Two other men stand in...

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Lumber being transported

Lumber being transported

Date: 1940

flatcars planks (wood)

Lumber boards are transported on a flatcar. The description on the back of the photograph reads '2x4 A.F consigned to...

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Maynard Mill

Maynard Mill

Date: 1950

sawmills Log (wood)

Lumber waits for transport at the Maynard Mill in Glenwood, ID

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Picking up a log for transport

Picking up a log for transport

Date: 1950

cranes Log (wood) logging

On the left, a man grabs a hook to attach it to a log, while in the middle, a man...

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Kamiah Mill [01]

Kamiah Mill [01]

Date: 1950-09-01

sawmills Log (wood)

Looking over the log deck and log pond to the mill in Kamiah, Idaho.

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Small mill on Harris ridge

Small mill on Harris ridge

Date: 1940

sawmills Log (wood)

Three men work on a piece of machinery at the McMamm Mill on Harrish Ridge

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Heavy logging

Heavy logging

Date: 1951

cranes Log (wood) logging

A crane tips forward trying to pick up a log. The description on the back of the photograph reads '...

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Logging truck stuck

Logging truck stuck

Date: 1951

trucks Log (wood)

A truck full of logs gets stuck in a passage. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'C...

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Logs in the river

Logs in the river

Date: 1950

rivers Log (wood) logging

Logs are in the Clearwater river on their way to the Lewiston Mill

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Stacking logs for transport

Stacking logs for transport

Date: 1950

cranes Log (wood) logging

A crane stacks a log on a pile for transport

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Losing a log

Losing a log

Date: 1950

trucks Log (wood)

A log tumbles from a truck as it drives down the road

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Log pond and mill

Log pond and mill

Date: 1950

sawmills Log (wood)

Looking over the log pond and log entrance into a mill.

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Loading Logs [10]

Loading Logs [10]

Date: 1950

trucks Log (wood) cranes

A crane loads a log on to a truck as a man stands on top of the upper arm of...

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Carrying a load of logs

Carrying a load of logs

Date: 1950

trucks Log (wood)

A truck carries a load of logs down a mountain road.

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Showing a model

Showing a model

Date: 1950

models (representations) Groups of people

Men stand behind a model of Potlatch logging area.

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What products PFI makes

What products PFI makes

Date: 1965

display types

A display showing all the different paper products that Potlatch Forests makes as well as displaying information about the tours...

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Display of growth studies

Display of growth studies

Date: 1965

display types

A display of the growth studies conducted by Dixon Nurseries in Clarkston, Washington. In the display are a number of...

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Display of improved fire tools

Display of improved fire tools

Date: 1965

display types

Men, women, and children stand in front of a model displaying the 'Improved Fire Tools' of forest management. The model...

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Poster display

Poster display

Date: 1965

display types

A poster displaying the Industrial Relations Division of Potlatch Forests, INC.

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Research project

Research project

Date: 1965

display types

A research project at the University of Idaho which was sponsored by Potlatch Forests, INC

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Solid rubber tire

Solid rubber tire

Date: 1920


A solid rubber tire on a wooden wheel for a A-frame Loader

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Overlooking the river

Overlooking the river

Date: 1945

water (inorganic material) bridges (built works)

A man stands on Stites Bridge while the river rushes below

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Early construction

Early construction

Date: 1910

horses construction sites

Men stand with teams of horses in a pit. At the rim of the pit in back is an early...

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Clearing brush

Clearing brush

Date: 1945

machinery forestry logging

Two men stand on a bridge watching as several other men clear trees and brush from a hillside.

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Getting around in winter

Getting around in winter

Date: 1930

sleighs transportation

A man driving a caterpillar type tractor is pulling a covered sled vehicle with workers seated inside.

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Marking a log

Marking a log

Date: 1930

Log (wood)

A young man sits on a log, holding a bucket and is using sometime of brush to mark a log...

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Mullen Tree

Mullen Tree

Date: 1940


The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Mullan Tree in 4th of July Canyon between Wallace and Coeur...

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Moving a wheel

Moving a wheel

Date: 1926-08-16

machinery locomotive cranes flatcars

Men stand on a train flatcar as a crane moves a large wheel off. There is another wheel on the...

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Mill site before the mill

Mill site before the mill

Date: 1926-04-08

landscapes (environments)

Site of the Lewiston Paper mill. Written on the photograph it says the photo is taken from the south bank,...

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Logging town

Logging town

Date: 1940

company towns towns

One of the towns that formed due to the logging industry.

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Early rail loader

Early rail loader

Date: 1930

machinery locomotive cranes flatcars

An early rail crane loader. Note attached to photograph says it is from the Oliver Machinery Co.

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Building the South End Dyke

Building the South End Dyke

Date: 1926-10-17

tractors (agricultural equipment) trailers (vehicles) construction equipment construction sites

Tractors pulling trailers remove dirt from the south end dyke at the Lewiston Mill.

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Lightning bolts striking down

Lightning bolts striking down

Date: 1930


Lightning bolts light up the sky with trees in the background. Written on the envelope 'brush disposing and burn -...

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Felled trees and brush before burning

Felled trees and brush before burning

Date: 1930

landscapes (environments)

Brush, felled trees, and un-used trees are shown before a controlled burn is set

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Brush pile

Brush pile

Date: 1930

landscapes (environments)

A man stands on a pile of brush left by county road builders.

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Landscape of fallen and burned trees

Landscape of fallen and burned trees

Date: 1940

landscapes (environments)

Burned trees litter the ground after a controlled burn on a specific area. Untouched forest stands in the background.

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After burning

After burning

Date: 1930

landscapes (environments)

Brush and felled trees after burning.

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Curved tree

Curved tree

Date: 1940

landscapes (environments) trees

A man stands touching a curved tree surrounded by straight growing trees. On the back of the photo is a...

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Men going to work

Men going to work

Date: 1930

pickups (trucks)

Men run to get into pickup trucks already filled with men.

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Standing in front of the office

Standing in front of the office

Date: 1940

bulletin boards

A man stands in front of the office of probably a lumber camp. The sign above him reads 'Office brush...

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Elk River saw mill [17]

Elk River saw mill [17]

Date: 1913

planing mills sheds (storage structures)

'"Planing mill and sheds [looking] from the southeast.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph taken...

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Elk River saw mill [02]

Elk River saw mill [02]

Date: 1913

locomotives planks (wood) lumber dry kilns

'"Jeffrey Electric Storage Battery Locomotive and seven tram cars lumber on south track, with dry kilns at back.' Description taken...

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Elk River saw mill [14]

Elk River saw mill [14]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

'"Alley No. 8 in lumber yard from south end.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph...

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Elk River saw mill [04]

Elk River saw mill [04]

Date: 1913

sawmills company towns mill towns

'"Entire plant of the Elk river operations from hospital, showing from hotel to saw mill.' The building on the left-hand...

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Elk River saw mill [10]

Elk River saw mill [10]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

Part of a 'three plate panoramic view of the plant at Elk River from hill.' View of the planked lumber...

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Elk River saw mill [09]

Elk River saw mill [09]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

Part of a 'three plate panoramic view of the plant at Elk River from hill. [This plate shows] at north...

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Elk River saw mill [05]

Elk River saw mill [05]

Date: 1913

sawmills planing mills dry kilns

'"Close view of center of lumber yard, with planing mill, dry kilns, and saw mill in background.' Description taken from...

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Elk River saw mill [07]

Elk River saw mill [07]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber sawmills company towns mill towns

Part of a 'three plate panoramic view of the plant at Elk River from hill. [This plate shows] railroad station,...

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Elk River saw mill [12]

Elk River saw mill [12]

Date: 1913

sawmills planing mills dry kilns

'"Close view of center of lumber yard, with planing mill, dry kilns, and saw mill in background.' Description taken from...

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Elk River saw mill [03]

Elk River saw mill [03]

Date: 1913

sawmills band saws

'"Interior of saw mill from log end, showing three Diamond Iron Works band mills.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers...

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Elk River saw mill [15]

Elk River saw mill [15]

Date: 1913

sawmills lumber

'"Interior of saw mill from back end, showing entire interior.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder....

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Elk River saw mill [01]

Elk River saw mill [01]

Date: 1913

sawmills lumber sheds (storage structures)

'"Interior of sorting shed from outer end.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph taken between...

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Elk River saw mill [06]

Elk River saw mill [06]

Date: 1913

planing mills woodworking machinery

'"Line of Berlin machines in the planing mill, from north, showing Westinghouse motor at first machine.' Description taken from American...

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Elk River saw mill [16]

Elk River saw mill [16]

Date: 1913

sawmills lumber planks

'"Interior of planing mill from south end, showing from resaw to end of building, and cars on loading dock at...

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Elk River saw mill [13]

Elk River saw mill [13]

Date: 1913

steam turbines switchboards

'"Two Westinghouse-Parsons steam turbines and Dynamos and switch board. 625 K. W. 603 AMP; and 1000 KW, 963 AMP.' Description...

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Electric Sky Line Logging [02]

Electric Sky Line Logging [02]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"Electric Donkey No. 2, sky line 3,000 feet, pulling cedar poles at finish of set, also showing portable transformer on...

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Electric Sky Line Logging [01]

Electric Sky Line Logging [01]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline locomotives

'"Electric logging operations, from hillside, showing landing of poles and loading of logs on cards, with Donkey No. 2, transformer...

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Elk River timber [05]

Elk River timber [05]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

Four men stand in front to show 'Height to limbs of White Pine tree 23'6' in circumference, located on SW...

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Elk River timber [07]

Elk River timber [07]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

Four men stand in front of a large White Pine that was 23'6' in circumference.

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Elk River timber [01]

Elk River timber [01]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

'"Broad view of white pine timber in N. W. 1/4 N. W. 1/4 Sec. 9/39/2.' Description taken from American Lumberman...

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Elk River timber [06]

Elk River timber [06]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

'"Another view of the same clump [of white pine] to show height to limbs.' This group of White Pine is...

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Elk River timber [03]

Elk River timber [03]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

Two men stand near 'Four very large white pines close together, SE NE 8/39/2.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers...

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Elk River timber [02]

Elk River timber [02]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

Three men stand in amongst 'Another clump of white pine and cedar in the same location [at SE NE 8/39/2].'...

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Elk River timber [04]

Elk River timber [04]

Date: 1913

white pine (plants) white pine (wood)

'"Broad view of same clump [at SE NE 8/39/2], showing more trees, but first long only.' Four men stand in...

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End of Skyline

End of Skyline

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

Image shows the end of the skyline in bringing the logs to a rail line to send them to the...

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Locomotive Cars

Locomotive Cars

Date: 1913

locomotives passenger cars (railroad cars) passenger trains

Several locomotive cards sit while six men stand in front of them. There is a sign on one of the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [03]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [03]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Looking at the lumber pond for the Clearwater Paper Mill. Rail cars hold logs that are going to be dumped...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [40]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [40]

Date: 1972-09-25

Log (wood) ponds

A large piece of machinery sits on a strip of land facing the log pond. In the foreground logs lie...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [18]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [18]

Date: 1972-09-25

Log (wood) ponds cranes dump trucks railroad cars

The log pond. Railcars full of logs sit on the left hand side of the photograph waiting to unload while...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [30]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [30]

Date: 1973-07-20

Log (wood) semitrailers

A log is loaded into a 'smokeless trash burner.' Description taken from envelope holding the photographs.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [48]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [48]

Date: 1973-07-20

Log (wood) semitrailers railroad cars

A man watches as a log is lowered into a 'smokeless trash burner.' Description taken from envelope holding the photographs....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [31]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [31]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds

A view of the log pond at the Clearwater Paper Mill. The photograph was taken either January 2, 1973 or...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [36]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [36]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds log construction

Logs used to construct some sort of holding structure with the log pond in the background.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [35]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [35]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds

A View of the log pond at the Clearwater Paper Mill. In addition pilings are shown in and around the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [26]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [26]

Date: 1972-09-25

Log (wood) ponds cranes dump trucks railroad cars

A dump truck carrying dirt sits on a road next to the log pond. Also in the picture, railcars sit...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [14]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [14]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds sawmills

Dry logs sit next to the railroad tracks in front of the log pond. In the background, the Clearwater Paper...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [16]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [16]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds log construction

A log sits half submerged in water of the log pod. In the background on the right side of photograph...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [41]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [41]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) ponds log construction

View of the log pond and the structures made from logs that appear to hold rocks and dirt.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [56]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [56]

Date: 1973

Log (wood) cranes

A crane lifts a log either on or off a truck full of logs. The description on the envelope says...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [19]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [19]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) accessory industrial buildings piles (structural elements)

One end of the log pond. In the foreground, three logs tied as pilings are pictured. In the background, buildings...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [46]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [46]

Date: 1960

bucket loaders traveling cranes cranes semitrailers panoramic photography Log (wood)

Panoramic shot of the log pond at the Clearwater Paper mill. On the right hand side of the photograph, front...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [05]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [05]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Men use a boat and long poles to bring logs off the log pond. These men were known as Pond...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [23]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [23]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) railroad cars ponds

View of the log pond full of logs. At the bottom of the picture sits railway cars full of logs....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [27]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [27]

Date: 1960

sawmills woodworking machinery

The description on the back reads 'logs being brought into sawmill from log pond.' The floor surrounding the machinery is...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [54]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [54]

Date: 1960

Log (wood)

Piles and piles of logs sit beside a an unpaved road.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [50]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [50]

Date: 1960

dredgers (watercraft) ponds

The description written on the back of the photograph reads ''Dredge Clara' working on mill pond of Clearwater plant PFI....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [44]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [44]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) railroad cars ponds

In the foreground, snow-covered railcars sit empty while in the center of the picture, a crane works to remove logs...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [42]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [42]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) railroad cars ponds

Empty snow-covered flat railcars sit next to full railcars. Behind them lays the log pond which is covered in snow....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [37]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [37]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds

In the background snow-covered logs wait to come towards the mill. In the upper left, a pile of logs sits....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [45]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [45]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds

Snow-covered logs sit idle in the log pond in December 1959 (per back of the photograph). On the left hand...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [29]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [29]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds cranes

A view of part of the log pond. The pond in the center of the photograph is frozen and covered...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [43]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [43]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds snow

Logs sit frozen in the log pond, covered in snow. On the right hand side are buildings for the sawmill....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [33]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [33]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds

A snow-covered log is pulled into the mill, while others wait in the pond. The back of the photograph says...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [39]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [39]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

Piles of logs surround the log pond. In the front of the photograph, railcars sit on the tracks full of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [25]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [25]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

View of the barked logs sitting in the log pond. In the background stands the mill.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [24]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [24]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

Logs wait on flat railcars to be unloaded into the log pond. In the background, the mill produces black smoke....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [51]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [51]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Looking across the log pond towards the Clearwater river.

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Clearwater Sawmill

Clearwater Sawmill

Date: 1960

ponds Log (wood)

View over the log pond towards the mill.

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Clearwater Mill under construction [07]

Clearwater Mill under construction [07]

Date: 1950-04-12

construction sites frame construction lumber

Construction of two of the buildings of the Clearwater Mill. The date written on the photograph is 4/12/1950.

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Clearwater Mill under construction [05]

Clearwater Mill under construction [05]

Date: 1950-04-12

construction sites frame construction lumber

Men work on the roof of one of the buildings under construction at the Clearwater Mill while on the on...

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Clearwater Mill under construction [04]

Clearwater Mill under construction [04]

Date: 1950-04-12

construction sites frame construction lumber automobiles track components

Several of the Clearwater mill's buildings under construction. In the foreground, stacks of lumber sit next to train tracks. The...

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Clearwater Mill under construction [03]

Clearwater Mill under construction [03]

Date: 1950-04-12

construction sites frame construction lumber track components cranes

Construction of one of the mill buildings. A crane is at the center of the photograph with two men standing...

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Clearwater Mill under construction [02]

Clearwater Mill under construction [02]

Date: 1950-04-12

construction sites frame construction lumber track components cranes

Men work putting up framing lumber with rebar between in the center of the photograph. Behind them, framing is already...

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Clearwater Mill under construction [06]

Clearwater Mill under construction [06]

Date: 1950-04-12

cranes construction sites frame construction lumber

Men work on constructing one of the buildings at the Clearwater Mill. On the right hand side of the photograph...

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Clearwater Mill under construction [01]

Clearwater Mill under construction [01]

Date: 1950-04-12

cranes construction sites frame construction lumber

Several of the Clearwater mill's buildings under construction. In the foreground wooden flooring has been laid for one building while...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [17]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [17]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) scaling

A workman measures the circumference of a log inside the mill. Description on the back of the photograph reads 'Scaling...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [10]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [10]

Date: 1950

gang sawmills planks (wood) sawmills

A man works with planks at a gang saw.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [11]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [11]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) ponds

A log is sprayed with high pressured water as it enters the sawmill.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [18]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [18]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) ponds

A mill worker stands on the edge of a log in the log pond, rolling the log. Description on the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [15]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [15]

Date: 1968

sawmills woodworking machinery

A man operates a piece of machinery at the Clearwater Paper Mill. The machine is labeled as a Chip-N-Saw. Description...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [01]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [01]

Date: 1960

sawmills woodworking machinery gang sawmills planks (wood)

Two men work at a piece of machinery. The sign over the piece is labeled 6 gang saw. In front...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [12]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [12]

Date: 1960

sawmills woodworking machinery

A man sits, operating machinery in the Clearwater mill. In front and to the side of him are debarked logs....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [55]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [55]

Date: 1905-05-13

ponds Log (wood)

A man stands on a barked log using a long pole to push logs out of the way. The plant's...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [08]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [08]

Date: 1959

boats snow

A bundled up mill worker drives a snow-covered boat in the log pond. The back of the photograph lists the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [08]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [08]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds sawmills

An overview photograph of the log pond and sawmill looking north. In the background, runs the Clearwater river.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [19]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [19]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) snow

Snow-covered logs are piled near the log pond at the Clearwater mill. In the background are more piles of logs....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [03]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [03]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

Looking out over the log pond. In the foreground sit empty railcars. Between them and the pond are stacks of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [16]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [16]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds snow

Logs float in choppy water in the Clearwater Mill log pond. At the back of the photograph, snow covered logs...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [05]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [05]

Date: 1959

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

The log pond covered in snow. Loaded railcars sit waiting to unloaded into the log pond are covered with snow....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [20]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [20]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

View of the log pond, logs, and railcars. Loaded railcars sit, waiting to unload while logs are waiting to be...

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Early Lewiston Plant [02]

Early Lewiston Plant [02]

Date: 1926-10-27


Looking down the hill on to the Lewiston plant. The Clearwater river can been seen behind the mill. The description...

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Early Lewiston Plant [03]

Early Lewiston Plant [03]

Date: 1927-04-30

sawmills dump trucks cranes

A crane removes a cement block from the back of a dump truck while another dump truck empties its load....

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Early Lewiston Plant [04]

Early Lewiston Plant [04]

Date: 1926-07-26

sawmills construction sites frame construction lumber

Construction of the buildings at the Clearwater plant. On the left side, the framing has just begun for one building...

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Early Lewiston Plant [01]

Early Lewiston Plant [01]

Date: 1927-09-08

Log (wood)

A log comes into the mill. Written on the photograph is 'First Log, 9/8/1927.'

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Moving lumber [01]

Moving lumber [01]

Date: 1927

monorails planks (wood) frame construction

A driver looks out the window of the engine car of a monorail. The piece of equipment in front of...

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Architecture model

Architecture model

Date: 1927

architectural models

A model (unknown builder) shows the Lewiston mill.

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From Lewiston Hill

From Lewiston Hill

Date: 1927

dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

Looking down from Lewiston Hill at the Mill on the right hand side of the photograph. On the left hand...

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Snow-Covered Logs

Snow-Covered Logs

Date: 1928-01-07

Log (wood) snow

Looking towards the mill over the log pond, the logs are covered with snow. Written on the photograph is #90A...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [07]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [07]

Date: 1927

sawmills ponds

Looking towards the mill over the log pond. This photograph was taking from the Clearwater river side of the mill....

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Dam construction

Dam construction

Date: 1927-07-20

dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

Construction of the Lewiston Dam on the Clearwater river. Written on the photograph is Dam - 7/20/1927 - No. 304....

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Lewiston Mill Construction [14]

Lewiston Mill Construction [14]

Date: 1927-03-08

sawmills cranes construction sites frame construction

Construction of the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. Two cranes are being used while three men work on the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [16]

Lewiston Mill Construction [16]

Date: 1927-03-16

cranes construction sites railroads (infrastructure)

Construction of unloading docks in what would be the log pond. Men work on laying the structures that would eventually...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [12]

Lewiston Mill Construction [12]

Date: 1927-03-31

construction sites frame construction sawmills cranes

Construction of the Rough-dry shed at the Lewiston mill. A crane is assisting with building the roof on the frame...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [07]

Lewiston Mill Construction [07]

Date: 1927-03-14

construction sites frame construction sawmills railroads (infrastructure)

Construction of the fuel house and power plant (description taken from back of the photograph). A worker stands next to...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [24]

Lewiston Mill Construction [24]

Date: 1927-03-30

construction sites frame construction sawmills cranes

A man pushes a wheeled cart over a wooden bridge. In the background, a crane is helping with another area...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [09]

Lewiston Mill Construction [09]

Date: 1927-03-28

construction sites frame construction sawmills cranes

A view inside the rough-dry shed. A Crane is working pulling lumber to the top for the roof. A man...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [15]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [15]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds semitrailers

On a semi-trailer full of logs, a man stands working with them. Behind that truck is another full logs. In...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [13]

Lewiston Mill Construction [13]

Date: 1927-02-24

construction sites sawmills dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

View of the plant facing Lewiston. The plant can be seen in the background. In the foreground is the Lewiston...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [11]

Lewiston Mill Construction [11]

Date: 1927-03-30

sawmills railroads (infrastructure)

Looking at the Lewiston mill from the start of the log pond. Written on the photograph is 'CT CO Plant...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [21]

Lewiston Mill Construction [21]

Date: 1927-05-18

construction sites frame construction rivers

View of the bridge across the part of the Clearwater river that runs near the plant. On the right hand...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [15]

Lewiston Mill Construction [15]

Date: 1927-05-18

construction sites frame construction rivers railroads (infrastructure)

Viewing the rough-dry lumber buildings still under construction. In the center of the photograph is the rail line that goes...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [10]

Lewiston Mill Construction [10]

Date: 1927-03-18

sawmills railroads (infrastructure) construction sites frame construction cranes

Construction of the rough-dry shed in progress. One crane in the background works on the building lifting roofing materials, while...

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Lewiston Dam [02]

Lewiston Dam [02]

Date: 1927-04-28

dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

Water spills through the Lewiston dam. In the background, a small portion of the mill is visible. Written on the...

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Lewiston Mill [09]

Lewiston Mill [09]

Date: 1928-04-30

sawmills railroads (infrastructure) ponds

View of the Lewiston Mill from one side of the log pond. In the background is where the logs enter...

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Lewiston Dam [01]

Lewiston Dam [01]

Date: 1927-04-28

dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams rivers

The Clearwater river rushes through a partially completed Lewiston Dam. Written on the photograph is 'Dam, Lewiston. 4/28/1927 No. 255'...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [22]

Lewiston Mill Construction [22]

Date: 1927-04-20

construction sites frame construction sawmills lumber

Two buildings at the Lewiston Mill are under construction. In front of the buildings are piles of construction materials. Written...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [12]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [12]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Both debarked and barked logs being brought into the mill from the log pond.

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Lewiston Mill [03]

Lewiston Mill [03]

Date: 1927-05-27

sawmills railroads (infrastructure) smokestacks barriers

Looking at where the logs enter the mill. Two smokestacks stand behind the entrance. On the right hand side of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [04]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [04]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars flatcars

High pressured water is used to clean off log debris from the railcars that brought in logs. In the background,...

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Lewiston Mill [12]

Lewiston Mill [12]

Date: 1927-01-25

landscapes (environments) sawmills

Looking from a distance away, the Lewiston Mill. Log structures stand through the center of the photograph. The description on...

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Lewiston Mill [01]

Lewiston Mill [01]

Date: 1927-09-15

trucks trailers (vehicles) planks (wood)

A man drives a load of planks. Attached to the photograph is a description that reads 'first truck of finished...

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Lewiston Mill [13]

Lewiston Mill [13]

Date: 1926-11-26

sawmills roadways highways

Looking down at the mill from Lewiston Hill. The road that is visible is the Old Spiral Highway. Written on...

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Lewiston Mill Log pond [02]

Lewiston Mill Log pond [02]

Date: 1928-01-08

snow ponds

The Lewiston log pond covered in snow and ice. Pilings stick out of the water towards the back of the...

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Clearwater River [02]

Clearwater River [02]

Date: 1928-01-09

rivers ice

Ice butts up against the bank of the Clearwater river just east of the log pond at the Lewiston Mill....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [49]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [49]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars flatcars

Workers use high pressured water to clean off the flatbed railcars that carried logs to the log pond.

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Forebay in winter

Forebay in winter

Date: 1928-01-12

rivers ice

Ice floats in the log pond. Wood structures are visible in the center and right hand side of the picture....

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Working on the Dyke

Working on the Dyke

Date: 1927

earth dams rock Log (wood) water (inorganic material)

Men work on the dyke north of the power plant. Logs are visible in the center to back of the...

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Dry Kiln

Dry Kiln

Date: 1928

dry kilns woodworking equipment

Inside view of the Dry Kiln and Charging room (description taken from back of photograph). Words on one of the...

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Lewiston Mill [11]

Lewiston Mill [11]

Date: 1928

woodworking equipment Log (wood)

Logs being held back before rolling on to a rolling conveyor belt towards a saw. Written on the photograph is...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [21]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [21]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars cranes flatcars

A drum stands in front of the Clearwater log pond while a crane in the background moves logs from the...

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Lewiston Mill [02]

Lewiston Mill [02]

Date: 1928

woodworking equipment Log (wood)

Logs being held back before rolling on to a rolling conveyor belt towards a saw. Written on the photograph is...

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Loading Lumber [09]

Loading Lumber [09]

Date: 1926-04-02

lumber traveling cranes locomotive cranes cranes

A crane loads lumber on to flatcars for transport. Three men guide the lumber on to the car while two...

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Cranes for construction

Cranes for construction

Date: 1927-07-16

lumber traveling cranes locomotive cranes cranes construction sites frame construction sawmills

Three cranes sit on railroad tracks waiting to be used for construction. In the background is one of the mill...

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Inside the Lewiston Mill [02]

Inside the Lewiston Mill [02]

Date: 1927

woodworking equipment

A piece of mill machinery. Stamped on the machinery, the words read 'Filer and Stowell Co. Machinery.'

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Lewiston Mill Construction [69]

Lewiston Mill Construction [69]

Date: 1926-05-14

pipes (conduits) piping (plumbing system components)

A section of large pipe is under construction at the Lewiston Mill. On the back of the photograph, it is...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [01]

Lewiston Mill Construction [01]

Date: 1926-08-16

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites

Men use a crane to hoist machinery up on to the second floor on of one of the buildings of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [06]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [06]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars cranes flatcars

Men work to spray bark off of flatcars that brought in logs. Date of the back of the picture says...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [70]

Lewiston Mill Construction [70]

Date: 1926-04-24

cranes locomotive cranes yard lumber lumber

A crane sits surrounded by piles of lumber. The writing on the side of the crane reads 'Clearwater Timber Co....

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Crane construction

Crane construction

Date: 1926


A crane with a metal bucket pulls dirt and debris in order to do construction. Two down trees lie in...

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Mill Machinery

Mill Machinery

Date: 1927

woodworking equipment

A worker operates a piece of machinery in one of the mills. The description on the back says 'Operating the...

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Inside the Lewiston Mill [01]

Inside the Lewiston Mill [01]

Date: 1927

woodworking equipment

Rows of machines fill a room at the Lewiston mill. Written on the photograph says 'CT CO Filing room, No....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [02]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [02]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars cranes flatcars

Men work to attach crane lines to a log. To the right of the men is the log pond.

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Lewiston Mill [10]

Lewiston Mill [10]

Date: 1926-09-27

cranes sawmills

In the foreground, a crane works to bring up dirt. In the middle of the photograph a train is moving...

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Building the dam

Building the dam

Date: 1926-09-16

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites dams (hydraulic structures)

Locomotive cranes are used in the construction of the Lewiston Dam. The description on the back of the photograph says...

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Unloading Dock [01]

Unloading Dock [01]

Date: 1927-07-20

cranes Log (wood) ponds flatcars

A crane works to unload logs from flatcars into the log pond at the Lewiston Mill. Men stand waiting to...

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Unloading Dock [02]

Unloading Dock [02]

Date: 1927-07-20

cranes Log (wood) ponds flatcars

A crane works to unload logs from flatcars into the log pond at the Lewiston Mill. Photograph taken from a...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [34]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [34]

Date: 1960

boatbuilding boats

Three men work on building a boat for the log pond. Description taking from the back of the photograph.

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Lewiston Mill Construction [04]

Lewiston Mill Construction [04]

Date: 1927-07-16

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites

Two different cranes work at the Lewiston Mill to help with construction. The crane in the background has 'Clearwater Timber...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [05]

Lewiston Mill Construction [05]

Date: 1927-02-24

locomotive cranes construction sites frame construction

A locomotive crane works to help construct the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. On the right hand side of...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [19]

Lewiston Mill Construction [19]

Date: 1927-04-30

cranes construction sites frame construction

Construction at the Lewiston Mill. On the right hand side is a crane with 'American locomotive Crane' written on the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [08]

Lewiston Mill Construction [08]

Date: 1927-03-18

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites frame construction

Two locomotive cranes work to help complete construction on the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. The one in front...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [23]

Lewiston Mill Construction [23]

Date: 1927-04-14

cranes construction sites frame construction

Piles of lumber are stacked waiting to be used for construction. Several cranes work in the background. Also in the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [20]

Lewiston Mill Construction [20]

Date: 1927-04-20

cranes construction sites frame construction

A crane helps in the construction of the loading shed (description taken from writing on the photograph which says 'Loading...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [01]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [01]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Looking over the log pond. A pipeline runs down the lower part of the photograph. In the center of the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [18]

Lewiston Mill Construction [18]

Date: 1927

construction sites

A man works in-between two buildings on another part of the Lewiston Mill that is under construction. Written on the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [06]

Lewiston Mill Construction [06]

Date: 1927-03-11

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites frame construction

A locomotive crane works to help construct the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. Two men stand on the flatcar...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [17]

Lewiston Mill Construction [17]

Date: 1927-03-18

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites frame construction

A locomotive crane helps in the construction of the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. Men work at the top...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [03]

Lewiston Mill Construction [03]

Date: 1927-03-15

construction sites

Men work on the construction of the power plant at he Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'Power Plant,...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [73]

Lewiston Mill Construction [73]

Date: 1927-03-11

cranes locomotive cranes construction sites frame construction

Two locomotive cranes work to help construct the rough-dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is '3/11/1927...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [52]

Lewiston Mill Construction [52]

Date: 1927

construction sites

A view of one of the buildings under construction at the Lewiston Mill.

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Lewiston Mill [05]

Lewiston Mill [05]

Date: 1927

woodworking equipment

A piece of machinery inside the Lewiston Mill

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [22]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [22]

Date: 1960

Log (wood) ponds

Showing the area where logs are brought into the mill from the log pond.

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Lewiston Mill Construction [80]

Lewiston Mill Construction [80]

Date: 1927-05-27

construction sites cranes power plants power plant buildings

A crane is use to help construct the power plant at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'Power...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [64]

Lewiston Mill Construction [64]

Date: 1927

construction sites cranes

A crane is used to help lift steel parts in helping with construction of the Lewiston Mil. Written on the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [83]

Lewiston Mill Construction [83]

Date: 1927-04-30

cranes construction sites

A crane lifts a concrete from the back of a dump truck. Written on the photograph is 'CT CO's Plant...

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Lewiston Dam Construction [02]

Lewiston Dam Construction [02]

Date: 1927-04-30

construction sites dams (hydraulic structures)

A view of the construction of the Lewiston Dam. In the background is the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph...

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Log Pond construction

Log Pond construction

Date: 1927

cranes construction sites railroads (infrastructure)

A locomotive crane dumps a bucket full of rocks. The side of the crane reads 'Clearwater Timber Co. Loco. Crane...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [47]

Lewiston Mill Construction [47]

Date: 1927-06-21

construction sites frame construction

Looking at the rough-dry sheds that still under construction at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'Rough Dry...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [13]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [13]

Date: 1960


A view of Clearwater Timber Company plant. In the background of the picture is the Clearwater river.

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Lewiston Mill Construction [75]

Lewiston Mill Construction [75]

Date: 1927

stacks (piping) construction sites

Two stacks stand behind one of the buildings under construction at the Lewiston Mill

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Lewiston Mill Construction [02]

Lewiston Mill Construction [02]

Date: 1927-05-13

roof frame components construction sites frame construction cranes

A crane lifts a roof truss in the construction of the monorail at the Lewiston Mill. Men stand on either...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [50]

Lewiston Mill Construction [50]

Date: 1927-05-30

tailraces cranes construction sites frame construction

Two cranes work to build the tailrace for the Lewiston Mill. On the left hand side, are two unfinished buildings....

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Lewiston Mill [14]

Lewiston Mill [14]

Date: 1927-03-28

woodworking equipment

According to the description written on the photograph ('Log loaders, CT CO Plant 3/28/1927 No. 236'), these are log ladders...

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Lewiston Mill [06]

Lewiston Mill [06]

Date: 1927

planing machines woodworking equipment

According to the description on the back of the photograph, looking at the machinery of the planing mill.

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Log pond [03]

Log pond [03]

Date: 1927-05-18


A view of the log pond from Forebay. A boat moves across the water in the middle of the of...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [44]

Lewiston Mill Construction [44]

Date: 1927-01-25

woodworking equipment cranes construction sites frame construction

A crane assists in the construction of one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [51]

Lewiston Mill Construction [51]

Date: 1927-02-11

construction sites frame construction dry kilns

Piles of material lie in front of buildings being constructed. According to the description written on the back of the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [48]

Lewiston Mill Construction [48]

Date: 1927-05-21

construction sites frame construction

One of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill under construction. Written on the photograph is 'Saw Mill Full House 5/21/1927...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [46]

Lewiston Mill Construction [46]

Date: 1927-02-10

construction sites cranes tailraces

A crane is used on the construction in a part of the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'Dry...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [55]

Lewiston Mill Construction [55]

Date: 1927

construction sites cranes flatcars

A crane lifts a metal structure of a flatcar to aid in construction of the Lewiston Mill. Four men stand...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [43]

Lewiston Mill Construction [43]

Date: 1927-01-28

construction sites

The early stages of the construction of the power plant at the Lewiston Mill. In the background are piles of...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [89]

Lewiston Mill Construction [89]

Date: 1927-02-24

construction sites cranes locomotive cranes

A locomotive crane assisting in building the Rough-Dry shed at the Lewiston Mill. Three men stand at the bottom of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [38]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [38]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds

A man stands near the opening where debarked logs return to the log pond. Behind him, the entrance were barked...

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Lewiston Mill [04]

Lewiston Mill [04]

Date: 1927-02-14

construction sites cranes

Part of the construction area for the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'FiN Beam CT CO Plant Lewiston...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [45]

Lewiston Mill Construction [45]

Date: 1927-02-10

construction sites cranes

Piles of rock lay about while two cranes work on constructing the dry sheds. Written on the picture is 'Dry...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [67]

Lewiston Mill Construction [67]

Date: 1927

construction sites cranes frame construction

A crane assists with the construction of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. A Man stands atop the frame

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [17]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [17]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds, flatcars railroad cars

Looking at the log pond from the hillside. At the bottom of the picture sit empty flatcars. In the distance...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [49]

Lewiston Mill Construction [49]

Date: 1927-01-08

construction sites cranes

A crane lifts a piece of building material. Two men stand watching. Written on the photograph is 'Winston Brothers Project,...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [74]

Lewiston Mill Construction [74]

Date: 1927

construction sites cranes locomotive cranes

A locomotive crane lifts a piece of framing. Two men sit atop the framing as several men watch below.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [52]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [52]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds

Debarked logs sit in the log pond. Note on the envelope says that this photo was taken for Doug Wilson,...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [41]

Lewiston Mill Construction [41]

Date: 1927-01-26

construction sites cranes frame construction

A crane assists in the construction of the plaining mill. Piles of lumber lie behind the crane coming towards the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [71]

Lewiston Mill Construction [71]

Date: 1927-01-25

construction sites frame construction

Construction of the sawmill fuel house. Men work on the back and right hand side of the building. Written on...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [53]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [53]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds railroads (infrastructure)

Looking at the Clearwater log pond from the railroad tracks. Note on the envelope says that this photo was taken...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [72]

Lewiston Mill Construction [72]

Date: 1927-01-25

construction sites snow sawmills

Snow covers the ground surrounding the Lewiston Mill. Where the log pond will eventually be has yet to be filled...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [25]

Lewiston Mill Construction [25]

Date: 1927-01-25

construction sites snow sawmills frame construction

Snow lies on the ground around the partially completed grading shed. At the bottom of the photograph are incomplete railroad...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [29]

Lewiston Mill Construction [29]

Date: 1926-11-02

construction sites cranes

Three cranes work on cement foundations of the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is 'CT CO Plant 11/2/1926 No....

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Lewiston Mill Construction [77]

Lewiston Mill Construction [77]

Date: 1926-11-02

construction sites sawmills frame construction scaffolds

Men stop construction to pose for a picture standing on the framing of the fuel house. Written on the picture...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [20]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [20]

Date: 1966-03-28

Log (wood) railroad cars ponds cranes

A crane lifts a log into the log pond from a railcar. The description on the back reads 'unloading at...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [38]

Lewiston Mill Construction [38]

Date: 1926-11-22

construction sites sawmills

Large circular structure is almost completed at the Lewiston Mill. It's dome has it's framing but is not yet completed....

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Lewiston Mill Construction [76]

Lewiston Mill Construction [76]

Date: 1926-11-26

construction sites sawmills frame construction scaffolds

Men standing watching the construction of the Lewiston Mill power plant. Written at the bottom of the photograph is 'Power...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [37]

Lewiston Mill Construction [37]

Date: 1926-10-18

construction sites sawmills frame construction scaffolds cranes

A crane works to help build the roof supports. A man sits atop the roof support near the crane while...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [61]

Lewiston Mill Construction [61]

Date: 1926

construction sites sawmills scaffolds

The almost complete fuel house (description from back of photograph).

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [10]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [10]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars flatcars

Rough logs sit on either side flatcars waiting to unload logs at the log pond. A crane sits ready at...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [40]

Lewiston Mill Construction [40]

Date: 1926-10-18

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes beams (structural elements)

A crane lifts lumber beams at the construction of the monorail. Written on the photograph is 'Mon-Rail 10/18/1926 No. 143'...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [35]

Lewiston Mill Construction [35]

Date: 1926-10-12

construction sites sawmills frame construction incinerators railroads (infrastructure)

The partially completed burner stands in front of the almost completed mill. Railroad tracks run across the bottom of the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [79]

Lewiston Mill Construction [79]

Date: 1926-10-19

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes

A crane lifts dirt of a pool of water. In the background, men work on the power plant. Written on...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [47]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [47]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds

Debarked logs in the log pond. In the background a crane works over the pond. Note on the envelope says...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [28]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [28]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) ponds

Logs fill up a log pond. Closest to land, stacks of lumber sit. In the background the pond is surrounded...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [32]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [32]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) sawmills

Part of the one of the Potlatch mills (not Lewiston). On the left hand side, a structure appears to be...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [09]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [09]

Date: 1966-05-20

Log (wood) ponds railroad cars

Empty railcars sit on tracks next to the log pond at the Clearwater sawmill. In the background are stacked logs...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [11]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber - Log Pond [11]

Date: 1950

Log (wood) ponds

View of the log pond on the side of the mill.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [09]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [09]

Date: 1927-07-20

Log (wood) railroad cars flatcars cranes

A crane works to unload logs from flatcars. The description written on the photograph says 'at the unloading dock.' Written...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [06]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [06]

Date: 1960


Covered and un-covered stacks of lumber are piled next to buildings. Description on the back of the photograph reads 'Laminating...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [14]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [14]

Date: 1960

woodworking machinery lumber

The interior of the lumber mill. Lumber lies piles in both the foreground and the background of the photograph.

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The Laminating Department

The Laminating Department

Date: 1950

automobiles motorcycles sawmills

The four buildings of the laminating department at the Clearwater Paper Mill. Cars and a motorcycle sit in the parking...

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Clearwater Sawmill, Clearwater Dam, and Log pond

Clearwater Sawmill, Clearwater Dam, and Log pond

Date: 1949

ponds sawmills dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams, aerial photographs

An aerial photograph of the Clearwater Paper Mill and log pond. Clearwater dam is in the upper left hand side...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [07]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [07]

Date: 1969-05-05

aerial photographs ponds sawmills paper mills pulp mills

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Aerial view of the Lewiston, Idaho operation of Potlatch Forests, Inc....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [04]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [04]

Date: 1970

aerial photographs ponds sawmills paper mills

Aerial photograph of the Clearwater Mill. Shown on the left hand side of the photograph and curving around to the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [02]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [02]

Date: 1950

aerial photographs ponds sawmills paper mills pulp mills dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

Aerial photograph of the Clearwater Mill. Show in the photographer are the Lewiston Dam towards the top of the photograph,...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [13]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber [13]

Date: 1963-01-12

ponds sawmills snow

Ice and snow covered ponds. The description on the back reads 'East of WWP [Washington Water Power] dam looking west.'...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [82]

Lewiston Mill Construction [82]

Date: 1926-10-09

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes I-beams scaffolds

A crane lifts a steel beam on the construction of the fuel house. Two men stand atop a wooden scaffold....

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Lewiston Mill Construction [81]

Lewiston Mill Construction [81]

Date: 1926-10-19

sawmills tailraces cranes

a crane works on the tailrace near the power plant. Written on the photograph is 'Tail Race power plant site...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [60]

Lewiston Mill Construction [60]

Date: 1926-10-09

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes gravel locomotive cranes

A crane dumps gravel into a railcar. Behind the crane is the framing for one of the drying sheds. Written...

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Riding a log raft

Riding a log raft

Date: 1926-05-29

rafts riverine (bodies of water)

Two men ride a log raft. Written on the photograph is '5/29/1926 No. 36'

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Lewiston Mill Construction [57]

Lewiston Mill Construction [57]

Date: 1926-05-22

construction sites cranes foundations (structural elements)

Construction of one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. In the center of the photograph, two men work on...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [59]

Lewiston Mill Construction [59]

Date: 1926-05-25

foundations (structural elements) construction sites frame construction cranes lumber

Two cranes lift loads of lumber to help build one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. A man works...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [86]

Lewiston Mill Construction [86]

Date: 1926-05-21

construction sites cranes

Looking down a water channel towards a crane. Written on the photograph is '5/21/1926 No. 23'

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Lewiston Mill Construction [87]

Lewiston Mill Construction [87]

Date: 1926-05-07

construction sites cranes locomotive cranes gravel earth (soil)

A locomotive crane dumps gravel and dirt onto boards. A man in a suit walks toward the pile of dirt...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [84]

Lewiston Mill Construction [84]

Date: 1926-04-06

construction sites cranes pile drivers

A pile driver attached to a crane is shown while the men using the equipment pose for the picture. Behind...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [66]

Lewiston Mill Construction [66]

Date: 1926-05-22

construction sites cranes locomotive cranes lumber

A locomotive crane picks up a piece of lumber. One man stands on the flatcar while another next to it....

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Lewiston Mill Construction [88]

Lewiston Mill Construction [88]

Date: 1926-05-22

construction sites barges (flat-bottomed watercraft)

Men work on a barge. In the middle of the barge is a large container. Written on the photograph is...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [62]

Lewiston Mill Construction [62]

Date: 1926-09-25

construction sites sawmills frame construction

Men work on the framing for the reservoir. Written on the photograph is 'Reservoir 9/25/1926 No. 127'

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Lewiston Mill Construction [85]

Lewiston Mill Construction [85]

Date: 1926-02-15

construction sites cranes pile drivers

A pile driver pushes a piling into the ground. One man stands on crane holding the pile driver while another...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [78]

Lewiston Mill Construction [78]

Date: 1926-03-15

construction sites cranes farm wagons wagons (cargo vehicles)

In the foreground, horse-drawn wagon wheels away from a crane dumping into another wagon in the background. Also in the...

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PFI Mill - Lewiston

PFI Mill - Lewiston

Date: 1961-04-21

aerial photographs aerial photographs paper mills

An aerial photograph of the Clearwater Paper Mill. Behind the mill is the log ponds and the Lewiston Dam.

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Headquarters, Idaho in winter [01]

Headquarters, Idaho in winter [01]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow night

Looking down the street in Headquarters, Idaho on the night of January 27, 1943. The snow was between six and...

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Headquarters, Idaho in winter [02]

Headquarters, Idaho in winter [02]

Date: 1943-01-26

snow snow removal

'"Shovelling snow from the roof of a train shed. The Job of shovelling snow from the roofs of Headquarters buildings...

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Hiking through snow

Hiking through snow

Date: 1943-01-27


'"Saw pardners Lang and Jones trike out toward the next tree that is to be felled. The snow was over...

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Shoveling Snow [02]

Shoveling Snow [02]

Date: 1943-01-27


'"The saw gang of Jones and Lang begin digging snow away from around the base of a big Idaho White...

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Shoveling Snow [04]

Shoveling Snow [04]

Date: 1943-01-27


Still digging! From ten to twenty minutes is required to dig the saw pit around each tree that is felled....

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Shoveling Snow [03]

Shoveling Snow [03]

Date: 1943-01-27


Sawyer Jones in attempting to enlarge the saw pit strikes an old snag wit his shovel. The snow was so...

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Shoveling Snow [07]

Shoveling Snow [07]

Date: 1943-01-27


The saw pit is nearly dug. Note that sawyer Plennie Jones who is over six feet tall has a back...

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Shoveling Snow [01]

Shoveling Snow [01]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow white pine (wood)

Down after another shovel full of snow.

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Shoveling Snow [05]

Shoveling Snow [05]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow white pine (wood)

Sawyer Lee Lang pauses a moment before resuming work with this snow shovel.

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Shoveling Snow [06]

Shoveling Snow [06]

Date: 1943-01-27


The saw pit dug, sawyer Lee Lang lays his shovel to one side and reaches out over the top of...

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Sawing down trees in Winter [05]

Sawing down trees in Winter [05]

Date: 1943-01-27


'"Hard at work sawing. Handles are generally removed from the saw so that the blade can push out into the...

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Sawing down trees in Winter [01]

Sawing down trees in Winter [01]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow white pine (wood)

'"Looking across the saw pit at the level of the snow neither man is visible. This is dangerous business because...

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Family Tree - Winter in the Tall Timber

Family Tree - Winter in the Tall Timber

Date: 1943

journals (periodicals)

'"Volume VII Number 4 of The Family Tree with article about winter logging at Headquarters.' Periodical about logging, specifically focusing...

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Sawing down trees in Winter [03]

Sawing down trees in Winter [03]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow white pine (wood)

'"Looking down into the saw pit at an angle the hats of sawyers Jones and Lang can be seen as...

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Sawing down trees in Winter [04]

Sawing down trees in Winter [04]

Date: 1943-01-27

snow white pine (wood)

'"Down in the pit it's either kneel, or do just a jackknife bend to get the saw as close to...

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Sawing down trees in Winter [02]

Sawing down trees in Winter [02]

Date: 1943-01-27


'"Winter sawing in a saw pit is also dangerous to the sawyers who must get away from the pit quickly...

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Measuring Trees

Measuring Trees

Date: 1943-01-27

white pine (wood)

Taking the measurement of a felled Idaho White Pine.

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Removing logs

Removing logs

Date: 1943-01-27

white pine (wood) cranes snow

'"Big swing boom loaders work not far back of the saw gangs, snake the logs out to the nearest road...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [63]

Lewiston Mill Construction [63]

Date: 1926-09-27

dikes construction sites dump trucks rock

Dump trucks dump rock and dirt to build up the dike at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph is...

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Log Decks

Log Decks

Date: 1943-01-27

Log deck white pine (wood)

'"Logs decked, the big General loader moves on down the road to the next setting.' The back of the loader...

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Loading Lumber [07]

Loading Lumber [07]

Date: 1943-01-27

trucks Log (wood) truck trailers

'"The loader carefully picks up a log from off a roadside deck and places it atop the truck that will...

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Loading Lumber [08]

Loading Lumber [08]

Date: 1943-01-27

trucks Log (wood) truck trailers

'"The top loader, the man who directs the loading of the trucks, has a particularly hazardous job and must be...

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Plowing snow [02]

Plowing snow [02]

Date: 1943-01-27

bulldozers snow

'"The bulldozer operator has his problems too. If he does a good job of road plowing one day, he can...

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Loading Lumber [05]

Loading Lumber [05]

Date: 1943-01-27

cranes logs (wood) snow flatcars

'"Swinging the log aboard a flat car. It was snowing hard when this picture was taken, and during the afternoon...

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Log trains

Log trains

Date: 1943-01-29

flatcars logs (wood) snow

'"log train at Headquarters, Idaho, ready to leave for the Lewiston Mill, some 120 miles away, January 29, 1943. It...

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Loading Lumber [06]

Loading Lumber [06]

Date: 1943-01-27

cranes logs (wood) snow

'"Slipping a chocker around a log at P.F.I. Camp 29 on Washington creek in late January 1943. Greatest snowfall was...

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Railroad tank

Railroad tank

Date: 1943-01-29

railroads (infrastructure) snow forests (plant communities)

'"Water tank near old P.F.I Camp 6 -- open area to either side of the railroad permitted the plows to...

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Speeder car

Speeder car

Date: 1943

railroads (infrastructure) snow, speeder

'"The camp 14 speeder coming up grade from 14 towards Headquarters, Idaho. The snow walls on either side of the...

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Unloading Logs [02]

Unloading Logs [02]

Date: 1943

Log (wood) flatcars ponds

'"Unloading logs into the hotpond at the Lewiston mill. This section of the big 300-odd acre pond at Lewiston was...

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Lewiston Mill Log pond [01]

Lewiston Mill Log pond [01]

Date: 1943

Log (wood) flatcars ponds barges (flat-bottomed watercraft) steam engines (engines)

'"In the pond proper there were six or seven inches of ice. Log trains were arriving none too promptly from...

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Last Speeder Trip

Last Speeder Trip

Date: 1943

railroads (infrastructure) snow speeder

Woods Auditor Clarence Haeg and clerk Clayton Reed in front of the Camp 14 speeder on its last trip from...

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Gang saw operations

Gang saw operations

Date: 1963-03-08

gang sawmills planks (wood)

Gang Saw foreman John Nordly inspects the operating gang saw at the Dear Park Pine headquarters, Inc. (Description taken from...

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Log pond [01]

Log pond [01]

Date: 1963-03-06

sawmills Log (wood) ponds

In the foreground, the log pond for the Deer Park mill. In the background is the mill itself. Written on...

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Log pond [02]

Log pond [02]

Date: 1963-03-06

sawmills logs (wood) ponds

View of the log pond in the foreground and mill at Deer Park in the background. Written on the back...

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Deer Park Tug

Deer Park Tug

Date: 1963


The Deer Park Mill tugboat.

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Making Planks [01]

Making Planks [01]

Date: 1963-03-08

planks (wood) woodworking equipment woodworking machinery

Three men work running straightening out cut planks. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Deer Park Pine Industry,...

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Deer Park Mill

Deer Park Mill

Date: 1963

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills

Aerial photograph of the Deer Park Mill and log ponds. Towards the top of the photograph is also the railroad....

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Logging Crew

Logging Crew

Date: 1916

crosscut saws Log (wood)

Two men hold a crosscut saw, one stands to the left, and one man stands on top of a felled...

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Moving lumber [03]

Moving lumber [03]

Date: 1925

planks (wood) flatcars smokestacks

A man steers a flatcar full of lumber while another flatcar on his left waits. In the background are buildings...

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Lumber yard [03]

Lumber yard [03]

Date: 1925

locomotives lumber railroads (infrastructure)

The lumber yard at the Rutledge Mill in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Also pictured in the photograph is the train system...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [34]

Lewiston Mill Construction [34]

Date: 1926-09-17

construction sites sawmills frame construction

Men work on the framing for buildings at the Lewiston Mill. On the left-hand side of the photograph is completed...

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Moving lumber [02]

Moving lumber [02]

Date: 1925

trucks planks (wood)

Two men sit on carts pulling trailers full of finished lumber boards. Two more men stand in the background. To...

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Making Planks [02]

Making Planks [02]

Date: 1925

woodworking equipment woodworking machinery planks (wood)

A man works on a piece of woodworking machinery. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Edward Rutledge Timber...

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Rutledge Steamboat

Rutledge Steamboat

Date: 1925

steamboats women

The steamboat owned by the Edward Rutledge Timber Company. On the first deck men stand waiting as two men haul...

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Rutledge Lumber Mill [03]

Rutledge Lumber Mill [03]

Date: 1925

sawmills locomotives lumber railroads (infrastructure) planks (wood) flatcars

A view of the Rutledge Mill lumber Mill. Two locomotive systems pull flatcars full of lumber. In the distance, Lake...

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Rutledge Mill [01]

Rutledge Mill [01]

Date: 1925

sawmills smokestacks

Looking from Coeur d'Alene Lake at Rutledge Mill. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Edward Rutledge Timber Co....

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Log Tow on Lake Coeur d'Alene

Log Tow on Lake Coeur d'Alene

Date: 1929

lakes (bodies of water) tow

A log tow for Rutledge Mills passes across Lake Coeur d'Alene.

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Rutledge Lumber Mill [02]

Rutledge Lumber Mill [02]

Date: 1954-09-01

sawmills Log (wood) ponds

An aerial photograph of the Rutledge Mill in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Shown are the mill itself as well the log...

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Rutledge Lumber Mill [01]

Rutledge Lumber Mill [01]

Date: 1926-05-19

lakes (bodies of water) sawmills Log (wood) ponds

Looking down from the hill behind the mill. In view are the mill, saw mill, the log ponds, and Lake...

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Mill Worker

Mill Worker

Date: 1926-05-19

sawmills planks (wood)

A man works with a plank of wood at the Rutledge Mill. The description on the back of the photograph...

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Mill workings

Mill workings

Date: 1926-05-19

band saws lumber

A man feeds a board of wood through a piece of mill machinery. Written on the back of the photograph...

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Rutledge Lumber Mill [04]

Rutledge Lumber Mill [04]

Date: 1926-05-19

lakes (bodies of water) sawmills

View from the hill behind the mill showing the location of the remanufacturing building, planer building, and grading shed. Also...

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Lumber yard [04]

Lumber yard [04]

Date: 1926-05-19

planks (wood) locomotives railroads (infrastructure)

three of the Rutledge Mill lumber yard engines. Two in the foreground while one in the background. Six men control...

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Rutledge Sawmill [05]

Rutledge Sawmill [05]

Date: 1926-05-19

planks (wood) railroads (infrastructure) flatcars

Two men ride a trolley to transfer wood from the sawmill to the lumber yard. Written on the back of...

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Rutledge Sawmill [02]

Rutledge Sawmill [02]

Date: 1926-05-19

Log (wood) band saws sawmills

Two men work on sawmill machinery while one watches. Written on the back of the photograph: 'Martin air dogs on...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [42]

Lewiston Mill Construction [42]

Date: 1926-09-24

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes

A crane works to help build one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. To the right of the crane...

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Rutledge Sawmill [04]

Rutledge Sawmill [04]

Date: 1926-05-19

planks (wood)

Two men work with planks of lumber. Written on the back of the photograph: 'Looking across chains and cross belts...

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Rutledge Sawmill [07]

Rutledge Sawmill [07]

Date: 1926-05-19

planks (wood)

A man sends planks through a piece of machinery. Written on back of the photograph: 'Looking across transfer belts to...

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Rutledge Sawmill [03]

Rutledge Sawmill [03]

Date: 1964-07-03

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills Log (wood) ponds highways lakes (bodies of water)

Aerial photograph of the Rutledge Sawmill. In this view, the entire mill can be seen. To the upper right of...

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Rutledge Sawmill [01]

Rutledge Sawmill [01]

Date: 1973-10-17

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills Log (wood) ponds highways lakes (bodies of water)

Aerial photograph of the Rutledge Sawmill. In this view, the entire mill can be seen. Above the mill is Interstate...

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Rutledge Sawmill [06]

Rutledge Sawmill [06]

Date: 1957-08-14

aerial photographs aerial photographs sawmills Log (wood) ponds highways lakes (bodies of water)

Aerial photograph of the Rutledge Sawmill. Behind the mill is the city of Coeur d'Alene as well as Fernan Lake....

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Elk River Mill [01]

Elk River Mill [01]

Date: 1912

Log (wood) sawmills railroads (infrastructure)

Viewing the Elk River mill about 1912. In the center of the photograph is where the logs would enter the...

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Elk River Mill [02]

Elk River Mill [02]

Date: 1910

mill towns

A view of the Elk River mill in 1910. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Elk River,...

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Loading Logs in Elk River

Loading Logs in Elk River

Date: 1941

flatcars cranes (equipment)

A crane loads logs until flatcars for transport. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Aug. 1941 Elk...

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The Town of Elk River, Idaho

The Town of Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1950

mill towns

Looking down a hill at the town of Elk River, Idaho

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Dedication of Laird Park [02]

Dedication of Laird Park [02]

Date: 1937-08-21

community parks

H. L. Peterson speaks at the dedication of Laird Park. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Dedication...

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Keep Idaho Green Meeting [01]

Keep Idaho Green Meeting [01]

Date: 1950


A speaker speaks at a Keep Idaho Green meeting. Below the speaker are two signs that read 'Keep Idaho Green.'...

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Keep Idaho Green Meeting [02]

Keep Idaho Green Meeting [02]

Date: 1950


Men and women sit and listen to a speaker on Keep Idaho Green (Description taken from back of photograph). To...

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Monument at Laird Park

Monument at Laird Park

Date: 1937-08-21

historic monuments monuments community parks

The monument unveiled at Laird Park. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Monument unveiled Laird Park Aug. 21...

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The unveiling of the monument at Laird Park

The unveiling of the monument at Laird Park

Date: 1937-08-21

community parks historic monuments monuments

A young boy stands to the right of the monument while two girls stand behind it. Another boy stands to...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [39]

Lewiston Mill Construction [39]

Date: 1926-09-17

construction sites sawmills cranes gravel locomotive cranes

A locomotive crane lifts a bundle of lumber on to a flatcar while piles of lumber are pictured. Piles of...

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Receiving certificates for Keep Idaho Green

Receiving certificates for Keep Idaho Green

Date: 1940

placards (information artifacts) meetings Groups of people

Men and women receive certificates at the Keep Idaho Green meeting. Several men and women are holding a placard that...

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Receiving his certificate

Receiving his certificate

Date: 1940

certificates information signs

A man receives his certificate for planting trees. To his left stands two officials. They all stand underneath a sign...

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Men with their Tree Farm placards

Men with their Tree Farm placards

Date: 1940

certificates information signs placards (information artifacts)

Ten men receive their 'Another Certified Western Pine Tree Farm' placards and certificates as they stand under a sign that...

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Western Pine Tree Farm Meeting

Western Pine Tree Farm Meeting

Date: 1940

placards (information artifacts) meetings Groups of people

Men and women sit for a Western Pine Tree Farm Meeting (description taken from back of photograph). To the left...

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Memorial parade

Memorial parade

Date: 1950

parades soldiers bands (ensembles)

Uniformed men march down the street as part of a Memorial parade (description taken from the back of the photograph)....

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Three men in a parade

Three men in a parade

Date: 1926

floats (vehicles) tractors (agricultural equipment) Log (wood)

Three men ride a tractor pulling a trailer full of logs for a parade. Written on the back of the...

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Parade Float

Parade Float

Date: 1940

floats (vehicles) parades

A tractor pulls a float for a parade. The theme of the float is a dam. On the side of...

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A field of hay

A field of hay

Date: 1950

hay farming farmland

A field of hay is ready for bailing. The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Timothy and Alsike...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [68]

Lewiston Mill Construction [68]

Date: 1926-09-21

construction sites sawmills

Men use tractors to construct the dike at the Lewiston Mill. On the left-hand of the photograph is the completed...

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A stock of hay

A stock of hay

Date: 1950

hay farming farmland

A stock of hay (unknown type) is shown.

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Field of hay

Field of hay

Date: 1950

hay farming farmland

A field full of hay piles are ready to be picked up. The description on the back of the photograph...

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Barn and silo

Barn and silo

Date: 1930

barns silos (agricultural structures)

A barn with a silo next to it are shown.

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Date: 1930

horses farmhouses

Two horses graze near a farm house. In the distance is another farm building.

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Farm yard

Farm yard

Date: 1930


A farm yard with a new barn on the left-hand side of the photograph while the old barn is on...

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Hay piles

Hay piles

Date: 1930

hay farming farmland

A field full of hay piles are ready to be picked up and baled. Next to the field of hay...

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Man in a wheat field

Man in a wheat field

Date: 1930

farming wheat farmland

A man stands in a wheat field. Behind him is a large tree in the field as well.

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A dirt road between fields

A dirt road between fields

Date: 1930

farming farmland

A dirt road runs between two fields. Also shown are electrical poles towards the right-hand side of the picture.

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Field of crops

Field of crops

Date: 1930

farming farmland

A field with a row crop. In the distance are electric poles.

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View of farmland

View of farmland

Date: 1930

farming farmland

Looking down from a hillside, farm land is seen.

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Idaho Forest

Idaho Forest

Date: 1945

aerial photographs forests (plant communities)

Aerial photograph of Idaho forest.

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Forest fire [02]

Forest fire [02]

Date: 1949

aerial photographs forests (plant communities) smoke (material)

Aerial photograph of the Meadow Creek forest fire. Columns of smoke rise from the tops of the trees. Written on...

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Threshing machine

Threshing machine

Date: 1923-04-13

threshing machines farming horses

A threshing machine blows chaff back onto a pile while a horse hitched to a wagon waits. A man stands...

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Forest fire [03]

Forest fire [03]

Date: 1950

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Fire wicks around a tree while smoke obscures trees in the background

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Forest fire [01]

Forest fire [01]

Date: 1950

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Fire rages close to a road during a forest fire. The description on the back says 'crown fire'. Stamped on...

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Smoke-filled forest [01]

Smoke-filled forest [01]

Date: 1950

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Smoke obscures the ground in the forest as trees burn in the background.

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Forest fire [08]

Forest fire [08]

Date: 1950

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Smoke billows as a forest fire rages. Stamped on the back is the stamp for the photographer 'Clarence Tutcher 916...

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Smoke-filled forest [02]

Smoke-filled forest [02]

Date: 1960-07-21

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Smoke fills the air from a forest fire. Description on the back reads 'Eagle Rd. Lookout, 60 mi, ne of...

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Devastated landscape

Devastated landscape

Date: 1910-08-20

forests (plant communities)

Downed trees and smoke-filled air mark the destruction of a forest fire. The description on the back reads 'On the...

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Aftermath of a Forest fire [02]

Aftermath of a Forest fire [02]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

The aftermath of a forest fire.

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Aftermath of a Forest fire [01]

Aftermath of a Forest fire [01]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities)

Stumps are intermingled with burned trees while smoke rolls over the ground. Probably fire of 1910 in the Coeur d'Alene...

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Forest fire devastation [04]

Forest fire devastation [04]

Date: 1910-07-01

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

A man walks through downed trees. The description on the back reads 'Effects of hurricane and fire in a heavy...

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Fire fighting equipment [06]

Fire fighting equipment [06]

Date: 1921

fire engines

A truck used to fight forest fires. Pictured on the left side of the truck is a hose as well...

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Fire fighting equipment [01]

Fire fighting equipment [01]

Date: 1921

fire engines

The back of a fire engine showing the water holding tank, hoses on the side, and axe.

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Fire fighting equipment [05]

Fire fighting equipment [05]

Date: 1910

fire engines tank trucks

A water tank trunk fills up with water to help fight forest fires. Behind the truck is charred landscape showing...

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Fire fighting equipment [02]

Fire fighting equipment [02]

Date: 1940

tank trucks

A water truck. Written on the side of the tank is 'Keep Idaho Green' and on the side of the...

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Fire fighting equipment [04]

Fire fighting equipment [04]

Date: 1921

shovels axes (tools) fire axes saws sledgehammers

A set of tools for fighting forest fires. Included are shovels, axes of two sizes, saws, pick axes, and a...

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Air patrol plane

Air patrol plane

Date: 1930

aircraft private aircraft

A plane used for patrolling and spotting forest fires. Tail fin number is N1159A. Description on the back of the...

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Fire patrol plane [01]

Fire patrol plane [01]

Date: 1930

aircraft private aircraft

A man stands underneath a Piper plane holding a speaker.

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Fire patrol plane [02]

Fire patrol plane [02]

Date: 1930

aircraft private aircraft

A man stands in front of a fire patrol plane. Behind him and plane, two trees bare the mark of...

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Fire fighting equipment [03]

Fire fighting equipment [03]

Date: 1930

fire engines tank trucks

A fire engine truck. On the door to the cab, are the initials 'C.T.P.A (Clearwater Timber Protective Association) No. 167...

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Fire lookout [02]

Fire lookout [02]

Date: 1950


Two men look out over the forest from a fire lookout station. The man in the hard hat is holding...

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Fighting forest fires [01]

Fighting forest fires [01]

Date: 1984-09-01


A helicopter uses a drip torch to ignite a controlled burn on a pile of logs.

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Fighting forest fires [04]

Fighting forest fires [04]

Date: 1984-09-01


A helicopter flies through smoke during a controlled burn, using a drip torch to start more fires. The land below...

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Fighting forest fires [02]

Fighting forest fires [02]

Date: 1984-09-01

smoke (material)

Large plumes of smoke rise from a controlled burn. The land in the foreground, including that surrounding a pond, is...

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Fighting forest fires [03]

Fighting forest fires [03]

Date: 1984-09-01


A helicopter uses a drip torch to light cleared brush and logs on fire. Written on the belly of the...

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Land after controlled burn

Land after controlled burn

Date: 1984-09-01

forests (plant communities)

Downed trees and brush await clean-up after a controlled burn. A truck sits towards the lower right-hand corner.

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Controlled burn [01]

Controlled burn [01]

Date: 1984-09-01

forests (plant communities) smoke (material) fires (events)

Two men stand on the left-hand side of the photograph watching brush and logs burn in a controlled burn.

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Forest fire devastation [01]

Forest fire devastation [01]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Smoke spreads in the background behind two burned trees.

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Untouched by fire

Untouched by fire

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Some trees in the Coeur d'Alene National Forest escaped the fire while others like those in foreground are singed

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Forest fire devastation [06]

Forest fire devastation [06]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Smoke curls upward from the ground of burned areas in the Coeur d'Alene National Forest.

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Forest fire devastation [05]

Forest fire devastation [05]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Several large tree trunks are scorched after the fire of 1910 in the Coeur d'Alene National Forest.

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Forest fire devastation [03]

Forest fire devastation [03]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

A burnt log lays on charred ground while smoke surrounds the trees in the background.

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Forest fire devastation [02]

Forest fire devastation [02]

Date: 1910

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Fire consumes a down branch while smoke rises from the burnt ground

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Controlled burn set up [02]

Controlled burn set up [02]

Date: 1984

forests (plant communities)

Two stumps are intermingled with trees that are set for the controlled burn.

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Lewiston Mill Construction [27]

Lewiston Mill Construction [27]

Date: 1926-09-02

construction sites sawmills cranes frame construction

A crane helps lift part of the framing for a building at the Lewiston Mill. Three men help in moving...

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Controlled burn set up [03]

Controlled burn set up [03]

Date: 1984

forests (plant communities)

A section of trees set for the controlled burn. The description on the back reads: 'Selective Cut - Residual WP...

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Controlled burn set up [01]

Controlled burn set up [01]

Date: 1984

forests (plant communities)

A group of trees is photographed to show area for control burn. Description on the back reads 'Early ap cutting...

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Controlled burn planning [07]

Controlled burn planning [07]

Date: 1984

forests (plant communities) vegetation

An area filled with logs and brush is photographed before a controlled burn.

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Controlled burn planning [05]

Controlled burn planning [05]

Date: 1984


Two men discuss the plan for the controlled burn. In the background, a field has been harvested. On the left...

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Controlled burn planning [06]

Controlled burn planning [06]

Date: 1984


A group of men discuss the plan for the controlled burn. Two of the men are standing while the other...

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Controlled burn planning [01]

Controlled burn planning [01]

Date: 1984

planning storage tanks

Two men poor materials into a tank. Behind them is a trailer that is from Chevron and says flammable on...

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Controlled burn planning [04]

Controlled burn planning [04]

Date: 1984


A man sits in front of a helicopter and the drip torch. In the background is a pickup.

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Controlled burn planning [08]

Controlled burn planning [08]

Date: 1984

planning storage tanks

Three men work with a holding tank in preparation for a controlled burn. A Chevron truck can be seen in...

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Controlled burn planning [09]

Controlled burn planning [09]

Date: 1984

planning weighing devices

A man weighs a piece of wood on the hood of a pickup truck while another watches. Behind them is...

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Controlled burn planning [03]

Controlled burn planning [03]

Date: 1984

ponds (water) firehoses

A man stands near a pond prepping the hose in preparation for a controlled burn.

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Controlled burn planning [02]

Controlled burn planning [02]

Date: 1984

tank trucks

A man rides on the back of a water truck spraying down trees and the ground as part of the...

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Starting a fire

Starting a fire

Date: 1984

helicopters burning fires

A helicopter uses a drip torch to light brush and limbs on fire for a controlled burn. On the side...

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Controlled Burn [03]

Controlled Burn [03]

Date: 1984

helicopters burning fires smoke (material)

The helicopter used in a control burn. In front of it is the drip torch used to light the fire....

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Controlled Burn [02]

Controlled Burn [02]

Date: 1984

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Smoke and fire rage from the controlled burn.

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Camp D [01]

Camp D [01]

Date: 1925

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Camp D - Upper Basin near Cameron Creek. In the foreground, train tracks can be seen while in the background,...

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Filling water trucks

Filling water trucks

Date: 1940

tank trucks

Men work to fill the water trucks used to fight forest fires from a stream. The description on the back...

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Fire Engine [02]

Fire Engine [02]

Date: 1940

fire engines

A fire engine truck. On cab it says 'CTPA 2' [Clearwater Timber Protective Association]. On the truck it says 'Idaho...

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Bertha Hill Lookout

Bertha Hill Lookout

Date: 1963-07-24

identification signs information signs

The sign in front of the Bertha Hill Lookout fire station.

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Fire lookout [03]

Fire lookout [03]

Date: 1910

lookouts watchtowers

A wooden fire lookout. In the background is a pickup and another automobile.

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Lewiston Mill Construction [36]

Lewiston Mill Construction [36]

Date: 1926-08-21

construction sites sawmills cranes locomotive cranes lumber

A crane is use to help construct a building at the Lewiston Mill. In the foreground of the photograph lie...

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Elk Butte watch tower

Elk Butte watch tower

Date: 1940

lookouts watchtowers

The fire watch tower on Elk Butte in the winter.

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Fire watch tower

Fire watch tower

Date: 1950

lookouts watchtowers

The description on the back reads '100' high Browns Cr lookout. AB Curtis photo file.' Metal fire watch tower.

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Fire lookout [01]

Fire lookout [01]

Date: 1950

lookouts watchtowers

A two story wooden fire lookout station. On the back of the photograph is stamped with 'Photography Garber Sturges 3228...

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Forest fire [06]

Forest fire [06]

Date: 1977-07-28

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

A forest fire burns in the night

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Forest fire [09]

Forest fire [09]

Date: 1977-07-28

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Flames from a forest fire reach the edges of two ponds

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Forest fire [05]

Forest fire [05]

Date: 1977-07-28

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Flames and smoke race over the ground in a large forest fire

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Lewiston Mill Construction [58]

Lewiston Mill Construction [58]

Date: 1926-09-02

construction sites sawmills cranes frame construction

Two cranes work to lift up framing for one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. Written on the photograph...

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Forest fire [04]

Forest fire [04]

Date: 1977-07-28

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Flames and smoke burn forest lands next to two ponds

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Forest fire [07]

Forest fire [07]

Date: 1977-07-28

fires (events) fires burning smoke (material)

Flames and smoke are captured while buildings in the seen in the background

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Flood waters cover streets

Flood waters cover streets

Date: 1933

floods (natural events)

Postcard of Potlatch flooding. On the right side of the picture are railroad tracks, while in the background is a...

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Flooding over farms

Flooding over farms

Date: 1933

floods (natural events) horses

A man drives a team of horses through flood waters in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Flooding covers the street

Flooding covers the street

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) horses

Flood waters cover a street in Potlatch, Idaho. In the background of the picture, a silo can be seen. The...

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Clearwater River flood

Clearwater River flood

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) bridges (built works) road bridges

Water rushes US 95 bridge east of Lewiston. The description on the back says '1948 flood view of water at...

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Aerial view of flooding

Aerial view of flooding

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) aerial photographs

An aerial photograph taken of the flooding in 1948. 'John Moxson, Emerson Flying Service' is written on the back of...

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Damaged road [01]

Damaged road [01]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways

Part of the road is washed out from the 1948.

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Damaged railroad tracks [02]

Damaged railroad tracks [02]

Date: 1948

railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements) traveling cranes

A man hangs on to a cable as he looks over the edge of damaged railroad tracks.

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Floods surround the mill

Floods surround the mill

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) sawmills

The flooding of the Clearwater surround the mill in Lewiston. The mill can be seen in the background

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Mill is flooded

Mill is flooded

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) sawmills

The Lewiston mill is flooded by the Clearwater River.

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Damaged road [03]

Damaged road [03]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways

The road that was damaged in the floodwaters. A river can bee seen on the left of the photograph.

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Damaged road [02]

Damaged road [02]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways

The road that was damaged from floodwaters. On the left side of the photograph is a sign that reads 'state...

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Washed out bridge

Washed out bridge

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways bridges (built works)

A bridge lies on the ground after being washed out from flood waters.

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Flooded street [03]

Flooded street [03]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events)

A flooded street during the 1948 flood. In the background a car can be seen driving through the waters.

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Flooded out home

Flooded out home

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) women

A woman sits with her legs up over the side of a chair while a man sits on a barrel...

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Main street flooded

Main street flooded

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways main streets

A man stands next to a boat floating in the main street flooded. In the upper part of photograph a...

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Using lumber machinery during flooding

Using lumber machinery during flooding

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) lumber

A man sits on top of a piece of mill machinery during the 1948 flood. In front of him are...

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Clearing debris

Clearing debris

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) rails (transit system elements)

Men clear debris from railroad tracks after the 1948 flood.

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Wash out

Wash out

Date: 1948

landscapes (environments)

Debris from floodwaters coming from the hills.

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Damaged house

Damaged house

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) damage water damage

A man walks away from a house damaged by the flood. Rocks are piled to the left of the house...

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Damaged railroad tracks [01]

Damaged railroad tracks [01]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) bridges (built works) rails (transit system elements)

A railroad bridge is damaged and the tracks droop towards the water after the 1948 flood.

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Lewiston Dam Construction [01]

Lewiston Dam Construction [01]

Date: 1926-08-22

construction sites dams (hydraulic structures) hydroelectric dams

Machines and cranes work to construct the dam. At the bottom of the picture, a crane dumps rock and dirt...

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Flooded street [02]

Flooded street [02]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) water damage

Two men sit in a row boat as floodwaters cover the street. Behind them is a sign for a car...

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Flooded street [01]

Flooded street [01]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) water damage

A car and a truck sit the flood waters. A hose with another truck are in the background.

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Moving lumber [04]

Moving lumber [04]

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) machinery lumber

A man drives a piece of lumber machinery to move stacks of lumber while the river floods behind him

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Flooding of the Potlatch Mill

Flooding of the Potlatch Mill

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) water damage

Water rises up one of the Potlatch Mill buildings.

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Road wash-out

Road wash-out

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) roadways

Two men work on clearing a road washed out in the 1948 flood. A pickup truck sits as water runs...

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Washed out road

Washed out road

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) water damage roadways automobiles

A car sits on a washed out road near the Potlatch Mill.

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Carrying a load of lumber

Carrying a load of lumber

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) Log (wood) bridges (built works)

A truck carries a load of logs across a bridge while the water is rising beneath it.

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View down the valley

View down the valley

Date: 1948

floods (natural events)

Looking down at Potlatch and the flooding that happened in 1948.

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Two men at the back of a truck

Two men at the back of a truck

Date: 1948


Two men stand with one foot on their truck on a road. Another car is in the background.

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Potlatch Mill flooded

Potlatch Mill flooded

Date: 1948

floods (natural events) machinery lumber

A man stands in front of stacks of lumber while the river behind him floods. In the background are two...

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Camp Machinery

Camp Machinery

Date: 1929

bulldozers machinery

Two men sit on the front of one bulldozer while another is shown from the side. Description on the back...

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Lumber Machinery

Lumber Machinery

Date: 1960-01-13

cherry pickers machinery

Two men walk behind a piece of lumber machinery. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Cherry Picker' -...

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Winter Work

Winter Work

Date: 1960

snow (precipitation)

A man shovels snow off the roof of a building.

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Picking up logs [02]

Picking up logs [02]

Date: 1960-01-13

snow (precipitation) Log (wood)

A crane is being used to pick up a log to load it on to a truck. Three men stand...

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A view of Camp X

A view of Camp X

Date: 1965

snow (precipitation) lumber camps

Camp X is covered with snow. Printed on the photograph is 'July 1965', written on the photograph is 'CP X.'...

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Building a bridge [02]

Building a bridge [02]

Date: 1960-01-13

snow (precipitation) Log (wood) cranes

Men work to build a bridge over a creek. Snow is covering most everything. A small bit of crane can...

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Picking up logs [01]

Picking up logs [01]

Date: 1960-01-13

snow (precipitation) Log (wood) cranes

A crane picks up a log to put it on a truck for hauling. In the background are piles of...

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Pulling a log out the woods

Pulling a log out the woods

Date: 1960-01-13

snow (precipitation) machinery

A tractor pulls a log out of the forest surrounded by snow. Written on the back of the photograph is...

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Camp men

Camp men

Date: 1960


Four camp men stand around talking. Written on the back are the names of the men. They are from left...

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Picking up logs [03]

Picking up logs [03]

Date: 1960-01-13

snow (precipitation) machinery cranes Log (wood)

A crane is about to pick up a log to put it on a truck for transport to the mill....

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Cabin in the woods

Cabin in the woods

Date: 1965

log cabins (houses) forests (plant communities)

A log cabin and a wood shingled covered house are in a clearing in the woods. The writing on the...

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Logging Camp in winter [02]

Logging Camp in winter [02]

Date: 1965

snow (precipitation) buildings (structures)

The laundry building at a logging camp in winter. The sign on the left reads ' Change sheets every 2...

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Camp Y

Camp Y

Date: 1948

buildings (structures) automobiles

The buildings of Camp Y. On the first two tiers are buildings. Three men work on the second tier. Below...

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Camp 27

Camp 27

Date: 1943-02-16

snow (precipitation) flatcars Log (wood)

Logs are piled and covered with snow while flatcars full of logs are waiting to be transported to the mill....

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Loading logs [09]

Loading logs [09]

Date: 1940

flatcars logs (wood)

Logs are piled next to flatcars waiting to be loaded. Written on the back of the photograph is 'Loading Logs...

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Spore Trap

Spore Trap

Date: 1960


A man uses an instrument to do a spore tap on a tree. Written on the back of the photograph...

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Man with buckets

Man with buckets

Date: 1931

creeks (bodies of water)

A man stands holding two buckets near a water source. Written on the back of the photograph is 'At the...

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Studying spores under a microscope

Studying spores under a microscope

Date: 1961

microscopes biological sciences

Otis C. Maloy counts spores from 'conf' in the Waha area (Description taken from the back of the photograph)

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Study soil moisture

Study soil moisture

Date: 1960

testing biological sciences moisture meters

A man writes down numbers from his soil moisture meter (description taken from the back of the photograph)

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Lewiston Mill Construction [53]

Lewiston Mill Construction [53]

Date: 1926-08-14

construction sites sawmills frame construction

Men work on the foundation for one of the buildings at the Lewiston Mill. On the left side of the...

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Counting Fungi spores

Counting Fungi spores

Date: 1960

testing biological sciences microscopes

A forest researcher counts fungi spores via a microscope.

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Measuring tree circumference [04]

Measuring tree circumference [04]

Date: 1970-03-13

testing biological sciences

Forester Norm Tomilson at Creek North of Pierce. Measuring tree circumference.' (Description taking from the back of the photograph) Stamped...

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Measuring tree circumference [02]

Measuring tree circumference [02]

Date: 1960

testing biological sciences

A man in a hard hat measures a tree for its circumference.

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Checking a spore trap

Checking a spore trap

Date: 1960

testing biological sciences

A forest researcher checks a spore trap.

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Marking trees [02]

Marking trees [02]

Date: 1970-03-13

testing biological sciences

Forester Norm Tomilson at Canal Creek North of Pierce. Marking trees.' (Description taking from the back of the photograph) Stamped...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [54]

Lewiston Mill Construction [54]

Date: 1926-08-04

construction sites sawmills frame construction cranes locomotive cranes lumber

Two cranes, one a locomotive crane, work on buildings at the Lewiston Mill. Surrounding them are piles of lumber. Written...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [65]

Lewiston Mill Construction [65]

Date: 1926-07-20

construction sites sawmills

Several cranes work to build what looks to be the Lewiston Dam. Written on the photograph is '7/20/1926 No. 81'...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [28]

Lewiston Mill Construction [28]

Date: 1926-07-23

construction sites cranes

A crane dumps material into a dump area. In front of the crane is a pond-filled pit. Written on the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [26]

Lewiston Mill Construction [26]

Date: 1926-07-16

construction sites cranes sawmills frame construction locomotive cranes lumber scaffolds

A crane lifts six pieces of lumber to help in building a building at the Lewiston Mill. A man helps...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [32]

Lewiston Mill Construction [32]

Date: 1926-07-13

construction sites scaffolds railroads (infrastructure)

Scaffolding runs the side of one of the buildings under construction. Running from the bottom of the photograph to the...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [33]

Lewiston Mill Construction [33]

Date: 1926-07-14

construction sites sawmills frame construction scaffolds

A man stands atop the framing for the stacker building while another building is being constructed in the background. Written...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [56]

Lewiston Mill Construction [56]

Date: 1926

construction sites scaffolds frame construction

A crane lifts piece of machinery while three men stand underneath it. On the side of the crane, the writing...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [31]

Lewiston Mill Construction [31]

Date: 1926-07-04

construction sites frame construction cranes locomotive cranes lumber

Men work to build the stacker building. The crane on the left hand side of the photograph is about pick...

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Lewiston Mill Construction [30]

Lewiston Mill Construction [30]

Date: 1926-06-05

construction sites gravel

Men work to construct the burner at the Lewiston Mill. Piles of dirt and gravel sit at the left hand...

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Using survey tools [03]

Using survey tools [03]

Date: 1970

testing biological sciences

A forest researcher uses tools to survey trees

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Using survey tools [01]

Using survey tools [01]

Date: 1970

testing biological sciences compasses (direction indicators)

A forest researcher is running a cruise line with hand compass (description from the back of the photograph).

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Forest worker

Forest worker

Date: 1970

boots (footwear) hard hats

A forest worker laces up a boot while sitting on a stump. The description on the back says 'typical PFI...

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Paper mill construction [14]

Paper mill construction [14]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction equipment building materials wheelbarrows construction sites

Men work on constructing the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [06]

Paper mill construction [06]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction equipment building materials wheelbarrows construction sites

Men work on the roof of the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [01]

Paper mill construction [01]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction equipment building materials cranes construction sites

Construction of the Clearwater paper mill. Men work on the roof in the background.

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Paper mill construction [04]

Paper mill construction [04]

Date: 1950-04-26

reinforcing bars construction equipment building materials construction sites

Men work on the roof of the Clearwater paper mill plant laying rebar

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Mapping the forest [02]

Mapping the forest [02]

Date: 1966


A forest researcher uses a stereoscope and aerial photographs to help study the forests

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Paper mill construction [09]

Paper mill construction [09]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction equipment building materials cranes railroads (infrastructure) rails (transit system elements)

Men work to lay railroad track near a partially constructed building at the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [23]

Paper mill construction [23]

Date: 1950-04-26

building materials lumber braced frames frame construction

Semi-constructed buildings of the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [12]

Paper mill construction [12]

Date: 1950-04-26

building materials lumber braced frames frame construction construction sites

The wood framing of one of the buildings under construction at the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Measuring tree circumference [01]

Measuring tree circumference [01]

Date: 1970

circumference testing biological sciences growing-stock trees

A man uses a tape measure to measure the circumference of a tree.

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Paper mill construction [03]

Paper mill construction [03]

Date: 1950-07-10

building materials lumber construction equipment building materials automobiles, construction sites

Construction of the Clearwater paper mill plant. Shown is part of the piping structure as well as construction materials in...

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Paper mill construction [07]

Paper mill construction [07]

Date: 1950-07-10

steel frame construction construction sites

Interior of the main building of the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [08]

Paper mill construction [08]

Date: 1950-07-24

steel frame construction cranes construction sites

A makeshift road leads to the second floor of the building under construction at the Clearwater paper mill. A crane...

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Three plants under construction at Clearwater paper mill

Three plants under construction at Clearwater paper mill

Date: 1950-07-24

chemical plants boiler rooms paper mills construction sites

Construction of three different plants at the Clearwater paper mill plant. The three buildings under construction are the Causticizing Plant,...

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Measuring tree circumference [03]

Measuring tree circumference [03]

Date: 1970

circumference testing biological sciences growing-stock trees

Close-up view of a man measuring the circumference of a tree.

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Interior of paper mill

Interior of paper mill

Date: 1950-08-29

steel frame construction lumber frame construction construction sites

The interior of one of the buildings at the Clearwater paper mill.

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Interior of paper mill

Interior of paper mill

Date: 1950-08-29


The interior of one of the buildings at the Clearwater paper mill with machines installed.

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Recovery and Boiler Room construction [03]

Recovery and Boiler Room construction [03]

Date: 1950-08-29

steel frame construction cranes frame construction boiler rooms construction sites

Construction of the Recovery and Boiler room at the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Outside of the Clearwater paper mill

Outside of the Clearwater paper mill

Date: 1950-08-29

automobiles construction sites

The outside frame of the Clearwater paper mill under construction. Also included in the picture is an automobile with a...

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Recovery and Boiler Room construction [02]

Recovery and Boiler Room construction [02]

Date: 1950-08-29

steel frame construction cranes frame construction boiler rooms construction sites

The recovery and boiler room under construction.

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Using survey tools [02]

Using survey tools [02]

Date: 1970

testing biological sciences

two forest workers use tools to survey the forest for research.

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Mapping the forest [01]

Mapping the forest [01]

Date: 1966


A man uses a stereoscope and aerial photographs to research the forests (description taken from the back)

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Finished Paper mill and parking lot [02]

Finished Paper mill and parking lot [02]

Date: 1950-08-29

construction sites paper mills automobiles

The finished paper mill with the parking lot in front of it. The Recovery and Boiler room buildings are still...

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Recovery and Boiler Room construction [01]

Recovery and Boiler Room construction [01]

Date: 1950-10-12

steel frame construction cranes frame construction boiler rooms construction sites

The Recovery and boiler room under construction.

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Recovery and Boiler Room construction [04]

Recovery and Boiler Room construction [04]

Date: 1950-10-12

steel frame construction cranes frame construction boiler rooms construction sites

A view of the Recovery and Boiler room building as it connects to the paper mill plant.

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Tank system construction

Tank system construction

Date: 1950-10-12

tanks (containers) steel frame construction construction sites

Tanks for the Clearwater paper mill plant under construction.

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Paper mill construction [18]

Paper mill construction [18]

Date: 1950-10-12

construction sites

Unknown building at the Clearwater paper mill plant construction site

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Paper mill construction [21]

Paper mill construction [21]

Date: 1950-10-30

construction sites steel frame construction frame construction boiler rooms lumber

Recovery and boiler room building construction with the siding going up.

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Plotting the forest

Plotting the forest

Date: 1970

hard hats biological sciences forestry maps maps (documents)

A forest researcher uses a map to study the forest.

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Paper mill construction [19]

Paper mill construction [19]

Date: 1950-10-30

construction sites steel frame construction frame construction cranes

Viewing both recovery and boiler room under construction and the finished main building of the paper mill.

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Paper mill construction [22]

Paper mill construction [22]

Date: 1950-10-30

construction sites cranes

Men working on part of the Clearwater paper mill construction site.

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Paper mill construction [11]

Paper mill construction [11]

Date: 1950-05-03

construction sites steel frame construction frame construction

Photograph shows a part of the Clearwater paper mill construction site.

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Finished Paper mill and parking lot [01]

Finished Paper mill and parking lot [01]

Date: 1950-05-03

aerial photographs construction sites paper mills

Aerial photograph of the completed Clearwater paper mill. The Clearwater river appears on the left-hand side of the photograph.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [23]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [23]

Date: 1951

band saws sawmills

Band saws for the Clearwater sawmill. The description on the back of the photograph says: 'new 14' wide - we...

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Ground observer training [02]

Ground observer training [02]

Date: 1953

training military uniforms

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'a typical training session on aircraft identification is held at Headquarters....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [38]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [38]

Date: 1951

shaping and guiding machinery

A man sits a control board. The description on the back reads: 'Small log sawing equipment similar to that shown...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [34]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [34]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery lumber

Planks come off the assembly line as a man watches. On the back, it states that the rights are held...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [06]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [06]

Date: 1951


A man works on covered lumber stacks that are ready to ship out. The lumber are labeled with the Potlatch...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [20]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [20]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery lumber

Lumber goes through the sawmill process.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [03]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [03]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery lumber

In the foreground, rough lumber waits to be processed. In the background, men work on planks.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [29]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [29]

Date: 1951

saw blades woodworking machinery

Two men work on a saw in the Clearwater paper mill. On the back, it states that the rights are...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [40]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [40]

Date: 1951

saw blades woodworking machinery lumber

A saw cuts into a un-finished tree log. On the back, it states that the rights are held by Earl...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [33]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [33]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery lumber boards (flat objects)

In the foreground, a man leans over a run of boards of lumber while another man stands watch in the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [16]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [16]

Date: 1951

sawmills lumber shaping and guiding machinery

The description on the back of the photograph says 'a charge of lumber ready for dry kiln.'

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [19]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [19]

Date: 1951

sawmills lumber

The description on the back of the photograph says 'lumber, ready for dry kiln.'

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [22]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [22]

Date: 1951

sawmills lumber

A man reads lumber for the dry kiln. The back of the photograph includes 'Imel studio 703 8th st. Lewiston,...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [28]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [28]

Date: 1951

barkers woodworking machinery lumber Log (wood)

A log being pulled through what appears to be a debarker. On the back, it states that the rights are...

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Explaining the use of a map

Explaining the use of a map

Date: 1953

training military uniforms clerical workers typewriters maps (documents)

'"Sgt. George Webster explains use of map while Cerryal Coulter uses telephone at radio communication center in Lewiston administrative offices...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [21]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [21]

Date: 1951

sawmills woodworking machinery

Attached with this photograph was a description that reads: 'Off bearing chain the two hold down wheels which rest on...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [01]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [01]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Machinery inside the Clearwater Paper Mill plant. On the back of the photograph, it is stamped with the studio name:...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [25]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [25]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Machinery inside the Clearwater Paper Mill plant. On the back of the photograph, it is stamped with the studio name:...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [24]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [24]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Machinery inside the Clearwater Paper Mill plant. On the left hand side of the photographs there are plaques on the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [14]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [14]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Machinery inside the Clearwater Paper Mill plant. On the back of the photograph, it is stamped with the studio name:...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [39]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [39]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Machinery inside the Clearwater Paper Mill plant.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [30]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [30]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

Photograph shows part the sawmill process.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [15]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [15]

Date: 1951

woodworking machinery

A log being run through a saw. Description on the back of the photograph says 'cut off saw between hydraulic...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [26]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [26]

Date: 1966

belt conveyors woodworking machinery lumber planks (wood)

A man pushes a plank of wood down a roller conveyor belt.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [36]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [36]

Date: 1966

belt conveyors woodworking machinery lumber planks (wood)

A plank of lumber being rolled down a roller conveyor belt towards another machine.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [37]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [37]

Date: 1966


The interior of the Clearwater Paper Mill.

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Ground observer training [01]

Ground observer training [01]

Date: 1953

training military uniforms maps (documents)

'"Civilian Ground Observer Training at PFI' Men study a man in preparation for airplane observation."

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [18]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [18]

Date: 1966

lumber boards (flat objects)

Two men work with boards of lumber. Attached to the photo is a description that reads 'A jig designed by...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [35]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [35]

Date: 1966

lumber planks (wood) women

A woman works with planks of lumber.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [09]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [09]

Date: 1966

woodworking machinery lumber boards (flat objects)

One man is putting the piece of wood into the machine while another ties off sets of the pieces.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [04]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [04]

Date: 1966

lumber planks (wood) women

Women work alongside men, sawing planks of wood.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [45]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [45]

Date: 1966

woodworking machinery lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood)

Bundles of wood boards sit waiting on a cart while others wait on racks to be put through the moulder,...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [12]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [12]

Date: 1966

woodworking machinery lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood) women

A man and woman work together to run a piece of lumber through a machine. On the back, it's written...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [02]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [02]

Date: 1966

lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood) women sawmills

Men and women work together in the Clearwater Paper Mill. Stacks of planks of wood are on a roller conveyor...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [69]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [69]

Date: 1966

lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood) sawmills

Men work on the saw line sawing planks of wood. On the right hand of the photograph, the box reads:...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [17]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [17]

Date: 1966

lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood) sawmills woodworking machinery

A man pushes a plank of wood through a machine. On the back, the description reads 'Lock Deck laminated decking...

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Surveying forest land

Surveying forest land

Date: 1953

transceivers forests (plant communities) hard hats

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Bob Tondevold surveys typical country from atop Bald Mountain. This is...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [27]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [27]

Date: 1966

white pine (wood) boards (flat objects) planks (wood)

End of planks of wood stamped with the Potlatach name. The stamps read: 'Potlatch,' 'pfi Symbol of Quality made in...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [05]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [05]

Date: 1966

lumber boards (flat objects) planks (wood) sawmills

Bundles of wood are stacked high in the Clearwater Paper Mill warehouse.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [52]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [52]

Date: 1966

circuit breakers machinery

Photograph of what appears to be a circuit breaker.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [55]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [55]

Date: 1966

lumber sawmills woodworking machinery Log (wood) saw blades saws

Logs coming through the cut off saw.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [48]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [48]

Date: 1966-03-28

Log (wood)

Logs wait in log slips.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [53]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [53]

Date: 1966-03-28

barkers woodworking machinery lumber Log (wood)

A log gets sprayed by water as it goes through the debarker at the Clearwater Paper Mill.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [65]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [65]

Date: 1966

sawmills woodworking machinery boards (flat objects) planks (wood)

Men work with planks of wood. Writing on the back says 'Green chain.'

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [57]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [57]

Date: 1966

sawmills woodworking machinery boards (flat objects) planks (wood)

A man works on the edger in the sawmill. Writing on the back says 'edging pincher.'

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [46]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [46]

Date: 1966

sawmills woodworking machinery

A man sits in a chair looking at the camera while men in the background work with planks of wood....

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [43]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [43]

Date: 1966

sawmills woodworking machinery

A man sits in a chair over sawdust and scraps of wood while holding on to machinery. The description on...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [31]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [31]

Date: 1966

sawmills lumber

A man manipulates lumber scraps.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [70]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [70]

Date: 1966

sawmills lumber planks (wood)

Men monitor lumber as it works along the green chain. The description on the back reads 'Green Chain and workers.'...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [32]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [32]

Date: 1966

sawmills woodworking machinery lumber planks (wood)

A overhead of the green chain. At the top of the photo, a worker works with several planks of lumber....

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Talking to headquarters

Talking to headquarters

Date: 1953

diesel-electric locomotives

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Engineer George Crystal calls into Headquarters, Idaho from cab of diesel-electric...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [49]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [49]

Date: 1966

sawmills lumber planks (wood) woodworking machinery

Planks coming down the green chain to be sorted into piles.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [42]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [42]

Date: 1966

sawmills lumber planks (wood)

In the planer mill, planks of Lumber are inspected for grading. Two men stand on the right hand of the...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [44]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [44]

Date: 1966

sawmills lumber planks (wood) woodworking machinery

Planks are run through the edger machine.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [62]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [62]

Date: 1956-12-31

sawmills woodworking machinery Log (wood)

A log is being cut into planks after being stripped of its bark.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [64]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [64]

Date: 1957-01-10

sawmills woodworking machinery Log (wood) planks (wood)

Two men work at taking the planks from the logs and move to the next part of the process.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [41]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [41]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood)

Log being brought into the mill.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [56]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [56]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery

Rough log being run through a saw.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [58]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [58]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery gang sawmills

A man works a rough log through a gang saw. The description on the back reads 'gang saw in operation.'...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [54]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [54]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery gang sawmills

A man operates a gang saw as a log goes through the machine.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [66]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [66]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery gang sawmills

Three pieces of lumber go through a gang saw while a man controls it from the side.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [47]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [47]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery gang sawmills

Two cut and debarked logs sit waiting to move, while a third comes in to to be cut.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [51]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [51]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery gang sawmills

One rough log sits, waiting for the machine to finish with another log.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [61]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [61]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

A man operates a piece of machinery at the Clearwater Paper mill. The description on the back of the photograph...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [68]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [68]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery

A debarked log is shown either coming out of or going into a piece of machinery. On the right-hand side...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [67]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [67]

Date: 1966

circular saws sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery

Three rough logs sit in front of a large circular saw. A fourth rough log sits in the background.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [10]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [10]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

Two logs sit in front a set of machinery. The description on the back reads 'Head rig #2 from deck.'...

Go to Item

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [07]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [07]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

Debarked logs sit waiting for the next step in the process. The description on the back reads 'PFI Head rigs,...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [11]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [11]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

In the foreground, debarked logs sit waiting. In the background mill machinery. The description on the back reads 'PFI (Lewiston)...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [59]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [59]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

On the left-hand side of the photograph, a log waits to be put through the saw. In the middle of...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [08]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [08]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

One log is being put through a head rig while others wait. Description on the back reads '#4939-10 PFI (Lewiston)...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [50]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [50]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery head rig

One rough log waits to go through the head saw, while another goes through.

Go to Item

Map explanations

Map explanations

Date: 1953

training military uniforms clerical workers maps (documents) radio receivers schedules (time plans)

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Sgt. George Webster, member of Air Force training team, explains use...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [13]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [13]

Date: 1966

gang sawmills sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery

Planks are cut from a log on the gang saw.

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [63]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [63]

Date: 1966

forklift trucks lumber lumber sheds planks (wood)

A man uses a forklift to lift a stack of lumber on to a rack. The description on the back...

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Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [60]

Clearwater Sawmill and Lumber factory workings [60]

Date: 1966

sawmills Log (wood) woodworking machinery

A piece of mill machinery next to a roller conveyor belt.

Go to Item

Map explanations

Map explanations

Date: 1953

training clerical workers typewriters maps (documents)

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Operator Bernice Koefelda calls Spokane Filter Center while Sgt. George Webster...

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Plotting aircraft

Plotting aircraft

Date: 1953

training military uniforms plats (maps)

The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Operations room in the Spokane filter Center. Civilian volunteers plotting aircraft.'...

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Using the radio

Using the radio

Date: 1953

training clerical workers maps (documents) radio receivers schedules (time plans)

Cora Todd uses the radio in Lewiston, Idaho. Behind and to her right is the locomotive schedule for the lumber...

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Looking for aircraft

Looking for aircraft

Date: 1953

forests (plant communities) pickups (trucks) maps (documents)

'"Bob Tondevold and James Delaney locating aircraft' is the description on the back of the photograph. These two men look...

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Using radio equipment

Using radio equipment

Date: 1953


The description on the back of the photograph reads 'Forrest Vaughan checks transmitting equipment in shack on Bald Mountain, where...

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Spotting an aircraft and calling it in

Spotting an aircraft and calling it in

Date: 1953

transceivers pickups (trucks)

The description on the photograph reads 'Bob Tondevold, left, PFI train master, and James Delaney, telephone repairman, call in the...

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Paper mill construction [17]

Paper mill construction [17]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment cranes trucks construction sites

Construction of the Clearwater paper mill plant in Lewiston, Idaho.

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Paper mill construction [20]

Paper mill construction [20]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment cranes construction sites

Construction of the Clearwater paper mill plant in Lewiston, Idaho, looking at rebar and cement structure as well as a...

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Paper mill construction [15]

Paper mill construction [15]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment cranes railroads (infrastructure) lumber construction sites

Construction area of the paper mill looking towards the Clearwater river. Railroad tracks are in the foreground while piles of...

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Paper mill construction [13]

Paper mill construction [13]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment trucks lumber construction sites

Construction of the boiler at the Clearwater paper mill plant in Lewiston, Idaho

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Paper mill construction [02]

Paper mill construction [02]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment building materials cement products construction sites

Men work to construction of the roof at the Clearwater paper mill plant

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Paper mill construction [16]

Paper mill construction [16]

Date: 1950-03-21

construction equipment building materials cement products construction sites

Men working to construct the roof using cement at the Clearwater paper mill.

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Site of Clearwater Paper Mill [02]

Site of Clearwater Paper Mill [02]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction sites trucks railroads (infrastructure)

Photograph of the site for the Clearwater Paper Mill before construction began

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Site of Clearwater Paper Mill [01]

Site of Clearwater Paper Mill [01]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction sites trucks railroads (infrastructure)

Photograph of the site of the Clearwater Paper Mill before construction began.

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Paper mill construction [05]

Paper mill construction [05]

Date: 1950-04-26

paper mills automobiles

Construction at the Clearwater Paper Mill. One building is being worked on in the back of the photograph, while another...

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Paper mill construction [10]

Paper mill construction [10]

Date: 1950-04-26

construction equipment building materials cement products construction sites

Looking at one side of the building of the Clearwater paper mill plant while the men work on the roof....

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Aircraft [01]

Aircraft [01]

Date: 1960

business aircraft aircraft

One of Potlatch's Learjet jets before it was painted at the Learjet factory in Wichita, Kansas. Two men are near...

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Lumber mill [02]

Lumber mill [02]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'"Interior of the saw mill of the Potlatch Lumber Co. at Potlatch, Idaho, from the log end, showing log decks...

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Finished Lumber [01]

Finished Lumber [01]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber sawmills

'"Five plate panoramic view of the plant over the lumber yard from north.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Aircraft [03]

Aircraft [03]

Date: 1969-08-06

business aircraft aircraft

Three new pilots for Potlatch stand in front of the new plane at a hanger at the Lewiston Airport. A....

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Aircraft ]04]

Aircraft ]04]

Date: 1959-03-01

business aircraft aircraft

A man stands in front of a Leanster Mark 2 with a tail number of N400L airplane at the Lewiston...

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Lumber mill [09]

Lumber mill [09]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'"Another view from further back, with railing around cut off saws.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the...

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Aircraft [02]

Aircraft [02]

Date: 1969

business aircraft aircraft

A Learjet jet with the tail number of N802L in flight.

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Lumber mill [11]

Lumber mill [11]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'"Detail of interior of the saw mill from Center, showing four band mills, but only small part of gang.' (Description...

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Lumber mill [03]

Lumber mill [03]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'"The two International Endless Chain Draw Saws, motor driven.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph...

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Lumber mill [05]

Lumber mill [05]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'"Interior of saw mill from stairway in N. W. corner, with a very wide angle to show the entire equipment.'...

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Lumber mill [06]

Lumber mill [06]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood)

'" Interior of saw mill from same position, narrower angle showing details of edgers and bands larger but not including...

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Lumber mill [10]

Lumber mill [10]

Date: 1913

sawmills Log (wood) lumber

'"Interior of the long sorting shed, 544 feet from outside.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder)...

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Finished Lumber [03]

Finished Lumber [03]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

'"Alley No. 12 in lumber yard from east.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph taken...

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Finished Lumber [05]

Finished Lumber [05]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

'"Same view as one plate, not showing quite all west end of yard.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Finished Lumber [04]

Finished Lumber [04]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

'"Stack with four bottom supports carried to three cross strips, and north side of Alley No. 20 in lumber yard...

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Finished Lumber [06]

Finished Lumber [06]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

Plate 2 of a five plate set of a panoramic view of the plant over the lumber yard from the...

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Lumber Railcars

Lumber Railcars

Date: 1913

locomotives planks (wood) lumber

'"Jeffrey Electric Storage Battery locomotives on main track in yard.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder)...

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Finished Lumber [02]

Finished Lumber [02]

Date: 1913

planks (wood) lumber

'"Eleven stacks 12' in. No. 3 White Pine, south side Alley 6.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within...

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Lumber mill [08]

Lumber mill [08]

Date: 1913


'"Plant from east hill north of Catholic church.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph taken...

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Lumber mill [04]

Lumber mill [04]

Date: 1913


'"Plant from 5th and Pine sts., showing depot.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph taken...

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Lumber mill [07]

Lumber mill [07]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) sawmills

'"The big stump and the saw mill.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph taken between...

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Lumber mill [12]

Lumber mill [12]

Date: 1913

smokestacks sawmills

'"Planing mill power house, planer, sheds and loading track from roof of blacksmith shop.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers...

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Lumber mill and town

Lumber mill and town

Date: 1913

sawmills company towns mill towns

'"The saw mill complete, with the town [Potlatch] back.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder) Photograph...

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Lumber mill [01]

Lumber mill [01]

Date: 1913

sawmills planing mills

'"Closer view of sorting shed and saw mill, also stack of planing mill.' (Description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Bovill Timber [05]

Bovill Timber [05]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood) bastard cedar (wood) cedar (wood)

'"White Pine and Cedar timber on center of sec. 34, T 42 N, R 1W.' Description taken from American Lumberman...

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Bovill Timber [02]

Bovill Timber [02]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood)

'"About two leg cuts in height on White Pine tree 22 feet in circumference at stump, located on SE SE...

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Bovill Timber [03]

Bovill Timber [03]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood)

'"Trunks of two monster White Pine trees, first one 19'6'; second 22' in circumference at the stump.' Description taken from...

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Bovill Timber [06]

Bovill Timber [06]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood)

'"Another view to show height of trunks of these trees to limbs.' 'Trunks of two monster White Pine trees, first...

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Bovill Timber [01]

Bovill Timber [01]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood)

'"Broadway view of thick clump of White Pine timber located on SE NE Sec. 34/42N/1W, Latah, Co. Idaho.' Description taken...

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Bovill Timber [04]

Bovill Timber [04]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood) bastard cedar (wood) cedar (wood)

'"White Pine and Cedar timber on NW NE Sec 33/42/1.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder....

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Bovill Timber [09]

Bovill Timber [09]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood)

'"Another view of same clump to show height to limbs.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder....

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Bovill Timber [07]

Bovill Timber [07]

Date: 1913

white pine (wood) bastard cedar (wood) cedar (wood)

'"Thick clump of White Pine on hillside in the same location [as 452].' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Bovill Timber [08]

Bovill Timber [08]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material)

'"White Pine and Cedar timber on SE SE Sec. 33/42/1.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder....

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Cable Tram Road [08]

Cable Tram Road [08]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material)

Cut timber logs surround poles that are holding up a cable system. The description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Cable Tram Road [03]

Cable Tram Road [03]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) trolley

'"Loading end of the cable tramway, where the logs are attached to the cable.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers...

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Cable Tram Road [11]

Cable Tram Road [11]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging

'"View from above loading skidway at noontime.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph taken between...

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Cable Tram Road [06]

Cable Tram Road [06]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"Looking down first curve to lunch shack, showing considerable standing timber.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the...

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Cable Tram Road [04]

Cable Tram Road [04]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"Looking up from turn below lunch shack.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph taken between...

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Cable Tram Road [02]

Cable Tram Road [02]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"The Cable splice rig, and logs on the ground from right of way.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found...

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Cable Tram Road [05]

Cable Tram Road [05]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"View across the big canyon where line is highest and longest, about 2,500 feet from upper end.' Description taken from...

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Cable Tram Road [07]

Cable Tram Road [07]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline

'"View across the big canyon where line is highest and longest, about 2,500 feet from upper end.' Description taken from...

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Cable Tram Road [09]

Cable Tram Road [09]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline draft horses

'"At the first curve looking up, also showing first station.' Also included in this photo is a man standing behind...

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Cable Tram Road [10]

Cable Tram Road [10]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline skid trail

'"Logs as they come to the lower landing.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the folder. Photograph taken...

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Elk River saw mill [08]

Elk River saw mill [08]

Date: 1913

sawmills planing mills dry kilns

'"Saw Mill, Dry Kilns, Planing Mill and lumber yard from southeast.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within the...

Go to Item

Cable Tram Road [01]

Cable Tram Road [01]

Date: 1913

wood (plant material) forestry logging trolley skyline skid trail

'"T. P. Jones and crew at lower landing with one chain released.' Description taken from American Lumberman papers found within...

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Elk River saw mill [11]

Elk River saw mill [11]

Date: 1913

sawmills company towns mill towns planing mills dry kilns

'"Another view from same position, with wide angle, showing all of the town and plant.' Description taken from American Lumberman...

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The Family Tree : 1938, February

The Family Tree : 1938, February

Date: 1938-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, January

The Family Tree : 1938, January

Date: 1938-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, July

The Family Tree : 1938, July

Date: 1938-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, May

The Family Tree : 1938, May

Date: 1938-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, March

The Family Tree : 1938, March

Date: 1938-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, April

The Family Tree : 1938, April

Date: 1938-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, June

The Family Tree : 1938, June

Date: 1938-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, September

The Family Tree : 1938, September

Date: 1938-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, October

The Family Tree : 1938, October

Date: 1938-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 13, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, August

The Family Tree : 1938, August

Date: 1938-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, November

The Family Tree : 1938, November

Date: 1938-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 02, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1938, December

The Family Tree : 1938, December

Date: 1938-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 03, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, January

The Family Tree : 1939, January

Date: 1939-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, March

The Family Tree : 1939, March

Date: 1939-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, April

The Family Tree : 1939, April

Date: 1939-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, September

The Family Tree : 1939, September

Date: 1939-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, May

The Family Tree : 1939, May

Date: 1939-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, August

The Family Tree : 1939, August

Date: 1939-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, June

The Family Tree : 1939, June

Date: 1939-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, July

The Family Tree : 1939, July

Date: 1939-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, October

The Family Tree : 1939, October

Date: 1939-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 01, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, December

The Family Tree : 1939, December

Date: 1939-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 03, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, February

The Family Tree : 1939, February

Date: 1939-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 3 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1939, November

The Family Tree : 1939, November

Date: 1939-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 02, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1936, October

The Family Tree : 1936, October

Date: 1936-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 4 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1936, December

The Family Tree : 1936, December

Date: 1936-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1936, November

The Family Tree : 1936, November

Date: 1936-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, May

The Family Tree : 1937, May

Date: 1937-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, March

The Family Tree : 1937, March

Date: 1937-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, July

The Family Tree : 1937, July

Date: 1937-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, February

The Family Tree : 1937, February

Date: 1937-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, August

The Family Tree : 1937, August

Date: 1937-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, April

The Family Tree : 1937, April

Date: 1937-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, June

The Family Tree : 1937, June

Date: 1937-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, November

The Family Tree : 1937, November

Date: 1937-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 02, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, October

The Family Tree : 1937, October

Date: 1937-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 01, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, September

The Family Tree : 1937, September

Date: 1937-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, January

The Family Tree : 1937, January

Date: 1937-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 1 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 10 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1937, December

The Family Tree : 1937, December

Date: 1937-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 2 No. 03, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, January

The Family Tree : 1940, January

Date: 1940-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, March

The Family Tree : 1940, March

Date: 1940-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, February

The Family Tree : 1940, February

Date: 1940-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, April

The Family Tree : 1940, April

Date: 1940-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, May

The Family Tree : 1940, May

Date: 1940-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, July

The Family Tree : 1940, July

Date: 1940-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, August

The Family Tree : 1940, August

Date: 1940-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, June

The Family Tree : 1940, June

Date: 1940-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, September

The Family Tree : 1940, September

Date: 1940-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 4 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, October

The Family Tree : 1940, October

Date: 1940-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, December

The Family Tree : 1940, December

Date: 1940-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1940, November

The Family Tree : 1940, November

Date: 1940-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, January

The Family Tree : 1941, January

Date: 1941-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, February

The Family Tree : 1941, February

Date: 1941-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, April

The Family Tree : 1941, April

Date: 1941-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, July

The Family Tree : 1941, July

Date: 1941-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, June

The Family Tree : 1941, June

Date: 1941-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, March

The Family Tree : 1941, March

Date: 1941-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, May

The Family Tree : 1941, May

Date: 1941-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, August

The Family Tree : 1941, August

Date: 1941-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, September

The Family Tree : 1941, September

Date: 1941-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 5 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, October

The Family Tree : 1941, October

Date: 1941-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, November

The Family Tree : 1941, November

Date: 1941-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1941, December

The Family Tree : 1941, December

Date: 1941-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, January

The Family Tree : 1942, January

Date: 1942-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, February

The Family Tree : 1942, February

Date: 1942-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, July

The Family Tree : 1942, July

Date: 1942-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, June

The Family Tree : 1942, June

Date: 1942-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, March

The Family Tree : 1942, March

Date: 1942-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, May

The Family Tree : 1942, May

Date: 1942-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, April

The Family Tree : 1942, April

Date: 1942-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, October

The Family Tree : 1942, October

Date: 1942-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, August

The Family Tree : 1942, August

Date: 1942-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, September

The Family Tree : 1942, September

Date: 1942-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 6 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, December

The Family Tree : 1942, December

Date: 1942-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1942, November

The Family Tree : 1942, November

Date: 1942-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, April

The Family Tree : 1943, April

Date: 1943-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, March

The Family Tree : 1943, March

Date: 1943-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, June

The Family Tree : 1943, June

Date: 1943-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943 February

The Family Tree : 1943 February

Date: 1943-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, July

The Family Tree : 1943, July

Date: 1943-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, January

The Family Tree : 1943, January

Date: 1943-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, May

The Family Tree : 1943, May

Date: 1943-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, November

The Family Tree : 1943, November

Date: 1943-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, September

The Family Tree : 1943, September

Date: 1943-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, August

The Family Tree : 1943, August

Date: 1943-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 7 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, December

The Family Tree : 1943, December

Date: 1943-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1943, October

The Family Tree : 1943, October

Date: 1943-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, December

The Family Tree : 1944, December

Date: 1944-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, October

The Family Tree : 1944, October

Date: 1944-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, September

The Family Tree : 1944, September

Date: 1944-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, June

The Family Tree : 1944, June

Date: 1944-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, May

The Family Tree : 1944, May

Date: 1944-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944 February

The Family Tree : 1944 February

Date: 1944-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, January

The Family Tree : 1944, January

Date: 1944-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, March

The Family Tree : 1944, March

Date: 1944-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, August

The Family Tree : 1944, August

Date: 1944-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, April

The Family Tree : 1944, April

Date: 1944-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, July

The Family Tree : 1944, July

Date: 1944-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 8 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1944, November

The Family Tree : 1944, November

Date: 1944-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, May

The Family Tree : 1945, May

Date: 1945-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, April

The Family Tree : 1945, April

Date: 1945-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, June

The Family Tree : 1945, June

Date: 1945-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945 February

The Family Tree : 1945 February

Date: 1945-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, January

The Family Tree : 1945, January

Date: 1945-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, November

The Family Tree : 1945, November

Date: 1945-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, October

The Family Tree : 1945, October

Date: 1945-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, March

The Family Tree : 1945, March

Date: 1945-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, September

The Family Tree : 1945, September

Date: 1945-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, December

The Family Tree : 1945, December

Date: 1945-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, August

The Family Tree : 1945, August

Date: 1945-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, January

The Family Tree : 1946, January

Date: 1946-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, April

The Family Tree : 1946, April

Date: 1946-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, February

The Family Tree : 1946, February

Date: 1946-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, March

The Family Tree : 1946, March

Date: 1946-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, August

The Family Tree : 1946, August

Date: 1946-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, June

The Family Tree : 1946, June

Date: 1946-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, May

The Family Tree : 1946, May

Date: 1946-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, July

The Family Tree : 1946, July

Date: 1946-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, September

The Family Tree : 1946, September

Date: 1946-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 10 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, November

The Family Tree : 1946, November

Date: 1946-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, December

The Family Tree : 1946, December

Date: 1946-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1946, October

The Family Tree : 1946, October

Date: 1946-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, June

The Family Tree : 1947, June

Date: 1947-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, January

The Family Tree : 1947, January

Date: 1947-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947 February

The Family Tree : 1947 February

Date: 1947-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, July

The Family Tree : 1947, July

Date: 1947-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, September

The Family Tree : 1947, September

Date: 1947-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, October

The Family Tree : 1947, October

Date: 1947-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, May

The Family Tree : 1947, May

Date: 1947-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, November

The Family Tree : 1947, November

Date: 1947-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, December

The Family Tree : 1947, December

Date: 1947-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, April

The Family Tree : 1947, April

Date: 1947-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, August

The Family Tree : 1947, August

Date: 1947-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1947, March

The Family Tree : 1947, March

Date: 1947-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 11 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, September

The Family Tree : 1948, September

Date: 1948-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, January

The Family Tree : 1948, January

Date: 1948-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948 February

The Family Tree : 1948 February

Date: 1948-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, August

The Family Tree : 1948, August

Date: 1948-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, April

The Family Tree : 1948, April

Date: 1948-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, July

The Family Tree : 1948, July

Date: 1948-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, March

The Family Tree : 1948, March

Date: 1948-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, June

The Family Tree : 1948, June

Date: 1948-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, May

The Family Tree : 1948, May

Date: 1948-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 12 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, December

The Family Tree : 1948, December

Date: 1948-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, October

The Family Tree : 1948, October

Date: 1948-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1948, November

The Family Tree : 1948, November

Date: 1948-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1945, July

The Family Tree : 1945, July

Date: 1945-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 9 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, April

The Family Tree : 1949, April

Date: 1949-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, March

The Family Tree : 1949, March

Date: 1949-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, May

The Family Tree : 1949, May

Date: 1949-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, January

The Family Tree : 1949, January

Date: 1949-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, June

The Family Tree : 1949, June

Date: 1949-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, August

The Family Tree : 1949, August

Date: 1949-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, July

The Family Tree : 1949, July

Date: 1949-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949 February

The Family Tree : 1949 February

Date: 1949-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, September

The Family Tree : 1949, September

Date: 1949-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 13 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, October

The Family Tree : 1949, October

Date: 1949-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, November

The Family Tree : 1949, November

Date: 1949-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1949, December

The Family Tree : 1949, December

Date: 1949-12

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950 February

The Family Tree : 1950 February

Date: 1950-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, January

The Family Tree : 1950, January

Date: 1950-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, March

The Family Tree : 1950, March

Date: 1950-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, April

The Family Tree : 1950, April

Date: 1950-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, May

The Family Tree : 1950, May

Date: 1950-05

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 8, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, June

The Family Tree : 1950, June

Date: 1950-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 9, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, September

The Family Tree : 1950, September

Date: 1950-09

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 12, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, August

The Family Tree : 1950, August

Date: 1950-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 11, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, October

The Family Tree : 1950, October

Date: 1950-10

newsletter logging

Vol. 15 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, July

The Family Tree : 1950, July

Date: 1950-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 14 No. 10, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1950, November

The Family Tree : 1950, November

Date: 1950-11

newsletter logging

Vol. 15 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1951, January

The Family Tree : 1951, January

Date: 1951-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 15 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1951, April

The Family Tree : 1951, April

Date: 1951-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 15 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1951, July

The Family Tree : 1951, July

Date: 1951-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 15 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, January

The Family Tree : 1952, January

Date: 1952-01

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 1, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952 February

The Family Tree : 1952 February

Date: 1952-02

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 2, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, March

The Family Tree : 1952, March

Date: 1952-03

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 3, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, April

The Family Tree : 1952, April

Date: 1952-04

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 4, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, June

The Family Tree : 1952, June

Date: 1952-06

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 5, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, July

The Family Tree : 1952, July

Date: 1952-07

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 6, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 8 pages.

Go to Item

The Family Tree : 1952, August

The Family Tree : 1952, August

Date: 1952-08

newsletter logging

Vol. 16 No. 7, Published by Potlatch Forests, Inc., 10 pages.

Go to Item

Typical Logging Chute

Typical Logging Chute

Date: 1915-01-01

chutes Log (wood)

Typical log chute with tread for horses used in trailing, near Big Creek in the St. Joe River area. Courtesy...

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White Pine Sale

White Pine Sale

Date: 1940-01-01

portraits Log (wood) sales events white pine (wood)

White pine Log Decks, Potlatch Forests Incorporated Sale Homestead Creek. Neil Fullerton with scale stick on deck of white pine...

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Clarence Charles Strong

Clarence Charles Strong

Date: 1969-01-01


Portrait of Strong, who was one of the authors of the book 'White Pine: King of Many Waters'.

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Clyde Stephen Webb

Clyde Stephen Webb

Date: 1954-01-01


Portrait of Webb, who was one of the authors of the book 'White Pine: King of Many Waters'.

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Logs Towed Down St. Maries River

Logs Towed Down St. Maries River

Date: 1942-06-06

Log (wood) rivers

Brailed booms of logs being towed along narrow St. Maries River channel.

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Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Date: 1941-05-08

Log (wood) rivers tugboats

Tugboat towing logs on St. Joe River.

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Tugboat 'Hercules'

Tugboat 'Hercules'

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) bridges (built works) houseboats

Tugboat 'Hercules' towing several brails of logs on St. Maries River. Picture taken from the old bridge, new bridge in...

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Tugboat 'Hercules'

Tugboat 'Hercules'

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) bridges (built works) shipmasters

Tugboat 'Hercules' (a Lafferty Company tugboat) and it's driver towing a brail of logs on the St. Maries River. Note...

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Tugboat 'Hercules'

Tugboat 'Hercules'

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) bridges (built works)

Tugboat 'Hercules' towing several brails of logs on the St. Maries River. Note the new bridge in the background.

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Corliss Steam Engine Sign

Corliss Steam Engine Sign

Date: 1967-04-15

information signs

Corliss Steam Engine sign in Newport, Washington. Sign reads as follows: 'Corliss Steam Engine 'The Big Wheel'. Engine Data- 478...

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One Legged Lumberjack

One Legged Lumberjack

Date: 1927-01-01

lumbermen handicapped chutes

A lumberjack named Callahan, who worked for Ohio Match Company, standing in a log chute. The photo was taken at...

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Champion Women Sawyers

Champion Women Sawyers

Date: 1934-01-01

lumbermen women Ulmus (genus) winners clippings (information artifacts)

Champion sawyers Ruth Turcotte (left) & June DeGraff (right) sawing a dead elm tree in Central Park, New York. Newspaper...

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Milwaukee Lumber Company Log Train and Crew

Milwaukee Lumber Company Log Train and Crew

Date: 1913-01-01

railroad (infrastructure) steam locomotives flatcars Log (wood) Group portraits blue collar workers

East Fork St. Joe-Big Creek drainage. Courtesy of the Superior Publishing Company in Seattle, Washington.

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Corliss Steam Engine and Sign

Corliss Steam Engine and Sign

Date: 1967-04-15

information signs steam engines (engines)

Corliss Steam Engine sign and 'The Big Wheel' in Newport, Washington.

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Champion Women Sawyers

Champion Women Sawyers

Date: 1934-01-01

Group portraits contests winners lumbermen women

Ruth Turcotte (left) with saw and June DeGraff (right) with axe, in Rose Lake, Idaho. A crowd of spectators are...

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Loading Railway Cars

Loading Railway Cars

Date: 1923-01-01

railroad (infrastructure) flatcars freight cars Log (wood) arch

Two men using an 'A' frame to load railway cars, near Prichard, Idaho.

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Fort Coeur d'Alene

Fort Coeur d'Alene

Date: 1884-01-01

fort snow winter

A view of Fort Coeur d'Alene (later Fort Sherman) and the mouth of the Coeur D'Alene River.

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Lake Steamers Sign

Lake Steamers Sign

Date: 1967-04-17

information signs

Lake Steamers historical marker. On Highway 10, east of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Sign reads as follows: ' Lake Steamers. Built...

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Incline Railroad

Incline Railroad

Date: 1923-01-01

railroad (infrastructure) forests (plant communities)

Edward Rutledge Timber Company incline railroad along Marble Creek, near St. Joe National Forest. Photo is credited to the U.S.D.A....

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) houseboats

Tugboat pulling logs from St. Maries River into St. Joe River.

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Fresh Burn Near Slate Creek

Fresh Burn Near Slate Creek

Date: 1930-01-01

forests (plant communities) fires (events)

Fresh burn in the Slate Creek area, near the Little North Fork of the St. Joe River. The same area...

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Log Jam

Log Jam

Date: 1938-04-18

Log (wood) floods (natural events) railroad (infrastructure)

Log jam above drawbridge along Milwaukee Railroad tracks, St. Maries, Idaho.

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Log Jam

Log Jam

Date: 1938-04-18

Log (wood) floods (natural events) railroad (infrastructure) rivers

Log jam above drawbridge, St. Maries, Idaho.

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Fire Damaged Lumber Yard

Fire Damaged Lumber Yard

Date: 1940-09-02

lumberyards (stores) fires (events) railroads (infrastructure)

Rogers Lumber Company Yard at St. Maries after a plant fire. Note heat buckled rails.

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December Flood

December Flood

Date: 1933-01-01

floods (natural events) rivers

Flood in St. Maries, Idaho. Taken in December.

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Flood in St. Maries, Idaho.

Flood in St. Maries, Idaho.

Date: 1933-01-01

lumberyards (stores) floods (natural events)

A view of Milwaukee Lumber Company during flood, St. Maries, Idaho. Taken in December.

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Logging Camp

Logging Camp

Date: 1924-01-01

lumber camps

Rose Lake Lumber Company, Falls Creek Camp. According to Dick Reed this was a typical camp of that time: capacity...

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Typical Logging Chute

Typical Logging Chute

Date: 1915-01-01

chutes Log (wood)

Typical log chute with tread for horses used in trailing, near Big Creek in the St. Joe River area. Courtesy...

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Horses Trailing Logs in Chute

Horses Trailing Logs in Chute

Date: 1928-06-23

chutes Log (wood) draft horses

Horses trailing logs in chute. Emerald Creek. Creek Camp #2.Credit to U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

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Diamond Match Company Chute and Flume

Diamond Match Company Chute and Flume

Date: 1928-01-01

chutes flumes forests (plant communities)

Diamond Match Company chute and flume. Big Creek. Kaniksu National Forest.

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Team of Draft Horses

Team of Draft Horses

Date: 1944-01-01

draft horses Log (wood) forests (plant communities)

Team of Percherons skidding corral poles driven by Kenneth Smith at the Tree Farm, Hayden Lake, Idaho.

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Horses Hauling by Flatboat

Horses Hauling by Flatboat

Date: 1923-01-01

rivers draft horses boats

John Connors hauling logging supplies to the Winton Lumber Company convoys by flatboat and team on Coeur d'Alene River. Courtesy...

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Horses Hauling by Flatboat

Horses Hauling by Flatboat

Date: 1923-07-16

rivers draft horses boats

Hauling logging supplies by flatboat and team up the North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River, half mile above Prichard,...

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Tugboat Fleet

Tugboat Fleet

Date: 1955-01-01

tugboats lakes (bodies of water) fleets

Lafferty Transportation Company diesel tugboats on Lake Coeur d'Alene.

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Oxen and Logging Crew

Oxen and Logging Crew

Date: 1907-01-01

Group portraits Log (wood) oxen

Joseph Brown (with lead team of oxen) and his logging crew at Old Sanders, Benewah County, Idaho. Courtesy of Mrs....

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White Pine Stand

White Pine Stand

Date: 1927-01-01

white pine (wood) forest (plant communities)

Stand of white pine timber near Cascade Creek, Coeur d'Alene National Forest. Operation of Winton Lumber Company, Gibbs, Idaho.

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White Pine Sale

White Pine Sale

Date: 1940-01-01

portraits Log (wood) sales events white pine (wood)

White pine Log Decks, Potlatch Forests Incorporated Sale Homestead Creek. Neil Fullerton with scale stick on deck of white pine...

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Logs Exiting the Log Chute

Logs Exiting the Log Chute

Date: 1929-07-08

flowage Log (wood) chutes ponds (water)

Log hits the pond from the Delaney Creek chute, Little North Fork Coeur d'Alene river. Winton Lumber Company operations. Credit...

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Logs Exiting the Log Chute

Logs Exiting the Log Chute

Date: 1920-01-01

salvage logging Log (wood) flowage chutes ponds (water)

Milwaukee Lumber Company log chute, St. Joe National Forest. A man looks on as fire damaged logs are chuted to...

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Chute meets Flume

Chute meets Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

chutes Log (wood) flumes

Winston Lumber Company Falls Creek Chute and Flume. According to Dick Reed this was a running chute most of the...

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Holt Tractor Loaded with Logs

Holt Tractor Loaded with Logs

Date: 1913-01-01

logs (wood) crawler tractors Group portraits draft horses

Tractor ready to pull a load of logs to the river, Ray Rauch operation near Newport, Washington. Holt Caterpillar '60'...

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Date: 1911-01-01

logs (wood) draft horses snow winter Group portraits sleighs

Sleigh load of logs drawn by horses. Ray Rauch operation near Newport, Washington. Load is a total of 12,400 board...

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Flume Crew Separating Logs

Flume Crew Separating Logs

Date: 1925-01-01

flumes Log (wood) blue collar workers

Crew separating logs at the Rose Lake Lumber Company flume, Falls Creek. Courtesy of Tom Reed.

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Pack String

Pack String

Date: 1925-01-01

mules (mammals) hay

Kirtly & Stone mule pack string loaded with hay, 20 miles NE of Prichard, Idaho. The pack train is headed...

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Marianne Hensley

Marianne Hensley

Date: 1925-01-01

lumbermen women Log (wood) draft horses

Marianne Hensley, Spirit Lake, helping on logging operations which she does regularly with her husband. Courtesy of Mrs. Hensley.

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Falls Creek Flume

Falls Creek Flume

Date: 1925-01-01


Flume on Falls Creek.

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Chute meets Flume

Chute meets Flume

Date: 1939-09-22

portraits flumes chutes Log (wood)

Neil Fullerton standing next to the Mica Creek trailing chute. This is where the chute landing met the Mica Creek...

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Brickle Creek Flume

Brickle Creek Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

flumes Log (wood)

Logs stacked on log deck and Brickle Creek flume of the Panhandle Lumber Company. Brickle Creek is west of Spirit...

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Mica Creek Trailing Chute

Mica Creek Trailing Chute

Date: 1939-09-22

portraits flumes chutes Log (wood)

Neil Fulleron at the Mica Creek Trailing Chute. This is where the chute landing met up with the Mica Creek...

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Brickle Creek Flume

Brickle Creek Flume

Date: 1924-01-01

flumes Log (wood)

Brickle Creek flume in operation, Panhandle Lumber Company. West of Spirit Lake, Idaho. This photo is from an old post...

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Fred Herrick Flume

Fred Herrick Flume

Date: 1966-01-01

flumes portraits

Milwaukee Lumber Co. flume on Benewah Creek 50 years after construction (built in 1916).

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Skookum Creek Flume

Skookum Creek Flume

Date: 1924-01-01

flumes Log (wood) blue collar workers

From chute and rollway to flume, Winton Lumber Company on Skookum Creek. Credit to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

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Leiberg Creek Flume

Leiberg Creek Flume

Date: 1920-07-01

flumes Log (wood) blue collar workers

Rolling logs into Leiberg Creek flume, Little North Fork Coeur d'Alene River, Coeur d'Alene National Forest. Credit to the U.S.D.A....

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Log Drive

Log Drive

Date: 1921-07-18

Log (wood) blue collar workers rivers

Log drive on Coeur d'Alene River. Drivers working on a center. Photo credit to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

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Sanders, Idaho

Sanders, Idaho

Date: 1905-01-01


A view of the town of Sanders, Idaho. Courtesy of Mrs. Day of New Sanders, Idaho.

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Driving Cranberry and Marble Creeks

Driving Cranberry and Marble Creeks

Date: 1923-06-18

Log (wood) rivers

Logs at the junction of Cranberry Creek and Marble Creek, St. Joe National Forest. Credit U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

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Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Date: 1941-05-08

Log (wood) rivers tugboats

Tugboat towing logs on St. Joe River above St. Maries towards Coeur d'Alene.

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Date: 1905-01-01

sleds draft horses Group portraits Log (wood) snow winter

Joe Brown logging operation at Sanders, Idaho. Team of horses pulling a 'go-devil' or a sled. Courtesy of Mrs. Day...

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Date: 1905-01-01

sleds draft horses Group portraits Log (wood) snow winter children

Joe Brown logging operation at Sanders, Idaho. Woman and children on sleigh load of logs, left to right: Mrs. Joe...

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Date: 1905-01-01

sleds draft horses Group portraits Log (wood) snow winter children lumbermen

Sleigh load of logs. Joe Brown logging operation at Sanders, Idaho. Two visible men are left to right: Joe Brown...

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Logs Stored Along St. Joe.

Logs Stored Along St. Joe.

Date: 1908-01-01

Log (wood) rivers sloughs

Logs stored in slough along St. Joe River.

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Loaded Logging Truck

Loaded Logging Truck

Date: 1935-01-01

Log (wood) Group portraits trucks blue collar workers

Logging truck loaded with white pine and crew. Winton Lumber Company, Gibbs, Idaho. Courtesy of Northern Idaho Junior College.

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Al B. Lafferty

Al B. Lafferty

Date: 1955-01-01

portraits offices (work spaces) directors (administrators)

Al B. Lafferty, longtime owner and manager of Lafferty Transportation Company.

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Hand Logged Forest

Hand Logged Forest

Date: 1921-07-18

forests (plant communities) Log (wood) logging

Hand logging operation of the Hedlund Lumber Company, Big Grizzly Creek, Coeur d'Alene National Forest. Photo credit to the U.S.D.A....

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Date: 1932-01-01

Log (wood) sleighs snow winter

Sleigh load of logs pulled by tractor or 'cat'. Clearwater Timber Company, Headquarters, Idaho.

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Horse Skidding Logs

Horse Skidding Logs

Date: 1950-01-01

logging Log (wood) draft horses blue collar workers lumbermen

Horse skidding logs on Stony Creek, Kaniksu National Forest. Taken in August. Photo Credit to the U.S. Forest Service.

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Ohio Match Company Log Train

Ohio Match Company Log Train

Date: 1930-01-01

railroad (infrastructure) steam locomotives flatcars Log (wood) snow

The log train is being pulled by a Heisler locomotive on a section of the Burnt Cabin Creek Railway. Photo...

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Steamboat 'Georgie Oakes'

Steamboat 'Georgie Oakes'

Date: 1910-01-01

rivers Group portraits steamboats

Steamboat 'Georgie Oakes' and crew. Refueling near Harrison, Idaho. Presented by 'Trux' Truskowsky.

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White Pine Stand

White Pine Stand

Date: 1927-01-01

white pine (wood) forest (plant communities)

Stand of white pine timber near Cascade Creek, Coeur d'Alene National Forest. Operation of Winton Lumber Company, Gibbs, Idaho.

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Jackson Lumber Harvester

Jackson Lumber Harvester

Date: 1948-01-01

logging Log (wood) blue collar workers lumbermen

Jackson lumber harvester in Boundary County, Idaho.

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Grant Lumber Company Lumberyard

Grant Lumber Company Lumberyard

Date: 1892-01-01

lumberyard (stores) blue collar workers draft horses

Grant Lumber Company, St. Maries, Idaho (misidentified as C.W. Russell Sawmill in White Pine King of Many Waters). View of...

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Ohio Match Company Sawmill

Ohio Match Company Sawmill

Date: 1928-01-01

ponds (water) sawmills lumberyard (stores)

Ohio Match Company sawmill, Huetter, Idaho. Credit to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

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Athol Lumber Company

Athol Lumber Company

Date: 1911-01-01

sawmills lumberyards (stores)

Athol Lumber Company mill, Athol, Idaho. From a postcard.

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Idaho Lumber and Manufacturing Company Sawmill

Idaho Lumber and Manufacturing Company Sawmill

Date: 1900-01-01

ponds (water) sawmills

Idaho Lumber and Manufacturing Company sawmill, Post Falls, Idaho. Courtesy Curtis Whitaker, Post Falls, Idaho.

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Cameron Lumber Company Sawmill

Cameron Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1901-01-01

ponds (water) sawmills lumberyard (stores) railroad (infrastructure) freight cars

Cameron Lumber Company plant and employees at Harrison, Idaho. Courtesy Bert Russell, Harrison, Idaho.

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Loaded Logging Truck

Loaded Logging Truck

Date: 1957-01-01

trucks Log (wood)

Truck load of logs, Kaniksu National Forest. Taken in August. U.S. Forest Service photo.

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Potlatch Forests Incorporated, Rutledge Unit

Potlatch Forests Incorporated, Rutledge Unit

Date: 1968-01-01

sawmills lumberyards (stores) expressway

Rutledge Unit of Potlatch Forests, Incorporated, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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St. Maries Lumber Company Sawmill

St. Maries Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1952-01-01

sawmills Log (wood) rivers

St. Maries Lumber Company sawmill. Current owner at this time was Lawrence Pugh though previous owners are also listed on...

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Boarding House and Sawmill

Boarding House and Sawmill

Date: 1900-01-01

ponds (water) sawmills lumberyard (stores) railroad (infrastructure) boardinghouses

Charles W. Russell boarding house & sawmill, Harrison, Idaho (misidentified as Grant Lumber Company Lumberyard in White Pine King of...

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B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Sawmill

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1908-01-01

sawmills Log (wood) rivers lumberyard (stores)

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Photo Collage

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Photo Collage

Date: 1908-01-01

composite views photographs sawmills Log (wood)

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company - composite and arrangement of several pictures showing logging operations.

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B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Sawmill

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1908-01-01

sawmills Log (wood) rivers

B.R. Lewis Lumber Company sawmill, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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Ohio Match Company Sawmill

Ohio Match Company Sawmill

Date: 1946-01-01

sawmills Log (wood) rivers lumberyard (stores) incinerators

Ohio Match Company sawmill, Huetter, Idaho. (Now Diamond International)

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Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company Sawmill

Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1909-01-01

lumberyards (stores) Group portraits blue collar workers draft horses railroad (infrastructure) flatcars

Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company sawmill and employees.

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Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company Sawmill

Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1905-01-01

sawmills lumberyards (stores) incinerators

Coeur d'Alene Lumber Company sawmill.

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Post Falls Lumber Company Sawmill

Post Falls Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1946-01-01

sawmills dams (hydraulic structures) cascades (water features)

Post Falls Lumber Company sawmill, Post Falls, Idaho.

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Trailing by Steam Donkey

Trailing by Steam Donkey

Date: 1913-01-01

chutes Log (wood) steam turbines

A steam donkey trailing logs in a chute. Logging fire damaged timber in St. Joe-Big Creek area on a Fred...

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Frederick Post Water-Powered Sawmill

Frederick Post Water-Powered Sawmill

Date: 1890-01-01

sawmills dams (hydraulic structures) cascades (water features) Group portraits blue collar workers

Frederick Post's first water-powered sawmill and employees, Post Falls, Idaho. Courtesy Paul M. Elder.

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A.W. Post Sawmill and Log Pond

A.W. Post Sawmill and Log Pond

Date: 1890-01-01

Group portraits ponds (water) Log (wood) draft horses sawmills

A.W. Post mill and log pond, Rathdrum, Idaho. Group portrait on the edge of the log pond, sawmill in background....

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A.W. Post and Crew

A.W. Post and Crew

Date: 1890-01-01

lumberyard (stores) blue collar workers Group portraits

A.W. Post and crew in the Company yard and sawmill, Rathdrum, Idaho. A.W. Post in back 3rd from left. John...

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A.W. Post and Crew

A.W. Post and Crew

Date: 1890-01-01

sawmill blue collar workers Group portraits

A.W. Post and crew in the interior of the sawmill, Rathdrum, Idaho. A.W. Post in back 4th from left and...

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Potlatch Forests Incorporated, Rutledge Unit

Potlatch Forests Incorporated, Rutledge Unit

Date: 1966-06-30

lumberyard (stores) Log (wood) sawmills lakes (bodies of water) expressways railroad (infrastructure) aerial photographs aerial photographs

Aerial view of PFI's (Potlatch Forests Incorporated) Rutledge Unit yard, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Credit to Western Ways Incorporated. Roof of...

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Fort Coeur d'Alene Sawmill

Fort Coeur d'Alene Sawmill

Date: 1910-01-01

sawmills Log (wood)

Army sawmill at Fort Coeur d'Alene (Later Fort Sherman). Credit to the Quartermaster General photo number 92-F-63-19 in the National...

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St. Joe Lumber Company Sawmill

St. Joe Lumber Company Sawmill

Date: 1903-01-01

sawmills lakes (bodies of water) railroad (infrastructure) freight cars boxcars

St. Joe Lumber Company plant, Harrison, Idaho. Courtesy Bert Russell.

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Whip Sawing at Lake Bennett

Whip Sawing at Lake Bennett

Date: 1890-01-01

snow winter Log (wood) pit saws blue collar workers lumbermen

Whipsaw mill in action in wintertime. Credit to the Idaho Historical Society

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Frank J. Davies.

Frank J. Davies.

Date: 1890-01-01

portraits managers

Frank J. Davies, Secretary and First Manager of Edward Rutledge Timber Company at Coeur d'Alene. Courtesy of Potlatch Forests Incorporated....

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Richard E. (Dick) Ferrell.

Richard E. (Dick) Ferrell.

Date: 1935-01-01

portraits missionaries lumbermen pastors

Reverend 'Dick' Richard E. Ferrell. Lumberjack missionary of the Coeur d'Alenes. Dick was also formerly a blacksmith and prize fighter....

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Bunker Hill Sawmill

Bunker Hill Sawmill

Date: 1910-01-01

sawmills clippings (information artifacts)

Bunker Hill sawmill 1900 (from Bunker hill Company publication).

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Fred Herrick

Fred Herrick

Date: 1910-01-01

proprietors portraits

Fred Herrick 1854-1953. Owner of the Coeur d'Alene Mill Company (and the Red Collar Steamship Company) in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho,...

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George Frederick Jewett Sr.

George Frederick Jewett Sr.

Date: 1940-01-01

portraits directors (administrators)

George Frederick (Fritz) Jewett Sr. President of Potlatch Forests Incorporated. Courtesy of Potlatch Forests, Incorporated.

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Walter S. Rosenberry

Walter S. Rosenberry

Date: 1935-01-01

portraits offices (work spaces) directors (administrators) proprietors

Walter S. Rosenberry at his desk at the Winton Lumber Company of Coeur d'Alene in Gibbs, Idaho. He is the...

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1955-01-01

tugboats rivers Log (wood)

Brails of logs being towed on Coeur d'Alene River near Dudley, Idaho. Taken in August.

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1939-01-01

tugboats rivers Log (wood)

Tugboat towing brails of logs on St. Joe River, St. Maries, Idaho. Taken in Spring. Note log driver walking on...

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Winton Lumber Company Flume

Winton Lumber Company Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers

Rearing' a flume, Falls Creek. Feeder flume under construction on left. Credit Dick Reed.

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Winton Lumber Company Flume

Winton Lumber Company Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers

Water flowing and logs being separated in the Falls Creek flume. Feeder flume under construction on left. Credit Dick Reed....

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) houseboats

Tugboat pulling logs from St. Maries River into St. Joe River.

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Whip Sawing at Lake Bennett

Whip Sawing at Lake Bennett

Date: 1890-01-01

snow winter Log (wood) pit saws blue collar workers lumbermen

Whipsaw mill in action in wintertime. Credit to the Idaho Historical Society

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A.C. Morbeck.

A.C. Morbeck.

Date: 1930-01-01

portraits proprietors directors (administrators)

A.C. Morbeck, Owner, manager, and secretary of several lumber manufacturing plants in the Coeur d'Alenes. His career lasted from 1902-1940....

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Frederick Post

Frederick Post

Date: 1900-01-01

portraits proprietors pioneers

Frederick Post the namesake of Post Falls and owner of a chain of sawmills in the area.

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Walter S. Rosenberry

Walter S. Rosenberry

Date: 1935-01-01

portraits offices (work spaces) directors (administrators) proprietors

Walter S. Rosenberry at his desk at the Winton Lumber Company of Coeur d'Alene in Gibbs, Idaho. He is the...

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Sawmill Proprietors and Friends

Sawmill Proprietors and Friends

Date: 1955-01-01

Group portraits directors (administrators) proprietors lumbermen missionaries pastors

The men are left to right: Emery Wilson, W alter B. Russell, Richard 'Dick' Ferrell, R.W. Edminster, Jim Evenden, Howard...

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Huntington Taylor

Huntington Taylor

Date: 1926-01-01

portraits directors (administrators)

Huntington Taylor, builder and manager of the Edward Rutledge Timber Company, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, from 1916-1925. Courtesy of Potlatch Forests,...

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C. Lee Billings

C. Lee Billings

Date: 1940-01-01

portraits directors (administrators) clippings (information artifacts)

C. Lee Billings, general manager of Potlatch Forests, Incorporated (from newspaper). He also previously worked for the Forest Service and...

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Edward Rutledge

Edward Rutledge

Date: 1900-01-01

portraits founders (originators)

Edward Rutledge, Minnesota, namesake and founder of the Edward Rutledge Timber Company Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Courtesy of Potlatch Forest, Incorporated....

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Perl Bailey

Perl Bailey

Date: 1963-01-01

portraits clippings (information artifacts)

Arthur Perl Bailey (from Match Tips, August 1963 Article by Ed Rosenlund).

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Marking Hammer

Marking Hammer

Date: 1968-01-01

Log (wood) brands (tools) hammers (tools)

Dave Dollar Logging Company log branding hammer. Dave Dollar logging Company logged the Marble Creek and Coeur d'Alene river from...

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James D. Miller

James D. Miller

Date: 1920-01-01

Group portraits children

James D. Miller, 1869-1946, Miller Shingle Mill operator of St. Maries, and 2 grandsons (potentially James and Jerry Miller). Courtesy...

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Herman Laumeister Shingle Mill

Herman Laumeister Shingle Mill

Date: 1913-01-01

sawmills railroad (infrastructure) utility poles

Herman Laumeister Shingle Mill, Harrison, Idaho. Courtesy of Mrs. Frank K. Hildebrand, Harrison, Idaho.

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Day Crew

Day Crew

Date: 1915-01-01

Group portraits directors (administrators) proprietors lumbermen blue collar workers shingle

Day crew at Stine Lumber & Shingle Company, St. Maries, Idaho. Manufactured only shingles. James (Jim) D. Miller, owner and...

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Sam Avery

Sam Avery

Date: 1900-01-01

portraits proprietors directors (administrators)

Sam Avery, old time shingle mill operator at Harrison, Idaho from the 1890's-1915. Courtesy of his grandson Sam Avery Kingston,...

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Stine Lumber and Shingle Company Sawmill

Stine Lumber and Shingle Company Sawmill

Date: 1914-01-01

sawmills railroad (infrastructure) freight cars boxcars

Stine Lumber & Shingle Company, St. Maries, Idaho. Side of boxcars reads: ' Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul'. Courtesy of...

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Herman Laumeister

Herman Laumeister

Date: 1915-01-01

portraits proprietors directors (administrators)

Herman Laumeister, on of the principal shingle and lumber mill operators (shingle mills at Harrison and Coeur d'Alene and a...

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Tugboat 'Hercules'

Tugboat 'Hercules'

Date: 1942-06-06

tugboats rivers Log (wood) bridges (built works) houseboats

Tugboat 'Hercules' towing logs down the St. Maries River under the new bridge, St. Maries, Idaho.

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1955-01-01

tugboats rivers Log (wood)

Brails of logs being towed on Coeur d'Alene River near Dudley, Idaho. Taken in August.

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Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene'

Date: 1941-05-08

tugboats rivers Log (wood)

Tugboat 'Coeur d'Alene' towing brails of logs on St. Joe River towards Coeur d'Alene Lake. Above St. Maries, Idaho.

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Log Jam

Log Jam

Date: 1938-04-18

Log (wood) rivers

Log jam near drawbridge, St. Maries, Idaho.

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Landing in St. Joe River

Landing in St. Joe River

Date: 1938-08-24

Log (wood) rivers

Unloading logs into St. Joe River at the Snooks Logging Camp.

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Deck of Logs

Deck of Logs


Log (wood)

Large pile of logs.

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Beaver Creek Flume

Beaver Creek Flume


flumes Log (wood)

Beaver Creek flume of Potlatch Forests, Incorporated.

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Tugboat Towing Logs

Tugboat Towing Logs

Date: 1939-01-01

tugboats rivers Log (wood)

Tugboat towing brails of logs on St. Joe River, St. Maries, Idaho. Taken in Spring. Note log driver walking on...

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Crane Loading Logs

Crane Loading Logs

Date: 1941-07-18

Log (wood) trucks railroad (infrastructure) flatcars freight cars cranes (equipment)

Crane loading Potlatch Forests, Incorporated logs from Stony Creek onto truck at the Merry Creek Landing, Clarkia, Idaho.

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Scaling Logs

Scaling Logs

Date: 1941-07-18

Log (wood) blue collar workers trucks log rules

Potlatch Forests, Incorporated logs being scaled before being loaded onto a truck. The scaler (man on left) is Ralph Todd....

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Flatcar and Truck Loaded with Logs

Flatcar and Truck Loaded with Logs

Date: 1941-07-18

Log (wood) railroad (infrastructure) flatcars freight cars trucks cranes (equipment)

Potlatch Forests, Incorporated logs from Stony Creek, Merry Creek Landing, Clarkia, Idaho.

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Flatcars Loaded with Logs

Flatcars Loaded with Logs

Date: 1942-06-07

Log (wood) yellow pine (wood, general) flatcars freight cars railroad (infrastructure)

Log train loaded with yellow pine, St. Maries, Idaho. Building in background reads: 'George O'Dwyer feed' Mr. O'Dwyer was the...

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs


Log (wood) snow winter blue collar workers

Sleigh loaded with logs, stacked logs in background.

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Pack String

Pack String

Date: 1928-01-01

mules (mammals) hay

Winton Lumber Company Pack string owned by Kirtley and Stone. Falls Creek. Credit Dick Reed. Heading to either camp #2...

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Falls Creek Chute Landing and Flume

Falls Creek Chute Landing and Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers peavies

Winton Lumber Company Falls Creek chute landing (chute left of log deck, out of picture). Peavy man tailing logs into...

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Falls Creek Chute Landing and Flume

Falls Creek Chute Landing and Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers peavies

Winton Lumber Company Falls Creek chute landing (chute left of log deck, out of picture). Peavy man tailing logs into...

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Winton Lumber Company Flume

Winton Lumber Company Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers

Rearing' a flume, Falls Creek. Feeder flume under construction on left. Credit Dick Reed.

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Winton Lumber Company Flume

Winton Lumber Company Flume

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) flumes blue collar workers

Water flowing and logs being separated in the Falls Creek flume. Feeder flume under construction on left. Credit Dick Reed....

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Falls Creek Chute Landing and Log Deck

Falls Creek Chute Landing and Log Deck

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) chutes blue collar workers peavies

Falls Creek chute landing. Tow path right, foreground. Path made of logs and puncheon smoothed with foot adz. Straight line...

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Falls Creek Chute

Falls Creek Chute

Date: 1925-01-01

Log (wood) chutes dogs (devices for wood)

Winton Lumber Company running chute, Falls Creek. 'goose necks' were used on this chute to 'slow down' the running logs....

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Benewah Creek Flume

Benewah Creek Flume

Date: 1968-01-01


Benewah Creek Flume. Built by Fred Herrick in 1915-16.

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Sleigh Loaded with Logs

Sleigh Loaded with Logs


Log (wood) draft horses snow winter blue collar workers

Sleigh loaded with logs, stacked logs in background.

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Logging Camp in Canada

Logging Camp in Canada

Date: 1905

logging Canada camp Mules

A photograph of a group of men and mules at a logging camp in Canada.

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McMurray and Strong at Old Mine

McMurray and Strong at Old Mine

Date: 1984-08-11

mine tour forest people walking

Wayne McMurray and Dwight Strong coming from the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in Deep...

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Conklin Place

Conklin Place

Date: 1926

Workers Howard Wilcox, Leta Kislig, Ivan Clark, Rose Clark, Alfred Weible, Bill Leistner, Bud McKown, Art Kislig, Dave Kelmer, and...

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Deary, Idaho

Deary, Idaho

Date: 1908

towns buildings

View of Deary, Idaho. Many buildings can be seen all around the town and a hill can be seen in...

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Railroad Car

Railroad Car

Date: 1910

railroad cars logging

View of a WI&M railroad car. Behind the car, stacks of logs can be seen being hauled in more railroad...

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WI&M Passenger Train

WI&M Passenger Train

Date: 1910

railroad tracks passenger trains

Early view of the WI&M passenger train surrounded by snow. The train can be seen on the railroad tracks.

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Logging Train

Logging Train

Date: 1907

locomotives logging

A train leaving Bovill, headed for Potlatch. The locomotive can be seen pulling loads of logs and steam can be...

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Longest Logging Train

Longest Logging Train

Date: 1907

trains logging mills

View of the longest log train in the world. The train of logs is for Potlatch Lumber Company and consists...

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Longest Logging Train

Longest Logging Train

Date: 1907

trains logging

View of the lonest log train in the wrold. The view of the flat is West of Harvard, while looking...

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Train Wreck

Train Wreck

Date: 1907

locomotives railroad cars wrecks

View of a train wreck. The locomotive can still be seen on the track, while the railroad cars can be...

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Longest Train

Longest Train

Date: 1907

logs men

The longest train made it to the siding along the mill pond. A group of men can be seen sitting...

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Longest Logging Train

Longest Logging Train

Date: 1907

trains logging

View of a train of logs for the Potlatch Lumber Company. The train consisted of 105 cars and measured one...

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Logging Train

Logging Train

Date: 1907

railroads logs

Stacks of logs on railroad flats being pulled on a railroad track.

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Zimmerman Family

Zimmerman Family

Date: 1908

The Zimmer family standing togather. Randolph Jr., Rudolph Sr., Bill, Eliza (Thachsel), Elizabeth.

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WI&M Yards

WI&M Yards

Date: 1910

railroads stations

View of the WI&M yards at Potlatch, Idaho, when looking north. Freight and logging trains can be seen pulling up...

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WI&M Wreck

WI&M Wreck

Date: 1913-03-02

railroads wrecks

Train wreck on the WI&M line between Potlatch and Palouse. Railroad cars can be seen laying next to the track...

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Old "21" Wreck

Old "21" Wreck

Date: 1915

locomotives wrecks

An old "21" in trouble in the yard at Potlatch, The locomotive can be seen derailed into the snow. A...

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Old "22"

Old "22"

Date: 1915

locomotives stations railroads

An old "22" locomotive taking a break at a station, after a run to Bovill and back. Snow can be...

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Idaho White Pine

Idaho White Pine

Date: 1913

trees men forests

Three men sitting at the base of an Idaho white pine in the St. Joe and Clearwater National Forests, which...

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Date: 1913

trees men forests

Four men standing at the base of a few trees in Sec. 34, T42, R1W.

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Logging Camp

Logging Camp

Date: 1905

lumber camps log cabins

View of a logging camp, that is located where Harvard, Idaho is now Many log cabins can be seen standing...

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Logging Camp

Logging Camp

Date: 1905

lumber camps log cabins

View of an early PLC logging camp. A group of people, including Art Henderson, are standing in front of a...

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Idaho White Pines and Cedar

Idaho White Pines and Cedar

Date: 1913

trees men forests

Four men standing at the base of a few Idaho White Pine trees and cedar trees in Sec. 33, T42N,...

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Collins Area

Collins Area

Date: 1913

buildings children horses

View of a place that was owned by Mr. Sam Frei. The place was located in the Collins area, which...

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McMahama Place

McMahama Place

Date: 1920

The John McMahama Place - Fritz Leistner digging potatoes. Photograph taken about 1920.

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Wash Day

Wash Day

Date: 1913


Three women, two men, and a boy can be seen washing laundry during wash day at the Collins area. They...

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Winter Logging

Winter Logging

Date: 1900

crosscut saws men trees logging

Three men standing at the base of a Idaho white pine tree during winter logging. Two men can be seen...

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Date: 1913

trees men forests

Four men standing at the base of a few trees in Sec. 34, T42, 1W.

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Date: 1913

trees men forests

A man standing at the base of a few trees in Sec. 34, 42, 1W.

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Bovill Timber

Bovill Timber

Date: 1913

trees men forests

Three men standing at the base of a tree at Bovill Timber.

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Milwaukee Railroad Bed

Milwaukee Railroad Bed

Date: 1908

railroads forests

View looking south of the Milwaukee railroad bed, which is north of Bovill, Idaho. The Collins place can be seen...

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Date: 1913

trees men forests

Three men standing at the base of a tree.

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School House

School House

Date: 1913


View of the school house at Collins area, which is north of Bovill, Idaho. A woman and two children can...

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Grizzly Camp

Grizzly Camp

Date: 1925

roads parks

View of the "old road" going into Grizzly Camp, which is now known as Laird Park. The road is lined...

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Elk Herd

Elk Herd

Date: 1930

elk herds

View of a small elk herd being reintroduced in Latah County at Bovill, Idaho.

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Zimmerman Place

Zimmerman Place

Date: 1909

Mrs. Zimmerman with Bill, Randolph, Elizabeth, and Mr. Zimmerman standing in front of the Zimmerman place. Mr. Zimmerman is holind...

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Log Deck

Log Deck

Date: 1913


View of the log deck covered with stacks of logs.

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Date: 1913

trees men crosscut saws

Four men can be seen standing at the base of a few trees in a forest. One man can be...

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Crooks and Wrights Sawmill

Crooks and Wrights Sawmill

Date: 1918

Ponds logs

View of the pond and log deck of the early day Crooks and Wrights Sawmill, which is located a few...

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Old Ponderosa Pine

Old Ponderosa Pine

Date: 1906-01-26

trees men

Two men standing at the base of an old ponderosa pine, located in the mill yard at Potlatch, Idaho.

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Ponderosa Pine Skid

Ponderosa Pine Skid

Date: 1904

men horses

A group of men standing around next to a few horses. The horses are pulling a ponderosa pine on a...

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Ponderosa Pine Skid

Ponderosa Pine Skid

Date: 1904

men horses

An explanation of a photo showing a group of horses pulling an old ponderosa pine from Potlatch junction to Palouse,...

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Ponderosa Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Date: 1910

logs horses

Ray Smith bucking a ponderosa pine on his place, which is located approximately two and a half miles south of...

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Ponderosa Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Date: 1910

logs horses

Ray Smith riding on top of a ponderosa pine, which is being pulled by two horses. Ray got about six...

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Log Drive

Log Drive

Date: 1910

rivers logs men

View of a log drive on the Palouse River, near Elberton, Washington. A bunch of men can be seen moving...

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Camp 1

Camp 1

Date: 1910

lumber camps log cabins

View of Camp 1, located near Hatter Creek. A group of log cabins can be seen surrounded by trees. Camp...

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Birthday Dinner for Zimmer

Birthday Dinner for Zimmer

Date: 1989-04-15

An article about the 90th birthday dinner for Rudolph W. Zimmer to be held on Sunday, April 23 1989. Taken...

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Rail Camp Cars

Rail Camp Cars

Date: 1910

camps railroad cars

View of a few rail camp cars.

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Camp 1

Camp 1

Date: 1910

railroads cars railroads

View of a railroad track running through Camp 1, which is located on Hatter Creek. A few railroad cars can...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps horses

A group of men can be seen standing with horses at a PLC camp.

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps log cabins men

A group of men holding food and drinks outside a log cabin at a PLC camp.

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Camp Cookhouse

Camp Cookhouse

Date: 1910

lumber camps cooks

The cooking crew standing in front of a cookhouse at a Hatter Creek camp. A dog can be seen standing...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1907

lumber camps log cabins

View of a group of people standing outside a log cabin at a PLC camp, located around Princeton-Harvard, Idaho.

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Camp 7

Camp 7

Date: 1907

railroad cars lumber camps

View of railroad cars at camp 7, which is located near Bovill, Idaho.

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Mess Car

Mess Car

Date: 1910

railroad cars lumber camps mess halls

View of the mess car at a logging camp. The tables can be seen set with dishes.

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Mess Car

Mess Car

Date: 1910

railroad cars lumber camps mess halls

View of the mess car at PLC camp 14. The tables can be seen set with dishes and two cooks...

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Mess Hall

Mess Hall

Date: 1910

lumber camps mess halls

View of the mess hall at a logging camp. Four of the cooks can be seen standing next to fully...

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George Whitney's Father

George Whitney's Father

Date: 1920

Manley Whitney and Ed Chestly sit together in chairs. Manley Whitney was George Whitney's Father. He died around 1930.

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Cook House Crew

Cook House Crew

Date: 1910

cooks lumber camps

The cook house crew at Camp 11, which is located north of Bovill, Idaho. Jim Marko, the head cook, is...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

logs lumber camps

View of logs stacked up at Camp 8, which is located near Bovill, Idaho. A few log cabins can be...

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Logging Camp

Logging Camp

Date: 1905

lumber camps log cabins

View of one of the earliest PLC logging camps, which is located near Harvard, Idaho. A man can be seen...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps log cabins

A group of loggers standing outside a few log cabins at a PLC camp.

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps

A group of loggers standing outside a few log cabins at a PLC camp.

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Camp 7

Camp 7

Date: 1908

lumber camps log cabins railroads

View of Camp 7, which is located on Moose Creek near Bovill, Idaho. Log cabins are scattered around and a...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps log cabins men

A group of men sitting in a cabin at one of the PLC camps.

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Potlatch Camp

Potlatch Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps men tents

A group of men posing together at one of the early Potlatch camps. Tents can be seen constructed next to...

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Camp 6

Camp 6

Date: 1910

lumber camps log cabins

View of Camp 6, which is located near Helmer, Idaho. A group of people can be seen standing in front...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps men

A group of men sitting around a heater in one of the cabins at a PLC camp. Socks and other...

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Iva, George, and Della

Iva, George, and Della

Date: 1911

Iva (Burdon) Homerson, George Whitney, and Della (Wood) Dial standing together. Photograph taken about 1911.

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Potlatch Headquarters

Potlatch Headquarters

Date: 1910

corporate headquarters railroads logs

View of PLC headquarters, located in Bovill, Idaho. Log cabins and log piles can be seen scattered around the camp....

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Bovill School

Bovill School

Date: 1908


View of the first school in Bovill, Idaho. A woman can be seen standing outside of the school.

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Summer Visitors

Summer Visitors

Date: 1910

woods Visitors

Group of Weyerhaeuser annual summer visitors standing in the Bovill woods.

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910


A group of people standing on a few logs at a PLC camp. In the distance a train can be...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1910


A group of people standing on the railroads in a PLC camp. A few of the people can be seen...

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Skidding Logs

Skidding Logs

Date: 1932

horses logs

Horses pulling logs on a dolly. One man is standing on top of the logs and another man, identified as...

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Skidding Logs

Skidding Logs

Date: 1930

horses logs

Four horses pulling logs in the snow. One man is sitting on top of the logs and another man is...

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Skidding Logs

Skidding Logs

Date: 1930

horses logs

Horses pulling logs in the snow. Four men are standing and sitting on top of the logs and another man...

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Roller Skidding

Roller Skidding

Date: 1930

horses logs

Horses pulling logs that are on wheels. A man can be seen standing on top of the stack of logs...

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Skidding Logs

Skidding Logs

Date: 1930

horses logs

Horses pulling logs on a dolly.

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Bill Decker

Bill Decker

Date: 1908

Bill Decker, a travelling photographer in the Deep Creek area, posing for a photograph. Photograph taken in 1908

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Hauling Logs

Hauling Logs

Date: 1930

horses logs

Horses hauling logs on a dolly to the rollways. A man can be seen standing on top of the stack...

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Winter Scene

Winter Scene

Date: 1932

horses logs

Four horses pulling logs in the snow, near Bovill, Idaho. A man can be seen standing on top of the...

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Camp 14

Camp 14

Date: 1932

lumber camps horses logs

Horses hauling logs at Camp 14, which is located west of Bovill, Idaho. A few men can be seen standing...

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Skidding Teams

Skidding Teams

Date: 1932

lumber camps horses

Photo of the skidding teams at Camp 2. Men can be seen standing throughout a group of horses.

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Marion Loader

Marion Loader

Date: 1930

equipment logs

View of the steam powered Marion loader. The machine can be seen lifting a log off of a stack.

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Winter Logging

Winter Logging

Date: 1930

horses logs

Two horses pulling logs in the snow, near Bovill, Idaho. A man can be seen standing on top of the...

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Skidding Team

Skidding Team

Date: 1925

lumber camps horses

A man standing with two horses outside a log cabin at a PLC camp.

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Skidding Team

Skidding Team

Date: 1930

railroads horses logs

A group of men and a few horses standing around a stack of wood sitting on a railroad track.

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Camp 3A

Camp 3A

Date: 1925

lumber camps horses

A man and two horses at the old Camp 3A, which is located 3 miles west of Bovill, Idaho.

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Winter Logging

Winter Logging

Date: 1925

logging horses

Horses pulling logs in the snow at Camp 11.

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Waddell Place

Waddell Place

Date: 1907

Andy Smith's family at the Waddell Place. Photograph taken around 1907.

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Skidding Team

Skidding Team

Date: 1925

logging horses

Two men standing with two horses in a forest.

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PLC Camp 3

PLC Camp 3

Date: 1923

lumber camps log cabins

View of PLC camp 3. A log cabin can be seen with "Camp 3" written on its roof. In the...

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Horse Logging

Horse Logging

Date: 1925

logging horses

Horses pulling logs on a roller. A few men can be seen standing next to the stack of logs.

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Logging with Horses

Logging with Horses

Date: 1925

logging horses

A group of men standing and sitting around four horses, who are equipped to haul logs.

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Logging with Horses

Logging with Horses

Date: 1923

logging horses

Two men logging while horses stand next to a stack of logs.

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Laying Track

Laying Track

Date: 1910

railroads railroad cars

A group of men laying down railroad track at the park line south of Helmer. A railroad car can also...

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Load of Logs

Load of Logs

Date: 1907

horses logs

A load of logs from Camp 3 that is 20,000 feet total. The load is being hauled by only two...

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Winter Logging

Winter Logging

Date: 1905

logging horses

Horses pulling a load of logs in the snow near Bovill, Idaho. A few men can be seen standing on...

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Logging with Horses

Logging with Horses

Date: 1905

logging horses

Men standing with a group of horses at Camp 14, which was located near Bovill, Idaho. Horses played an important...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1925

camps buildings medicine

A group of people and horses standing in front of a building that has a sign over its door saying...

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Mr. & Mrs. Sam Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Clark

Date: 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark posing for a photograph on the front porch of a house. The photograph was taken...

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Date: 1925

veterinary medicine horses

George "Doc" Palmer, a PLC veterinary, standing with a dog and a horse.

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Steam Powered Shovel

Steam Powered Shovel

Date: 1925

equipment shovels

View of a steam powered shovel at work building a logging railroad spur. A few men can be seen standing...

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Steam Donkey

Steam Donkey

Date: 1925


View of a steam donkey on the hillside just northeast of Bovill, Idaho.

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Shay Engine

Shay Engine

Date: 1925

steam locomotives logging

View of the "Old 100", which was a Lima built 2-truck 45T Shay. It was built in 1906 to be...

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Shay Locomotive Description

Shay Locomotive Description

Date: 1950

documents steam locomotives

Document explaining the history of the shay locomotive and its use by the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Ephraim Shay

Ephraim Shay

Date: 1880

portraits Engineers

Photo of Ephraim Shay, the engineer and designer of the Shay geared engine.

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Early Shay Locomotive Model

Early Shay Locomotive Model

Date: 1905

documents steam locomotives

Photo portraying the early model of the Shay Patent Locomotive Engine. According to the document, the engine was designed for...

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Shay Locomotive

Shay Locomotive

Date: 1939

steam locomotives

Company Shay locomotive knocked of the tracks. The engine appears to be tipped over on its side.

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Winter Scene

Winter Scene

Date: 1906

steam locomotives logging

View of the company's first Shay engine hauling logs during the winter near Camp 7, which is located just out...

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Construction Document

Construction Document

Date: 1920

documents steam locomotives

Document illustrating the locomotive that was built for Potlatch Lumber Company by Lima Locomotive Works, Incorporated. The engine was built...

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W. McMurray Place Mine Cart

W. McMurray Place Mine Cart

Date: 1984-08-27

mine wooden cart

A mine cart made of wood from the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in Deep...

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Burden School

Burden School

Date: 1906

A pamphlet for the Burden School. The pamphlet reads "Burden School District No. 33 Township 42, Latah County, Idaho Term...

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Laying Track

Laying Track

Date: 1920

railroads equipment

View of men laying new track on one of the railroads. A piece of equipment can be seen on the...

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Shay Locomotive

Shay Locomotive

Date: 1920

equipment steam locomotives

View of a 70 ton Shay locomotive that was used in the Bovill area. A few men are standing next...

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Shay Locomotive

Shay Locomotive

Date: 1920

steam locomotives

View of the Shay locomotive #105, which was built in 1911 for the Pine Tree Labor Co. in Little Falls,...

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Laying Track

Laying Track

Date: 1920

railroads equipment

Men using a logging spur to lay new track for a railroad.

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Potlatch Camp

Potlatch Camp

Date: 1945

lumber camps buildings

Group photo of the crew that worked and lived at the Potlatch camp. The men can be seen sitting and...

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Track Laying Crew

Track Laying Crew

Date: 1945

lumber camps men

Group photo of the track laying crew at the old Camp 10, which is located southeast of Bovill. Julius Crane,...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1945

lumber camps men

Group photo of the men at a Potlatch camp. The men can be seen standing and sitting on the deck...

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Loading Flat Cars

Loading Flat Cars

Date: 1925

equipment logging

View of a piece of equipment loading flat cars with logs. A few men can be seen standing on and...

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Date: 1915

logs railroads

View of stacks of logs being hauled out of the Bovill woods on a railroad to be taken to the...

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Steam Donkey

Steam Donkey

Date: 1910


View of a few men standing around the steam donkey used in a camp located near Bovill, Idaho.

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Roberta Nygaard

Roberta Nygaard

Date: 1927

Photograph of Roberta (McBride) Nygaard. Albert Clausen's teacher at Burden School in 1927.

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Wood-Burning Donkeys

Wood-Burning Donkeys

Date: 1950

documents equipment

Document discussing the history of using wood-burning donkeys, or steam-powered skidders, by the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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PLC Log Train

PLC Log Train

Date: 1915

trains steam locomotives logging

View of a log train using a Shay engine to haul logs. Men can be seen standing on the tracks...

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Date: 1915


View of men logging at a busy landing near Beales Butte. A few men can be seen wrapping logs in...

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Donkey crews

Donkey crews

Date: 1915


The Camp 8 shop and donkey crews standing around the steam donkey.

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Skidding Crew

Skidding Crew

Date: 1915

equipment men

View of the skidding crew standing around the steam donkey at Camp 8, which is located near Bovill, Idaho.

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Laying Track

Laying Track

Date: 1930

equipment railroads

Men using a logging spur to lay new track for a railroad.

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Logging Crews

Logging Crews

Date: 1927

men axes

Grant (left) and Glen Thomas standing at the base of a tress holding axes.

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Potlatch Jammer

Potlatch Jammer

Date: 1915

equipment logging

A few men standing on the "jammer" that was used to haul logs.

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Donkey Engine

Donkey Engine

Date: 1915


A few men moving a steam donkey engine.

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Potlatch Jammer

Potlatch Jammer

Date: 1915

equipment logging

A few men standing on the "jammer" that is stacking logs on flat cars.

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Ford Farm South of Pullman, Wa

Ford Farm South of Pullman, Wa

Date: 1917

John Crithfield using a team of horses to cut grain on the Ford Farm south of Pullman Washington. Photograph taken...

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1927

equipment logging

Men using a jammer to load logs onto flat cars at PLC Camp 3A, which is located on Bronson Meadows,...

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Potlatch Jammer

Potlatch Jammer

Date: 1915

equipment logging

The jammer at work stacking logs on the flat cars. A few men can be seen standing on the jammer...

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1927

equipment logging

Clark Lancaster (tong hooker), Frances O'Keefe (top loader), and Harry Tracy (engineer) using a jammer to load logs onto flat...

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1927

equipment logging

Men using a jammer to load logs onto flat cars.

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1927

equipment logging

Men using a jammer to load logs onto flat cars at the old Camp 3, which is located near Bovill,...

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Inspecting Loader

Inspecting Loader

Date: 1908

inspection equipment

A group from Potlatch visiting the Bovill woods to inspect a McGifferd loader. William Deary was among the group; he...

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Loading Operation

Loading Operation

Date: 1928

equipment logging

View of a loader stacking a log on a flat car.

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Date: 1907

logs men

A man sitting amongst a stack of logs.

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Log Storage

Log Storage

Date: 1907

logs creeks

View of the white pine log storage at Camp 7, which is located on Moose Creek near Bovill, Idaho.

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Holt Tractor

Holt Tractor

Date: 1929

tractors equipment

View of the Holt tractor that the two companies merged with a Best tractor form Caterpiller. The tractor can be...

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Burden School

Burden School

Date: 1930

Several students are line up on the side of the Burden School, 3rd school house. Photograph taken in the 1930's....

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Caterpillar Logging

Caterpillar Logging

Date: 1929

equipment logging

View of a man sitting on top of a tractor that is hauling stacks of logs through the snow.

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Caterpillar Logging

Caterpillar Logging

Date: 1929

equipment logging

View of a man sitting on top of a tractor that is hauling stacks of logs through the snow.

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PLC Caterpillar

PLC Caterpillar

Date: 1929

equipment logging

View of one of the first PLC "cats" at Little Boulder, which is south of Bovill. A man can be...

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Date: 1929

equipment logging

Men sitting on a tractor as it hauls stacks of logs. Men can also be seen sitting on top of...

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Cooking Crew

Cooking Crew

Date: 1929

cooks kitchens

The cooking crew standing in the kitchen at one of the Potlatch camps.

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Cooking Crew

Cooking Crew

Date: 1929

cooks kitchens

The cooking crew standing in the kitchen at one of the Potlatch camps.

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Barnhart Log Loaders

Barnhart Log Loaders

Date: 1994

documents equipment

A document by Hartford Product, Inc. discussing a kit they were producing for the Barnhart Log Loader. The document also...

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Barnhart Log Loaders

Barnhart Log Loaders

Date: 1994

documents equipment

A document by Hartford Product, Inc. discussing a kit they were producing for the Barnhart Log Loader.

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Barnhart Log Loaders

Barnhart Log Loaders

Date: 1994

mills equipment

A document by Hartford Product, Inc. discussing a kit they were producing for the Barnhart Log Loader. The document also...

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Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

Date: 1989-09-04

newspapers clippings

Newspaper article discussing a forester's concern for the few remaining forests in the Palouse Ranger District.

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Burden School

Burden School

Date: 1927

Marian Clausen, Albert Clausen, and Alberta Wilcox standing in a field near the Burden School. Albert is holding a Jack-O-Lantern....

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Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

Date: 1989-09-04

newspapers clippings

Newspaper article discussing a forester's concern for the few remaining forests in the Palouse Ranger District.

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Shay Locomotives

Shay Locomotives

Date: 1994


One photo shows a locomotive that fell from one of the high trestles on the company line in Idaho. The...

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Shay Locomotives

Shay Locomotives

Date: 1994


One photo shows a Shay locomotive No. 100 pulling 16 flat cars that are loaded to 10% over capacity. The...

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White Pine Log

White Pine Log

Date: 1915

white pine logs

One man sitting on top and one man standing next to a couple white pine logs.

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Cribbage Game

Cribbage Game

Date: 1915

games men

Les Mallory (left) and Axel Anderson (right) playing a game of cribbage together.

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Pre Chain Saw Days

Pre Chain Saw Days

Date: 1915

men crosscut saws

Two men using a crosscut saw to cut down a tree in a forest.

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Old Growth

Old Growth

Date: 1915

trees forests lumber camps

View of a few old trees located by Camp 14.

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Bovill Office

Bovill Office

Date: 1915

men offices

Chet Yangel sitting at a desk in the Bovill office. He is sitting next to a counter, which has books...

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Logging Camp Workers

Logging Camp Workers

Date: 1915

Women lumber camps

Joy Leatherwood and Evelyn Olson working at a logging camp. The women can be seen placing dishes on tables.

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Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention

Date: 1915

Fire Prevention logging

A man working at a lumber camp doing fire prevention during the dry summers. The man can be seen carrying...

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Burden School

Burden School

Date: 1927

Ralph Farnam, Perry Farnam, Albert Clausen, Don Messinger, and Ellis Farnam sitting in a field near the Burden School. Each...

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Winter Hauling

Winter Hauling

Date: 1915

horses logs logging

Two horses hauling a stack of logs during the winter. Claire Nogle can be seen standing in front holding the...

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Blister Rust Crew

Blister Rust Crew

Date: 1915

white pine men

Five men, who are part of the Blister Rust crew, pulling "ribes lacustra". This tree disease can wipe out White...

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Logging Superintendent

Logging Superintendent

Date: 1921

superintendents automobiles

Claire G. Nogle, the Potlatch logging superintendent, leaning on a new Packard sedan. He can be seen writing in a...

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Camp 4

Camp 4

Date: 1920

cooks lumber camps mess halls

Interior view of the cook house and mess hall and Camp 4, which is located south of Bovill. Four men...

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Camp 1

Camp 1

Date: 1927

lumber camps

View of camp one on Hatter Creek, which is located south of Princeton. This camp had been moved several times....

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Camp 1

Camp 1

Date: 1927

lumber camps buildings

View of Camp one on Hatter Creek, which is located south of Princeton. Many buildings with "PLC" on the side...

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Date: 1920

forests logs

View of a forest with logs laying on the ground around the trees. A few ropes can be seen wrapped...

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Date: 1920

forests logs

View of a forest with logs laying on the ground around the trees. A few ropes can be seen wrapped...

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Beales Butte Operations

Beales Butte Operations

Date: 1915

forests logs logging

Logging occurring near Beales Butte. Men can be seen walking amongst the many logs that are scattered on the ground...

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Beales Butte Operations

Beales Butte Operations

Date: 1915

machines logging

Logging occurring near Beales Butte. Logs can be seen laying on the ground of the small hill and a small...

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Burden School

Burden School

Date: 1927

Students standing beside the Burden School. Don Messinger, Albert Clausen, Ellis Farnam, Ralph Farnam, Juanita Wilcox, Perry Farnam, Marian Clausen,...

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Donkey Engine

Donkey Engine

Date: 1915

machines logging

A donkey engine operating a high line near Beales Butte. Logs can be seen scattered on the ground around the...

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Date: 1915

forests logs

A group of people can be seen walking amongst the logs that are scattered on the ground of the forest....

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Date: 1915

towns forests

View of a town during the winter. The town is surrounded by hills and forests.

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Date: 1915

forests logs

View of a forest with logs laying on the ground around the trees. A few ropes can be seen wrapped...

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Logging Crew

Logging Crew

Date: 1915

men logs

T. P. Jones and crew standing at the lower landing. They can be seen standing on a log, while a...

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Loading Area

Loading Area

Date: 1915

logging logs

View of a loading area on the tram road. Men can be seen standing on and around the logs.

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Loading Area

Loading Area

Date: 1915

logging logs

View of a loading area. Logs can be seen laying on the ground in the forest. A man and a...

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

The largest known White Pine tree being transported on a railroad car after being cut down, along with the rest...

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

The largest known White Pine tree on a railroad car. The tree was scaled at 29,800 feet. Four men are...

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

The largest known White Pine tree on a railroad car. The tree has a sign on it that says that...

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Deep Creek Group Photograph

Deep Creek Group Photograph

Date: 1915

Many of the community members of Deep Creek pose together for a photograph. Photograph taken in 1915.

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

The largest known White Pine tree on a railroad car. The tree has a sign on it that says that...

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Lumber Jacks

Lumber Jacks

Date: 1911-12-01

white pine trees logging

Group photo of lumberjacks standing around the White Pine King at the time it fell. The tree was the largest...

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White Pine King Lumber

White Pine King Lumber

Date: 1911

lumber white pine

Lumber from the White Pine King, the largest white pine at the time. Most of the lumber was 4' wide...

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Camp No. 4

Camp No. 4

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of the logging equipment at Potlatch Lumber Company Camp #4. A few men can be seen standing on logs...

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Potlatch Camp

Potlatch Camp

Date: 1915

lumber camps log cabins

View of a Potlatch camp during the early days. The camp is thought to be Camp 7A on Shea Meadows,...

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Center of Operations

Center of Operations

Date: 1915

towns buildings railroads

View of Bovill, which was the center of all of Potlatch Lumber Company's logging operations. The railroad tracks can be...

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Cable Splice Rig

Cable Splice Rig

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of the cable splice rig machine. Under the machine, logs lay on the ground in stacks.

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Lumber Jacks

Lumber Jacks

Date: 1915

loggers logs

Two young lumberjacks sitting on a stack of logs.

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Bovill Yards

Bovill Yards

Date: 1915

lumberyards logs

A man standing next to a railroad car with a stack of logs on it in the yards at Bovill,...

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Greasing the Skids

Greasing the Skids

Date: 1915

logging logs

A man greasing the skids while sitting on top of a stack of logs.

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Alva Strong Mill

Alva Strong Mill

Date: 1930

The men who donated time to saw the lumber for Mt Home Grange. Photograph taken around 1930.

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Lewis Mill

Lewis Mill

Date: 1915

mills buildings

View of the Lewis Mill, which is located up the East Fork out of Bovill, Idaho. Buildings can be seen...

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Lewis Mill Crew

Lewis Mill Crew

Date: 1915

mills buildings

Group photo of some of the Lewis Mill crew. The group can be seen sitting and standing outside the entrance...

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Horses and Carriage

Horses and Carriage

Date: 1915

horses carriages

Two horses pulling two men sitting in a carriage. The carriage is parked outside a house. The men in the...

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Carriage Ride

Carriage Ride

Date: 1915

horses forests

Two horses pulling a man sitting in a carriage. Surrounding them is a forest.

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Retirement Party

Retirement Party

Date: 1945

men parties superintendents

T. P. Jones, the long time Potlatch Lumber Company superintendent, at a retirement party. He is standing in front of...

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Superintendent Portrait

Superintendent Portrait

Date: 1925

men superintendents

Portrait of T. P. Jones, the Potlatch Lumber Company logging superintendent, during his early years.

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Group Photo

Group Photo

Date: 1942

men children

Rev. Dick Ferrell sitting with two boys, Lee Jr. and David (in stroller), in a yard. A hammock can be...

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Photo Description

Photo Description

Date: 1942

documents men

Description of the photo of Rev. Dick Ferrel sitting with Lee Jr. and David. The document talks about Rev. Dick...

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Bovill Clerk

Bovill Clerk

Date: 1915

men clerical workers

D. J. Murphy, a clerk in Bovill, sitting at a desk writing in a book.

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Bovill Hotel

Bovill Hotel

Date: 1915

hotels Women

View of the "Old" Bovill Hotel. Two women can be seen standing in front of the hotel.

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Strong Homestead

Strong Homestead

Date: 1898-04-01

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Strong on their homestead with Alice (Mrs. Corliss McElroy) and Alva. Photograph taken in April,...

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Horse Barn

Horse Barn

Date: 1915

barns snow

View of the Potlatch Lumber Company horse barn in Bovill, Idaho. The barn is covered in and surrounded by snow...

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Horse-Drawn Sleigh

Horse-Drawn Sleigh

Date: 1915

barns horses sleighs

Two horses hooked up to a sleigh with four people in it. A man can be seen sitting on a...

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Loading Station

Loading Station

Date: 1915

equipment logging logs

View of a loading station, where logs can be seen spread on the ground of the forest and cables can...

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Camp 36

Camp 36

Date: 1915

lumber camps rivers

View of PLC Camp 36, which is located on the Palouse River above Harvard, Idaho. Buildings can be seen on...

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Cable Operation

Cable Operation

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of a log landing at some high-line cable operations. Men can been seen at the end of the cable...

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Chief and Timber Cruiser

Chief and Timber Cruiser

Date: 1915

chief men

Photo of William "Bill" Helmer, the chief and long time timber cruiser for Potlatch. He is seated on next to...

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Last Rites Article

Last Rites Article

Date: 1952-01-01

articles men

Article talking about William Helmer's life. William Helmer was the oldest employee of the Potlatch Forests Inc. and helped William...

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Short Wave Radio Article

Short Wave Radio Article

Date: 1951-11-01

articles lumber camps radio

Article discussing the impact of having radios for the lumber camps. The top left picture shows man talking to Lewiston...

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Standard Logging Engines

Standard Logging Engines

Date: 1910

documents Engines

Document about standard logging engine models of 1910 made by Willamette Iron and Steel Works. It also gives information about...

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Iron and Steel Works

Iron and Steel Works

Date: 1915

equipment iron steel

Document showing some equipment made by the Willametter Iron and Steel Works.

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W. McMurray Place Mine Cart

W. McMurray Place Mine Cart

Date: 1984-08-27

mine wooden cart

A wooden mine card from the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in Deep Creek area...

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California Redwoods

California Redwoods

Date: 1920

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dooley ride cars through redwood tunnels at the California Redwoods. Photograph taken in 1920.

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Standard Logging Engines

Standard Logging Engines

Date: 1910

documents Engines

Document about standard logging engine models of 1910 made by Willamette Iron and Steel Works. It also gives general data...

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Camp 4

Camp 4

Date: 1915

lumber camps buildings

View of PLC Camp 4, which is located 3 miles south of Helmer, ID. A row of buildings can be...

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"Steel Gang" Railroad Camp

"Steel Gang" Railroad Camp

Date: 1915

trains railroads lumber camps

View of the "Steel Gang" railroad camp, which is located near Camp 4. A train can be seen on the...

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Lawrences Logging

Lawrences Logging

Date: 1915

logs logging

View of the end of a log sitting in the snow in a forest. The end of the log as...

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Building a Railroad

Building a Railroad

Date: 1915

railroads automobiles construction

M. K. building a railroad grade south of Helmer, towards Park. A man can be seen standing on a truck...

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Horses For Sale

Horses For Sale

Date: 1907

horses documents

Document listing the horses that were still unsold and were for sale. It provides information about color, age and weight...

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Airplane Rides

Airplane Rides

Date: 1922


Nick Mamer giving airplane rides in Bovill. Many people can be seen standing around the airplane, which is parked in...

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Bovill Main Street

Bovill Main Street

Date: 1915

streets buildings

View of Main Street in Bovill after it was rebuilt after the fire of 1914. A person can be seen...

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North Idaho Fire

North Idaho Fire

Date: 1910

fires forests

View of the aftermath from the 1910 fire, which spread through the timber in North Idaho. Many logs can be...

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Logging Superintendent

Logging Superintendent

Date: 1915

railroad cars superintendents

Edward J. Gaffney, the logging superintendent, standing on a flatcar. The photo was taken as the flatcar was coming to...

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Webster's Mill

Webster's Mill

Date: 1888

Workers at Webster's Mill, Deep Creek, Northern Latah County, Idaho. The location is known as the F. H. Brincken Place...

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Logging Truck

Logging Truck

Date: 1915

trucks logging logs

An early day logging truck. The truck has a stack of logs piled in the back and a man driving...

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No. 105 Locomotive

No. 105 Locomotive

Date: 1915

locomotives logs

View of a No. 105 locomotive hauling stacks of logs to Camp 6, which is located near Helmer, Idaho and...

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Logging Railroad

Logging Railroad

Date: 1915

locomotives railroads

View of a locomotive on a logging railroad. Steam can be seen coming out of the locomotive and a person...

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Oregon Logging

Oregon Logging

Date: 1915

logging logs

A few men wrapping cables around a log in Oregon.

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Famous "Incline"

Famous "Incline"

Date: 1915

railroads slopes

View of the famous "incline" on the divide between Lines Creek and W. Fork Merry Creek. It had a grade...

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Train Wreck

Train Wreck

Date: 1930

wrecks railroads locomotives

View of a No. 24 locomotive on its side after the new fill and roadbed gave way. The wreck occurred...

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Tramway Cable System

Tramway Cable System

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of the Potlatch Lumber Company tramway cable system. It shows a general type of construction using a log unit,...

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Steam Shovel

Steam Shovel

Date: 1920

equipment shovels

A few men sitting inside the steam shovel machine.

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Date: 1920

equipment locomotives

A group of men standing next to the side of a locomotive. A steam shovel can be seen behind the...

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Railroad Construction

Railroad Construction

Date: 1920

railroads construction

A group of men working on constructing the railroad. A locomotive, railroad cars, and a steam shovel can be seen...

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Swimming Hole

Swimming Hole

Date: 1908

People in a swimming hole at the Fritz Brincken Place. Photograph taken around 1908.

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Steam Shovel

Steam Shovel

Date: 1920

railroads construction

An American steam shovel and a geared engine 102 hooked to a dump car. The equipment is being used to...

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Camp 11 Workers

Camp 11 Workers

Date: 1910

lumber camps men

Ralph Todd and Frank Meachem standing together at Camp 11.

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Logging Camp

Logging Camp

Date: 1910

lumber camps logging

View of a small logging camp located on a railroad spur. A train hauling stacks of logs on flatcars can...

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Camp 4

Camp 4

Date: 1910

lumber camps buildings

View of the PLC logging camp 4, which is located at the confluence of the Potlatch River and Little Boulder,...

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Camp 14

Camp 14

Date: 1910

lumber camps railroads

View of Camp 14, located west of Bovill. A railroad can be seen running next to the buildings on the...

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Camp 14 Crew

Camp 14 Crew

Date: 1910

lumber camps

Group photo of the crew of Camp 14. Most the men can be seen wearing suspenders and hats and a...

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Old Camp 2

Old Camp 2

Date: 1932

lumber camps buildings

View of old Camp 2, which is located north of Bovill, at the mouth of Feather Creek. Buildings can be...

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Camp 10

Camp 10

Date: 1932

lumber camps railroads

View of Camp 10, which is located on the East Fork of Potlatch Creek, just outside of Bovill. A No....

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1928

equipment logging

Loading logs from a deck at Camp 1, which was located at the head of Hatter Creek.

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Steam Donkey

Steam Donkey

Date: 1925

equipment cable

View of a large 3 drum high powered steam donkey, located near Bovill, Idaho. The machine was used on a...

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Northeast view of Deep Creek

Northeast view of Deep Creek

Date: 1930

A view of Deep Creek looking Northeast from the Old Conklin House. Photograph taken in 1930.

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Log Deck

Log Deck

Date: 1915

loggers logs

View of an unusually high log deck during the early days of PLC logging. Loggers can be seen standing on...

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Log Deck

Log Deck

Date: 1915

loggers logs

View of a log deck. Loggers can be seen standing on and a around the stacks of logs.

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Cable System

Cable System

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of the cable system used for logging. Men can be seen standing between the logs that are stacked on...

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White Pine Trees

White Pine Trees

Date: 1915

white pine men

Two men sitting and standing at the base of a white pine tree.

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Logging Tool Display

Logging Tool Display

Date: 1915

tools equipment logging

Display of tools that the Potlatch Lumber Company loggers used for logging.

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1970

white pine men

Marvin Miller (left) and Byers Sanderson (right) standing at the stump of the White Pine King. The White Pine King...

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The Timberman Article

The Timberman Article

Date: 1918-09-01

articles lumber camps

An article in The Timberman about modern innovations that the Potlatch lumber camps were making. It discusses a new electric...

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The Timberman Article

The Timberman Article

Date: 1918-09-01

articles lumber camps

A continuation of an article in The Timberman about modern innovations that the Potlatch lumber camps were making. It discusses...

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Last Rites Article

Last Rites Article

Date: 1951-11-01

articles men

Article talking about William Helmer's life. William Helmer was the oldest employee of the Potlatch Forests Inc. and helped William...

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Short Wave Radio Article

Short Wave Radio Article

Date: 1951-11-01

articles lumber camps radio

Article discussing the impact of having radios for the lumber camps. The top left picture shows man talking to Lewiston...

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Conklin Deep Creek View

Conklin Deep Creek View

Date: 1930

A view of Deep Creek looking Northeast from the Old Conklin House. Photograph taken in 1930.

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Tramway Cable System

Tramway Cable System

Date: 1915

equipment logging

An article in The Timberman showing the PLC tramway cable system. A system of cables can be seen standing above...

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Flapper Drawing

Flapper Drawing

Date: 1905-04-09

drawings Women

Drawing of a girl dressed as a flapper. On the side of the picture the writing identifies her as "Daisy,...

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Tribute to Daisy

Tribute to Daisy

Date: 1993-02-18

articles Women

A newspaper article by Barb Coyner about Daisy Wunderlich's impact on her.

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Identification of Potlatch Camps

Identification of Potlatch Camps

Date: 1979-06-20

lumber camps documents

Document identifying the location of many Potlatch Camps. Also described are the camp setting, the camp foreman or boss, and...

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Logging at Potlatch

Logging at Potlatch

Date: 1928-12-01

articles conductors

A newspaper article by A. Whisnant about C. G. Nogle, the conductor in charge of the special train of the...

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Veteran PFI Cruiser

Veteran PFI Cruiser

Date: 1949-05-01

articles men

Newspaper article about Bill Helmer, a 45-year-old veteran PFI cruiser. It discusses the construction of Potlatch Lumber Company by Bill...

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Measurement Document

Measurement Document

Date: 1885

measuring documents

Document explaining how to measure wood and lumber.

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Bovill Map

Bovill Map

Date: 1905-03-21

maps towns

Map of Bovill.

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1918-03-19

payments documents

Pay stub for Dewey Campbell. It says that he worked scalar at Camp No. 9 for 18 days at $75...

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1918-03-22

payments documents

Pay stub for Frank Pitcher. It says that he worked as a cook at Camp No. 10 for 22 days...

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Old Onklin Barn

Old Onklin Barn

Date: 1930

An exterior view of the Old Conklin Barn. John McMana

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Personal Visit Document

Personal Visit Document

Date: 1994

interviews documents

Documentation of a personal visit to and a phone call with Julius Crane.

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Document of Terms

Document of Terms


documents vocabulary

A list of terms that were commonly used by lumberjacks from Canada to Mexico on logging operations.

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1917-11-02

payments documents

Pay stub for John Miller. It says that he worked at Camp No. 11 for 30 hours at $35 per...

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1917-01-02

payments documents

Pay stub for Hermon Boyd. It says that he worked as a contractor at Camp No. 11 for $225 per...

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1918-03-19

payments documents

Pay stub for a man who worked as a scalar at Camp No. 9 for 15 days at $5 per...

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PLC Pay Stub

PLC Pay Stub

Date: 1918-03-16

payments documents

Pay stub for W. W. Whitcomb, who worked as a sawyer at Camp No. 10 for 104 hours at $46.50...

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Cable System

Cable System

Date: 1915

equipment logging forests

View of the cable system used for logging. Four logs can be seen suspended using cables. Logs can also be...

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Logging Tractor

Logging Tractor

Date: 1915

logging tractors

A tractor with stacks of logs chained to flat cars. A man can be seen standing on top of the...

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Logging Equipment

Logging Equipment

Date: 1915

logging equipment

A group of men working the logging equipment in a large building.

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Log Building

Log Building

Date: 1915

structures men

Men sitting and standing on a logs that have been constructed into a structure.

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Ike Miller House

Ike Miller House

Date: 1910

Ike Miller and his family outside the Ike Miller House. Photograph taken in 1910.

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Logging Steamboat

Logging Steamboat

Date: 1915

steamboats logging

View of a steamboat being loaded with stacks of logs. A few men can be seen sitting in a canoe...

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Logging Equipment

Logging Equipment

Date: 1915

logging equipment

Three men holding a piece of equipment that is being used to cut down a tree.

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Cable System

Cable System

Date: 1915

equipment logging forests

View of the cable system used for logging. A few logs can be seen suspended and being transported using cables....

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Logging Equipment

Logging Equipment

Date: 1915

logging equipment

Men standing around a piece of logging equipment. Steam and can be seen coming out of the pipe at the...

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Logging Steamboat

Logging Steamboat

Date: 1915

steamboats logging

A steamboat pulling a group of logs wrapped in chains in. Men can be seen in a boat in front...

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Logging with Horses

Logging with Horses

Date: 1915

horses logging

Teams of horses pulling large logs that are sitting on carts. Men can be seen sitting on top of the...

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Bovill Main Street

Bovill Main Street

Date: 1913

streets Stores snow

View of Main Street in Bovill during winter. Many shops can be seen on the street. Beginning from the left,...

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Document of Terms

Document of Terms


documents vocabulary

A list of terms that were commonly used by lumberjacks from Canada to Mexico on logging operations.

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Typed Letter

Typed Letter

Date: 1994-07-05

letters documents

A typed letter informing Tom that the photographs had arrived and expressing interest in them.

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Bovill Main Street

Bovill Main Street

Date: 1914

streets Stores

View of Main Street in Bovill after it was rebuilt after the disastrous fire in July of 1914. A person...

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Old Conklin House

Old Conklin House

Date: 1930

An exterior view of the Old Conklin House. John McManama lived here. Photograph taken in 1930.

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Logging Operation

Logging Operation

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of a PLC logging operation. Men can be seen standing on the equipment.

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Log Loading Crew

Log Loading Crew

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of a Bovill log loading crew. Men can be seen sitting on the equipment and standing next to a...

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Early Day Equipment

Early Day Equipment

Date: 1915

equipment logging

View of equipment used in the early days for logging. Men can be seen sitting and standing next to the...

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Log Deck

Log Deck

Date: 1915

logs forests

View of a log deck of ponderosa pine. Two men can be seen standing on logs that are spread on...

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Cable Repair

Cable Repair

Date: 1927

equipment logging

A time out at PLC Camp 3A in order to repair a cable on a logging equipment. A stack of...

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Train Load

Train Load

Date: 1925

trains logs

View of a train hauling stacks of logs on railroad cars. A group of men can be seen standing next...

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Date: 1927

men logs

Two men standing on top of a stack of logs in a forest. Malcolm Rossman is the man on the...

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Log Loading

Log Loading

Date: 1925

equipment logging

View of a PLC log loading operation. Men can be seen standing around a piece of equipment that is loading...

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Steam Donkey Operations

Steam Donkey Operations

Date: 1920


View of two steam donkey operations. Two men can be seen standing next to the equipment.

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Steam Donkey Operation

Steam Donkey Operation

Date: 1920

equipment men

Two men standing in front of a steam donkey engine.

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Kennedy Ford Grange

Kennedy Ford Grange

Date: 1925

An exterior view of the Kennedy Ford Grange N. 177. The building was constructed in 1906.

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Model 60 Tractor

Model 60 Tractor

Date: 1920

tractors equipment logging

View of a "Best" set of high wheels and a model 60 tractor. Two men can be seen standing on...

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Model 60 Tractor

Model 60 Tractor

Date: 1920

tractors equipment logging

View of a "Best" set of high wheels and a model 60 tractor. A group of men can be seen...

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Group Photo

Group Photo

Date: 1920

men railroads

Photo of a group of men. The men are all wearing hats and are standing behind railroad tracks.

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Yard Crew

Yard Crew

Date: 1920

men logging

Group photo of the Bovill cedar pole yard crew. The men are all wearing hat and are sitting and standing...

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The Scalers

The Scalers

Date: 1920

documents logging

Document discussing the importance of scaling logs as well as the characteristics of a good scaler.

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Date: 1920

logging men

A man scaling a log. He can be seen standing among stacks of logs and holding a book in his...

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PLC Camp

PLC Camp

Date: 1920

lumber camps buildings

View of a Potlatch Lumber Company camp. Men can be seen standing next to buildings in the camp.

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Cook House

Cook House

Date: 1920

lumber camps mess halls

View of the cookhouse at Camp 6. Two men in aprons can be seen standing next to tables that have...

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Camp 5

Camp 5

Date: 1908

lumber camps tents

View of Potlatch Lumber Company camp 5, which is located west of Bovill. Men and horses can be seen standing...

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Bovill Hospital

Bovill Hospital

Date: 1925

hospitals buildings

View of the hospital in Bovill, ID. Two people can be seen standing on the street outside the hospital and...

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Old Kellmer Place

Old Kellmer Place

Date: 1925

A view of the buildings and fields around the Old Kellmer Place.

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Potlatch Piling

Potlatch Piling

Date: 1920

logging railroads

View of the Potlatch selective logging and brush piling. A few men can be seen standing in the forest next...

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Shay No. 100

Shay No. 100

Date: 1920

locomotives Women

A group of ladies visiting the Shay No. 100 locomotive near Bovill, Idaho. The locomotive was purchased in 1906 and...

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Superintendent Residence

Superintendent Residence

Date: 1920

superintendents houses

View of T. P. Jones', the logging superintendent, residence in Bovill, Idaho. The house is surrounded by trees and logs....

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Date: 1911

logging trees

Two men using a crosscut saw to cut down a tree in a forest.

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1975

white pine trees logging

Article discussing the largest White Pine tree, which was cut down with the other "Kings" by the sawyers of the...

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

Two men using a crosscut saw to cut down the White Pine King in a forest of other "Kings"

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White Pine King

White Pine King

Date: 1911

white pine trees logging

Two men using a crosscut saw to cut down the White Pine King in a forest of other "Kings" The...

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Park Gathering

Park Gathering

Date: 1955

event group of people

A photograph of a large group of people in a wooded park eating and conversing.

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Lifting Logs

Lifting Logs

Date: 1955

logs machines railroad car

The LeTourneau log unloading machine lifting logs from a train car.

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Loading the Truck

Loading the Truck

Date: 1955

logs vehicle machine truck

The LeTourneau log unloading machine placing logs into the back of a truck.

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W. McMurray Place Mine Cart (front)

W. McMurray Place Mine Cart (front)

Date: 1984-08-28

mine wooden cart

The front of a wooden mine card from the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in...

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Winter at the Old Kellmer Place

Winter at the Old Kellmer Place

Date: 1923

A view of the buildings and snow covered fields around the Old Kellmer Place in winter. Photograph taken about 1923....

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LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine

LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine

Date: 1955

logs machines vehicle wood

A closer side view of the LeTourneau log unloading machine with grappling-like hooks carrying a bundle of logs.

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Relaxing by the Trees

Relaxing by the Trees

Date: 1955

event group of people

A group of people sitting amongst the trees at a park.

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Tipped Railroad Car

Tipped Railroad Car

Date: 1955

logs machines railroad car

A railroad car that was once filled with logs after it was tipped over by the LeTourneau log unloading machine....

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Finish Line

Finish Line

Date: 1955

race group of people Women event

Women running towards a finish line at the end of a race.

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Log Unloading Machine; Full Side View

Log Unloading Machine; Full Side View

Date: 1955

logs machines vehicle wood

A full picture of the LeTourneau log unloading machine with grappling-like hooks.

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LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine Driver

LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine Driver

Date: 1955

logs machines

View of the driver and mechanics of the LeTourneau log unloading machine.

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Log Unloading Machine in the Yard

Log Unloading Machine in the Yard

Date: 1955

logs machines vehicle wood

A front view of the LeTourneau log unloading machine with grappling- like hooks in front of several stacks of logs...

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LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine

LeTourneau Log Unloading Machine

Date: 1955

logs machines vehicle wood

A LeTourneau log unloading machine with grappling-like hooks holding onto the logs as they are moved around the yard.

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Running from the Fall

Running from the Fall

Date: 1955

logs machines railroad car

Two men pulling something away from the tipped rail car while others analyze the event.

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Analyzing the Aftermath

Analyzing the Aftermath

Date: 1955

logs machines railroad car

Workers inspecting the tipped rail car and the LeTourneau log unloading machine.

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House & Cellar on Doty Place

House & Cellar on Doty Place

Date: 1925

An exterior view of a house and cellar on Doty Place.

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Log Unloading Machine Deconstruction

Log Unloading Machine Deconstruction

Date: 1956-08-01

machines rooftops demolition

The LeTourneau log unloading machine beginning to take off the rooftop of a structure.

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Office Building

Office Building

Date: 1955

office building landscape

A photograph of an office building with nice landscaping.

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Log Unloading Machine Demolition

Log Unloading Machine Demolition

Date: 1956-08-01

machines rooftops demolition

The LeTourneau log unloading machine taking the roof off of a structure.

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Man on the Phone

Man on the Phone

Date: 1954-06-01

office employee telephone

A photograph of a man at his desk on the phone.

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Retirement Party

Retirement Party

Date: 1971-12-17

retirement parties group of people

Lee Gale and Pedie Alsterlund with their wives at their retirement party.

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Retirement Party Guests

Retirement Party Guests

Date: 1971-12-17

retirement parties group of people

The tables were full at the Log Cabin for Lee Gale and Pedie Alsterlund's retirement party.

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Retirement Party Toast

Retirement Party Toast

Date: 1971-12-17

retirement parties group of people

A man giving a toast for Lee Gale and Pedie Alsterlund at their retirement party.

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Retirement Party Guests

Retirement Party Guests

Date: 1971-12-17

retirement parties group of people

The opposite view of the guests at Lee Gale and Pedie Alsterlund's retirement party at the Log Cabin.

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Tent Shaped Building

Tent Shaped Building

Date: 1965-04-01

building structure

A view of a tent shaped building.

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Parking Lot by Tent Shaped Building

Parking Lot by Tent Shaped Building

Date: 1964-12-01

building parking lot

A view of the tent shaped building from the parking lot.

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Elk River Sawmill

Elk River Sawmill

Date: 1911

A panoramic view of the Elk River sawmill as it looked in 1911. Axel helped cut the tree to clear...

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Five Men

Five Men

Date: 1956-01-01

men group of people

A photograph of fie men in their coats and hats walking.

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Directing a Group

Directing a Group

Date: 1955

group of people food

A man directing people to go through the line to get food.

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Distributing Paper Ware and Cups

Distributing Paper Ware and Cups

Date: 1955

group of people food tableware

A group of people behind tables with boxes of cups and paper ware.

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Three Men in a Row

Three Men in a Row

Date: 1955

group of people grass

Three men sitting in the grass wit a large group of people behind them.

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Pots on a Stovetop

Pots on a Stovetop

Date: 1955

group of people food

A view of the food cooking in pots while a large group of people wait eagerly behind.

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A Road Through the Sawmill

A Road Through the Sawmill

Date: 1952

road Sawmill Outdoors

A photograph of the road through the sawmill.

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Potlatch Anniversary Special Banner

Potlatch Anniversary Special Banner

Date: 1955-09-01

banner Anniversary passenger cars

A photograph of a banner for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary Special on a Northern Pac train car.

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Waiting for the Train

Waiting for the Train

Date: 1955-09-01

line group of people passenger trains

A large line of people waiting to get on the train for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary Special.

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Sawmill Operations

Sawmill Operations

Date: 1955

machinery Outdoors Sawmill

A view over some of the machinery at the sawmill.

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The Passenger Train

The Passenger Train

Date: 1955-09-01

train passenger car

The passenger train used for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary Special.

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Ned Hanna's 1927 Chevy

Ned Hanna's 1927 Chevy

Date: 1930

Pearl Kellmer driving Ned Hanna's 1927 Chev. Photograph is looking Southeast from the Deep Creek Old Pine Tree.

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The Passenger Train

The Passenger Train

Date: 1955-09-01

train passenger car

The passenger train used for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary Special.

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The Conductor

The Conductor

Date: 1955-09-01

conductor train passenger cars

The conductor the train used for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary Special.

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Outside the Passenger Train

Outside the Passenger Train

Date: 1955-09-01

group of people train passenger car

A man and a woman with a camera outside the passenger car with the banner for the Potlatch 50th Anniversary...

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Three Men

Three Men

Date: 1953-11-01

group of people men

Three men of what appears to be different professions.

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Four Men

Four Men

Date: 1954-07-01

group of people men

Four men in front of a building.

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Six Men

Six Men

Date: 1955

group of people men

A group of six men wearing hats in front of a building.

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Eight Men

Eight Men

Date: 1960

group of people men

A group of eight men in a building wearing hats.

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Thirteen Men

Thirteen Men

Date: 1964-12-01

group of people men

A group of thirteen men in coats to combat the cold weather.

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Palouse Valley Tree Farm Sign

Palouse Valley Tree Farm Sign

Date: 1960

sign tree farm sponsors

A sign for the Palouse Valley Tree Farms sponsored by Princeton Mountain Home, Kennedy Ford, and Rock Creek Granges.

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Smoke Stack

Smoke Stack

Date: 1960

smokestacks smoke

Three smoke stacks bellowing smoke.

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Frank Hanna Near Woody Grade

Frank Hanna Near Woody Grade

Date: 1923

Frank Hanna, Tom Lowe (of English royal blood), and Sweet John stand by some farming equipment near Woody Grade. Photograph...

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American Flag

American Flag

Date: 1960


A photograph of the American Flag with another flag below it.

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Sawmill Buildings

Sawmill Buildings

Date: 1960

structure building Sawmill

A photo of a structure and some buildings at a lumber mill.

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Tracks and Platform

Tracks and Platform

Date: 1960

railroad tracks platform pipes

A photograph of railroad tracks, a platform, and piping.

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Siding Construction

Siding Construction

Date: 1956-02-01

construction building group of people

A group of people building the side of a structure.

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Unfinished Structure

Unfinished Structure

Date: 1956-02-01

building construction

A photograph of an unfinished structure.

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Power Lines

Power Lines

Date: 1955-06-01

power lines power

Power lines behind a building. The photograph over looks rolling hills in the background.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1955-06-01

Lumber Yard lumber

A photograph of the lumber yard from a distance.

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Crane on Lumber Road

Crane on Lumber Road

Date: 1956-02-01

lumber road crane

A road in a lumber yard leading to a truck with a crane like machine attached.

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Collapse of a Structure

Collapse of a Structure

Date: 1956-02-01

demolition structure

The aftermath of a structure being demolished.

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Seven Men on the Job

Seven Men on the Job

Date: 1956-02-01

employees men group of people

A photograph of seven men. Some are posing, some are conversing, and some are walking away.

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House on the Doty Place

House on the Doty Place

Date: 1925

An exterior view of the house on the Doty Place. Byron Crithfield lived here. Photograph taken around 1925.

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Crane and Container

Crane and Container

Date: 1955

crane lift

A crane lifting a large container that appears to attach to trucks.

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Flooded Building

Flooded Building

Date: 1955

flood building

A photograph of the outside of a building during a flood.

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Flooded Sawmill

Flooded Sawmill

Date: 1955

flood buildings Sawmill

A photograph of the flooded sawmill.

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Flooding Aftermath

Flooding Aftermath

Date: 1955-07

flood Sawmill logs

The aftermath of the flood at the sawmill.

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Logs After the Flood

Logs After the Flood

Date: 1955

flood Sawmill logs Log Pond

Messy piles of logs in mud and large puddles after a flood.

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Flooded Sawmill Building

Flooded Sawmill Building

Date: 1955

flood building Sawmill

A photograph of the outside of a building used at the sawmill during a flood.

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Low Water Levels

Low Water Levels

Date: 1955-07-01

Sawmill Log Pond water

A photograph by the main sawmill of the low water levels in the log pond.

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River Dam

River Dam

Date: 1955-07-01

Dam River Log Pond

The dam is closed causing low water levels in the log pond.

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Log Pond at Low Water Levels

Log Pond at Low Water Levels

Date: 1955-07-01

Log Pond log water

Logs on the muddy remains of log pond.

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Stranded Logs

Stranded Logs

Date: 1955-07-01

Log Pond log water

With no water in the pond, logs sit unmoved on the mud.

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Mrs Gonser and Mrs. Alfred Weible

Mrs Gonser and Mrs. Alfred Weible

Date: 1925

Flora, Dora, Mrs. Gonser, Lena, and Emma (Mrs. Alfred Weible) posing together in a field.

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Dry Log Pond

Dry Log Pond

Date: 1955

Log Pond Sawmill machinery

Logs stranded in the mud of the log pond during a time of extremely low water levels.

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Log Slip

Log Slip

Date: 1955

Log Pond Sawmill machinery

A photograph of the log slip used to transport logs from the pond to the mill.

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Log Pond

Log Pond

Date: 1955-06-01

Log Pond Sawmill water

Logs floating in the log pone next to a grassy hill.

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Frozen Beams

Frozen Beams

Date: 1955-11-01

frozen building

Beams and other parts of this building structure completely covered in ice crystals.

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Building Covered in Ice

Building Covered in Ice

Date: 1955-11-01

frozen building

A photograph of a building covered in icicles just in November.

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Frozen Structure

Frozen Structure

Date: 1955-11-01

frozen building

Beams , walls, and other parts of this building completely covered by icicles.

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Crane Lifting Block

Crane Lifting Block

Date: 1965

crane lift concrete

A crane lifting a concrete block missing the side and top with a pendulum like metal piece in the middle....

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Pipe in Ground

Pipe in Ground

Date: 1965

pipe ground mud

A photograph of a pipe in the mud of the ground.

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Date: 1955-06-01

utility poles worker

A view of a lineman at the top of a telephone pole with a man leaning against a car watching...

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Rushing Water

Rushing Water

Date: 1964-05-01

water wood

Water rushing from a controlled area to an open area.

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Woodfell, Idaho

Woodfell, Idaho

Date: 1970

A man standing outside a hand built log building, the Woodfell, Idaho, United States Post Office. Photograph taken around 1970....

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Atop the Dam

Atop the Dam

Date: 1955-11-01

Dam employees work

Five men working on top of the dam.

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Low Water Levels at the Dam

Low Water Levels at the Dam

Date: 1969

Dam water vehicle

A photograph of the dam with low water levels.

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Excavator Digging

Excavator Digging

Date: 1965

dirt dig excavator machine landscaping

An excavator removing dirt from the side of a hill.

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Digging Machines

Digging Machines

Date: 1965

machine landscaping

An excavator and an employee on another machine.

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Concrete Structure

Concrete Structure

Date: 1969

concrete metal structure tool

A concrete block missing the side and top with a pendulum like metal piece in the middle.

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Moving Dirt

Moving Dirt

Date: 1965

machines dirt excavator landscaping

An excavator and other machines changing the landscape of the hill by moving dirt.

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Date: 1965


A photograph of one smokestack.

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"Keep Idaho Green"

"Keep Idaho Green"

Date: 1964-05-01

signs forests green

A sign from Potlatch Forests Inc. asking to "Keep Idaho Green."

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"Keep Idaho Green"

"Keep Idaho Green"

Date: 1964-05-01

signs forests green

A sign from Potlatch Forests Inc. asking to "Keep Idaho Green."

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Lumber Carriers

Lumber Carriers

Date: 1965

lumber carrier yard

Lumber carriers in the Potlatch lumber yards.

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Near Addy, Washington

Near Addy, Washington

Date: 1922

John McManama, George McManama, and Mrs. McManama next to their vehicle. Photograph taken in 1922, near Addy, Washington.

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Ross Carrier

Ross Carrier

Date: 1965

lumber carrier Sawmill

A photograph of a worker running the ross lumber carrier at the Potlatch mill.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1965

lumber Lumber Yard equipment

The "Hyster" lifting lumber from the top of a large stack.

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Steam and Power Lines

Steam and Power Lines

Date: 1964

power lines steam

A view of power lines and steam coming from a building.

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Organizing Lumber

Organizing Lumber

Date: 1965

lumber equipment

The "Hyster" placing the lumber in a covered area

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"Watch Your Step"

"Watch Your Step"

Date: 1965

warning signs steps

A photograph of a sign that reads, "It's hell to be a cripple, watch your step."

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"Accidents Don't Just Happen"

"Accidents Don't Just Happen"

Date: 1955

warning signs accidents

A photograph of a sign that reads, "Accidents Don't Just Happen - They are Caused."

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Potlatch Steam Engine Retired

Potlatch Steam Engine Retired

Date: 1947-01-26

engine retirement Sawmill energy

A news article about the retirement of the H.P. Corliss Engine that was installed in 1906.

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Five Men on a Bench

Five Men on a Bench

Date: 1965

group of people bench park gathering

A photo of five men on a bench at a park for some type of gathering.

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Sawyers and Sawing

Sawyers and Sawing

Date: 1946

Sawmill lumber employees

An article about the processes and training for sawmill activities.

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"Keep Idaho Green"

"Keep Idaho Green"

Date: 1964-05-01

signs forests green

A sign from Potlatch Forests Inc. asking to "Keep Idaho Green."

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Township Map North of Harvard Idaho

Township Map North of Harvard Idaho

Date: 1950

A township map of land North of Hardarv, Idaho. Several lots are diagramed, and a hand written note points to...

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"Tussock Moth Attacks Latah County Woodlands"

"Tussock Moth Attacks Latah County Woodlands"

Date: 1946-10-01

moth tree forest

An article from the Family Tree about the Tussock Moth affecting Douglas fir and Grand fir trees in Latah County....

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Retirement and 25 Year Club

Retirement and 25 Year Club

Date: 1946-04-01

retirement club newspaper

Page 5 from the Family Tree with articles about Ray Woesner retiring and the formation of the twenty-five year club....

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Keep Idaho Green

Keep Idaho Green

Date: 1946-04-01

fire tourism articles

The continuation of an article from The Family Tree about keeping Idaho green throughout tourism and fire hazards.

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Weyerhaeuser & Co.

Weyerhaeuser & Co.

Date: 1905-03-20

lumber shingles letterhead

Weyerhaeuser & Co., Lumber, Lath and Shingles in St. Paul, Minnesota letterhead.

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Delivered Price List of Western Pine Lumber

Delivered Price List of Western Pine Lumber

Date: 1905-04-10

price lumber terms

A document containing the delivered price list of western pine lumber and terms of purchase from the Potlatch Lumber Company...

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Wholesale Delivered Price List

Wholesale Delivered Price List

Date: 1905-01-15

price lumber terms wholesale

A document containing the wholesale delivered price list of western pine lumber along with the terms for purchase from the...

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Railway, Iron Works, and Forest Fire Association

Railway, Iron Works, and Forest Fire Association

Date: 1907-01-01;1909-05-26;1904-03-26;1909-04-15

railway iron mining forest fire letterhead

Letterheads for: Washington, Idaho & Montana Railway Company, Union Iron Works, and Washington Forest Fire Association.

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Lumber Company, Manufacturers, and Machinery

Lumber Company, Manufacturers, and Machinery

Date: 1905-07-14

lumber manufacturing builder letterhead

Letterheads for: Potlatch Lumber Company; The National Lumber Manufacturers' Association; and The Berlin Machine Works Builders Wood-Working Machinery.

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Chamber of Commerce, Retail, Attorney, and Railways

Chamber of Commerce, Retail, Attorney, and Railways

Date: 1909-08-31;1909-12-23;1905-02-16;1909-09-03

city paper retail attorney law railway letterhead

Letterheads for: Spokane Chamber of Commerce; John W. Graham & Co., wholesale and retail dealers of paper products; W. E....

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Palouse Flour Mill

Palouse Flour Mill

Date: 1907-05-29

flour mill letterhead

Palouse Flour Mill, manufacturers and dealers of fine flour and feed in Palouse, Washington.

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Mill Site at W. McMurray Place

Mill Site at W. McMurray Place

Date: 1984-08-11

Sawmill site trees

The mill site on the old Alva Strong Place (W. McMurray Place) in the Deep Creek area of Idaho.

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Aerial Photograph of Deep Creek

Aerial Photograph of Deep Creek

Date: 1940-09-24

An aerial photograph of the Deep Creek region. Many locations are marked on the photograph: Sandrock Place; Lone Jack Mt.;...

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Lumber, Timber, Company, and Bank

Lumber, Timber, Company, and Bank

Date: 1909-07-06;1910-01-24;1909-07-10;1909-01-12

lumber timber company banks letterhead

Letterheads for: Bonners Ferry Lumber Company, Northern Lumber Company, Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Weyerhaeuser & Denkmann Company, and Potlatch State Bank....

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Lumber, Boxes, Shoes, and Iron Works

Lumber, Boxes, Shoes, and Iron Works

Date: 1910;1909-08-22;1904-03-01;1904-01-25

lumber box shoe iron letterheads

Letterheads for: the Potlatch Lumber Company, National Lumber & Box Co., Crane Shoe Company, and Diamond Iron Works.

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Brick & Lime, Saw Tools, and Surety Bonds

Brick & Lime, Saw Tools, and Surety Bonds

Date: 1910-01-03;1905-05-01;1905-04-19

brick manufacturing steel saw bonds deposit letterhead

Letterheads for: Washington Brick, Lime, & Manufacturing Company; Henry Disston & Sons, Incorporated saw, tool, steel, and file works; and...

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Lumber Manufacturers and Insurance

Lumber Manufacturers and Insurance

Date: 1909-09-29;1909-09-08;1909-07-12;1909-09-20

lumber manufacturing insurance letterheads

Letterheads for: Mann Lumber Company, Potlatch Lumber Company, Lamb-Darrs Lumber Company, and Citizens Fire Insurance Company.

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Pine, Fuel & Ice, Forestry Bureau, Railway, and Iron Works

Pine, Fuel & Ice, Forestry Bureau, Railway, and Iron Works

Date: 1909-12-01;1904-08-29;1904-01-01;1909-10-05

lumber fuel ice forestry agriculture railway iron mining Sawmill machinery letterheads

Letterheads for: Henry Turrish of Pine Lands and Lumber; Union Fuel & Ice Company; United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau...

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Land, Logging, Banks, Timber, Securities, and Improvement

Land, Logging, Banks, Timber, Securities, and Improvement

Date: 1907-05-03;1904-02-05;1907-07-27;1905-09-07;1904-01-09

land logging manufacturing banks timber securities development letterheads

Letterheads for: Musser-Sauntry Land, Logging, and Manufacturing Company; the German American National Bank; Drew Timber Company; P.&P.M. Musser Securities Company,...

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Grain, Railway, Lumber, and Manufacturing

Grain, Railway, Lumber, and Manufacturing

Date: 1908-12-04;1909-04-05;1909-09-18;1904-02-17

grain milling railway lumber manufacturing letterheads

Letterheads for: Washington Grain & Milling Company, dealers in hay, grain, and feed; Washington, Idaho & Montana Railway Company; Potlatch...

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Lumber, Land Investment, and Boiler Works

Lumber, Land Investment, and Boiler Works

Date: 1904-07-04;1904-02-10;1904-06-04;1904-04-18

lumber box land manufacturing boiler letterheads

Letterheads for: Potlatch Lumber Company lumber, boxes, and moldings; Wm. Deary, General Manager of the Potlatch Lumber Company; Pine Land...

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F. Weyerhaeuser, Lumber, and Fruitlands

F. Weyerhaeuser, Lumber, and Fruitlands

Date: 1907-06-04;1909-06-04;1909-04-19

banks lumber fruit city letterheads

Letterheads for: the office of F. Weyerhaeuser, Potlatch Lumber Company, and Lake and Rickerd fruit lands and city property.

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Boom, Mills, Town site, and House Furnishing Companies

Boom, Mills, Town site, and House Furnishing Companies

Date: 1904-10-13;1884-12-31;1907-09-19;1903-04-24

company mills town site house furnishing letterhead

Letterheads for: the office of St. Joe Boom Company, Limited, organized by F.J. Davies of the Rutledge Timber Company; Glen...

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Township Map

Township Map

Date: 1918

forestry maps

A map depicting railroad lines in Township nos. 40 & 41 by Range Nos. 2W & 1W. The towns of...

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Henry Turrish, State Bank, Lumber, and Weyerhaeuser

Henry Turrish, State Bank, Lumber, and Weyerhaeuser

Date: 1905-07-28

wood lumber banks letterhead

Letterheads for: Henry Turrish, dealer in pine, ha4rdwood, farming lands, logs, and lumber; Muss & Lumber Company; the office of...

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Lumber Pine, Forest, Mills, and Railways

Lumber Pine, Forest, Mills, and Railways

Date: 1905

lumber forest mills railway letterheads

Letterheads for: Potlatch Lumber Company; Northland Pine Company; Potlatch Lumber Company, manufacturers and distributers of Weyerhaeuser Forest Products; W.A. Wilkinson,...

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Potlatch Lumber Company Letterheads

Potlatch Lumber Company Letterheads

Date: 1905

lumber boxes manager letterheads

Letterheads for: lumber, boxes, and moldings; Wm. Deary, general manager, and general operations of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Potlatch Lumber Company Letterheads 2

Potlatch Lumber Company Letterheads 2

Date: 1905-03-01

lumber doors manager letterheads

Letterheads for various aspects of the Potlatch Lumber Company courtesy of Tom Burg.

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Surety, Tarrant, and Leather Belting

Surety, Tarrant, and Leather Belting

Date: 1905-03-06;1905-05-15;1909-12-20

surety felt belts letterheads

Letterheads for: National Surety Company, Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Company, and Chicago Belting Company.

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Wholesale Delivered Price List and Terms

Wholesale Delivered Price List and Terms

Date: 1905

lumber price terms

The cover and back of the wholesale delivered price list of Idaho White Pine Lumber from the Potlatch Lumber Company....

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Wholesale Delivered Price List Inside

Wholesale Delivered Price List Inside

Date: 1910-01-15

lumber price

The inside of the wholesale delivered price list of Idaho White Pine from the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Western Pine Price List

Western Pine Price List

Date: 1905-12-15

lumber price timber

A Western Pine Price List of association standard grades of lumber.

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Dry Kiln, Insurance, and Advertising

Dry Kiln, Insurance, and Advertising

Date: 1905-08-02;1905-07-17;1905-04-03

kiln lumbermen advertising insurance letterhead

Letterheads for: The Morton Down Draft Moist Air Dry Kiln, Lumbermen's Insurance Company, and National Advertising Company.

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American Hoist & Derrick Co.

American Hoist & Derrick Co.

Date: 1909-05-21

engine hoist office

American Hoist & Derrick Co., a contracting and quarrying machinery company based in St. Paul Minnesota, letterhead.

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Elk River Historical Society Letter

Elk River Historical Society Letter

Date: 2001-03-30

forestry letter

A letter from Dawn Tillson containing information about the winter of 1935 and plane activity/crashes in the St. Joe National...

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Jewell Nursery and Crane Shoe Companies

Jewell Nursery and Crane Shoe Companies

Date: 1897-04-26;1906-07-01

shoe nursery cattle company letterhead

Letterheads on invoices from The Jewell Nursery Company and the Crane Shoe Company.

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Labor Journal, Christian Association, Union Church, and Lumber

Labor Journal, Christian Association, Union Church, and Lumber

Date: 1909-09-09;1909-11-18;1909-05-03;1910-07-01

labor journal religion church lumber letterheads

Letterheads for: The Washington Labor Journal, Spokane Young Men's Christian Association, The Union Church of Potlatch, and the Potlatch Lumber...

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Boiler Inspection, Lumber, Logging, and Mills

Boiler Inspection, Lumber, Logging, and Mills

Date: 1909-07-09;1907-09-21;1904-03-26

boiler inspection lumber logging sawmills designer letterhead

Letterheads for: The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, Retail Lumber and Fuel of the Potlatch Lumber Company, the...

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Lumber; Machines; and the Palouse

Lumber; Machines; and the Palouse

Date: 1907-06-05;1909-10-15;1906-06-02;1909-05-20;1908-12-17

lumber machine business college letterheads

Letterheads for: Pine Tree Lumber Company, S.A. Woods Machine Company, Potlatch Lumber Company, D. Simpson Co., and the Palouse Business...

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Lumber Companies and Iron Works

Lumber Companies and Iron Works

Date: 1907-09-01;1909-03-24;1905-04-27

lumber shingles iron machinery

Letterheads for: Potlatch Lumber Company, Grays Harbor Commercial Lumber Company, and The Vulcan Iron Works manufacturers of all classes of...

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"Evart" Lumbering Tools

"Evart" Lumbering Tools

Date: 1905

lumbering tools hooks poles

Illustrations of "Evart" Lumbering tools manufactured by the Evart Tool Company in Evart, Michigan.

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Lumber and Pine Companies

Lumber and Pine Companies

Date: 1909-05-8;1904-01-30;1904-07-05;1903-03-21;1907-02-19

lumber tree company letterhead

Letterheads for: Laird Norton Lumber Company, Pine Tree Lumber Company, Northland Pine Company; and the Potlatch Lumber Company's Office of...

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Missoula Lumber Company

Missoula Lumber Company

Date: 1907-07-25

lumber shingles doors company letterhead

Missoula Lumber Company, manufacturers of western pine lumber letterhead.

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Furniture, Timber, Lumber, John B. Rehl, and Merchandise

Furniture, Timber, Lumber, John B. Rehl, and Merchandise

Date: 1904-12-10;1904-06-10;1908-01-13;1905-02-28

furniture timber lumber merchandise letterhead

Letterheads for: Grice & Son Furniture Dealers, Clearwater Timber Company, Humbird Lumber Company, John B. Rehil, and E. K. Parker...

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Lumberman Advertising, Plants, Machines, and Locomotives

Lumberman Advertising, Plants, Machines, and Locomotives

Date: 1909-07-27;1909-09-03;1909-09-19;1909-09-18

Sawmill machinery engine lumber advertising letterhead

Letterheads for: West Coast Lumberman, an advertising medium for mill machinery and lumbermen; W.A. Wilkinson, a designer and builder of...

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Elk River News Vol. XIV. cont.

Elk River News Vol. XIV. cont.

Date: 1932-11-03

Labor Newspaper Article

A continuation of Elk River News Front Page's article "Potlatch Officer Asserts Mill not to be Abandoned" along with Potlatch...

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Iron and Steel, Logging, Timber Protection, and Town site Companies

Iron and Steel, Logging, Timber Protection, and Town site Companies

Date: 1909-07-02;1910-02-25;1909-06-14;1909-08-16

iron steel Manufacturer logging lumber timber town site letterhead

Letterheads for: Willamette Iron and Steel Works Manufacturing Engineers; the Logging Department of the Potlatch Lumber Company; the office of...

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Saws, Lumber Company, and Varnish Works

Saws, Lumber Company, and Varnish Works

Date: 1905-06-21;1907-02-28;1905-08-30

saws lumber varnish letterheads

Letterheads for: Joshua Oldham & Sons band, circular, and gang saws; Potlatch Lumber Company; and Excelsior Varnish Works.

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Forest and Conservation History

Forest and Conservation History

Date: 1991-01-01

lumber service ranger forest folklore

Volume 35 of "Forest & Conservation History." It is a special issue on Folklore with three stories of lumberjacks and...

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Employees on the Pond

Employees on the Pond

Date: 1910

employees log pond equipment

Ten employees on equipment on the log pond.

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White Pine Trees

White Pine Trees

Date: 1910

trees group of people

Four men in a group of Idaho White Pine Trees.

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Steam Powered Log Machine

Steam Powered Log Machine

Date: 1910

Log Pond machine steam powered employees

Employees in the log pond using a steam powered machine to lift logs out of the water.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1910

Lumber Yard landscape

A full view of a packed lumber yard.

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Shay Engine

Shay Engine

Date: 1910

engine train lumber

A photograph of the Shay engine at the Potlatch Lumber Company hauling lumber.

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Employees in the Log Pond

Employees in the Log Pond

Date: 1910

Log Pond employees group of people

Employees on logs with long sticks to maneuver around the pond.

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Tracks and Yard

Tracks and Yard

Date: 1910

Lumber Yard railroad tracks

A view of Potlatch, the lumber yard, and train tracks.

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Elk River News Vol. XIII. Front Page

Elk River News Vol. XIII. Front Page

Date: 1932-09-08

Idaho Newspaper

The front page of Elk River News addressing lumber business taxes, arson, unemployment grants, mining activities in Elk River, Reverend...

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Freeze Cemetery

Freeze Cemetery

Date: 1980

church cemetery landscape hills

A photograph of the Freeze Cemetery that was built in 1899 in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Men and Tents

Men and Tents

Date: 1910

tents group of people forest

Men posing for the photo outside of three tents made from logs and canvas.

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Caterpillar Logging

Caterpillar Logging

Date: 1910

lumber logging machine snow

Snowy caterpillar logging in Potlatch, Idaho for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Date: 1910

town buildings landscape

A view of Potlatch, Idaho.

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Three Men and a Tree

Three Men and a Tree

Date: 1910

trees group of people

Three man standing in front of a tall Idaho White Pine Tree.

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Snowy Landscape

Snowy Landscape

Date: 1910

landscape trees forest mountains building snow

A photograph of tree covered mountains surrounding a snow filled valley with some buildings.

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White Pine

White Pine

Date: 1910

trees group of people

A photograph from the Potlatch Lumber Company of two men posing by brother and sister white pine trees.

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Potlatch Lumber Company

Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1910

employees sign elevation logs

Employees on a stack of logs by the log pond holding a sign that reads "Potlatch LBR.CO. 1,110,000 Ft."

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Donkey Engine

Donkey Engine

Date: 1910

engine employee

Three employees moving a donkey engine for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Men in Front of a Building

Men in Front of a Building

Date: 1910

group of people buildings

Eleven men outside a wood building.

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Elk River News Vol. XIV. Front Page

Elk River News Vol. XIV. Front Page

Date: 1932-11-03

Labor Newspaper Article

The front page of Elk River News addressing concerns about the Potlatch Forest Inc. abandoning the Potlatch Mill and accounting...

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Sawmill and Lumber Yard

Sawmill and Lumber Yard

Date: 1910

Lumber Yard Sawmill landscape

A view of a full lumber yard and the sawmill.

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Potlatch Lumber 6. map

Potlatch Lumber 6. map

Date: 1918-05-16

forestry maps

A map of Potlatch Lumber 6 covering Township Nos. 39N and 40N by Range No. 2E. C. M. & S....

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Paul Welo Sawing

Paul Welo Sawing

Date: 1932

Forestry Labor

A photograph of Paul Welo sawing on rig No. 1 from the 10-19 Gale file.

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Lumber Mill Machine

Lumber Mill Machine

Date: 1932

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of a single employee next to a large machine and log at the lumber mill.

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Box Factory Crew

Box Factory Crew

Date: 1918

Factory Labor

A photograph of 11 members of the Box Factory Crew.

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Wayne McMurray Place Pond

Wayne McMurray Place Pond

Date: 1984-08-11

pond house forest

A pond on the Wayne McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in the Deep Creek area of Idaho.

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Sawmill Watercolor Card

Sawmill Watercolor Card

Date: 1945

Sawmill Painting

This painting of a sawmill, with its glowing wigwam burner, was inspired by the scene of workers leaving a small...

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Lumber Mill Employees

Lumber Mill Employees

Date: 1932-04-04

Forestry Labor

A photograph of employees in Potlatch, ID with a machine to debark lumber.

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Sawmill Watercolor Card Description

Sawmill Watercolor Card Description

Date: 1945

Painting Description

A description of the Sawmill Watercolor Card crediting the artist and those who made the production of the card possible....

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The Star-Mirror Job Advertisement

The Star-Mirror Job Advertisement

Date: 1910-09-22

Forestry Labor

An advertisement from "The Star-Mirror" newspaper for employment of any individual willing to clear stumps and brush in Elk River....

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Excursion to Elk River

Excursion to Elk River

Date: 1911-06-30

Railroad event

An advertisement from the "Palouse Republic" for a special excursion train to Elk River Idaho by the Washington, Idaho and...

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Anderson Ridge

Anderson Ridge

Date: 1998

Wilderness Monument

A tribute to Axel Alfred Anderson (1886-1981) and photograph of "Anderson Ridge" which was given his name on June 30,1998....

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Elk River Mill Site

Elk River Mill Site

Date: 1910

Forestry Mill

A photograph of a mill site and material for the Elk River Mill.

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Elk River Pond Pile Driving Crew

Elk River Pond Pile Driving Crew

Date: 1910

Forestry Mill

A photograph of the pond pile driving crew at Elk River.

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Elk River Log Pond Driving

Elk River Log Pond Driving

Date: 1910

Forestry Mill

A photograph of the crew driving piling in the Elk River log pond.

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Elk River's First House Morris Drug

Elk River's First House Morris Drug

Date: 1910

Idaho Drugstores

A photograph of the first house in Elk River, Idaho which became Morris Drug.

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Deep Creek Area- Idaho

Deep Creek Area- Idaho

Date: 1984-08-11

landscape trees fields

A photograph looking south over Deep Creek Area, Idaho.

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Idaho Fire Loss Heavy

Idaho Fire Loss Heavy

Date: 1910

Forest Fires

A newspaper article describing the damage the 1910 fire first caused in the Palouse/Elk River area and how the damage...

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Elk River Home

Elk River Home

Date: 1915

Idaho Homes

A photograph of a home and its residents with stumps from "The Trees Grew Tall" courtesy of John Miller.

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Elk River Trading Post

Elk River Trading Post

Date: 1915

Idaho Trading Post

A photograph of residents and a trading post from "The Trees Grew Tall" courtesy of John Miller.

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Elk River Mill

Elk River Mill

Date: 1910

Forestry Mill

A photograph of the Elk River Mill which employed 200 men from "The Trees Grew Tall" courtesy of John Miller....

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Elk River Mess Hall

Elk River Mess Hall

Date: 1911

Idaho Messhall

A photograph of the mess hall at Elk River from "The Trees Grew Tall" courtesy of John Miller.

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Elk River, Idaho

Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1924-06-01

Idaho Landscapes

A photograph of Elk River, Idaho from June of 1924.

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Elk River, Idaho_2

Elk River, Idaho_2

Date: 1910

Idaho Landscapes

A photograph of Elk River, Idaho in 1910 from the Gale files.

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Elk River Mill_2

Elk River Mill_2

Date: 1911

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the Elk River Mill in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River Mill Employees

Elk River Mill Employees

Date: 1911

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of Elk River Mill employees o a machine that appears to move logs.

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Elk River Mill_4

Elk River Mill_4

Date: 1911

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the Elk River Mill in Elk River, Idaho.

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Group at W. McMurray Place

Group at W. McMurray Place

Date: 1984-08-11

group of people land

Wayne McMurray, Don Strong, Pete Clausen, Calvin Kreid, Dwight Strong, George Strong, Irving Strong, Alber Clausen, and Clifford Ott in...

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Elk River Train Depot

Elk River Train Depot

Date: 1913/1914

Idaho Railroad Stations

A photograph of the train depot in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River Mill Log Wash

Elk River Mill Log Wash

Date: 1911

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the log "slip," depicting how a log went from the pond to the sawmill with the log...

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Elk River Mill_3

Elk River Mill_3

Date: 1911

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the Elk River Mill in Elk River, Idaho from the view of the log pond.

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Snow Covered Elk River, Idaho

Snow Covered Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1913/1914

Idaho Settlements and Landscapes

A photograph of homes in Elk River, ID buried in several feet of snow.

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Snow Covered Elk River, Idaho_2

Snow Covered Elk River, Idaho_2

Date: 1913/1914

Idaho Settlements and Landscapes

A photograph of a home in Elk River, ID buried in several feet of snow during the winter.

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Elk River School House

Elk River School House

Date: 1915

Idaho Schools (buildings)

A photograph of the school house in Elk River, ID.

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Elk River Sawmill Electricity

Elk River Sawmill Electricity

Date: 1911

Forestry Electricity

An article excerpt saying, "The Elk River sawmill was built around 1910 by the old Potlatch Lbr. Co. It was...

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Elk River Planer

Elk River Planer

Date: 1911

Planer Mill

A photograph of the planer taking shape.

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Elk River Sorting Shed and Electric Transfer

Elk River Sorting Shed and Electric Transfer

Date: 1911

Idaho Buildings

A photograph of the Elk River Sorting Shed and Electric Transfer for the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Elk River Buildings

Elk River Buildings

Date: 1911

Idaho Businesses

A photograph of the Elk River train station and a furniture store.

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Potlatch Mercantile Fire

Potlatch Mercantile Fire

Date: 1963-01-13

fire mercantile buildings

A photograph of the Potlatch Mercantile Fire being put out in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Elk River, Idaho_3

Elk River, Idaho_3

Date: 1911

Idaho Towns

A photograph of several buildings and civilians in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River, Idaho_4

Elk River, Idaho_4

Date: 1911

Idaho Towns

A photograph of snow covered buildings in Elk River, Idaho

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Elk River Train

Elk River Train

Date: 1911

Idaho Trains

A photograph of men and a train in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River Fire

Elk River Fire

Date: 1914

Forest Fires

A photograph of Elk River with a fire coming in over the mountains in the summertime.

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Elk River C.M.P. Depot

Elk River C.M.P. Depot

Date: 1913

Idaho Railroad Stations

A photograph of Elk River's C.M.P. Depot.

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Elk River, Idaho_5

Elk River, Idaho_5

Date: 1913

Idaho Towns

A photograph of two men and a lot of snow in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River, Idaho Winter Scene

Elk River, Idaho Winter Scene

Date: 1913

Idaho Landscapes

A photograph of Elk River covered in snow.

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Elk River Mill_5

Elk River Mill_5

Date: 1913

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the sawmill in Elk River, Idaho during a snowy winter.

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Elk River State Bank

Elk River State Bank

Date: 1923-07-09

Idaho Buildings

A photograph of the interior of Elk River's State Bank with Manager Virgil Gleason.

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Elk River, Idaho Icicles

Elk River, Idaho Icicles

Date: 1913

Idaho Buildings

A photograph of a man using his axe to chop down massive icicles from a building in Elk River, Idaho....

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105 Train Cars of Logs

105 Train Cars of Logs

Date: 1905-03-20

logging logs train

The longest log train in the world of 105 cars in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Start Big Mill and Serious Blaze at Elk River

Start Big Mill and Serious Blaze at Elk River

Date: 1911-05-28

Forestry Journal

Two entries from the Palouse Republic with information regarding the status of the Potlatch Lumber company's' sawmill and Elk River...

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Winter Forest Road

Winter Forest Road

Date: 1911

Idaho Landscapes

A photograph of a curvy road through bare trees potentially after a fire.

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Elk River Views Receive Approval

Elk River Views Receive Approval

Date: 1911-11-03

Forestry Journal

An entry from the Palouse Republic containing details and praise from G. B. Joslin's visit to Elk River and the...

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Elk River Prospers

Elk River Prospers

Date: 1911-11-01

Forestry Journal

An entry from the Palouse Republic with information about William L. Maxwell of Elk River, Idaho's trip to Spokane, Washington...

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Electric Green Lumber Transfer and Shed

Electric Green Lumber Transfer and Shed

Date: 1911

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of the electric green lumber transfer and green chain shed at Elk River.

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Sawmill Under Blanket of Snow

Sawmill Under Blanket of Snow

Date: 1911

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company's sawmill in Elk River, Idaho under a blanket of snow.

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Sawmill Deck Area

Sawmill Deck Area

Date: 1911

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of a sawmill deck area and the three head rigs.

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The Planing Mill

The Planing Mill

Date: 1911

Planer Mill

A photograph of the planing mill.

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Electric Generating Equipment

Electric Generating Equipment

Date: 1911

Sawmill Machinery

This photo shows the electric generating equipment at the Elk River plant, installed in 1910. It was the source of...

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Electric Generating Equipment Description

Electric Generating Equipment Description

Date: 1911

Sawmill Machinery Description

A description of the Electric Generating Equipment referencing their power levels and cost.

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Mr. Ogden Armour's Prize Winning Team

Mr. Ogden Armour's Prize Winning Team

Date: 1905

Draft horses shows races

Mr. Ogden Armour's International Draft Horse Champions. They were gray Percheron geldings under the direction of Sells-Floto Shows.

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White Pines West of Collins

White Pines West of Collins

Date: 1913-09-28

logging white pine group of people forest

Loggers with white pines located 1.5 miles west of Collins located S.E. N.E. Sec. 34 T42N.

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Loggers in the Forest

Loggers in the Forest

Date: 1913

Forestry Loggers

A photograph of loggers in the forest.

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Sec. 9 39N, 2E

Sec. 9 39N, 2E

Date: 1913

Forestry Loggers

A photograph of four men in front of a tree at Section 9, 39 North, 2 East.

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Elk River, Idaho_6

Elk River, Idaho_6

Date: 1910

Idaho Settlements and Landscapes

A photograph of the landscape of Elk River, Idaho in 1910.

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Elk River Steam Shovel

Elk River Steam Shovel

Date: 1910

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of a steam shoevel at work in Elk River, Idaho.

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Lumber at Elk River

Lumber at Elk River

Date: 1913

Sawmill Lumber

A photograph of air drying of lumber at Elk River which was a lost cause due to heavy snows and...

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Elk River Mill and Elk Butte

Elk River Mill and Elk Butte

Date: 1913

Sawmill Landscapes

A photograph of a view of the Elk River plant from the south with Elk Butte in the background.

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Elk River, Idaho_7

Elk River, Idaho_7

Date: 1913

Idaho Settlements and Landscapes

A photograph of another view of Elk River, Idaho looking northeast from the hospital area with the boading house shown...

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Green Chain at Elk River

Green Chain at Elk River

Date: 1913

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of the green chain at the Elk River sawmill.

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Elk River Sawmill Plant

Elk River Sawmill Plant

Date: 1913

Sawmill Landscapes

A photograph looking southeast over the Elk River Sawmill Plant.

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Refuse Burner at Elk River

Refuse Burner at Elk River

Date: 1923

Sawmill Factories

An 8x11 photograph looking north at the refuse burner at Elk River with a description of its 33 foot diameter,...

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Potlatch Mill Engine

Potlatch Mill Engine

Date: 1920

Sawmill engine

The Twin City Engine at the Potlatch Mill that's wheel had a 24' diameter with a 4' wide belt that...

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Elk River Mill_6

Elk River Mill_6

Date: 1923

Sawmill Factories

A photograph looking east at the Elk River Sawmill with timber and tie dock in the foreground.

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Elk River Mill_7

Elk River Mill_7

Date: 1923

Sawmill Factories

A photograph looking southeast over the Elk River Sawmill plant.

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Weastinghouse Steam Turbine

Weastinghouse Steam Turbine

Date: 1923

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of an employee and the Weastinghosue steam turbine unit that drives the electric generator.

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Elk River Mill Drying Kilns

Elk River Mill Drying Kilns

Date: 1923

Sawmill Factories

A photograph ot the dry kilns at the Elk River Sawmill with Elk Butte in the background.

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Elk River Mill Switch Board

Elk River Mill Switch Board

Date: 1923

Sawmill Electrical Systems

A photograph of the electric power distribution plant switch board.

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Planer Mill at Elk River

Planer Mill at Elk River

Date: 1923

Planer Mill

A photograph of the Planer Mill at Elk River.

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Steam and Electric Generating Plant

Steam and Electric Generating Plant

Date: 1923

Steam Power Plants

A photograph of the steam and electric generating plant.

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Green Chain

Green Chain

Date: 1923

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of the green chain at the Elk River sawmill.

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Elk River Mill Interior

Elk River Mill Interior

Date: 1923

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the interior of the Elk River sawmill.

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Elk River Planer Interior

Elk River Planer Interior

Date: 1923

Planer Mill Interior

A photograph of the interior of the Elk River Planer.

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Potlatch Mercantile Store

Potlatch Mercantile Store

Date: 1905-03-29

mercantile buildings manager group of people grocery

A photograph of the Grocery Department (left wall) of the Potlatch Mercantile Company Store with Manning Fansler, white sleeves behind...

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Elk River Mill Shipping Dock

Elk River Mill Shipping Dock

Date: 1923

Sawmill Shipping Dock

A photograph of the shipping dock for the Elk River Sawmill.

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Elk River Mill_8

Elk River Mill_8

Date: 1913

Sawmill Landscapes

A photograph of the Elk River Sawmil.

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Planer Machines

Planer Machines

Date: 1913

Planer Mill Machinery

A photograph of planer machines in Elk River that were all manufactured by Berlin Machine Works in Beloit, Wisconsin.

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Jeffery Electric DC Battery Locomotive

Jeffery Electric DC Battery Locomotive

Date: 1913

Electric Trains

A photograph of a Jeffery electric DC battery locomotive with 7 tram cars.

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Sawmill Employees by White Pine

Sawmill Employees by White Pine

Date: 1920

Idaho White Pine

A photograph of sawmill employs with special Idaho White Pine.

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Sawmill Employees Displaying White Pine

Sawmill Employees Displaying White Pine

Date: 1920

Idaho White Pine

A photograph of sawmill employees showing off a nice Idaho White Pine board. IWP match stock drying behind the man...

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Sawmill Planer Dry Kilns

Sawmill Planer Dry Kilns

Date: 1920

Planer Mill

A photograph of the Planer and a battery of 12 Northwest Blower dry kilns that were 121 feet long. Behind...

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Elk Creek Flat

Elk Creek Flat

Date: 1920

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the Elk River sawmill and information regarding the Elk Creek flat where the plant was built and...

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Foreman Geo. Stillwell

Foreman Geo. Stillwell

Date: 1920

Sawmill Employee

A photograph of Geo. Stillwell, a foreman of dry kilns at Elk River then Potlatch.

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Superintendent Andrew Bloom

Superintendent Andrew Bloom

Date: 1920

Sawmill Employee

A photograph of Andrew Bloom, supt. of Elk River operations.

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Road from R. Clausen Place

Road from R. Clausen Place

Date: 1989-05-01

road field landscape school

The road from the R. Clausen place to the Burden Schools.

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Andrew Bloom Family and Car

Andrew Bloom Family and Car

Date: 1930

Sawmill Employee Car

A photograph and caption of Andrew Bloom with his 1926 Packard and four children (Eleanor and Andrew Jr. on the...

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Elk River Community Center

Elk River Community Center

Date: 1980-10-10

Community Centers

A photograph of the new Elk River $200,000 community center.

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Elk River Community Center Front

Elk River Community Center Front

Date: 1980-10-10

Community Centers

A photograph of the front view of Elk River's community center.

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Elk River Community Center Article

Elk River Community Center Article

Date: 1980-10-23

Community Centers

A newspaper article from the Clearwater Tribune in Orofino, Idaho about the $200,000 Community Center dedicated to Elk River. The...

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Elk River Dedication Luncheon Attendees

Elk River Dedication Luncheon Attendees

Date: 1980-10-10

Community Centers

A photograph of Elk River Princess Cindy Jarvis, Governor John Evans, Alice Bloom Swendig, Frances Bloom Wood, and Dr. Andrew...

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Andrew Bloom and Child

Andrew Bloom and Child

Date: 1920

Sawmill Employee Infant

A photograph of Andrew Bloom, unit manager at Elk River, with a child.

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Lima 3-Truck in Elk River

Lima 3-Truck in Elk River

Date: 1920

Forestry Train

A photograph of a Lima 3-truck Shay used at the Elk River operations that was scrapped in 1929. Photo courtesy...

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Plant Fire Brigade of Potlatch Lumber Company

Plant Fire Brigade of Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1922

Fire Department

A photograph of the plant fire brigade for Potlatch Lumber Company of Elk River in 1922 with Dewey LaVoy at...

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Landing Near Camp 14

Landing Near Camp 14

Date: 1920

Forestry Employees

A photograph of work horses, equipment, lumber, and employees at the landing near camp 14.

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Mary Hendley Recollection of Elk River

Mary Hendley Recollection of Elk River

Date: 1970-04-10

Elderly Persons Biography

A newspaper article from the Clearwater Tribune about Mrs. Mary Hendly for her 85th birthday. She recalls the booming town...

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Strong's Golden Anniversary

Strong's Golden Anniversary

Date: 1989-09-05

Anniversary newspaper clipping Celebration

A newspaper clipping from the Idahoan/The Daily News announcing Dwight and Cleora (Nirk) Strong's 50th wedding anniversary on September 29,...

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Loading Logs Near Camp 14

Loading Logs Near Camp 14

Date: 1920

Forestry Labor

A photograph of Elk River employees loading logs near camp 14 with a large piece of equipment.

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Planer and Shipping Dock

Planer and Shipping Dock

Date: 1920

Shipping Centers

A photograph of the planer and shipping dock at the Elk River Mill.

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Lima Shay Locomotive

Lima Shay Locomotive

Date: 1913

Lumber Locomotive

A photograph of the 101 locomotive used at Elk River that was a 65 ton, 3-truck, Lima Shay scrapped in...

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Elk River Sawmill Interior

Elk River Sawmill Interior

Date: 1920

Sawmill Factories

A photograph of the interior of the Elk River sawmill with a trimmer at the left of the photo.

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Elk River Timber

Elk River Timber

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of a stand of Elk River timber approximately 4 miles southwest of the town.

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Elk River Timber_2

Elk River Timber_2

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph located in Section 9, 39 N, R2E of Elk River Timber.

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Elk River Camp 2

Elk River Camp 2

Date: 1915

Forestry Camp

A photograph of the men of Elk River Camp 2 from "The Trees Grew Tall," courtesy of John Miller.

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Elk River Camp 4

Elk River Camp 4

Date: 1915

Forestry Camp

A photograph of Daisy Wunderlich (right) at camp 4 north of Elk River.

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Elk River Camp 4 Kitchen Crew

Elk River Camp 4 Kitchen Crew

Date: 1915

Forestry Camp

A photograph of the kitchen crew of camp 4 north of Elk River. Daisy Wunderlich in center rear.

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Elk River Upper Basin Operations

Elk River Upper Basin Operations

Date: 1915

Idaho Forestry

A photograph of operations on the upper basin of Elk River.

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1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

Date: 1989-10-01

road forest

The 1st wagon road up to Rudolph Zimmerman Place on Deep Creek, Idaho.

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Diary of W.L. Maxwell

Diary of W.L. Maxwell

Date: 1951-07-31

Historic Diaries

A letter from W.L. Maxwell (Wilmington, Delaware) to Axel A. Anderson (Elk River, Idaho) containing exerpts from Maxwell's diary in...

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Tom E. Hanley Railroad Conductor

Tom E. Hanley Railroad Conductor

Date: 1915

Forestry Railroad

A photograph of a logging railroad conductor, Tom E. Hanley, watching loading operations.

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Elk Butte Lookout Tower

Elk Butte Lookout Tower

Date: 1915

Idaho Watchtower

A photograph of Elk Butte Lookout tower NE of Elk River at an elevation of 5790.

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Horses at Elk River

Horses at Elk River

Date: 1922

Horse Records

A table with the type, name, weight, and age of the horses at Elk River.

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Elk River Timber_3

Elk River Timber_3

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph located in Secion 8-39-2 of Elk River Timber.

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Horses at Elk River cont.

Horses at Elk River cont.

Date: 1922

Horse Records

A table with the type, name, weight, and age of the horses at Elk River along with the total horses....

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Water Power in Elk River Letter

Water Power in Elk River Letter

Date: 1909-04-07

Hydroelectric power

A letter from a land agent to Mr. Wm. Deary, a general manager for the Potlatch Lumber Company, about the...

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Potlatch Historical Society Beginning

Potlatch Historical Society Beginning

Date: 1999-05-09

Historic forestry

A letter in response to Mr. Lee Gale from a man who compliments him and his endeavors to preserve the...

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Water Power in Elk River Letter pg. 2

Water Power in Elk River Letter pg. 2

Date: 1909-04-07

Hydroelectric power

Page two of a letter from a land agent to Mr. Wm. Deary, a general manager for the Potlatch Lumber...

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Water Power in Elk River Letter pg. 3

Water Power in Elk River Letter pg. 3

Date: 1909-04-07

Hydroelectric power

Page three of a letter from a land agent to Mr. Wm. Deary, a general manager for the Potlatch Lumber...

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1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

Date: 1989-10-01

road forest

The 1st wagon road up to Rudolph Zimmerman Place on Deep Creek, Idaho.

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Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 2

Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 2

Date: 1923-01-20

Sawmill Appraisals

An appraisal of the of the entire Elk River plant. Page two states the new replacement value, depreciated value, and...

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Elk River Timber_4

Elk River Timber_4

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph located in section 9-39-2 of Elk River Timber.

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Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 3

Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 3

Date: 1923-01-20

Sawmill Appraisals

An appraisal of the of the entire Elk River plant. Page three continues page two's list of new replacement value,...

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Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 4

Recapitulation Entire Elk River Plant pg. 4

Date: 1923-01-20

Sawmill Appraisals

An appraisal of the of the entire Elk River plant. Page four finishes the list of new replacement, depreciated, and...

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Elk River Plant Recapitulation Basis of Prices

Elk River Plant Recapitulation Basis of Prices

Date: 1923-01-20

Sawmill Appraisals

Introduction to the appraisal of the Elk River plant that goes into detail the prices and summary values that were...

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Elk River Plant Recapitulation Basis of Prices cont.

Elk River Plant Recapitulation Basis of Prices cont.

Date: 1923-01-20

Sawmill Appraisals

A continuation of the introduction to the appraisal of the Elk River plant. This document finishes the list of prices...

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Weyerhaeuser Visits Mill

Weyerhaeuser Visits Mill

Date: 1970

Forestry Industry

A newspaper article about Frederick Weyerhaeuser coming to Elk River to do an annual inspection of the plant. The article...

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Elk River Timber_5

Elk River Timber_5

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber.

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Ma Vine

Ma Vine

Date: 1976

Historic Biographies

The beginning of a section from "Everyone has a Story" by David Johnson entitled "Ma Vine." The photo contains an...

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Ma and Pa Vine

Ma and Pa Vine

Date: 1962

Wedding Anniversary

A newspaper article about Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vine's 63rd Wedding Anniversary. They were married August 23, 1899 in Greenwood,...

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1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

1st Wagon Road to Zimmerman Place

Date: 1989-10-01

road forest

The 1st wagon road up to Rudolph Zimmerman Place on Deep Creek, Idaho.

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Spry as a Country Hoedown

Spry as a Country Hoedown

Date: 1978-04-21

Historic Biographies

An article about Rannie Vine, her past, her stories, and her beliefs about how to live life.

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Town Map

Town Map

Date: 1928

Town Maps

A map depicting lots and streets of Elk River, Idaho from Front St. to Fourth St. and Fir St. to...

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Potlatch Lumber Company Red Office Building

Potlatch Lumber Company Red Office Building

Date: 1988

Idaho Buildings

A photograph of the red office building for Potlatch Lumber Company.

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El Nino Note

El Nino Note

Date: 1988

Weather Note

A note from John Anderson to Mr. Lee Gale comparing the weather in Montana to La Nina and El Nino....

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Elk River Days Parade Grand Marshalls

Elk River Days Parade Grand Marshalls

Date: 1994-09-01

Parade Anniversary

An article about William "Ray" and Virginia Hill's history together for the past 55 years and their time in Elk...

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The Sage of Hatter Creek cont.

The Sage of Hatter Creek cont.

Date: 1994

Axiology Ethics

A continuation of an article entitled, "The Sage of Hatter Creek" about compromising values and integrity to fit in. It...

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Remains of the Potlatch Lumber Company

Remains of the Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1989

Historic Towns

A description by John Anderson of the demise of Potlatch Lumber Company and the small town of Elk River attributing...

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Elk River Days Parade Grand Marshalls cont.

Elk River Days Parade Grand Marshalls cont.

Date: 1994-09-01

Parade Anniversary

A continuation of an article about William "Ray" and Virginia Hill's history together for the past 55 years and their...

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Potlatch Lumber Company Statement of Time

Potlatch Lumber Company Statement of Time

Date: 1919-10-31

Check Stub Time Card

A check made to Homer Delton for $32.25 after working for seven hours at $6/hr and deducting his board fee...

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Potlatch Lumber Company Check

Potlatch Lumber Company Check

Date: 1916-07-31

Certified Checks

A check made to N. Magnuson for $42.85 for full services during the month of July,1916.

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9 Deer on Zimmerman Place

9 Deer on Zimmerman Place

Date: 1989-10-01

road deer forest

Nine deer on Ruke Zimmerman Place

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Postcard Front

Postcard Front

Date: 1994-01-07


The front of a postcard to Lee Gale in Colfax, Washington from D. Beverly Hughes of Elk River. The front...

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Early Day Information

Early Day Information

Date: 1997-03-30

Circular Letters

A letter to Lee Gale regarding early day information Roger and Jimmy Kreisher have in Kendrick. Provided is a phone...

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Postcard Back

Postcard Back

Date: 1994-01-07


The back of a postcard to Lee Gale in Colfax, Washington from D. Beverly Hughes of Elk River. The postcard...

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Closing of Morris Drug

Closing of Morris Drug

Date: 1992-07-02

Drugstore Closing

A newspaper article explaining a brief history of Morris Drug, why it closed, and what the Morris's have planned for...

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Mill Pond, Elk River, Idaho

Mill Pond, Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1992-05-21

Circular Letters Ponds

A photograph of Mill Pond, Elk River, Idaho published in the Clearwater Tribune on May 21, 1992 in Orfino, Idaho....

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Elk River Mill Pay Roll

Elk River Mill Pay Roll

Date: 1916-12-01

Payroll Records

The payroll for Potlatch Lumber Company at Elk River Mill in December of 1916.

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Elk River Timber_7

Elk River Timber_7

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber.

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Elk River, Idaho Water Works System

Elk River, Idaho Water Works System

Date: 1928-04-01

Water Works Blueprint

A bluepring of Elk River, Idaho's water work system. It displays all the tanks and fire wood stove pipe (1...

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Elk River Timber_6

Elk River Timber_6

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber.

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Elk River Timber_8

Elk River Timber_8

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber.

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9 Deer on Zimmerman Place

9 Deer on Zimmerman Place

Date: 1989-10-01

road deer forest

Nine deer on Ruke Zimmerman Place

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Elk River Timber_9

Elk River Timber_9

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber.

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Elk River Timber_10

Elk River Timber_10

Date: 1915

Idaho Timber

A photograph of Elk River timber located in SE-NE Sec. 8-T39-R2E.

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Elk River Operation

Elk River Operation

Date: 1911

Idaho Timber

A photograph of an operation at Elk River.

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Elk River Operation Upper Basin

Elk River Operation Upper Basin

Date: 1915

Forestry Labor

A photograph of an operation at the upper basin of Elk River.

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Elk River Mill Pond Fishing

Elk River Mill Pond Fishing

Date: 1912

Fishing Areas

A photograph of two men fishing in mill pond in Elk River.

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Elk River Camp and Log Landing

Elk River Camp and Log Landing

Date: 1915

Forestry Camp

A photograph of an Elk River Camp and log landing.

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Elk Creek Upper Basin Line

Elk Creek Upper Basin Line

Date: 1915

Forestry Labor

A photograph of a locomotive going down the Elk Creek Upper Basin line.

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Elk River Upper Basin Camp

Elk River Upper Basin Camp

Date: 1920

Forestry Camp

A photograph of a log landing camp and loading area of the Upper Basin in Elk River.

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First Fire Warden of Potlatch Timber

First Fire Warden of Potlatch Timber

Date: 1905

Fire Prevention

A photograph of the first fire wardern of Potlatch Timber Pro.Ass'n of Elk River

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Archie Newcomb and Horse Logging

Archie Newcomb and Horse Logging

Date: 1905

Horse Logging

A photograph of Archie Newcomb and fellow loggers at Elk River horse logging.

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Bell Mill on Deep Creek

Bell Mill on Deep Creek

Date: 1905

Sawmill creek group of people

Fred L. Bell's sawmill on Deep Creek. His wife was Jennie Powers of Palouse.

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Vic Beplate Place

Vic Beplate Place

Date: 1988

house shop snow winter

The Vic Beplate Place during the winter of 1988-1989

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Potlatch Lumber Company in Elk River

Potlatch Lumber Company in Elk River

Date: 1928

Sawmill Landscapes

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company's sawmill in Elk River, Idaho.

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Skidding Teams of Camp 14

Skidding Teams of Camp 14

Date: 1915

Forestry Horses

A photograph of the horse skidding teams of camp 14 at Oviat Creek.

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Elk River Upper Basin Camp 15

Elk River Upper Basin Camp 15

Date: 1915

Forestry Camp

A photograph of a winter scene at camp 15 of the upper basin in Elk River, Idaho.

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Elk River Logging Operation

Elk River Logging Operation

Date: 1913

Idaho Forestry

A photograph of a logging operation in Elk River, Idaho.

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Electric Donkey Number 2

Electric Donkey Number 2

Date: 1911

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of Donkey #2 skidding cedar poled to landing with a 3000' range near Elk River.

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Electric Donkey Number 1

Electric Donkey Number 1

Date: 1911

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of Electric Donkey No. 1 in operation.

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Electrical Logging Operation Report

Electrical Logging Operation Report

Date: 1911-05-01

Forestry Equipment

A report from "The Timberman" with an exerpt from a paper by E.J. Barry about the Potlatch Lumber Company's plan...

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Electric Road Engine Performance Report

Electric Road Engine Performance Report

Date: 1911-08-01

Forestry Equipment

A performance report for an electric road engine at the Elk River camp of the Potlatch Lumber Company. The report...

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Electric Logging Donkey

Electric Logging Donkey

Date: 1920

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of the motor control on an electric donkey by electrical engineer E.J. Barry for the Potlatch Lumber Company's...

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The First Electric Donkey

The First Electric Donkey

Date: 1920

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of the first electric donkey at the Potlatch Lumber Company's camp in Elk River, Idaho designed by electrical...

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Lone Jack Mountain

Lone Jack Mountain

Date: 1989-10-01

mountain road rainbow

A photograph looking towards Lone Jack Mountain from the Vic Beplate Place.

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Transformer Car

Transformer Car

Date: 1920

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of a trasformer car used for electric logging designed by electrical engineer E.J. Barry at the Elk River,...

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High Lead Yarding

High Lead Yarding

Date: 1920

Forestry Equipment

A photograph for high lead yarding at Potlatch Lumber Company's Elk River Camp. Used for electric logging with E.J. Barry...

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Transformer Car and Electric Donkey

Transformer Car and Electric Donkey

Date: 1915

Forestry Equipment

A photograph of a transformer car and electric donkey with a connecting electrick cable at the Potlatch Lumber Company Elk...

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Men Eating Lunch Near Elk River, Idaho

Men Eating Lunch Near Elk River, Idaho

Date: 1915

Forest Lunch

A photograph of unidentified men eating fresh trout for lunch near Elk River.

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Interior of Sawmill

Interior of Sawmill

Date: 1913

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of an interior view of the sawmill in 1913 courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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The Steam Power Plants

The Steam Power Plants

Date: 1970

Steam Plants Sawmill

A document containing specifics of the two steam power plants at the sawmill in Potlatch. It contains information about the...

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Plant Flood

Plant Flood

Date: 1915

Sawmill Site

A photograph of the sawmill plant site during a spring flood around 1910-1912. It appears the first dry kilns were...

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Pond Log Slip

Pond Log Slip

Date: 1915

Sawmill Pond

A photograph of the loading area of the pond log slip with the boiler house and burner in background.

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Sawmill Interior

Sawmill Interior

Date: 1913

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the sawmill interior courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Filing Room

Filing Room

Date: 1915

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of employees in the saw filing room. Courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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Albert Clausen

Albert Clausen

Date: 1989-11-01

portrait tree

Albert Clausen on Ruke Zimmerman's Place.

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Roll Cases and Transfer Chains

Roll Cases and Transfer Chains

Date: 1915

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the roll cases and transfer chains within the sawmill. Photo courtesy of Paul Welo

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Rig No. 1

Rig No. 1

Date: 1920

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of the number 1 rig and some workers. Courtesy of Paul Welo

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The Burner

The Burner

Date: 1920

Sawmill Burner

A summary of the use and demise of the Potlatch burner with a photograph.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1930

Lumber Yard

A north view of part of the lumber yard with the Peterson farm in the background. The white dot in...

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Planing Machines

Planing Machines

Date: 1915

Sawmill Planer

A photograph of the input side of belt driven planing machines from a single overhead line shaft. They were powered...

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Filing Room

Filing Room

Date: 1920

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of a worker in the saw filing room. Courtesy of Paul Welo

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Ben Swafford

Ben Swafford

Date: 1920

Sawmill Foreman

A photograph of Ben Swafford a long time Elk River and Potlatch sawmill foreman.

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Allison W. Laird

Allison W. Laird

Date: 1915

Sawmill Manager

A photograph of the 1913-1930 unit manager at the Potlatch Lumber Company Allison W. Laird.

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Loading Timbers

Loading Timbers

Date: 1915

Sawmill Timber

A photograph of workers loading timbers for shipment. Photo courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of employees at the sawmill.

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Ruke Zimmerman

Ruke Zimmerman

Date: 1989-11-01

portrait tree

Ruke Zimmerman on his property.

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Deary and the Bells

Deary and the Bells

Date: 1907

Sawmill Figures

A photograph of Wn. Deary (manager), F.S. Bell (secretary), and Bell's son Laird Bell. They were early figures in the...

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Date: 1915

Sawmill Lumber

A photograph of employees and lumber at the sawmill.

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Cleaning Pond

Cleaning Pond

Date: 1915

Sawmill Pond cleaning

A photograph of the frequent chore of cleaning out the pond of debris and miscellaneous dirt off the logs.

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Lumber Shipping Dock

Lumber Shipping Dock

Date: 1920

Lumber Storage

A photograph of the lumber shipping dock at the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho around 1920. The workers are...

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Weyerhaeuser Men

Weyerhaeuser Men

Date: 1911

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the men who came west with Weyerhaeuser to start up the Potlatch mill. They had jobs like...

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Japanese Trade Delegation

Japanese Trade Delegation

Date: 1909

Visitors Tours

A photograph of a 55 member Japanese trade delegation that visited Potlatch during their 80 day tour of the U.S....

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The Mill

The Mill

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the Mill at Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, ID.

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Japanese Trade Delegation at Pond

Japanese Trade Delegation at Pond

Date: 1909

Visitors Tours

A photograph of the Japanese trade delegation at the log pond.

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Plant Supervisors

Plant Supervisors

Date: 1911

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of J.P. Hambly, yard supervisor; B.J. Wagner, shipping supervisor; A.J. Kust, planing mill supervisor; and M.G. Wagner, dry...

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Box Factory, Planer, and Shipping Dock

Box Factory, Planer, and Shipping Dock

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the shipping dock, box factory, and planer with a full load of lumber on the train from...

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Victor Beplate

Victor Beplate

Date: 1989-11-01

portrait tree

Victor Beplate on Ruke Zimmerman's Place.

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Power Plant No. 2

Power Plant No. 2

Date: 1920

Power Plant: Sawmill

A photograph of the number 2 power plant at the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho

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The Sawmill

The Sawmill

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the sawmill in Potlatch, Idaho with a view of the log pond and log slip.

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Oscar Swenson

Oscar Swenson

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of grader Oscar Swenson

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Wilber Cunningham and Albert Johnson

Wilber Cunningham and Albert Johnson

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of dry and green lumber foreman Wilber Cunningham and Albert Johnson.

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Main Mill

Main Mill

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the main mill at Potlatch Lumber company

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Erick Matson and Charlie Peterson

Erick Matson and Charlie Peterson

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Erick Matson and Charlie Peterson checking on lumber grading.

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W. D. Humiston

W. D. Humiston

Date: 1940

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of A.W. Laird's Assistant General Manager W.D. Humiston who looked after and managed the lands of Potlatch Lumber...

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Band Saw Elevator

Band Saw Elevator

Date: 1920

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of an elevator device used to raise and lower band saws from the filing room down to the...

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Ludwig Swanson

Ludwig Swanson

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the dry kiln operator Ludwig Swanson checking control for proper settings.

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Main/Sawing Floor

Main/Sawing Floor

Date: 1920

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph and summary of the interior of the main/sawing floor of the sawmill. It shows cants being fed through...

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Ruke Zimmerman by Barn

Ruke Zimmerman by Barn

Date: 1989-11-01

portrait barns

Ruke Zimmerman by his barn.

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Main/Sawing Floor 2

Main/Sawing Floor 2

Date: 1920

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the interior of the main/sawing floor in the sawmill.

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Main/Sawing Floor 3

Main/Sawing Floor 3

Date: 1920

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the interior of the main/sawing floor in the sawmill.

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Tie and Timber Dock

Tie and Timber Dock

Date: 1920

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph of the north side of the sawmill tie and timber dock.

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1910 Flood

1910 Flood

Date: 1910

Sawmill Floods

A photograph showing the three 20 foot gates and the one 10 foot gate open during the 1910 flood.

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Pong, Log Slip, Boiler House, & Burner

Pong, Log Slip, Boiler House, & Burner

Date: 1920

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the pond, log slip, boiler house, and burner at the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Airplane Wing Pine

Airplane Wing Pine

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of unidentified people sawing white pine for airplane wing stock to be shipped to England during WWI.

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Sawmill Interior Around Edgers

Sawmill Interior Around Edgers

Date: 1915

Sawmill Interior

A photograph of the sawmill interior around edgers.

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Lumber at the Sawmill

Lumber at the Sawmill

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of a large pile of lumber on the shipping dock.

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Log Slip

Log Slip

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the log slip in use.

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White Pine Cant

White Pine Cant

Date: 1915

lumber Sawmill

A photograph of a large cant of white pine that was to be sent to England for airplane stock during...

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Ruke Zimmerman's Barn

Ruke Zimmerman's Barn

Date: 1989-11-01

barns ladder portrait

A man on the top of a ladder leaning against Ruke Zimmerman's barn.

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The Swede

The Swede

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of an experimental mechanical device used to increase the height of the piles of lumber called "The Swede."...

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Track Snow Removal

Track Snow Removal

Date: 1915

locomotive Snow Removal

A photograph of the powered track snow removal brush.

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Yard Locomotives

Yard Locomotives

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard locomotives

A photograph of employees on the yard locomotives used to move green rough from chain to yard stacking. The piled...

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Plant Machinery

Plant Machinery

Date: 1920

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of what looks to be planing machines.

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Planing Mill Interior

Planing Mill Interior

Date: 1915

Planing mills planing machines

A photograph of the interior of the planing mill at Potlatch.

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Lumber Yard Stack

Lumber Yard Stack

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard

A photograph of a stack of lumber with four bottom supports carried to three cross strips.

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Plant Interior

Plant Interior

Date: 1920

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the interior of a plant building.

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Potlatch Lumber Company

Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company with the mill and burner.

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The Mill

The Mill

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the sawmill at Potlatch Lumber Company

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Power House # 2, Planer, and Shipping Dock

Power House # 2, Planer, and Shipping Dock

Date: 1913

Sawmill Power House Planer

A photograph of the power house #2, the planer and lumber, and the shipping dock at the Potlatch Lumber Company...

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Ruke Zimmerman's Hill

Ruke Zimmerman's Hill

Date: 1989-11-01

tree hill forest

A tree on Ruke Zimmerman's Hill.

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Early Lumber Yard Stacks

Early Lumber Yard Stacks

Date: 1913

Lumber Yard white pine

A photograph of stacks of lumber during the early days of the mill when the pilers took great pride in...

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Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the log pond, log slip, and the mill at Potlatch.

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Out Houses

Out Houses

Date: 1915

Sawmill Outhouses

A photograph of the mill at potlatch but with a view of a one of the nine out houses scattered...

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Log Slip and the Mill

Log Slip and the Mill

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the log slip at the sawmill.

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Snowy Lumber Yard

Snowy Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard winter

A photograph of the lumber yard covered in snow.

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Snow on Lumber Yard Tracks

Snow on Lumber Yard Tracks

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard

A photograph of winter scenes in the yard where a worker stands next to the train tracks in the lumber...

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Women in the Box Factory

Women in the Box Factory

Date: 1918

Box Factory Women

A photograph of women in the box factory with a nailing machine behind them.

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Box Factory Crew

Box Factory Crew

Date: 1918

Box Factory Women

A photograph of the box factory crew with their supervisor.

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Burner, Power House, Sawmill, and Tie Dock

Burner, Power House, Sawmill, and Tie Dock

Date: 1911

Sawmill Machinery

An early photograph of the burner, power house, sawmill, tie dock, and refuse conveyor to burner.

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Saw Mill Girls

Saw Mill Girls

Date: 1918

Sawmill Women

A photograph of the saw mill girls.

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Ruke Zimmerman Obituary

Ruke Zimmerman Obituary

Date: 1991-07-08

obituary farmer accidents tractor newspaper clipping

The obituary for Rudolph "Ruke" Zimmerman after he passed away from a garden tractor accident. He was 91 years old...

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Lumber Yard Scene

Lumber Yard Scene

Date: 1914

Lumber Yard

A photograph of workers on yard trucks with very large stacks of lumber (approximately 5M feet of 2" Idaho White...

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Log Train

Log Train

Date: 1915

Log Pond

A photograph of a train load of logs ready to be put into the log pool it is siding.

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Saw Mill Girls 2

Saw Mill Girls 2

Date: 1918

Sawmill Women

A photograph of the women who worked at the saw mill.

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Lumber Monorail

Lumber Monorail

Date: 1915

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of one of the two lumber monorails used at the Potlatch plant. They supplied the planer, box factory,...

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Erick Matson and Frank Brynaldson on Lumber Bug

Erick Matson and Frank Brynaldson on Lumber Bug

Date: 1920

Sawmill Transportation

A photograph of head lumber grader Erick Matson with Frank Brynaldson who is the driver of the lumber bug. The...

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Milton Sanders and Fred Erick in Box Car

Milton Sanders and Fred Erick in Box Car

Date: 1920

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of Milton Sanders and Fred Erick prepare a box car so lumber is clean and protected during shipment....

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4-Square Lumber and Arnold Ringstad

4-Square Lumber and Arnold Ringstad

Date: 1920

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of Arnold Ringstad piece labeling 4-square lumber.

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4-Square Lumber Foreman Otto Heine

4-Square Lumber Foreman Otto Heine

Date: 1925

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the 4-Square lumber department foreman Otto Heine testing Wizard saw that trims 4-Square lumber and trims smoothly...

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Potlatch Mill

Potlatch Mill

Date: 1911

sawmills lumber

A photograph of one of the largest sawmills in the United States, the Potlatch Mill.

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4-Square Lumber on Shipping Dock

4-Square Lumber on Shipping Dock

Date: 1925

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of shipping dock foreman Carl Newman as he checks 4-square packaged lumber. The lumber was all high grade...

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Rudolph W. Zimmerman Death

Rudolph W. Zimmerman Death

Date: 1991-07-05

farmer death tractor newspaper clipping

A newspaper clipping from The Spokesman-Review and Spokane Chronicle announcing Rudolph W. Zimmerman's death after being pinned under a tractor....

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4-Square Lumber Loading

4-Square Lumber Loading

Date: 1925

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of shipping dock foreman Carl Newman as he checks the loading of the 4-Square lumber in a box...

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Albert Johnson Enforcing Proper Unloading

Albert Johnson Enforcing Proper Unloading

Date: 1925

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of superintendent Alber Johnson nailing an instruction sheet for proper unloading to the 4-Square lumber.

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Lumber Loading Dock Exterior

Lumber Loading Dock Exterior

Date: 1925

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of a south view of the exterior of the lumber loading dock.

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Lumber Loading Dock Interior

Lumber Loading Dock Interior

Date: 1925

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of the north view of the interior of the lumber loading dock with the planing mill on the...

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Potlatch Sawmill

Potlatch Sawmill

Date: 1915

sawmills lumber

A photograph taken from the horse barn of the Potlatch Sawmill.

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Lumber Storage Sheds

Lumber Storage Sheds

Date: 1925

Lumber Storage

A photograph of dry surfaced lumber storage sheds with a specialty manufacturing plant in the tall center building.

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Pres-to-Logs Wood Fuel

Pres-to-Logs Wood Fuel

Date: 1925

Waste Management

A photograph of one of the four machines used to produce "Pres-to-logs" as a household type wood fuel. It was...

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Dry Lumber Storage

Dry Lumber Storage

Date: 1915

Lumber Shipment

A photograph of dry lumber storage and shipping dock.

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Planer Building

Planer Building

Date: 1915

Sawmill Building

A photograph of a south view of the planer building with a sawmill in the background.

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Sawmill Trimmer and Control Cage

Sawmill Trimmer and Control Cage

Date: 1915

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the sawmill trimmer and control cage.

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W. McMurray Place Trail

W. McMurray Place Trail

Date: 1984-08-11

mine trail Idaho forest

A trail to the old mine on W. McMurray Place, also known as old Alva Strong Place, in the Deep...

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Vic Beplate House

Vic Beplate House

Date: 1940

snow house winter

Vic Beplate's old house.

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West Side of Planer Building

West Side of Planer Building

Date: 1915

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the west side of the planer building where rough dry lumber goes for surfacing. The smoke in...

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Erick Matson and Albert Johnson

Erick Matson and Albert Johnson

Date: 1925

Lumber Yard

A photograph of Erick Matson and Alber Johnson checking on white pine rough lumber in the drying yard.

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Charlie Peterson and W.B. Wakeman

Charlie Peterson and W.B. Wakeman

Date: 1925

Planing mills

A photograph of plant superintendent Charlie Peterson and planing mill foreman W.B. Wakeman discussing a newly installed rubber head jack...

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Horsecotter Unstacker

Horsecotter Unstacker

Date: 1925

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the Horsecotter "unstacker" in operation. It separated the stickers from each load of lumber and returned them...

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Box Factory

Box Factory

Date: 1925

Box Factory

A photograph of a partial interior view of the Box Factory that manufactured and shipped wood boxes to businesses all...

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Jack E. Erwin and White Pine

Jack E. Erwin and White Pine

Date: 1925

Lumber Storage

A photograph of Jack E. Erwin inspecting white pine lumber in dry storage that was piled on end.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard

A photograph of workers stacking match stock white pine to dry in the yard.

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Planer Building and Area

Planer Building and Area

Date: 1915

Planing mills

A photograph of the west side of the planer area.

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Date: 1915

white pine

A photograph of workers with white pine.

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Idaho White Pine

Idaho White Pine

Date: 1915

white pine

A photograph of Idaho white pine that was used for aircraft manufacturing and shipped to England during WWI.

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Raymond Zimmerman Obituary

Raymond Zimmerman Obituary

Date: 1990-04-11

obituary cancer lumber newspaper clipping

The obituary for Raymon Zimmerman an honored lumber quality control supervisor after cancer took his life at the age of...

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Retiring P.F.I. Men

Retiring P.F.I. Men

Date: 1970

Retirement Banquet

Several photographs and a short overview of the events that occurred to hone the retire men of P.F.I.

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Lake Logging

Lake Logging

Date: 1970

Lake Logging

A photograph of Jim and John Murray and excerpt from an article about their plan and qualifications to reclaim timber...

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View of Potlatch Plant

View of Potlatch Plant

Date: 1955

Aerial Photography

A photograph of the Potlatch Plant in the mid 1950's before production began to drop.

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View of Potlatch Plant

View of Potlatch Plant

Date: 1925

Sawmill Aerial Photography

An aerial photograph of the Potlatch Plant.

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Bill Deary Memorial Boulders

Bill Deary Memorial Boulders

Date: 1921

Memorial boulders

A photograph of the memorial boulders for Bill Deary that were placed on the gym lawn in 1921.

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View of Potlatch Plant

View of Potlatch Plant

Date: 1935

Sawmill Aerial Photography

An aerial photograph of the Potlatch Plant.

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Lumber Sorting Shed

Lumber Sorting Shed

Date: 1920

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the unstacked lumber sorting shed with one of it's two overhead lumber handling monorail systems that kept...

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Superintendent and Foreman with Employees

Superintendent and Foreman with Employees

Date: 1920

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of plant Superintendent Charlie Peterson watching Malcolm Greer check carriage level. At the same time saw mill foreman...

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Plant Foremen

Plant Foremen

Date: 1920

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of planer foreman Bill Wakeman, replant foreman Guy Van Buskirk, inspector Howard Stafford, and dry sheds foreman Gus...

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Mill and Town of Potlatch

Mill and Town of Potlatch

Date: 1913

Sawmill town

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho and the Potlatch Lumber Company mill.

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Vic Beplate Hauling Hay

Vic Beplate Hauling Hay

Date: 1938

farming hay horses wagon

Two horses with a wagon overflowing with hay at the Vic Beplate Place.

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Sawmill View

Sawmill View

Date: 1913-08-01

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the sawmill at Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Sawmill Interior

Sawmill Interior

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the inside of Potlatch Sawmill looking towards the head rigs with excellent detail of the roof.

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Main Distribution Track

Main Distribution Track

Date: 1913

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of a man on the main distribution track in the lumber yard.

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Green Chain

Green Chain

Date: 1920

Sawmill Building Interior lumber

A photograph of the sawmill sorting shed known as the green chain.

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Horse Barn

Horse Barn

Date: 1915

Horse Barn

A photograph of the horse barn at Potlatch

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The Gang Saw Foundation

The Gang Saw Foundation

Date: 1920

Saw Foundation

A photograph of the 460 cubic yards of concrete used for the foundation of the gang saw built by Diamond...

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Green Chain Crew

Green Chain Crew

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the crew for the green chain.

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Electric Motors

Electric Motors

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of employees in train cars on a 30" gauge track with electric motors at the Potlatch Lumber Company....

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Original Dry Kilns

Original Dry Kilns

Date: 1920

Sawmill Equipment

A photograph a the Potlatch Plant of the 5 original dry kilns.

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Green Lumber

Green Lumber

Date: 1920

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of approximately 40M feet of green lumber headed for the yard.

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Cloudy Day on Deep Creek (roadside)

Cloudy Day on Deep Creek (roadside)

Date: 1989-04-01

clouds road car

The view of the sky off the side of a road on a cloudy day on Deep Creek.

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Sawmill Crew

Sawmill Crew

Date: 1911

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of part of the sawmill crew standing on the transfer chain going to the green chain.

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Burner, Sawmill, and Tie Dock

Burner, Sawmill, and Tie Dock

Date: 1920

Sawmill machinery

A photograph of the mill to burner refuse conveyor and overhead blower line carrying planer shavings to burner or sawmill...

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Shipping Dock

Shipping Dock

Date: 1915

Shipping Dock

A photograph of the shipping dock using horses and battery powered electric "bugs."

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The Loading Platform

The Loading Platform

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of the under roof loading platform at the Potlach Lumber Company.

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Lumber Shipping Dock

Lumber Shipping Dock

Date: 1915

Shipping Dock

A photograph of the outside of the lumber shipping dock in Potlatch, Idaho for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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1910 Flood

1910 Flood

Date: 1910

Sawmill Floods

A photograph of the mill in 1910 during the flood

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1910 Green Chain Crew

1910 Green Chain Crew

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the Green Chain Crew in 1910.

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Plant Horses

Plant Horses

Date: 1915

Horse Sawmill

A photograph at the horse barn of the several horses used in early day plant operations and men to take...

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Lumber and Men

Lumber and Men

Date: 1912

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of two men with slabs of lumber.

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Large White Pine

Large White Pine

Date: 1911-11-03

lumber Stumps

A photograph and a newspaper clipping about a very large white pine tree the Potlatch Lumber company cut whose stump...

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Cloudy Day on Deep Creek

Cloudy Day on Deep Creek

Date: 1989-04-01

clouds field hills

A view of the clouds over a field and hills on Deep Creek north of Potlatch.

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Lumber from the White Pine King

Lumber from the White Pine King

Date: 1912

Sawmill lumber

A photograph of select lumber from the White Pine King. A G.B. Joslin photo courtesy of Special Collections U. of...

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Sawmill Plant

Sawmill Plant

Date: 1915

Sawmill buildings

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company from the East

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Charles Rogers

Charles Rogers

Date: 1906

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of lumber yard superintendent Charles Rogers.

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An Alley of Quality Lumber

An Alley of Quality Lumber

Date: 1915

Sawmill Lumber Yard Sheep

A photograph of an alley full of quality lumber and sheep to reduce the fire danger of grasses.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill

A photograph of the lumber yard at the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill Employees

A photograph within the lumber yard of employees moving lumber from massive stacks to be transported to the shipping dock....

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The Shipping Dock

The Shipping Dock

Date: 1913

Sawmill lumber Shipping

A photograph of the interior of the shipping dock at Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill Employees

A photograph in the lumber yard of employees moving lumber from massive stacks to be transported to the shipping dock....

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Battery Powered Motors

Battery Powered Motors

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard transportation

A photograph of employees and dog with the yard loco's battery bowered 32 volt motors.

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Yard Crew and Boss Rogers

Yard Crew and Boss Rogers

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the yard crew in the lumber yard with their boss Rogers on horse back.

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Daniel Teodor and Marta Brita Ronberg History

Daniel Teodor and Marta Brita Ronberg History

Date: 2004-07-01

history biographies farming

The draft of the history of Daniel Teodor Ronberg and Marta Brita Norberg lives starting with their birth and covering...

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Lumber Yard Size

Lumber Yard Size

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sawmill

A photograph showing the 60 acres of lumber yard that had 45 miles of track. The original capacity of the...

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Date: 1915

Lumber Yard Sheep

Two photographs of the large herds of sheep used in the summer throughout the lumber yard to help reduce the...

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Hull-Oakes Mill News Article

Hull-Oakes Mill News Article

Date: 1970

Sawmill Museum

A news article about the Hull Oakes Mill and the plan to turn it into a working museum. It discusses...

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House Holiday Card Front

House Holiday Card Front

Date: 1970

Holiday Card

A photograph of the front of a holiday card. The card is of a very detailed doll house with several...

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Certificate of Organization

Certificate of Organization

Date: 1903

Certificate Organization

A Certificate of Organization of a Corporation under the General Law from the State of Maine outlining the shareholders' (Charles...

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Correction Sheet

Correction Sheet

Date: 1905-10-06

Collections lumber

A correction sheet from the Lumbermen's Credit Association for changes from October 6-10, 1905.

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Potlatch Lumber Co. Introduction

Potlatch Lumber Co. Introduction

Date: 1907

Introduction Sawmill

An introduction to a promotional photographic booklet by the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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House Holiday Card Back

House Holiday Card Back

Date: 1970

Holiday Card

The inside of a holiday card from Bree and Mary Ann Deary wishing the receiver a happy holiday season and...

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Frederick Weyehauser

Frederick Weyehauser

Date: 1905


A portrait of Frederick Weyerhauser who lived from 1834-1914.

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Lee Gale Acknowledgment

Lee Gale Acknowledgment

Date: 1990-11-01

Document Photo Collection

An acknowledgment from Lee Gale thanking all the individuals who made the Potlatch Lumber Company photo collections possible.

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Old Pine Tree At Clausen Place

Old Pine Tree At Clausen Place

Date: 1989-06-01

field hill trees

The old pine tree on the corner of R. Clausen Place in Deep Creek near Potlatch, Idaho.

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Saw-Mill & Lumber Yard

Saw-Mill & Lumber Yard

Date: 1970

Sawmill Lumber Yard

A document for F. Weyerhauser and F.C.A. Denkmann the proprietors of the steam saw-mill and lumber yard in Rock Island,...

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Date: 1905


A portrait of an unidentified man.

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Potlatch Mill

Potlatch Mill

Date: 1915

Sawmill Exterior

A photograph of the Potlatch Mill.

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C.R. "Cliff" Musser

C.R. "Cliff" Musser

Date: 1945

portrait Director

A portrait of C.R. "Cliff" Musser, a director at the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Lee Gale Forward

Lee Gale Forward

Date: 1990-11-01

Document Photo Collection

A forward from Lee Gale explaining the collections of photographs. He goes through a brief history of the Potlatch Lumber...

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Frederic S. Bell

Frederic S. Bell

Date: 1945

portrait Secretary

A portrait of Frederic S. Bell.

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Potlatch Lumber Co. Photo Albums

Potlatch Lumber Co. Photo Albums

Date: 1970

Photo Albums

A list of albums of photographs from 1900-1930 for the Potlatch Lumber Co.

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F.C.A. Denkmann

F.C.A. Denkmann

Date: 1895


A portrait of F.C.A. Denkmann who lived from 1820-1905.

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R. Drew Musser

R. Drew Musser

Date: 1945

portrait Treasurer

A portrait R. Drew Musser.

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F.H. "Frank" Thatcher

F.H. "Frank" Thatcher

Date: 1925

portrait Director

A portrait of F.H. "Frank" Thatcher, a director at the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Old Pine Tree At Clausen Place

Old Pine Tree At Clausen Place

Date: 1989-05-01

field hill trees

The old pine tree on the corner of R. Clausen Place in Deep Creek near Potlatch, Idaho.

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Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Date: 1915

portrait President

A portrait of Charles A. Weyerhaeuser (1866-1930), the Director and President of the Potlatch Lumber Company with Vice President Henry...

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John B. Kehl

John B. Kehl

Date: 1903

portrait Director

A portrait of John B. Kehl, a director at the Potlatch Lumber Company from 1903-1909. He was bornin 1837 in...

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Log Pond

Log Pond

Date: 1906-09-01

Log Pond Sawmill

A photograph of the log pond at the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch, Idaho

Potlatch, Idaho

Date: 1908

town Sawmill

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho with the view of the town, pond, ball park, WI&M yards, and Gold Hill in...

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Palouse, Washington

Palouse, Washington

Date: 1905

town River

A photograph looking east over Palouse, Washington. The Palouse River can be seen full of logs to supply the Potlatch...

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Potlatch Lumber Company Logo

Potlatch Lumber Company Logo

Date: 1905

Logo Sawmill

The original Potlatch Lumber Company letter head logo.

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Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Charles A. Weyerhaeuser

Date: 1905

portrait President

A portrait of the first president of the Potlatch Lumber Company, Charles A. Weyerhaeuser (1866-1930). He was the second son...

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Potlatch Lumber Company

Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1907

Officer Director

A document for the Potlatch Lumber Company with a list of officers and directors.

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Potlatch Lumber Co. History

Potlatch Lumber Co. History

Date: 1950

history Sawmill

A paper covering the brief history of the Potlatch Lumber Company starting from Frederick Weyerhauser's first lumber venture and ending...

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New Potlatch Lumber Mill

New Potlatch Lumber Mill

Date: 1906

New Sawmill

A photograph of the Potlatch Mill after it was first built. Photo courtesy of the Potlatch Corportation.

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Potlatch Mill

Potlatch Mill

Date: 1915

Sawmill landscape

View of the Potlatch Mill.

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East Side Sawmill

East Side Sawmill

Date: 1906-04-17

New Sawmill

A photograph of the east side of the sawmill with the town in the background courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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Northeast Sawmill

Northeast Sawmill

Date: 1907

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the northeast view of the Potlatch Sawmill courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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West Side Sawmill

West Side Sawmill

Date: 1930

New Sawmill

A photograph of the west side of the Potlatch Sawmill courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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William Codd

William Codd

Date: 1950

Manufacturer Dealer

A buisiness card for William Codd, a manufacturer of and dealer in glass and builders' material in Colfax, Washington.

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New Potlatch Lumber Mill

New Potlatch Lumber Mill

Date: 1906-08-15

New Sawmill

A photograph of the Potlatch Mill after it was first built and almost ready to begin production.

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Brand New Sawmill

Brand New Sawmill

Date: 1950

New Sawmill

A paper introducing the new Potlatch Sawmill with its demensions, color, and design.

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Water Rights

Water Rights

Date: 1950

Sawmill River

A document entitled "-'Early Day' Logging and Lumbering on the Palouse" the discusses the battle between the sawmill and grain...

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Product List

Product List

Date: 1912-04-05

Lumber Products

A list of items and their cost from the Potlatch Lumber Company in Colfax, WA.

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Codd Sawmill Yard

Codd Sawmill Yard

Date: 1905

Sawmill Lumber Yard

A photograph of the Codd sawmill yard in Colfax that Wm. Deary purchased in 1904 for $115,698.00. The Mill was...

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Palouse River Dam

Palouse River Dam

Date: 1910

Sawmill River Dam

A photograph of a damn on the Palouse River.

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Elsa Higgins Obituary

Elsa Higgins Obituary

Date: 1991-04-26

obituary teacher clubs

The obituary for school teacher and active Potlatch club member Elsa Higgins after she passed away in Tekoa at the...

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P.L.C. in Palouse

P.L.C. in Palouse

Date: 1970

Sawmill Production

A document containing an exerpt from the Palouse Republic then the brief history of the sawmill in Palouse. The exerpt...

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P.L.C. at Palouse

P.L.C. at Palouse

Date: 1904

Sawmill Lumber Yard

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company's Mill at Palouse Washington.

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Log Storage in Palouse

Log Storage in Palouse

Date: 1905

Sawmill River

A photograph of log storage in the river at Palouse, Washington.

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Pioneer's Cabin

Pioneer's Cabin

Date: 1905-09-22

Sawmill Pioneers

A photograph of pioneers with their cabin at a mill site for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Pioneer's Cabin Fire

Pioneer's Cabin Fire

Date: 1905-09-22

Burning Landmark

A photograph of the Pioneer's Cabin burning down at a mill site for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Mill Site

Mill Site

Date: 1915

Sawmill Site

A photograph of a mill site.

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Lumber Yard

Lumber Yard

Date: 1915

Sawmill Lumber Yard

A photograph of a lumber yard.

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Main Street

Main Street

Date: 1906

Early Town

A photograph of early Main Street and residents in Potlatch, Idaho courtesy of Lillian Yangel.

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Log Pond

Log Pond

Date: 1906

Log Pond Sawmill

A photograph of the railroad track retaining wall, the Potlatch main street, and the newly built log pond that covered...

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Northwest Mill Site

Northwest Mill Site

Date: 1925

Sawmill Building

A photograph lookin north-west over the mill site courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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Men at  W. McMurrray Place

Men at W. McMurrray Place

Date: 1984-08-11

group of people mine forest

Dwight Strong, Irving Strong, Albert Clausen, and Don Strong at the Old Mine on W. McMurray Place.

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Mountain Home School of Latah County

Mountain Home School of Latah County

Date: 1916

school students classroom

The students Raymond, Ruth, Louie, David, Harold, and Pearl Kellmer, Flora and Dora Gonser, Florence and Red Rodgers, and Frances...

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Temporary Buildings

Temporary Buildings

Date: 1905

Early Town

A photograph of temporary houseing, office, cook house, and store built by T.P. Jones (Deary's logging superintendent) and his crew...

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Early Potlatch

Early Potlatch

Date: 1905

Early Town

An early photograph of temporary housing, knobb hill, and the rail road cut in Potlatch.

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Sawmill Foundation

Sawmill Foundation

Date: 1905-05-21

Sawmill Foundation

A photograph of the 194 concrete foundation piers that went 14 feet below grade courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Power Plant Excavation

Power Plant Excavation

Date: 1905-11-21

Power Plant Excavation

A photograph of workers excavating land for the power plant for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Power Plant Excavation

Power Plant Excavation

Date: 1905-11-21

Power Plant Excavation

A photograph looking west over workers excavating land for the power plant for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Sawmill Construction

Sawmill Construction

Date: 1905-12-22

Sawmill Construction

A photograph of the construction of the saw mill building courtesy of L.C.H.S.

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Horse Barn Construction

Horse Barn Construction

Date: 1905

Horse Barn construction

A photograph of the construction of the horse barn courtesy of Potlatch Corportation.

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Machinery Floor Plan

Machinery Floor Plan

Date: 1905-04

Sawmill Machinery

A photograph of the layout of the power transmission shafting and cross belthing throughout all the machinery in the Potlatch...

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Machinery Floor Plan Description

Machinery Floor Plan Description

Date: 1905-04

Sawmill Machinery

A description of the machinery floor plan of the Potlatch Sawmill. It goes into detail about the size and power...

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Spring Sawmill

Spring Sawmill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the sawmill in the Spring of 1906.

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Mountain Home School of Latah County

Mountain Home School of Latah County

Date: 1916

school building

Mountain Home School building in District No. 1, Latah County.

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Summer Sawmill

Summer Sawmill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the sawmill in the Summer of 1906

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Log Pond Excavation

Log Pond Excavation

Date: 1905-12-22

Log Pond Excavation

A photograph of workers excavating the log pond area when it was originally 6 to 10 feet. Photo courtesy of...

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Log Pond Construction

Log Pond Construction

Date: 1905

Sawmill Construction

A photograph of the sawmill while the log pond was still being built.

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Westinghouse Generator

Westinghouse Generator

Date: 1906

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of a generator built by Westinghouse that cost $4800.00 to complete.

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The Twin City Engine

The Twin City Engine

Date: 1915

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of an employee with the Twin City Engine.

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Generator Description

Generator Description

Date: 1906

Engines Sawmill Power

A description of the original and only source of electricity for the plant when they started in 1906.

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Corliss Engineer Art Fleiger

Corliss Engineer Art Fleiger

Date: 1948-02-01

Engineers Sawmill Employees

An article and photograph of Art Fleiger, the engineer of the big Corliss machine.

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Building the Sawmill

Building the Sawmill

Date: 1905

Sawmill Construction

A photograph of the sawmill before the log pond was put in place and the only constructed building was the...

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Twin City Corliss Engine

Twin City Corliss Engine

Date: 1906

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of the 32"x48" Twin City Corliss Engine Planing mill Drive, flywheel 18'x56"

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Replacement of the Corliss Engine

Replacement of the Corliss Engine

Date: 1947-03-01

Engines Sawmill Power

A newspaper article about the replacement of the Corliss Engine. The accompaning photograph includes Art Flieger, the engineer of the...

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Alva Strong Mill

Alva Strong Mill

Date: 1921

Sawmill group of people tramway

Ezra Graff, James Strong, Agnes Strong, Mrs. Rumbel, and Edna Strong on the tramway at the Alva Strong Mill at...

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Electric Motors

Electric Motors

Date: 1906

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of the electric motors that replaced the Twin City Corliss Engine. The units also supplied electric power to...

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Planing Mill Power House

Planing Mill Power House

Date: 1906

Power House Sawmill Power

A photograph of the planing mill power house courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Planer and Shipping Dock

Planer and Shipping Dock

Date: 1906

Planer Shipping

A photograph of the planer and shipping dock.

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Green Lumber Chain Crew

Green Lumber Chain Crew

Date: 1909

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the green lumber chain crew courtesy of Paul Welo.

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A.W. Laird

A.W. Laird

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Potlatch Lumber Company Assistant General Manager A.W. Laird.

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Spring Sawmill

Spring Sawmill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the sawmill in the Spring of 1906 courtesy of Potlatch Corporation.

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First Day of Production

First Day of Production

Date: 1906-09-11

Sawmill Employees First day

A photograph of Mark Seymour Sr., A.H. Irving, W.A. Wilkinson, A.W. Laird, Wm. Deary, Cliff R. Musser, and R. M....

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Mark L. Seymour Sr.

Mark L. Seymour Sr.

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of mill mechanical superintendent Mark L. Seymour Sr.

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Old Employees and Weyerhaeuser Men

Old Employees and Weyerhaeuser Men

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the old employees and Weyerhaeuser men.

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Northwest Plant

Northwest Plant

Date: 1908

Sawmill Building

A photograph looking northwest over the plant courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Alva Strong's First Sawmill

Alva Strong's First Sawmill

Date: 1905

Sawmill group of people Horse

Ralph Foncer, Moke, Ralph Kellmer, Irving Strong, and two unknown males at Alva Strong's first sawmill.

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Fred Campell and Mr. Morgon

Fred Campell and Mr. Morgon

Date: 1906

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Fred Campell on a white horse and the town site supt. Mr. Morgon on a black horse....

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52" Board

52" Board

Date: 1906

lumber employees

A photograph of two employees with a 52" board.

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Water Works Pumping Station

Water Works Pumping Station

Date: 1906

Water Pump

A photograph of the water works pumping station that supplied all the water needed for the plant and the town....

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Water Works Pumping Station Description

Water Works Pumping Station Description

Date: 1906

Water Pump

A description with specific detail about the water works pumping station and the lifecycles of the machines

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Employees and Saw

Employees and Saw

Date: 1906

Sawmill Employees Electric Saw

A photograph of three employees next to a saw.

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Electric Powered Saws

Electric Powered Saws

Date: 1911-09-01

Electric Saws

A photograph of two electic powered chain saws that cost $1080 each.

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Southwest Sawmill

Southwest Sawmill

Date: 1906-06-17

Sawmill Building

A photograph looking southeast over the sawmill just 3 months before it began cutting lumber. Photo courtesy of Lillian Yangel....

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No. 1 Rig

No. 1 Rig

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the No. 1 rig with three employees.

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Northeast Plant

Northeast Plant

Date: 1907

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the plant looking northeast.

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Saw Description

Saw Description

Date: 1910

saws Sawmill

A description of the sawmill layout changes and the lifecycles of different saws used by the Potlatch Corporation.

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Lumber at Alva Strong Mill

Lumber at Alva Strong Mill

Date: 1919

Sawmill lumber forest

A photograph looking southwest over lumber at Alva Strong's sawmill at middle Deep Creek.

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Potlatch Sawmill

Potlatch Sawmill

Date: 1906-06-17

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the Potlatch Sawmill courtesy of Lillian Yangel.

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East Sawmill

East Sawmill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the east side of the sawmill in the Spring.

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West Sawmill

West Sawmill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the west side of the sawmill in the Spring.

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Log Pond Excavation

Log Pond Excavation

Date: 1905-12

Log Pond Excavation

A photograph of workers excavating land for the log pond courtesy of Lillian Yangel.

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Dredge and Pile Driver

Dredge and Pile Driver

Date: 1905

Log Pond Constructuion

A photograph of a compination dredge and pile driver that were used to construct the log pond.

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New Potlatch Lumber Mill

New Potlatch Lumber Mill

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the new sawmill taking shape for the Potlatch Lumber Company courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation.

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Plant, Shops, and other Buildings

Plant, Shops, and other Buildings

Date: 1906-09-11

Sawmill Building

"The plants construction progress about a month before it cut the first lumber, Sept. 11th 1906. To the right of...

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Railroad Photo Collage

Railroad Photo Collage

Date: 1907

railroad Collage

Ten photographs of the building of the tracks, the locomotives, the station, and the mill the trains serviced.

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Plant, Shops, and other Buildings Description

Plant, Shops, and other Buildings Description

Date: 1906

Sawmill Building

A description of the buildings and their location in the previous photograph.

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Palouse Flour Mill

Palouse Flour Mill

Date: 1905

Flour Mill River

A photograph of the rebuilt Palouse flour mill. The river has more water going down it in this image than...

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Strong's Republic Truck

Strong's Republic Truck

Date: 1919

Sawmill lumber truck forest

Alva Strong's first "Republic" Truck with a load of lumber.

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Date: 1906-04-17

Sawmill Town Development

A photograph of the Potlatch Lumber Company's sawmill with a view of a developing Potlatch, Idaho behind it.

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Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of workers at the Potlatch sawmill.

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Rock Creek "Upper" Dam

Rock Creek "Upper" Dam

Date: 1920

Dam Log Transportation

A photograph of the upper dam.

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Rock Creek "Upper" Dam Construction

Rock Creek "Upper" Dam Construction

Date: 1905

Dam Log Transportation

A photograph of the almost completed upper dam.

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Rock Creek "Upper" Dam Site

Rock Creek "Upper" Dam Site

Date: 1904

Dam Log Transportation

A photograph of the upper dam site prior to construction courtesy of Lillian Yangel.

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Rock Creek Dam

Rock Creek Dam

Date: 1904

Dam Log Transportation

A photograph of the original Rock Creek Dam courtesy of Malcolm Rossman.

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Twin City Engine Valve Instructions

Twin City Engine Valve Instructions

Date: 1950

A document containing instrustions on how to set up the valves on the "Twin-City" Corliss Engine so it will run...

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The Rock Creek Dam

The Rock Creek Dam

Date: 1904

Dam Log Transportation

A paragraph on the maintenance on the Rock Creek Dam that was required due to heavy traffic.

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Sawmill Construction

Sawmill Construction

Date: 1906-06-17

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the sawmill with one stack still under construction courtesy of Lillian Yangel.

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Sawmill and Residents

Sawmill and Residents

Date: 1905

Sawmill Building

A photograph of the sawmill and some Potlatch residents in the latest fashions.

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Delivery Truck

Delivery Truck

Date: 1919

truck child

A man driving an Allen & Lewis delivery truck with a young girl.

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Rock Creek Dam

Rock Creek Dam

Date: 1910

Dam Log Transportation

A photograph of the Rock Creek dam that was more commonly known as the "upper dam."

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Log Pond

Log Pond

Date: 1906-09-01

Log Pond

A photograph of the log pond at the Potlatch Lumber Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Log Pond Splash

Log Pond Splash

Date: 1906

Log Pond

A photograph of dumping logs into the pond by a steam powered crane on a parallel track. This print also...

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Full Log Pond

Full Log Pond

Date: 1906-09-01

Log Pond

A photograph of the pond full of logs less than two weeks prior to mill start-up time, Sept. 11. The...

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Log Pond Description

Log Pond Description

Date: 1906

Log Pond

A description of two photograph of the log pond and actions taking place there.

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Log Pond and Employees

Log Pond and Employees

Date: 1906

Log Pond

A photograph of two employees standing on logs in the log pond.

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Idaho White Pine

Idaho White Pine

Date: 1906

logs Pine

A photograph of two employees standing next to large logs of Idaho White Pine.

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Charles Weyerhaeuser and A.W. Laird

Charles Weyerhaeuser and A.W. Laird

Date: 1906

President manager

A photograph at the plant main office of Charles Weyerehaeuser, President of Potlatch Lumber Company, and Gerneral Manager A.W. Laird...

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Planer Mill Crew

Planer Mill Crew

Date: 1915

Planer Mill employees

A photograph of the Planer Mill crew with rouch lumber ready to be surfaced. Seven men have oil cans.

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Lumber Yard and Plant

Lumber Yard and Plant

Date: 1915

Lumber Yard

A photograph of the area between the lumber yard and plant where a lot of lumber moved through. The box...

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Alva Strong Sawmill

Alva Strong Sawmill

Date: 1921

Sawmill building winter snow

The structure of the Alva Strong Sawmill on middle Deep Creek.

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Wm. Deary

Wm. Deary

Date: 1910

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Wm. Deary at his desk.

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Shipping Office Staff

Shipping Office Staff

Date: 1914

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of the shipping office staff.

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Main Office

Main Office

Date: 1915

Sawmill Employees office

A photograph of an early day scene at the first office on the plant grounds near the entrance.

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Engine Room

Engine Room

Date: 1910

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of the engine room at the Potlatch mill.

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The "Twin City" Engine

The "Twin City" Engine

Date: 1910

Engines Sawmill Power

Details about the "Twin City" Engine that was the original main power source for the entire sawmill at Potlatch.

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Engine Valve

Engine Valve

Date: 1915

Engines Sawmill Power

A photograph of the engine valve operating mechansim and govenor that was a unique feature of the Corliss.

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The Bunchgrass Historian

The Bunchgrass Historian

Date: 1980

logging lumber history

Volume 8, No. 2 of The Bunchgrass Historian of the beginnings, growth and demise of lumbering in the Palouse starting...

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Lee Gale Introduction

Lee Gale Introduction

Date: 1975

Introduction lumber journal

An introduction written by Lee Gale for the journal of letters, newspaper stories, and other miscellaneous events in the upper...

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Mabel Kelly

Mabel Kelly

Date: 1930

biography teacher Secretary retirement

A short biography of Mabel Kelly. It covers her teens through her retirement.

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W.R. Boie and Clarence Haeg Retirement

W.R. Boie and Clarence Haeg Retirement

Date: 1990

retirement biography employees articles party

An article about W.R. (Bill) Boie and Clarence Haeg's time with the Potlatch Company for their retirement.

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Students of Mountain Home School

Students of Mountain Home School

Date: 1925

students school

Ed, Idell, Arthur, and Blanche Woolverton; Henrey and Pearl Kellmer; Frances and Freeda Emert; Farrell Crithfield; James Strong; and Wayne...

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Change at Potlatch

Change at Potlatch

Date: 1940-05-01

Sawmill construction operations lumber

A news article about the Potlatch Lumber Company's "complete reconstruction and new operating methods," that came with the modern era...

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Wells Fargo & Company Shipping Receipt

Wells Fargo & Company Shipping Receipt

Date: 1911-01-25

Shipping receipt lumber

A shipping receipt from Wells Fargo & Company Express for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Before: Smokestacks and Structures

Before: Smokestacks and Structures

Date: 1915

smokestacks structures mountain

A photograph of three structures with three smokestacks behind them.

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After: Smokestacks and Structures

After: Smokestacks and Structures

Date: 1970

mountains trees land

A photograph of the land where the three structures with three smokestacks behind them once stood.

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Potlatch State Bank Change of Ownership

Potlatch State Bank Change of Ownership

Date: 1940-05-01

banks ownership employees

A news article about the Potlatch State Bank transferring the ownership to become a branch of Idaho First National.

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Mammoth Mill

Mammoth Mill

Date: 1909-09-17

Sawmill tour inspection articles machines

An article about Fertile Farms; Mammoth Mill and the Representatives of Japan that came to see the Palouse and inspect...

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Planing Mill Revamp

Planing Mill Revamp

Date: 1940-09-01

Sawmill planing design layout

An article from The Family Tree about the change of design at the planing mill to streamline the process with...

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"May West"

"May West"

Date: 1940-04-01

engine Boat logs machinery

An article about a boat equipped with a donkey engine made to bring logs in that are decked on the...

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Honors and Accident Ratings

Honors and Accident Ratings

Date: 1939-07-01

honors surgeon cashier accidents

A page from The Family Tree with articles about decreased accident ratings at the Clearwater plant and Dr. F.C. Gibson...

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Landmark, PFI Group, and Winter Logging

Landmark, PFI Group, and Winter Logging

Date: 1939-02-01

landmark loggers program

A page from The Family Tree with three articles about the destruction of a blacksmith shop, the American Legion hosting...

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Mountain Home Community Hall

Mountain Home Community Hall

Date: 1975

community buildings

A photograph of the Mountain Home Community Hall during a sunny day.

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Potlatch Public Library

Potlatch Public Library

Date: 1939-10-01

Library books church

An article from The Family Tree about the free public library at Potlatch. It kept 3,000 books and is ran...

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Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting

Date: 1938-10-01

fire fighting fire land

An article from The Family Tree of Laird Bell's accounts of early fire fighting days and what the country was...

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Deary Land

Deary Land

Date: 1905

land contract layout

An indenture for the land purchased by Deary with a color coded map where his land is represented by the...

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Land Deed

Land Deed

Date: 1905-05-02

land deed

A deed for approximately 440 acres of land sealed by J.K. and Mary P. McCormack.

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Aledger Indenture

Aledger Indenture

Date: 1906-01-23

land contract deed

An indenture for land between Walter Aledger and his wife Mattie Aledger in Latah County.

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Potlatch History

Potlatch History

Date: 1958

history town Sawmill lumber railroad

A brief summary of the history of Potlatch from 1958.

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Cornwell Indenture

Cornwell Indenture

Date: 1904-12-28

land contract

An indenture for land between Harry Cornwell and his wife Mary E. Cornwell in Hartford County, Connecticut.

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Land Sold to Potlatch Lumber Company

Land Sold to Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1904-12-20

land Document

A document containing specifics of land purchased by the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Warranty Deed

Warranty Deed

Date: 1917

land Document

A warranty deed for the yellow portion of land from "Deary Land."

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Union Church

Union Church

Date: 1996

church illustration building

The Union Church in Potlatch, Idaho.

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W. McMurray Place Map

W. McMurray Place Map

Date: 1984-08-27

mine Map

A map pointing out the location of the old mine on W. McMurray Place, the old Alva Strong Place at...

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Mountain Home Grange Hall

Mountain Home Grange Hall

Date: 1919

grange halls group of people

A group of at least 45 people at the Mountain Home Grange Hall.

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Union Church and Details

Union Church and Details

Date: 1996

church illustration building

The Union Church with the schoolhouse to the left and Manse to the right in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Ole Martin Holden

Ole Martin Holden

Date: 1996

church pastor

A photograph of Ole Martin Holden who served from 1906-1908 and a description of the beginning of church services in...

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Rev. C. R. Scafe

Rev. C. R. Scafe

Date: 1996

reverend church people biography

A small biography and photograph of Reverend C.R. Scafe who served in Potlatch from 1906-1913.

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Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Lutheran Church

Date: 1996

church illustration building

An illustration of the Grace Lutheran Church (1906-1996) in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Rev. Albert M. McClain

Rev. Albert M. McClain

Date: 1996

church reverend biography

A photograph and small biography of Reverend A. M. McClain who served Potlatch in 1913.

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Rev. David Crawford and Family

Rev. David Crawford and Family

Date: 1996

family group of people

A photograph of Rev. David Crawford who served Potlatch from 1946-1948 with his wife and children John and "Skeezix."

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Reverend Chris and Family

Reverend Chris and Family

Date: 1996

reverend family group of people portrait

A photograph of Reverend Chris who served Potlatch from 1976-1979 with his wife Jeannie and children Kimmer, Kirsten, Kenneth, and...

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Chase A. Sawtell and Marie

Chase A. Sawtell and Marie

Date: 1996

Couple marriage

A photograph of Chase A. Sawtell who served Potlatch from 1935-1937 with his wife Marie.

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Rev. Harley Drollinger and Family

Rev. Harley Drollinger and Family

Date: 1996

reverend family group of people portrait

A photograph of Reverend Harley Drollinger who served Potlatch from 1973-1975 with his wife and children Bruce, Wilma Lee, and...

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Rev. Joe S. Anderson

Rev. Joe S. Anderson

Date: 1996

reverend church portrait

A photograph of Rev. Joe S. Anderson who served Potlatch from 1948-1973

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1904 Grain Harvesting

1904 Grain Harvesting

Date: 1976-07-08

grain wagon horses

An article from the Palouse Republic with an image from 1904 of the piles of 100 pound sacks of grain...

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Reverend Ken Onstot and Family

Reverend Ken Onstot and Family

Date: 1996

reverend family group of people portrait

A photograph of Reverend Ken Onstot who served Potlatch from 1979-1988 with his wife and daughter Nadine and Laura.

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List of Ministers

List of Ministers

Date: 1996

List ministers church

A list of ministers serving the Union Church and Community Presbyterian Church from 1906-1997 with the dates they served for....

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News and Organizations at PUC

News and Organizations at PUC

Date: 1996

news church organizations

News of the Potlatch Union Church and organizations within the church.

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Noted Events of PUC

Noted Events of PUC

Date: 1996

news church organizations reading

Noted events of the Union Church from Lee Gale including when the church was organized in the school building, opening...

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Corliss Engine Summary

Corliss Engine Summary

Date: 1959-03-26

engine summary power steam

A summary of the specifics, functions, and past of the Corliss Engine from Lee Gale.

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Methods to Produce Lumber

Methods to Produce Lumber

Date: 1975

lumber Sawmill process

"A brief outline of the methods and process used to produce quality lumber in 1905 at the Potlatch sawmill from...

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Logs to Lumber

Logs to Lumber

Date: 1975

lumber logs Sawmill process

A document containing the details of the operations to transform the logs into lumber at the sawmill.

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Potlatch Classes Hold Banquet

Potlatch Classes Hold Banquet

Date: 1996

news Banquet teacher

A noted news event from the Palouse Republic about the young ladies and men's bible classes holding their second annual...

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Rapid Growth of Potlatch School

Rapid Growth of Potlatch School

Date: 1996

news school church

An article from the Palouse Republic about Sunday School enrollment being larger than the public school enrollment in the town....

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Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Date: 1996

news church Sunday school marriage Couple trip

After Mr. and Mrs. Brown when to a wedding trip to San Francisco as delegates to the International Sunday School...

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C.V. Hall Home

C.V. Hall Home

Date: 1928

Vick Belplate's Bup and another vehicle parked outside the C. V. Hall Home.

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Church Dedication

Church Dedication

Date: 1996

news church building company

An article from the Palouse Republic about the new church building being gifted from the Potlatch Lumber Company to the...

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Annual Meeting of Potlatch Church

Annual Meeting of Potlatch Church

Date: 1996

news church Meeting election business

An article from the Palouse Republic about the annual meeting of the Union Church of Potlatch, Idaho where reports for...

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Church News

Church News

Date: 1996

news church pastor resignation

News of Reverend Scafe resignation and the calling of pastor Reverend A. M. McLean.

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Potlatch the Company Town

Potlatch the Company Town

Date: 1907-09-01

Sawmill town company dimensions buildings

A document with a list of the buildings used by the Potlatch Lumber Company with their dimensions and other details....

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Potlatch Boys Build Residence

Potlatch Boys Build Residence

Date: 1996

house construction students

An article about eight boys building a seven room modern house at Potlatch under the direction of Carl Godsett of...

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Preparing the Way

Preparing the Way

Date: 1905

employees Residents house excavating

Three photographs of buildings and workers preparing for growth in Potlatch.

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Potlatch Lumber Company

Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1907

company lumber Sawmill

A document listing the officers and directors of the Potlatch Lumber Company along with information about the abundance of resources...

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Main Office

Main Office

Date: 1915

employees office desks

A general view of the main office at the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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William Deary

William Deary

Date: 1915

manager employee desk

A photograph of William Deary, general manager, at his desk.

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Saw Mill from the Southwest

Saw Mill from the Southwest

Date: 1915

Sawmill building

A photograph of the saw mill taken southwest of the mill.

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Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zedeker

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zedeker

Date: 1927

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zedeker standing together for a photograph in front og ther house and fields. Photograph taken aroun...

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Saw Mill, Log Pond, and Log Dump

Saw Mill, Log Pond, and Log Dump

Date: 1915

Sawmill building log pond railroad

A full log pond in front of the saw mill and a railroad log dump.

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Sorting Shed

Sorting Shed

Date: 1915

Sawmill sorting shed lumber

A photograph of the sorting shed next to the sawmill

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Sorting Shed Interior

Sorting Shed Interior

Date: 1915

Sawmill employees sorting shed interior

The interior of the sorting shed with multiple workers.

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Main Floor of Saw Mill

Main Floor of Saw Mill

Date: 1915

Sawmill interior building

A photograph of the 104X276 foot interior of the main floor at the sawmill.

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Saw Mill Engine Room

Saw Mill Engine Room

Date: 1915

Sawmill engine employee

A photograph of an employee with the engine in the engine room at the sawmill.

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Band Saw Number One

Band Saw Number One

Date: 1915

Sawmill saw employees lumber

Employees working the Number One band saw at the sawmill.

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Planing Mill Interior

Planing Mill Interior

Date: 1915

planing Sawmill equipment

A photograph of the interior view of the planing mill.

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Planing Mill Machines

Planing Mill Machines

Date: 1915

planing employees machine

Employees posing at the back of the machines used in the planing mill.

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Planing Mill Engine Room

Planing Mill Engine Room

Date: 1915

planing engine power

A photograph of the engine in the engine room of the planing mill.

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Lumber Shed

Lumber Shed

Date: 1915

planing employees lumber shed

Workers pose on top of massive lumber stacks in the interior view of dressed lumber shed.

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Luella Hall

Luella Hall

Date: 1930

Luella Hall riding a horse in a field. Photograph taken about 1930.

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Planing Mill and Power Plant

Planing Mill and Power Plant

Date: 1915

planing Sawmill Power Plant

A photograph of the planing mill and power plant at the Potlatch Sawmill.

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Locomotive Lumber Transportation

Locomotive Lumber Transportation

Date: 1915

lumber transportation locomotive Lumber Yard employees

An electric storage battery locomotive transferring lumber from the mill to the yard.

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Lumber Yard; Partial View

Lumber Yard; Partial View

Date: 1915

lumber Lumber Yard Sawmill

A partial view of a fairly full lumber yard.

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Alley Number Four

Alley Number Four

Date: 1915

lumber employees Lumber Yard

Two employees selecting lumber in alley number four of the lumber yard.

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Hauling Logs to the Rollways

Hauling Logs to the Rollways

Date: 1915

lumber horses logs employees

Employees standing on logs being transported to the rollways by two horses each.

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Log Loader

Log Loader

Date: 1915

logs lumber employees machines

A log loader lifting the logs to and from the train cars.

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Log Train

Log Train

Date: 1915

lumber locomotive transportation logs

A locomotive with several cars full of logs traveling down a twelve percent grade.

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Train Load of Logs

Train Load of Logs

Date: 1915

logs locomotive transportation

A train from the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company with one hundred four 41-ft. flats carrying 1,100,000 feet of...

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Western Pine Logs

Western Pine Logs

Date: 1915

logs lumber

A photograph of western pine logs which the finest shop lumber is made from.

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Sawmill Views

Sawmill Views

Date: 1915

Sawmill lumber

A landscape of the sawmill in Potlatch.

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Lydia and James Hicks

Lydia and James Hicks

Date: 1940-07-01

A photograph of Lydia and James Hicks, Rena (Hicks) Cayou's mother and father. They left Deep Creek, Idaho, June 19,...

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Date: 1915

town buildings

A view of Potlatch.

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Whit Pine District

Whit Pine District

Date: 1915

trees forest

Photographs of trees from the white pine district.

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White Pine Log Storage

White Pine Log Storage

Date: 1915

logs Log Pond River

A photograph taken on the Potlatch River of the white pine log storage area that had a capacity of four...

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Camp Eight

Camp Eight

Date: 1915

logging camp

A photograph of camp eight near Bovill, Idaho.

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Dinner Time

Dinner Time

Date: 1915

dinner chef logging

Tables set and ready for dinner at a logging camp.

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Forest Home

Forest Home

Date: 1915

house forest resident

A photograph of a home in the forest with some of it's residents.

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"Life in Potlatch was Different"

"Life in Potlatch was Different"

Date: 1970

history town Sawmill

A twenty page paper by Ray K. Harris depicting the history of Potlatch, Idaho and how the company town grew...

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"The Record 1976"

"The Record 1976"

Date: 1976

town railway history

An issue of "The Record 1976" with information about the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway along with how Potlatch was...

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A Fallen Monarch

A Fallen Monarch

Date: 1915

tree forest

A photograph of a fallen monarch tree.

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Logging Camps

Logging Camps

Date: 1915

lumber logging camp

One of the logging camps for the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Roy F. Kislig

Roy F. Kislig

Date: 1893

A portrait of Roy F. Kisling when he was 18 years old. Photograph taken in 1893.

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Potlatch Mercantile Company

Potlatch Mercantile Company

Date: 1915

group of people store

A photograph of people outside the Potlatch Mercantile Company which was the general department store for the town.

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The Lumber Jack at Home

The Lumber Jack at Home

Date: 1915

lumber jack logging home

A photograph of a large group of lumber jack at home after a days work.

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Shoe, Crockery, and Grocery

Shoe, Crockery, and Grocery

Date: 1915

grocery shoes store

The interior view of the shoe, crockery, and grocery departments at the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Dry Goods and Clothing

Dry Goods and Clothing

Date: 1915

group of people shopping store Clothing

A photograph of employees and customers inside the dry goods and clothing department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Public School

Public School

Date: 1915

school students children

A group of children outside the public school at Potlatch.

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Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Date: 1915

church building

A photograph of the Catholic Church.

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Bank, Post Office, and Opera House

Bank, Post Office, and Opera House

Date: 1915

banks building opera post office

a photograph of the bank, post office, and opera house building.

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"Twenty Years in Potlatch, Idaho"

"Twenty Years in Potlatch, Idaho"

Date: 1951

history town

A paper written by Alta O'Connell about her activities and experiences during her twenty years spent in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Boarding House Number One

Boarding House Number One

Date: 1915

house building

A photograph of boarding house number one in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Boarding House Number Two

Boarding House Number Two

Date: 1915

house building group of people

A photograph of boarding house number two with it�s residents.

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Beplate Twins (Helen + Bub)

Beplate Twins (Helen + Bub)

Date: 1928

The Beplate twins, Helen and Bub, being held by Luella Hall. Photograph taken in 1928.

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Homes of Officials and Superintendents

Homes of Officials and Superintendents

Date: 1915

house Officials

Photos of five homes of officials and superintendents of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Date: 1915

barns building

A photograph of a barn.

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Train Depot

Train Depot

Date: 1915

trains railway train depot

A photograph of the train depot at Potlatch for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company.

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Round House, Machine Shop, and Car Repair Shop

Round House, Machine Shop, and Car Repair Shop

Date: 1915

shop house repair

Photographs of the round house, machine shop, and car repair shop for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company.

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Locomotive Equipment

Locomotive Equipment

Date: 1915

locomotive equipment railway

Photographs of locomotive equipment of the railway company.

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Railroad Yard

Railroad Yard

Date: 1915

railroad yard

Photograph of one of Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company's railroad yards at Potlatch.

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A Company Town (continued)

A Company Town (continued)

Date: 1955

news town history

A paper with articles about Potlatch from other news sources, a list of the ill, dinners to attend, men of...

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A Company Town?

A Company Town?

Date: 1955

news town history development

A paper with articles about the announcement of the plan for Potlatch to be a company town with the reactions...

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History of Names of Towns

History of Names of Towns

Date: 1955

news towns history naming

A paper containing the history of names of towns including the WI&M, along with several acknowledgements within the community.

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William Helmer

William Helmer

Date: 1951-11-05

biography timber

A paper written by Louise Nygaard about William Helmer, one of the oldest employees of the Potlatch Forests, Inc., and...

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Mr. + Mrs. C. V. Hall

Mr. + Mrs. C. V. Hall

Date: 1920

Mr and Mrs. C. V. Hall and their children Lovella, Xythel, and Pearl posing with a car outside of a...

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Beginning of WI&M

Beginning of WI&M

Date: 1955

news history railway

An article about the beginning of Washington, Idaho, & Montana railway and the part it plays in the local community....

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Potlatch Pine Cone

Potlatch Pine Cone

Date: 1955-04-01

news award talent

The front page of a volume of the Potlatch Pine cone with the man of the month and a notification...

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Forestry in Year 1905

Forestry in Year 1905

Date: 1955

news forestry

A photocopy of an article about forestry in 1905.

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Sawmill Sign Language Dictionary

Sawmill Sign Language Dictionary

Date: 1955

sign language numbers Sawmill

"The Dictionary of Sawmill Sign Language" by Dewey E. Lavoy, Sematoalogist, and Joe Flahive, Lexicographer, about the signs used for...

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Lutheran Church in the Making

Lutheran Church in the Making

Date: 1955-03-01

news church building

A page from a volume of the Potlatch Pine Cone about the start up of the Lutheran Church in Potlatch....

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Railcars of the WI&M

Railcars of the WI&M

Date: 1990-01-01

railcars trains

An article from the MIIWest Dispatch about the WI&M changing their system from only being a passenger service and mail/express...

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Potlatch Lumber Co., The WI&M, and The Milwaukee

Potlatch Lumber Co., The WI&M, and The Milwaukee

Date: 1993

history lumber railroad ownership

An article about the history of the Potlatch Lumber Company, The Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway, and The Milwaukee.

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Potlatch in the Making

Potlatch in the Making

Date: 1955-03

news development

An article about the decision of the Potlatch Lumber Company to extend operations up the Palouse.

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Early Potlatch History

Early Potlatch History

Date: 1955

news history lumber

A news page with an article about early Potlatch history.

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Change in Supervisory Personnel

Change in Supervisory Personnel

Date: 1954-01-01

manager employment

A notice to the employees of Potlatch Forests Inc. about a change made in supervisory personnel.

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The Kislig Family and Friends

The Kislig Family and Friends

Date: 1919

The Kislig family and friends line up for a photograph in front of a house. Each person is numbered. 1....

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Christmas Party Invitation

Christmas Party Invitation

Date: 1955-12-06

Christmas invitation

An invitation to a Christmas party from the Potlatch Forests, Inc. and a list of those invited.

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Sawmill Sign Language Dictionary 2

Sawmill Sign Language Dictionary 2

Date: 1955

sign language time Sawmill

A second "Dictionary of Sawmill Sign Language" by Dewey E. LaVoy, Sematologist, and Joe Flahive, Lexicographer, about signs used to...

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Log Loader

Log Loader

Date: 1975

log lumber loader

A image of the log loader of the Potlatch Lumber Co. at Camp 14. The Car is labeled for the...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co.

Potlatch Mercantile Co.

Date: 1907-06-01

Company Stores

A photograph of the Potlatch Mercantile Company. The renowned "company store" was managed by A. A. McDonald and opened around...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Grocery

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Grocery

Date: 1907

Company Stores

A photograph of the grocery department in the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Unknown Baby 2

Unknown Baby 2

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown baby sitting and eating.

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Two Men in an Office

Two Men in an Office

Date: 1907

Town Residents

A photograph of two unknown men sitting and reading in an office.

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Potlatch Hotel

Potlatch Hotel

Date: 1907

Town Development hotels

A photograph of the Potlatch Hotel.

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Mr. Stokke Hardwar Dept. Manager

Mr. Stokke Hardwar Dept. Manager

Date: 1907

Hardware Store Manager

A photograph of Mr. Stokke the hardware department manager.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Sign

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Sign

Date: 1907

Company Stores

A photograph of a sign for the Potlatch Mercantile Company stating they are whole sale and retail. It states they...

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Old Mine on W. McMurray Place

Old Mine on W. McMurray Place

Date: 1984-08-11

mine forest

Part of the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in the Deep Creek area of Idaho...

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Mrs. Kislig and Children

Mrs. Kislig and Children

Date: 1915

A photograph of Leta Kislig, Mrs. Kislig, Art Kislig, and Edith Kislig posing in front of a hill.

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Potlatch State Bank

Potlatch State Bank

Date: 1907

Town Bank

A photograph of the Potlatch State Bank.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Building

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Building

Date: 1907

Company Stores

A photograph of the Potlach Mercantile Company Building.

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Latah County Pig Club Show Announcement

Latah County Pig Club Show Announcement

Date: 1924

Show Contest

An announcement for the Latah County Pig Club Show including a pastry contest for the ladies with prizes ranging from...

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Latah County Pig Club Show Announcement 2

Latah County Pig Club Show Announcement 2

Date: 1924

Show Contest

The second part of an announcement for the Latah County Pig Club Show that states the prizes for the best...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Hardware Dept.

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Hardware Dept.

Date: 1915

Company Stores

A photograph of the hardware departments interior in the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Hardware Dept. 2

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Hardware Dept. 2

Date: 1915

Company Stores

A photograph of the interior of the hardware department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Sales

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Sales

Date: 1946-06-01

Company Stores

A write-up from the "Family Tree" published by Potlatch Forests Inc. about the Potlatch Mercantile Company. It goes over what...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Store

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Store

Date: 1915

Company Stores

A photograph of the almost completed Potlatch Mercantile building.

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Sales Day at the Merc. Image

Sales Day at the Merc. Image

Date: 1945

Company Stores

A photograph of the crowds at one of Potlatch Mercantile Company's big sales.

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Livestock Sale

Livestock Sale

Date: 1913

Livestock Sales Event

A photograph of a livestock sale in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Hans Beplate and Victor

Hans Beplate and Victor

Date: 1915

Hans Beplate and Victor with a team of three horses plowing a field.

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Livestock Sale 2

Livestock Sale 2

Date: 1913

Livestock Sales Event

A photograph of a livestock sale in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Sales Day at the Merc.

Sales Day at the Merc.

Date: 1965

Company Stores

A newspaper article from the Potlatch Times (Vol. 4 No. 7) about the Potlatch Mercantile Company Store and the big...

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Livestock Sale Crowd

Livestock Sale Crowd

Date: 1913

Livestock Sales Event

A photograph of the crowds at a livestock sale in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch Amateur Athletic Club

Potlatch Amateur Athletic Club

Date: 1937-12-01

Athletic Clubs

The first page of an article from The Family Tree about the Potlatch Amateur Athletic Club. It goes over how...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Grocery Dept.

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Grocery Dept.

Date: 1910

Company Stores

A photograph of the interior of the grocery department at Potlatch Mercantile Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Tobacco and Candy Dept.

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Tobacco and Candy Dept.

Date: 1910

Company Stores

A photograph of the counter inside the tobacco and candy department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Shoe Dept.

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Shoe Dept.

Date: 1910

Company Stores

A photograph of employees and customers in the shoe department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Window Display

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Window Display

Date: 1910

Company Stores

A photograph of a window display of one thousand pounds of Dwight Edwards Company's steel cut chaffles java and mocha...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Vehicle & Implement Dept.

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Vehicle & Implement Dept.

Date: 1913

Company Stores

A photograph of the vehicle and implement department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company of Potlatch, Idaho.

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Best Tying Sheds in the West

Best Tying Sheds in the West

Date: 1913

horses sheds

A photograph of tying sheds that were "the best in the west." They were equipped with mangers, feed boxes and...

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Bell Family

Bell Family

Date: 1925

C. W. Bell and the Bell Family pose for a photograph in front of an ivy covered building.

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General Merchandise Statement

General Merchandise Statement

Date: 1909-06-31

financial statements grocery

A statement for an account with Potlatch Mercantile Company Wholesalers and Retailers for general merchandise purchases for June 31, 1909...

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General Merchandise Statement 2

General Merchandise Statement 2

Date: 1909-06-31

financial statements grocery

A second statement for an account with Potlatch Mercantile Company Wholesalers and Retailers for general merchandise purchases for June 31,...

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Interior

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Interior

Date: 1910

Company Stores

A photograph of the interior of the Potlatch Mercantile Company in the fabric/clothing department.

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Warehouse of Goods

Warehouse of Goods

Date: 1910

Warehouses Stores

A photograph of the interior of a warehouse with what appears to be bed frames, mattresses, and furnaces.

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A. W. Laird Portrait

A. W. Laird Portrait

Date: 1913


A portrait of A. W. Laird in 1913.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. Interior 2

Potlatch Mercantile Co. Interior 2

Date: 1909

Company Stores

A photograph of Mabelle Morris and Beulah Fillinger in the early interior of Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Hauling Cut Ice

Hauling Cut Ice

Date: 1905

Ice Cutting

A photograph of the horses and sleigh used to haul cut ice.

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Ice Blocks

Ice Blocks

Date: 1905

Ice Cutting

A photograph of a man with several ice blocks.

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Ice Cutting Scene

Ice Cutting Scene

Date: 1905

Ice Cutting

A photograph of ice blocks, people, and pools of ice.

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Potlatch Brick Company Plant Interior

Potlatch Brick Company Plant Interior

Date: 1906-09-27

Brick Plant

A photograph of the interior of the red brick manufacturer of the Potlatch Brick Company plant. Located where the H.S....

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The Kislig Family

The Kislig Family

Date: 1915

A photograph of the Kislig family in a carriage drawn by two horses. Mrs. Kislig is driving the carriage. Leta,...

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Ice Cutting Pools

Ice Cutting Pools

Date: 1910

Ice Cutting

A photograph of the icy pools where men have been ice cutting.

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Walkway Between Town and Plant

Walkway Between Town and Plant

Date: 1906-02-23

Pedestrian Walkways

A photograph of an early day walkway between the town and the plant.

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Wm. Deary Birthday and Potlatch Poem

Wm. Deary Birthday and Potlatch Poem

Date: 1904-06-24

newspaper clipping

Newspaper clippings about Wm. Deary's 51st birthday party and a poem about the town of Potlatch.

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Potlatch, Idaho Circa 1915

Potlatch, Idaho Circa 1915

Date: 1915

Town Development

A photograph of a birds eye view of Potlatch, Idaho.

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Main Fork of Palouse River

Main Fork of Palouse River

Date: 1925

Meadow River

A photograph of Charlie Wagner's meadow up the main fork of the Palouse River circa 1925.

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16" by 4' Slab Wood

16" by 4' Slab Wood

Date: 1910

Lumber Sales

A photograph of 16" by 4' slab wood piled to dry. The caption on the photo says there was a...

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Potlatch Hospital

Potlatch Hospital

Date: 1945

Town Hospital

A photograph of the Potlatch Hospital that was once the #2 boarding house.

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Monthly Statement for Professional Services

Monthly Statement for Professional Services

Date: 1941-03-01

Doctors Physicians

A monthly statement from Drs. F. C. Gibson and J. W. Thompson for professional services on March 17.

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Potlatch Hospital Bill

Potlatch Hospital Bill

Date: 1941-07-01

Doctors Physicians

A bill from Potlatch Hospital that does not include medical services, just the cost of the special nurse, an operating...

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William Deary Memorial

William Deary Memorial

Date: 1921-06-11

Memorials boulders

A photograph of men placing the two large granite boulders on the Athletic Club lawn for William Deary's memorial. The...

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Amos Grate Place

Amos Grate Place

Date: 1936


Photograph of Rena (Hicks) Cayou with Millie [age 3] and Carol [age 4] at the Amos Grate place.

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Dr. J.W. Thompson

Dr. J.W. Thompson

Date: 1945

Doctors Physicians

A photograph of Dr. J. W. Thompson who was a long time Potlatch physician associated with Dr. Gibson in the...

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William Deary Memorial; Looking Back

William Deary Memorial; Looking Back

Date: 1975

Memorials boulders

A photograph and article taking "a backward glance" to 1921 when the William Deary Memorial was put in place. The...

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Slab wood Process at Sawmill

Slab wood Process at Sawmill

Date: 1915

Lumber Sales

A photograph and caption explaining the process of transporting slab wood and how it was sold to the people living...

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Slab wood Wagon

Slab wood Wagon

Date: 1915

Lumber Sales

A photograph of Florence Woods and a "two horse power' wagon used to deliver slab wood to Potlach customers. Slab...

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Frank Gibson M.D.

Frank Gibson M.D.

Date: 1910

Doctors portraits

A photograph of Frank Gibson M. D.

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Doctor Frank Gibson

Doctor Frank Gibson

Date: 1910

Doctors Surgeons

A photograph of long time doctor and surgeon at the Potlatch Hospital, Doctor Frank Gibson. From "The Trees Grew Tall,"...

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Tuition and Board Invoice

Tuition and Board Invoice

Date: 1903-09-07

Invoice Boarding School

An invoice from the Academy of the Holy Names for Miss Genevieve Deary in Spokane, Washington on September 7, 1903....

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J. W. Thompson

J. W. Thompson

Date: 1955

Doctors medicine

A newspaper article about J.W. Thompson's education and experience as a doctor in honor of national doctors' appreciation day. He...

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Union Church

Union Church

Date: 1920

Church Buildings

A photograph of the Union Church in Potlatch, Idaho. Courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation from The Lee Gale Collection

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Main Auditorium of Union Church

Main Auditorium of Union Church

Date: 1920

Church Buildings

A photograph of the main auditorium in the Union Church in Potlatch, Idaho. Courtesy of the Potlatch Corporation from The...

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Clausen Place

Clausen Place

Date: 1988-05-01

A lone Pine tree near Clausen Place on Deep Creek.

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Potlatch School History

Potlatch School History

Date: 1914-06-05

School History

A special school edition of the Union Church News from the Palouse Republic with a brief history of Potlatch Schools....

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Potlatch 8th Grade Class

Potlatch 8th Grade Class

Date: 1922

School Students

A photograph of an 8th grade class from Potlatch, Idaho. Circa 1922 courtesy of Inez Gleave Rich

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Potlatch Buildings

Potlatch Buildings

Date: 1920

school church buildings

A photograph of the grade school, union church, high school, and church manse in Potlatch Washington.

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The Potlatch Hotel

The Potlatch Hotel

Date: 1915

Hotel Buildings

A photograph of the Potlatch Hotel and planked streets surrounding.

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Potlatch Mercantile Co. and Hotel

Potlatch Mercantile Co. and Hotel

Date: 1915

Town Development

A photograph of the Potlatch hotel and the Potlatch Mercantile Company.

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Potlatch, Idaho Residential

Potlatch, Idaho Residential

Date: 1915

Town Development

A photograph of a view of Potlatch, Idaho looking N.E. from the depot area where Pine St. is just below...

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First School in Potlatch

First School in Potlatch

Date: 1910

School Students

A photograph of the students and temporary building of the first school in Potlatch, Idaho. The Superintendent R. W. Scofe...

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Max Williamson

Max Williamson

Date: 1920

Gyms health clubs

A photograph of Max Williamson, assistant sales manager for the Potlatch Lumber Company. He promoted physical fitness and recreational development...

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Date: 1920

Gyms health clubs

A photograph of the Gymnasium in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Charles McDonald Dray Service

Charles McDonald Dray Service

Date: 1915

Dray Horse Services

A photograph of Charles McDonald driving for dray service and delivery.

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Rena (Hicks) and Erman Cayou

Rena (Hicks) and Erman Cayou

Date: 1958

A photograph of Rena (Hicks) and Erman Cayou taken in Dun Valley, California, in 1958. Rena, born in 1903, is...

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Union Church 2

Union Church 2

Date: 1920

Church Buildings

A photograph of the Union Church in Potlatch, Idaho. Courtesy of Rex and Minnie Benson.

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Union Church History

Union Church History

Date: 1952

Church Buildings

A photograph and article by Louise Nygaard about the Union Church at Potlatch that was dedicated in 1912. The article...

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Grade School, Union Church and High School

Grade School, Union Church and High School

Date: 1914

Town Development school church buildings

A photograph of a 1914 view of the grade school, Union church, and high school that were all built by...

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Potlatch Landscape

Potlatch Landscape

Date: 1920

Town Development

A photograph of buildings in Potlatch, Idaho. They are labeled as the rooming house, boarding house, boarding house later remodeled...

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Date: 1915

Sawmill Town Development

A photograph of the sawmill and train tracks in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Teachers Term Report

Teachers Term Report

Date: 1916

School Reports

A document courtesy of Alec Bull of a teacher's term report of public school in Princeton from September 23, 1915...

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School House

School House

Date: 1914

School House

A photograph of the school house in Potlatch, Idaho.

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The Joe Cada Family

The Joe Cada Family

Date: 1915

Families (kinship groups)

A photograph of the Joe Cada family. Photo courtesy of the Special Collections U. of I. Library.

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Potlatch Grade School

Potlatch Grade School

Date: 1914

School House

A photograph of the Potlatch Grade School.

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Potlatch High School

Potlatch High School

Date: 1920

Church Buildings School House

A photograph of a building built in 1908 by the Potlatch Lumber Company that was originally used for all Protestant...

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Link Burdeh & Friends

Link Burdeh & Friends

Date: 1920

Link Burdeh & friends, including Mr. & Mrs. Kimball and Mr. & Mrs. John Nirk, stand in the snow in...

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Potlatch High School Class of 1926

Potlatch High School Class of 1926

Date: 1926

School Students

A photograph of the Potlatch High School class of 1926

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P.H.S. Class of '28

P.H.S. Class of '28

Date: 1925

School Students

A photograph of the Potlatch High School class of 1928.

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P.H.S. Class of '27 Roster

P.H.S. Class of '27 Roster

Date: 1925

School Students

A document listing names of those in Potlatch High School's class of '27. It appears to be related to an...

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P.H.S. Class of 1928

P.H.S. Class of 1928

Date: 1924

School Students

A photograph of the Potlatch High School class of 1928.

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P.H.S Classes '24-'34 Names

P.H.S Classes '24-'34 Names

Date: 2000-07-08

Reunion List

A list of the individuals photographed from Potlatch High School's classes of 1924-1934 at the Potlatch All School Reunion.

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Potlatch All School Reunion Cover

Potlatch All School Reunion Cover

Date: 2000-07-08

Reunion Title Page

A photograph of a title page for the Potlatch All School Reunion of July 8, 2000.

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P.H.S Classes '24-'34

P.H.S Classes '24-'34

Date: 2000-07-08

Reunion Alumna

A photograph of individuals from Potlatch High School's classes of 1924-1935 at the Potlatch All School Reunion.

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P.H.S. Class of '27

P.H.S. Class of '27

Date: 1925

School Students

A photograph of the Potlatch High School class of 1927.

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P.H.S. Class of '27 Junior Year Roster

P.H.S. Class of '27 Junior Year Roster

Date: 1925

School Students

A document listing names of those in Potlatch High School's class of 1927 in their Junior year. It appears to...

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P.H.S. Class of '28 Roster

P.H.S. Class of '28 Roster

Date: 1925

School Students

A document listing names of those in Potlatch High School's class of '28. It appears to be related to an...

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Winton Taxi Cab

Winton Taxi Cab

Date: 1917

Fred Wilks behind the wheel of the Winton Taxi cab while it is parked in front of the Spokane Hotel....

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P.H.S. Basketball Champs

P.H.S. Basketball Champs

Date: 1924

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School basketball champs in 1924. Photo courtesy of Inez Gleave Rich.

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Harvard, Idaho School House

Harvard, Idaho School House

Date: 1920

School House

A photograph of the school house in Harvard, Idaho.

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Princeton, Idaho School Yard

Princeton, Idaho School Yard

Date: 1922

School House

A photograph of the school yard in Princeton, Idaho.

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P.H.S. Class

P.H.S. Class

Date: 1925

School Students

A photograph of a class of Potlatch High School.

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Princeton Students

Princeton Students

Date: 1908

School Students

A photograph of a class from the Old Log School House at Princeton in 1908.

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Potlatch 1st Grade Class

Potlatch 1st Grade Class

Date: 1916

School Students

A photograph of the Potlatch first grade class with their teacher Miss Ruth Hall. Hall dedicated a lot of service...

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Automobile Repair Shop

Automobile Repair Shop

Date: 1925

Automobile Repairs

A photograph of the automobile repair shop, a service car, and a car being serviced.

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PFI Main Office

PFI Main Office

Date: 1915

Office Buildings

A photograph of the Potlatch Forest Inc. Main Office with the gymnasium in the background.

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American Legion Log Cabin

American Legion Log Cabin

Date: 1925

log cabins

A photograph of the American Legion Log Cabin that was almost lost to fire soon after it was built in...

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P.H.S. Freshman Class 1925

P.H.S. Freshman Class 1925

Date: 1925

School Students

A photograph of Potlatch High School's freshman class in 1925 along with a list of their names.

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Homesteads North of Potlatch

Homesteads North of Potlatch

Date: 1988

The Taylor Place, the John Nirk Place, and the C. V. Hall Place north of Potlatch, Idaho. Taken in May,...

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Potlatch Home Guard

Potlatch Home Guard

Date: 1918

Town Militia

A photograph of the Potlatch Home Guard

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Potlatch Band

Potlatch Band

Date: 1915

Town Band

A photograph of the Potlatch Band with their instruments.

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P.H.S. Football Squad

P.H.S. Football Squad

Date: 1920

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School football squad around 1920.

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Potlatch "Home Guard"

Potlatch "Home Guard"

Date: 1918

Town Militia

A photograph of the Potlatch Home Guard

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P.H.S. Football Squad 1926

P.H.S. Football Squad 1926

Date: 1926

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School Football squad in 1926 with roster. Their playing field was in the ball...

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P.H.S. Baseball Team

P.H.S. Baseball Team

Date: 1915

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School baseball team.

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Potlatch Residents

Potlatch Residents

Date: 1915

Town Residents

A photograph of residents in the Potlatch area around 1915.

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P.H.S. Baseball Team 1912

P.H.S. Baseball Team 1912

Date: 1912

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School baseball team in 1912.

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P.H.S. Baseball Team  2

P.H.S. Baseball Team 2

Date: 1915

School Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch High School baseball team with coach Frank Coragliotti after a win against Bovill.

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P.H.S. Class of '27 List

P.H.S. Class of '27 List

Date: 1915

School Students List

A list of names from the class of 1927 at Potlatch High School.

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W. McMurray Place Trees

W. McMurray Place Trees

Date: 1984-08-11

trees mine forest

75 and 80 yr. old tree tailings on W. McMurray Place (the old Alva Strong Place) in the Deep Creek...

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Rasmus Clausen Ranch

Rasmus Clausen Ranch

Date: 1988

A rapeseed field on Rasmus Clausen Ranch north of Potlatch, Idaho. Taken in May, 1988.

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Junior Class 1934-1935

Junior Class 1934-1935

Date: 1975

School Students

A photograph from a newspaper of the Potlatch High School class of 1936 in their junior year with a list...

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Potlatch Town Baseball Team

Potlatch Town Baseball Team

Date: 1912

Town Athletes

A photograph of the Potlatch town baseball team with mascots.

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Potlatch Town-Site

Potlatch Town-Site

Date: 1905

Future town

A photograph of the future town-site area of Potlatch, ID with a note to notice the cedar rail fences.

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Potlatch Education System

Potlatch Education System

Date: 1975

School Activities

A list of dates and descriptions of events relating to the Potlatch education system.

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Employee Housing

Employee Housing

Date: 1906

Industrial Housing

A photograph of employee housing after some development.

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Potlatch Town-Site 2

Potlatch Town-Site 2

Date: 1905

Future town

A duplicate photograph of the Potlatch Town-Site with a different finish.

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Growing Potlatch, Idaho

Growing Potlatch, Idaho

Date: 1906-04-17

Town Development

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho after some development brought it to life.

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Employee Housing Years Later

Employee Housing Years Later

Date: 1910

Industrial Housing

A photograph of employee housing after a few years of development.

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First Store Interior

First Store Interior

Date: 1910

Town Development

A photograph of manager Mr. Marshall (left) inside the first store or commissary in Potlatch.

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Main Street

Main Street

Date: 1905

Main Streets

A photograph of the temporary commissary, offices, store (second building from left), and housing on Main St. in Potlatch, Idaho....

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Township map

Township map

Date: 1943

Map of Township 42 N., Range 5 W. and Fract. Township 42 N., Range 6 W. of the Boise Maridian....

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Potlatch, Idaho 1906

Potlatch, Idaho 1906

Date: 1906-09-16

Town Development

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho in 1906 from the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Hill 86 Years Later

Hill 86 Years Later

Date: 1992

Town Development

A photograph of a hill in Potlatch 86 years later than another photo taken of the hill.

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First House Foundation

First House Foundation

Date: 1905-11-11

Town Construction

A photograph and caption of the foundation being built for the first house in Potlatch, Idaho. The caption explains that...

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First Store

First Store

Date: 1910

Town Development

A photograph of the first store in Potlatch, Idaho and it's first manager, James Campbell in the door on the...

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Potlatch, Idaho Landscape 1910

Potlatch, Idaho Landscape 1910

Date: 1910

Town Development

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho in 1910 after the Catholic and Lutheran Churches had been constructed.

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Unknown Family 3

Unknown Family 3

Date: 1905

Town Family

A photograph of an unknown family group in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch, Idaho Landscape1908

Potlatch, Idaho Landscape1908

Date: 1908

Town Development

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho in 1908.

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Potlatch, Idaho Landscape 1906

Potlatch, Idaho Landscape 1906

Date: 1906-07-05

Town Development

A photograph of Potlatch, Idaho from top of burner.

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Boarding House #1

Boarding House #1

Date: 1906

Town Development

A photograph of Boarding House #1 in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Boarding House #2

Boarding House #2

Date: 1906

Town Development

A photograph of Boarding House #2 that later became the towns hospital.

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Lone Pine Tree

Lone Pine Tree

Date: 1988

A lone pine tree near the Clausen Place on Deep Creek. Taken in May, 1988.

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Unknown Family

Unknown Family

Date: 1908

Town Family

A glass plate negative photograph of an unknown Potlatch family group.

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Unknown Family 2

Unknown Family 2

Date: 1908

Town Family

A photograph of an unknown family group in Potlatch at 720 Cedar St.

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Unknown Family 4

Unknown Family 4

Date: 1905

Town Family

A photograph of an unknown family group with their dog.

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Two Unknown Men

Two Unknown Men

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of two unknown men.

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Unknown Mother and Child

Unknown Mother and Child

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown mother and child.

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Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown woman.

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Unknown Woman 2

Unknown Woman 2

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown woman with a chair.

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Unknown Man

Unknown Man

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown man.

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Three Unknown Women

Three Unknown Women

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of three unknown women.

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Unknown Baby

Unknown Baby

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of an unknown baby in a stroller.

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North East Corner Post

North East Corner Post

Date: 1988

A post on the North East corner of the R. Clausen place on Deep Creek. The post as installed around...

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Unknown Couple

Unknown Couple

Date: 1905

Town Residents

A photograph of a sitting man and standing woman.

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Otto Heine

Otto Heine

Date: 1925

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Otto Heine, the 4-square lumber department foreman, playing the piano.

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Walking Tour of Potlatch Neighborhoods

Walking Tour of Potlatch Neighborhoods

Date: 1985

Walking Tour Historic Town

A brochure for a walking tour of Potlatch neighborhoods with the history of all the buildings on the tour.

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Arley Decker and Family

Arley Decker and Family

Date: 1925

Sawmill Employees

A photograph of Potlatch Lumber Company's supt. of the cedar pole division, Arley Decker with his wife Charlotte (A.W. Laird's...

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Princeton Grade School

Princeton Grade School

Date: 1923

School Students

A photograph of the children in grades 5-8 at the Princeton Grade School.

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Potlatch Old Timers

Potlatch Old Timers

Date: 1975

Town Residents

A photograph of a dozen of the oldest Potlatch Old-Timers.

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Harvard, ID School House

Harvard, ID School House

Date: 1911

School House

A photograph of children in front of the school house in Harvard, ID.

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Librarian Jesse Metcalf

Librarian Jesse Metcalf

Date: 1925

Town Library

A photograph of Potlatch's early city library in the basement of the Union Church with the librarian Jesse Metcalf.

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The Great Western Copper Company

The Great Western Copper Company

Date: 1909-01-13

Meeting Letter

A letter to William Deary from A.A. McDonald the Great Western Copper Company asking him to attend a meeting on...

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Homes of Officials and Superintendents Layout

Homes of Officials and Superintendents Layout

Date: 1910

Map Homes

A hand drawn map of the homes of officials and superintendents of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Lone Pine Tree

Lone Pine Tree

Date: 1988

A lone pine tree near a fenace and road on the Clausen Place on Deep Creek. Photograph taken in May,...

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More Homes of Officials and Superintendents

More Homes of Officials and Superintendents

Date: 1910

Homes Officials

Photographs of the homes of officials and superintendents of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Main Office

Main Office

Date: 1920

Office Building

A photograph of Potlatch Lumber Company's main office that was built in 1916 and is now City Hall.

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Potlatch Residence

Potlatch Residence

Date: 1906

Old Town house

A photograph of a home at 315 Spruce that was built in 1906

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Homes of Officials and Superintendents

Homes of Officials and Superintendents

Date: 1910

Homes Officials

Photographs of the homes of officials and superintendents of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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Miss Mabel Kelly

Miss Mabel Kelly

Date: 1950

Sawmill Employees

A photograph and article announcing the retirement of Miss Mabel Kelley a long time office secretary of the Potlatch Lumber...

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Main Office-2

Main Office-2

Date: 1920

Office Building

A photograph of Potlatch Lumber Company�s main office.

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Land Dept. Office

Land Dept. Office

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of the Land Dept. Office with Leo Morris, Margorie Balch Stapleton, and Alice Carr Hodge.

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A.W. Laird's Office

A.W. Laird's Office

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of Mr. A.W. Laird's office. He was the general manager of the Potlatch Lumber Company from 1913-1931.

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Miss Mabel Kelly

Miss Mabel Kelly

Date: 1950

Sawmill Employees

A photograph and article about Miss Mabel Kelley a long time office secretary of the Potlatch Lumber Company.

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W.D. Humiston's Office

W.D. Humiston's Office

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of the office of land agent W.D. Humiston.

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Clausen Deep Creek

Clausen Deep Creek

Date: 1908

Fences and fields near the Clausen Place in Deep Creek.

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W.D. Humiston's Office (opposite)

W.D. Humiston's Office (opposite)

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph with the opposite view of the office of land agent W.D. Humiston.

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Lumber Sales Department

Lumber Sales Department

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of the lumber sales department with H.L. Pelen, H.W. Chatterton, David Rossenberry, and Max Williamson.

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W.I.& M. Depot

W.I.& M. Depot

Date: 1915

Public Building

A photograph of the first completed public building in Potlatch; the W.I. & M. Depot.

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Harry Gleave

Harry Gleave

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of Potlatch City Marshall and town site supt. Harry Gleave at his desk.

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Stenographic Staff

Stenographic Staff

Date: 1918

Office Building

A photograph of the stenographic staff: Mabel Kelly, Margorie B. Stapleton, Viviene Van Nettan, Adele Lampert, and Elsie Pederson.

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Wm. Deary Memorial

Wm. Deary Memorial

Date: 1921

Memorial buildings

A photograph of Wm. Deary's memorial with the Potlatch Hotel on the right and PAAC gym on the left.

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Junction of Sixth & Pine

Junction of Sixth & Pine

Date: 1915

Building Lot

A photograph looking northeast by the junction of Sixth and Pine where City Hall (old Potlatch Lumber Company Main Office)...

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Larch Street

Larch Street

Date: 1915

town Street

A photograph looking north up Larch Street.

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Water Reservoir Construction

Water Reservoir Construction

Date: 1915

Water Reservoir

A photograph of the 1,000,000 gallon city water reservoir under construction.

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Banquet in Gymnasium

Banquet in Gymnasium

Date: 1915

Banquet Gymnasium

A photograph of a banquet in the gymnasium for an unknown occasion.

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Nirk, Zedeker, and Clausen Places

Nirk, Zedeker, and Clausen Places

Date: 1908

John Nirk Place - Zedeker Place (Center) and Clausen Place (Left). Several buildings and fields.

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First Potlatch Postmaster

First Potlatch Postmaster

Date: 1915

Postmaster Homes

A photograph of the first Potlatch Postmaster Mr. and Mrs. Smith, son Stanley on horse. At 655 Spruce. Other person...

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Road into Potlatch

Road into Potlatch

Date: 1906-04-20

Town Roads

A photograph of the road into Potlatch from the west.

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Saturday Night Crowd

Saturday Night Crowd

Date: 1915

Group Portrait Recreation

A photograph of the Saturday Night Crowd in Onaway.

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Potlatch Brick Plant Location

Potlatch Brick Plant Location

Date: 1914

Town Landscape

A photograph of the location of the Potlatch Brick Plant on a flat. The road to Onaway is in the...

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Growing Potlatch

Growing Potlatch

Date: 1906-02-22

Town Landscape

A photograph of Potlatch looking east from the mill site.

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North of Potlatch

North of Potlatch

Date: 1906-03-25

Scenic Landscape

A photograph of an area north of Potlatch with Gold Hill in the background.

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Homes in Wilderness

Homes in Wilderness

Date: 1906

Homes landscape

A photograph of homes in a forest.

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Old Flour Mill Dam

Old Flour Mill Dam

Date: 1910

Dam River

A photograph of the Palouse River flowing over the old flour mill dam at the east end of town.

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Flooding Palouse River

Flooding Palouse River

Date: 1910

Flooding River

A photograph looking north across the flooding Palouse River by the steel bridge.

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Broken Upper Dam

Broken Upper Dam

Date: 1910

Dam River Damage

A photograph of the broken upper dam.

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John Nirk Place

John Nirk Place

Date: 1908

Looking Northeast across fields at the John Nirk Place. Taken around 1908 to 1909.

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Palouse River Flooding Area

Palouse River Flooding Area

Date: 1910

Flooding River Bridge

A photograph of the flooding area for the Palouse River west of Potlatch. Deep Creek R.R. bridge seen in upper...

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Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Date: 1907

Catholic Church

A photograph of the Catholic Church built by the Potlatch Lumber Company in 1907.

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Potlatch State Bank Deposit Slip

Potlatch State Bank Deposit Slip

Date: 1907-05-01

Bank Slip

A deposit slip from the Potlatch State Bank for $60,000.

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Potlatch State Bank Interior

Potlatch State Bank Interior

Date: 1906-08-15

Bank Interior

A photograph of the Potlatch State Bank's interior that opened on August 15, 1906. It was managed by Mr. M.D....

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Potlatch and Moscow Ladies

Potlatch and Moscow Ladies

Date: 1950

Residents Women

A photograph of the Potlatch and Moscow Ladies Mrs. J.W. Thompson, wife Dr. Thompson; Viola McCarter, 3rd grade teacher; Carrie...

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Potlatch Hospital

Potlatch Hospital

Date: 1920

Hospital Doctors

A photograph of the Potlatch Hospital where the resident physician's were Dr. Gibson and Thompson

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J.P. Volmer Farm

J.P. Volmer Farm

Date: 1925

Farm hay Harvest

A photograph of a timothy hay harvest on the J.P. Volmer farm near Potlatch.

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Gold Hill Lookout Cabin

Gold Hill Lookout Cabin

Date: 1939

Cabin Town Residents

A photograph of the Gold Hill Lookout Cabin with Nettie and Lee Gale Jr.

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Baling Timothy Hay

Baling Timothy Hay

Date: 1925

Farm hay Harvest Baling

A photograph of a team of farmers baling timothy hay near Potlatch on the J.P. Volmer farm.

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Harvesting Oats

Harvesting Oats

Date: 1925

Farm Oats Harvest

A photograph of farmers harvesting oats on the I.E. Wolheter farm near Potlatch.

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John Nirk Place

John Nirk Place

Date: 1908

Looking North across fields at the John Nirk Place. Taken around 1908 to 1909.

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Ruhl Wedding Party

Ruhl Wedding Party

Date: 1913-07-30

Wedding Party Celebration

A photograph of a wedding party on the south side of Gold Hill north of Princeton. The group includes Emma...

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Ruhl Reception Picnic

Ruhl Reception Picnic

Date: 1913-07-30

Wedding Party Celebration Reception

A photograph of the reception picnic of the Ruhl Wedding.

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Wedding Carriage

Wedding Carriage

Date: 1913-07-30

Wedding Celebration transportation Horse Carriage

A photograph of the horse and carriage for the Ruhl wedding.

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Potlatch Family Fishing Trip

Potlatch Family Fishing Trip

Date: 1916

Fishing family River

A photograph of Lowell and Ida Thrasher with son Leon on a 1916 fishing trip to the Little North Fork...

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Group of Men

Group of Men

Date: 1915

men Rocks Group

A photograph of five men on rocks.

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Two Women

Two Women

Date: 1915

Women Outdoors Clothing

A photograph of two women in the outdoors wearing typical early 18th century clothing.

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Men By Railroad Tracks

Men By Railroad Tracks

Date: 1915

men Outdoors railroad tracks

A photograph of four men on rocks next to railroad tracks.

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Mr. Larid with Fred and Mrs. McGowan at Palouse

Mr. Larid with Fred and Mrs. McGowan at Palouse

Date: 1905

Group photo portrait lumber

Photograph of Mr. Laird with the McGowan's at the Palouse in 1905.

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Two Men by Tracks

Two Men by Tracks

Date: 1915

men Outdoors railroad tracks

A photograph of two men between a wall of rocks and railroad tracks.

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View of Potlatch looking north from Knob Hill

View of Potlatch looking north from Knob Hill

Date: 1913

Scenery photo town views

1913 photograph of the town of Potlatch, looking north from Knob Hill.

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Hauling Logs Near Alive Strong Mill

Hauling Logs Near Alive Strong Mill

Date: 1915

Ed Soncarty, Spets, and Dirty Tucker hauling logs near Alive Strong Mill.

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Mr. Larid with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McPherson

Mr. Larid with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McPherson

Date: 1905

Group photo portrait nature Outdoors

1905 Photograph of Mr. Laird and Mr. and Mrs. McPherson in front of some trees on the Palouse.

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Five Men and Chopped Wood

Five Men and Chopped Wood

Date: 1915

Group photo wood men Outdoors

A photograph of five men in front of chopped wood.

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Sunday Afternoon Activities

Sunday Afternoon Activities

Date: 1915

Group photo men Outdoors Rock Climbing

A photograph of three men after they climbed a rock wall on a Sunday afternoon near Potlatch.

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Eight Men at the Baggage Room

Eight Men at the Baggage Room

Date: 1915

Group photo men Baggage

A photograph of eight men in front of the Baggage Room.

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List of Properties for Sale

List of Properties for Sale

Date: 1912-12-13

Realty land Sale

An ad for the Princeton Realty Company in the Palouse Republic with a list of "Some of the Best Buys...

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Edward Rutledge Sternwheeler

Edward Rutledge Sternwheeler

Date: 1915

Lake Boat

A photograph of "Edward Rutledge," an old sternwheeler on lake Coeur d' Alene.

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Free Public Library at Potlatch

Free Public Library at Potlatch

Date: 1939-10-01

Library books

A newspaper article from The Family Tree about the Potlatch Free Public Library and Reading Room and it's founders, the...

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Grizzle Camp/ Laird Park

Grizzle Camp/ Laird Park

Date: 1925

River Bridge employee Couple Dam

A photograph of "a great view looking east of the original log bridge over the Palouse River at Grizzle Camp....

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Children on a Donkey

Children on a Donkey

Date: 1915

children Donkey family

A photograph of James, Gorden, Russell, and Inez Gleave on Sampson the donkey that would bray every time the mill...

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Blurry Man

Blurry Man

Date: 1910

Man Street

A blurry photograph of a man on a street.

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W. McMurray Place Tour

W. McMurray Place Tour

Date: 1984-08-11

mine tour forest group of people

A group of people on a tour of the old mine on W. McMurray Place (old Alva Strong Place) in...

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John Nirk Place

John Nirk Place

Date: 1911

The John Nirk Place North of Potlatch, ID. The Clausen buldings are labeled with by an arrow. Taken around 1911....

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The Frank Peterson Homestead

The Frank Peterson Homestead

Date: 1910

Homestead family

A photograph of the homestead of Frank Peterson adjacent to and on the north side of the lumber yard along...

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Potlatch Community Days

Potlatch Community Days

Date: 1961

Community Gathering

A photograph of Potlatch Community Days at the City Park

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Potlatch Celebrates Opening a New Library

Potlatch Celebrates Opening a New Library

Date: 2000-02-03

Education Community Building and Construction

Article from the Latah Eagle about the creation of a new library/community center in Potlatch.

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Background of the founding of the Potlatch Library

Background of the founding of the Potlatch Library

Date: 2000-02-03

Education Community Building and Construction Memorial

Continuation of the front page article, including three more columns, one about the grand opening, another about time capsules in...

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Realization of a Dream, Through Hard work and Determination

Realization of a Dream, Through Hard work and Determination

Date: 2000-02-03

Education Community Donation Memorial construction

A story about the importance of donors and memorials to the success of a new library, particularly about the funds...

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History of New (Now Old) Library

History of New (Now Old) Library

Date: 2000-02-03

history Education Community Donation

Newspaper column detailing the history of this public library and thanking the people who made the construction of a new...

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History of Potlatch

History of Potlatch

Date: 1970


Document outlining the history of Potlatch Lumber Co and how it was set up.

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Date: 1970

buildings railroads

View an old building. A car can be seen parked on the side of the building and a railroad track...

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Time Table Document

Time Table Document

Date: 1908

documents timetables

A document outlining the time table for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company. It documents what the station is,...

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Railway Map

Railway Map

Date: 1907

maps railways

Map showing the stations on the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway

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Sein Hansen and Maren Clausen

Sein Hansen and Maren Clausen

Date: 1928-07-01

Sein Hansen and Maren Clausen standing in the fields at Deep Creek Ranch. Pgotograph taken in July, 1928

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Passenger Train

Passenger Train

Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of a passenger train at the Potlatch depot headed for Palouse. Men can be seen standing on the sides...

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Time Table Document

Time Table Document

Date: 1906

documents timetables

A document outlining the time table for the Potlatch Lumber Company. It documents what the station is, how far the...

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Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of an "old" No. 22 locomotive that was built by the American Locomotive Co. for the Potlatch Lumber Company....

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Land Grants Document

Land Grants Document

Date: 1955

documents land grants

Document explaining information about railroad land grants in the Pacific Northwest.

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Locomotive Company Document

Locomotive Company Document

Date: 1910

documents locomotives

Document explaining the locomotive that was built for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway by the American Locomotive Company.

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Land Grants Document

Land Grants Document

Date: 1955

maps land grants

Map showing the land grants that were made by congress in order to aid in the construction of railroads in...

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Date: 1910

locomotives logging

A No. 22 locomotive that is hauling stacks of logs for Potlatch Lumber Company. Four men can be seen standing...

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Time Table Document

Time Table Document

Date: 1907

documents timetables

A document outlining the time table for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company. It documents what the station is,...

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Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of a No. 22 locomotive. The locomotive can be seen sitting in the middle of a group of railroad...

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Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of a No. 22 locomotive. The locomotive can be seen sitting on a railroad track.

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Amos Grate and John Nirk

Amos Grate and John Nirk

Date: 1908

Amos Grate and John Nirk sitting on a large cut tree.

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Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of a No. 23 locomotive. The locomotive can be seen sitting in the middle of a group of railroad...

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Time Table Document

Time Table Document

Date: 1910

documents timetables

A document outlining the time table for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company. It documents what the station is,...

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Railroad Car

Railroad Car

Date: 1910

railroad cars railroads

View of a railroad car sitting on the railroad tracks. On the side of the car, it says "Washington Idaho...

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Date: 1910

locomotives railroads

View of the "old" 23 locomotive in the Bovill yards during the winter.

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Private Rail Car

Private Rail Car

Date: 1907

railroad cars men

William Deary sitting on his private rail car. He used this often to cover operations between Palouse and Bovill. A...

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Date: 1905

locomotives men railroads

View of a No. 22 locomotive. Three men can be seen standing on the railroad tracks in front of the...

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Railroad Car

Railroad Car

Date: 1930

railroad cars railroads

View of a railroad car sitting at a railroad station. The side of the car advertises "Pres-to-logs" through the Potlatch...

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New Depot

New Depot

Date: 1905

buildings railroads railroad stations

View of the new depot that was built for the railroad. A few people can be seen sitting on the...

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WI&M Shop

WI&M Shop

Date: 1906-11-11

machine shops smithies

View of the WI&M machine and blacksmith shop taking shape. Men can be seen working on building the shop.

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Loading Logs

Loading Logs

Date: 1905

logging machines railroads

View of a machine loading logs onto a railroad car.

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Brincken and Nirk

Brincken and Nirk

Date: 1917

Fritz Brincken, John Nirk, Durell Nirk, Amel Brincken and several teams of draft animals. Photograph taken about 1917.

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Rock Creek Dam

Rock Creek Dam

Date: 1905

dams locomotives railroads

View of the Rock Creek Dam near Potlatch, Idaho. A locomotive hauling stacks of logs can be seen on the...

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WI&M Train

WI&M Train

Date: 1905

freight trains trains Ponds

View of a Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railroad combination freight and log train hauling stacks of logs. The train is...

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Town View

Town View

Date: 1905

towns passenger trains railroads

View of the town of Potlatch, Idaho as it was taking shape. The depot can be seen, along with a...

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WI&M Repair Shops

WI&M Repair Shops

Date: 1907

railroad yards repair shops

View of the WI&M repair shops in the Potlatch yards. The view shows the coal bunker, the round house, and...

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Logging Wreck

Logging Wreck

Date: 1929

railroad tracks logs wrecks

View of logging wreck. Logs can be seen surrounding the railroad tracks.

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Logging Wreck

Logging Wreck

Date: 1929

railroad tracks logs wrecks

The remnants of a logging wreck in Vassar. Logs can be seen piled up next to the railroad tracks/

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WI&M Railroad Car

WI&M Railroad Car

Date: 1909-09-20

railroad cars railroads

View of a WI&M railroad car made by the American Car Foundry Company. The car says "Baggage" and "U.S. Mail"...

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Transit Markings Catalog

Transit Markings Catalog

Date: 1992-08-11


Document of the U.S. transit markings catalog.

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WI&M Mixed Train

WI&M Mixed Train

Date: 1910

railroads mills towns

View of a WI&M mixed train leaving Potlatch going west bound. The mill and the town can be seen in...

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WI&M Railroad Car

WI&M Railroad Car

Date: 1909-09-20

railroad cars railroads

View of the inside of a railroad car built by the American Cars Foundry Company.

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John Nirk Place

John Nirk Place

Date: 1911

Buildings on the John Nirk Place North of Potlatch, ID. The Clausen buldings are labeled with by an arrow. Taken...

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Logging Train

Logging Train

Date: 1915

locomotives railroads logging

View of a locomotive pulling tacks of logs. A man can be seen sitting next to the window of the...

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The "Bug"

The "Bug"

Date: 1933


View of the "bug", which was built to replace the steam driven passenger train. It was retired after four years...

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The "Potlatcher"

The "Potlatcher"

Date: 1955

railroad cars railroads

View of the "Potlatcher", which is a streamlined passenger, mail, and express car. The railroad car was made especially for...

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Log Train

Log Train

Date: 1910

locomotives railroads logging

View of a locomotive pulling stacks of logs in Potlatch, Idaho. The railroad can be seen winding around a body...

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Round House

Round House

Date: 1910

locomotives roundhouses

The WI&M roundhouse at Potlatch. Many locomotives can be seen sitting inside the roundhouse.

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New Depot

New Depot

Date: 1910

railroads stations

The brand new depot. People can be seen standing on the seck of the new building and curtains can be...

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Maintenance yards

Maintenance yards

Date: 1907-07-24

railroads cranes

The WI&M maintenance yards at Potlatch. The Browing Crane is unloading all the logs from the flat cars into the...

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Log Train

Log Train

Date: 1915

railroads rivers logging

A locomotive pulling stacks of logs on flat cars to the mill at Potlatch. A river can be seen tot...

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Log Train

Log Train

Date: 1915

railroads rivers logging

A WI&M doubles header log train pulling logs stacked on flat cars into the mill yards. A river sits to...

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Specification Letter

Specification Letter

Date: 1909-08-24

documents locomotives

Letter by Norman B. Livermore and Co. documenting the specifications for locomotives.

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Dwight Strong

Dwight Strong

Date: 1937

Dwight Strong driving a team of horses pulling a sledge of lumber. Photograph taken in 1937.

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Specification Letter

Specification Letter

Date: 1909-08-24

documents locomotives

Letter by Norman B. Livermore and Co. documenting the specifications for locomotives.

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Specification Document

Specification Document

Date: 1906-12-03


Document outlining the specifications of the ties that the Potlatch Lumber Company is selling tot eh Chicago Milwaukee and St....

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WI&M History

WI&M History

Date: 1985-05-01

documents histories

Short hand-written document discussing a brief history of the WI&M railway. The document has a note on it about a...

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WI&M Tracks

WI&M Tracks

Date: 1910

railroad tracks

View of the WI&M tracks heading East out of Potlatch. The tracks go through the Company Ranch. The Gold Hill...

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Special Trains Document

Special Trains Document

Date: 1990-10-01

documents trains

Article, written by Tom Burg, in the MilWest Dispatch discussing the history of special trains and their use on the...

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Special Trains Document

Special Trains Document

Date: 1990-10-01

documents trains

Article, written by Tom Burg, in the MilWest Dispatch discussing the history of special trains and their use on the...

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WI&M Article

WI&M Article

Date: 1990-04-01

documents railroads

Article, written by Tom Burg, in the MilWest Dispatch discussing the history of WI&M in proposing expansions to the railway....

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First Through Train

First Through Train

Date: 1907-10-13

documents timetables

Document announcing the that the WI&M will run its first through train to Bovill. It also specifies that a stop...

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1915


View of a No. 23 locomotive. The locomotive can be seen sitting just outside the doors of a building.

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1915


View of a locomotive that can be seen hooked up to a railroad car.

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Rudolph Zimmerman Sr.

Rudolph Zimmerman Sr.

Date: 1930

Rudolph Zimmerman Sr. standing in front of a wooden wall. Photograph taken around 1930.

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Railroad Man: a conversation with W. J. Gamble W. I. & M. Ry. Co.

Railroad Man: a conversation with W. J. Gamble W. I. & M. Ry. Co.

Date: 1981-05-01

booklets locomotives articles

A booklet of containing an interview with W. J. Gamble discussing the Potlatch Lumber Company, and the Wasington, Idaho, and...

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Palouse River Bridge

Palouse River Bridge

Date: 1910

railroad tracks bridges

View of the bridge over the Palouse River, going East, just out of Harvard, Idaho. Trees can be seen lining...

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PLC Locomotive

PLC Locomotive

Date: 1915


View of a No. 24 locomotive. On the side of the locomotive it says "Potlatch Lumber Company.

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WI&M General Manager

WI&M General Manager

Date: 1950

men managers

Photo of Walter Gamble, who was the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railroad general manager from 1918 to 1951.

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Engine No. 20

Engine No. 20

Date: 1917

locomotives men

View of a No. 20 locomotive that was built in 1906 by Alco-Rogers. A few men can be seen standing...

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Engine No. 20

Engine No. 20

Date: 1917

locomotives men

View of a No. 20 locomotive that was built in 1906 by Alco-Rogers and later scrapped in the 1950's. A...

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1915

locomotives men

View of a No. 21 locomotive. A few men can be seen standing next to the locomotive.

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WI&M No. 2

WI&M No. 2

Date: 1910

locomotives steam shovels

The WI&M No. 2 locomotive wuith a steam shovel. A few men can be seen sitting on one of the...

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Bovill Depot

Bovill Depot

Date: 1910

railroads stations locomotives

View of the Bovill depot. People can be seen sitting on the deck of the depot as a locomotive pulls...

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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John Kelty and Rudolph Zimmerman

John Kelty and Rudolph Zimmerman

Date: 1918

John (Owens) Kelty and Rudolph Zimmerman standing together. Photograph taken in 1918.

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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Early Days

Early Days

Date: 1905

towns buildings

View of Deary, Idaho in the early days. A few buildings can be seen around the town and a hill...

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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Locomotive Document

Locomotive Document

Date: 1950

documents locomotives

Document presenting information about the different locomotives being used. It tells the company that owns the locomotive, the road is...

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Time Table Document

Time Table Document

Date: 1911-10-22

documents timetables

A document outlining the time table for the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Company. It documents what the station is,...

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Date: 1926


View of a locomotive, which says "Edward Rutledge Timber Co." on the side.

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Date: 1950

paintings stations

Painting of the depot in Potlatch. Many people can be seen standing around the building holding bags and a train,...

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1915

locomotives men railroads

Five men standing on and next to a WI&M locomotive. Railroad cars carrying stacks of logs can be seen on...

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The Whitney Family

The Whitney Family

Date: 1905

Pearl (Whithey), Wood (Back Row), Manly Whitney (in white shirt) and Elmer West. Photograph taken about 1905.

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The Potlatcher

The Potlatcher

Date: 1915

railroad cars men

A man handing another man, who is standing inside the railroad car, a bag. The men are loading "The Potlatcher",...

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Comparison Document

Comparison Document

Date: 1916-01-01


Document comparing the differences in the Washington, Idaho, and Northern railway Co. in 1914 and 1915. The document includes the...

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Railroad Companies

Railroad Companies

Date: 1929-08-01

documents companies railroads

Document talking about three railroad companies. It shows a may of the Beaver, Meade and Englewood Railroad company and the...

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Railroad Companies

Railroad Companies

Date: 1929

documents companies railroads

Document talking about three railroad companies. It shows a may of the Oregon, California and Eastern Railway Company and time...

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WI&M Document

WI&M Document

Date: 1926

documents letters

A letter on Washington, Idaho, and Montana Railway Co. stationary.

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WI&M Wreck

WI&M Wreck

Date: 1926

railroads wrecks

View of a WI&M train wreck on the line that was located west of Kennedy Ford headed for Palouse.

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1920

locomotives railroads men

Three men standing next to a No. 21 locomotive.

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WI&M Railroad

WI&M Railroad

Date: 1925

railroads locomotives

View of the WI&M railroad near Potlatch. A train can be seen on the railroad. This was probably a Weyerhaeuser...

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WI&M Locomotive

WI&M Locomotive

Date: 1947-07-01

locomotives railroads Ponds

A WI&M No. 21 locomotive leaving Potlatch, Idaho heading eastbound for the Wilwaukee Road interchange at Bovill, Idaho. The view...

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WI&M Wreck

WI&M Wreck

Date: 1907

wrecks passenger trains

View of a WI&M passenger train wreck near the river between Palouse and Potlatch. Men can be seen standing next...

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Minnie Kelty

Minnie Kelty

Date: 1905

A Portrait of Minnie Kelty from Deep Creek. She raised John (Owens) Kelty. The Photograph was taken in the early...

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WI&M Wreck

WI&M Wreck

Date: 1907-09-27

documents wrecks

Document describing the events of the most disastorous wreck in the history of the WI&M railroad.

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WI&M Railroad Car

WI&M Railroad Car

Date: 1925

railroad cars

View of a WI&M railroad car. The car can be seen connected to another railroad car.

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Machine Plans

Machine Plans

Date: 1915

plans documents machines

Plan of the Potlatch snow shovel. The document shows three air cylinders, which controls the nose and two wing members....

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Snow Plow

Snow Plow

Date: 1915

snowplows machines

The WI&M heavy duty snow plow.

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Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

Date: 1915

newspapers snowplows

Newspaper article about the logging railroad snow plow being used by the Potlatch Lumber Company. The article discusses the design...

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WI&M Tracks

WI&M Tracks

Date: 1915

railroads locomotives

View of a locomotive on the WI&M tracks just upriver, heading east out of Palouse.

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Group Photo

Group Photo

Date: 1920

men buildings

Group photo of the shop crew standing outside the entryway of a building. All the men are wearing overalls and...

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Weyerhaeuser Private Train

Weyerhaeuser Private Train

Date: 1913-09-23

trains railroads

The Weyerhaeuser private train in the WI&M yards at Potlatch, Idaho. The train is going either to or from the...

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Group Photo

Group Photo

Date: 1920

men crew lists

List of the men who were part of the WI&M shop crew.

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WI&M Passenger Train

WI&M Passenger Train

Date: 1910

railroad tracks passenger trains

Early view of the WI&M passenger train surrounded by snow. The train can be seen on the railroad tracks.

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Haying and threshing crews

Haying and threshing crews

Date: 1900-01-01

horses haying threshing fields workers

Five threshing and haying crews stand for a picture in a field. Each team of horses contained four horses

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Threshing crews at L.E. Gilmores

Threshing crews at L.E. Gilmores

Date: 1900-01-01

horses farming equipment threshing workers

The Starner and Churchill threshing crews threshing at L.E. Gilmores, near Palouse, Washington

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Threshing grain in the field

Threshing grain in the field

Date: 1900-01-01

fields farming equipment workers

Threshing crews finishing up harvest, bagging grains and piling straw after its been threshed. Vern Clark is pictured.

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Harvest activities in the field

Harvest activities in the field

Date: 1900-01-01

grain hay horses equipment

A team drives along the grain with a binder behind them that trimmed the hay to be bound by other...

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Tilling fields at L.E. Gilmores

Tilling fields at L.E. Gilmores

Date: 1900-01-01

horses farming fields

Crews getting ready to till the fields for the winter. Vern Clark is pictured in the middle of the photograph....

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Threshing at L.E. Gilmores

Threshing at L.E. Gilmores

Date: 1900-01-01

horses farming equipment threshing workers

The Starner and Churchill threshing crews threshing at L.E. Gilmores, near Palouse, Washington

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Vern and Archie Clark pose with photographs

Vern and Archie Clark pose with photographs

Date: 1900-01-01

horses men

Vern Clark and Archie Clark stand for a photograph with their horses. Vern is on the left and Archie is...

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Bysegger wood lot

Bysegger wood lot

Date: 1900-01-01

horses wood

Bysegger wood lot with family member, horses, and stacks of wood

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Charlie , Clara and Eddie Bysegger plowing with horse

Charlie , Clara and Eddie Bysegger plowing with horse

Date: 1900-01-01

horses farming

Charlie , Clara and Eddie Bysegger plowing with horse

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Byseggers with hay harvest

Byseggers with hay harvest

Date: 1900-01-01

horses hay Harvest farming

The Byseggers and crew with bales and piles of hay.

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Bysegger homestead clear cut

Bysegger homestead clear cut

Date: 1900-01-01

homesteads barns buildings

Bysegger homestead with barns and outbuildings surrounded by downed trees

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Unkown individuals from turn of the century

Unkown individuals from turn of the century

Date: 1900-01-01


Four photographic portraits of men and women from the turn of the century.

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Lynd Deep Creek homestead with family

Lynd Deep Creek homestead with family

Date: 1900-01-01

homesteads families horses farming Livestock

In 1884, Samuel and Elizabeth Tipton Lynd homesteaded Deep Creek Ranch. They originally came from Lawrence County, Ohio with their...

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Logging on the Katzenberger property

Logging on the Katzenberger property

Date: 1900-01-01

saws timber forests

Photograph of John Valentine (J.V., in the middle) with a dog and another man on the Katzenberger property. The two...

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W.I & M depot during construction

W.I & M depot during construction

Date: 1900-01-01

railroads railroad stations

The Washington, Idaho & Montana railroad depot during its construction. Freshly laid tracks can be seen in front of the...

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Family at homestead

Family at homestead

Date: 1900-01-01

families horses

Vern, Jane, and Lyman Clark in front of their homestead. Vern holds the reins to a three horse team.

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Freeze Church

Freeze Church

Date: 1900-01-01

churches horses

View of Freeze Church, which was built in 1899. A group of people are gathered in the front of the...

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Andrew Lynd mini biography

Andrew Lynd mini biography

Date: 1903-01-01

local histories Education farming Livestock families

An excerpt from the History of North Idaho about Andrew Lynd and his family history, as well as his contributions...

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Bysegger Threshing Crew

Bysegger Threshing Crew

Date: 1900-01-01

treshing fields

Gotfried Bysegger custom threshing crew on Soncarty place

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Rohn children

Rohn children

Date: 1900-01-01

families children

Fred, Francis, and Frank Rohn as children.

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Willie Bysegger herding sheep

Willie Bysegger herding sheep

Date: 1900-01-01

homesteads sheep (Ovis aries)

On the Bysegger homestead

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Bysegger family

Bysegger family

Date: 1900-01-01

families portraits

Names read as subjects appear, left to right: Fred, John, Charlie, and Willie. Emma, Ida and Grandpa Bysegger. Grandma Bysegger....

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Bysegger custom threshing crew

Bysegger custom threshing crew

Date: 1900-01-01

threshing fields

The Bysegger threshing crew bringing in freshly threshed wheat and grain to be stored.

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Then and now picture of barn in northern Latah County

Then and now picture of barn in northern Latah County

Date: 1900-01-01

barns threshing fields

Barn near Freeze Church in northern Latah County. Black and white photo with Bysegger threshing crew, modern photo with Norman...

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Bysegger custom threshing crew

Bysegger custom threshing crew

Date: 1900-01-01

threshing fields

The Bysegger threshing crew with an erected wooden structure in the background.

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Katzenberger homestead

Katzenberger homestead

Date: 1900-01-01

homesteads log cabins corrals forests

Photograph of the Katzenberger place.

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Elmore homestead

Elmore homestead

Date: 1900-01-01

homesteads fields horses wood

The Elmore place before 1900. The old house still stands behind the home. Charley Bysegger built there.

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Nirk Family portrait

Nirk Family portrait

Date: 1900-01-01

portraits families

The Nirk family portrait. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Nirk, John Matthew; Allen, Bertha...

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Bysegger home place

Bysegger home place

Date: 1900-01-01

Homestead buildings horses

Fred (Gottsfried) Bysegger home place. The house at the foot of the hill is the first home. Pictured are the...

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Deed to parcel of land that Andrew Lynd purchased

Deed to parcel of land that Andrew Lynd purchased

Date: 1905-06-16

homesteads local histories maps farming

The deed to the parcel of land, containing just under 160 acres, that Andrew Lynd purchased in 1905. Andrew also...

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Fred Bysegger family portrait

Fred Bysegger family portrait

Date: 1900-01-01

portraits families

Fred Bysegger and his family. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Bysegger, Emma; Bysegger, Ida;...

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Robert W. McKown with his self-propelling combine

Robert W. McKown with his self-propelling combine

Date: 1905-01-01

combines men equipment workers

Robert W. McKown stands beside his self-propelling combine. It was the first and only self-propelling in the region at the...

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Self-propelling combine on its side

Self-propelling combine on its side

Date: 1905-01-01

combines accidents workers farming

Robert W. McKown stands atop his self-propelling combine after it fell onto its side.

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Harvesting near Garfield

Harvesting near Garfield

Date: 1905-01-01

combines fields portraits

Robert W. McKown and his team ride his self-propelling combine up a hill near Garfield, Washington during harvest.

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Edward ""Eddie"" Bysegger as an infant

Edward ""Eddie"" Bysegger as an infant

Date: 1905-01-01

portraits children

Portrait in a high chair as a baby.

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Edward ""Eddie"" Bysegger informal portrait as an infant

Edward ""Eddie"" Bysegger informal portrait as an infant

Date: 1905-01-01

portraits children

Portrait as a baby in a high chair.

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Byseggers and Davis harvest crew

Byseggers and Davis harvest crew

Date: 1905-01-01

horses fields

Headders at Work in Horse Heaven, tributary to Kennewick WA

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Andrew and Mary Matilda Lynd

Andrew and Mary Matilda Lynd

Date: 1905-01-01

portraits marriage families local histories

Andrew and Mary Matilda Lynd came to Potlatch in 1884 with Samuel and Elizabeth Tipton Lynd. After Samuel passed away...

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Boise Meridian Map

Boise Meridian Map

Date: 1905-01-01

maps towns

A map of the Boise Meridian. On the sides of the map, details are given about certain locations.

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John and Durell Nirk felling timber (2)

John and Durell Nirk felling timber (2)

Date: 1905-01-01

men saws forests

John Matthew and his son Durell Irving Nirk

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John and Durell Nirk felling timber

John and Durell Nirk felling timber

Date: 1905-04-03

saws timber

John Matthew and son Durell Irving Nirk stand with a saw preparing to fell timber.

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Bell Mill

Bell Mill

Date: 1905-01-01

mills men logs

The Bell Mill on Deep Creek. A group of men can be seen standing on and around logs in front...

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Rohn Homestead near Walla Walla

Rohn Homestead near Walla Walla

Date: 1907-01-01

homesteads houses

John Jacob Rohn's homestead on Mill Creek east of Walla Walla, WA. Curt Rohn's Grandfather. Elmer, Fred, Frank, Gladys, and...

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Kennedy Ford Grange

Kennedy Ford Grange

Date: 1906-01-01

granges farms

View of the Kennedy Ford Grange, which was built in 1906.

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Andy Smith Family

Andy Smith Family

Date: 1907-01-01

families houses

The Andy Smith family standing outside a house. The child can be seen sitting on a horse. The home later...

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Drying lumber at the Potlatch Sawmill

Drying lumber at the Potlatch Sawmill

Date: 1911-01-01

picture postcards mills

Postcard depicting a long shot of drying lumber piles at the Potlatch Sawmill.

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Starner Home

Starner Home

Date: 1908-01-01

homesteads buildings fields

Looking north fromm the Starner Home in Freeze, Idaho. Buildings can be seen on the homestead.

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Homemade Steam Engine

Homemade Steam Engine

Date: 1908-01-01

steam engines equipment

A homemade steam engine built by Ed. Marsh.

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Blacksmith Shop

Blacksmith Shop

Date: 1908-01-01

Stores men

View of Ed Marsh's blacksmith shop in Freeze, Idaho. Two men can be seen standing in the doorway of the...

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Fritz and August Leistner on their homestead

Fritz and August Leistner on their homestead

Date: 1908-01-01

lumber homesteads

Fritz and August Leistner in the center foreground on their homestead joined the Bysegger homestead (south); the Elmore place in...

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Herman Voss Place

Herman Voss Place

Date: 1910-01-01

homesteads houses

View of the Herman Voss Place.

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Freeze Flat

Freeze Flat

Date: 1910-01-01

fields hills

View of a Freeze flat in Idaho. A few hills can be seen in the distance.

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Link and Friends

Link and Friends

Date: 1910-01-01

men Women

Link standing with Mr. and Mrs. Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. John Nirk.

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Hotel and Store

Hotel and Store

Date: 1910-01-01

Stores hotels

View of the hotel and a store in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Men on Felled Log

Men on Felled Log

Date: 1908-01-01

logs men

Amos Grate and John nirk sitting on a fallen log.

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Threshing Grain

Threshing Grain

Date: 1910-01-01

threshing horses

Threshing grain with horse teams near Colfax, Washington.

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Postcard depicting the Potlatch Mill: 1911

Postcard depicting the Potlatch Mill: 1911

Date: 1911-04-07

picture postcards mills

Postcard to Rose Katzenberger from Charles Bysegger, depicting a long shot of the Potlatch Mill.

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Hans Beplate and Victor

Hans Beplate and Victor

Date: 1910-01-01

horses men

Hans Beplate and Victor Beplate standing next to a team of three horses.

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Horse Show

Horse Show

Date: 1910-01-01

horses events

A horse show in Potlatch, Idaho. A few men can be seen standing in between the horses and more men...

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Men playing cards

Men playing cards

Date: 1910-01-01

men card games

Posed photo with caption ""tough guys."" John, Paul and August Leistner. Likely in kitchen at old Bysegger homestead.

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White Pine King on car in Potlatch, ID

White Pine King on car in Potlatch, ID

Date: 1913-04-03

picture postcards railroads lumber white pine

Postcard of White Pine King on car, scaled 29,800 feet.

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Interior view of the Potlatch Mercantile Company

Interior view of the Potlatch Mercantile Company

Date: 1913-10-09

mercantile buildings chairs

Interior view of the Potlatch Mercantile Company furniture department

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Bysegger Survey Crew

Bysegger Survey Crew

Date: 1910-01-01

horses carts forests

N.G.S. Topgraphical party led by Fred Bysegger.

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Fred Bysegger

Fred Bysegger

Date: 1910-01-01

horses fields

Fred Bysegger plowing with two horse team.

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Bysegger haying crew

Bysegger haying crew

Date: 1910-01-01

horses hay forests

The Bysegger haying crew, outside of Potlatch, Idaho.

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Threshing crew at harvest

Threshing crew at harvest

Date: 1910-01-01

lumber equipment fields

Threshing crew out threshing wheat during the harvest.

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John Nirk Place

John Nirk Place

Date: 1911-01-01

homesteads fields houses

View of John Nirk's place, which is located north of Potlatch, Idaho.

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Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark

Date: 1911-01-01

families houses

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark standing on the porch of a house.

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John Nirk homestead

John Nirk homestead

Date: 1911-01-01

homesteads fields

A photograph of John Nirk's place about nine miles north of Potlatch, Idaho.

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The original Nirk homestead

The original Nirk homestead

Date: 1911-01-01

homesteads buildings

The original John Nirk place north of Potlatch. This is where Cleora was born.

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Haying at the Bysegger place

Haying at the Bysegger place

Date: 1910-01-01

balers horses wagons Women children

Bysegger hay baler on the Bysegger place. From left to right: Elwood Hicks, Willie Bysegger, George Teas, Ed Soncarty, John...

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Selling force and delivery wagons of the Potlatch Mercantile Company

Selling force and delivery wagons of the Potlatch Mercantile Company

Date: 1913-01-01

mercantile buildings Group Portrait men Women horses carts (transportation) streets

A group portrait of the selling force and delivery wagons of the Potlatch Mercantile Company in Potlatch, ID.

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Potlatch Mercantile Company

Potlatch Mercantile Company

Date: 1913-10-10

Stores tools

The Vehicle and Implement Department of the Potlatch Mercantile Company, located in Potlatch, Idaho. This was the old townsite where...

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Davis Farm looking towards the orchards.

Davis Farm looking towards the orchards.

Date: 1914-01-01

farming horses combines

Davis Farm looking towards the orchards.

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Roscoe Davis

Roscoe Davis

Date: 1914-01-01

portrait men

Portrait of Roscoe Davis who died in a car accident at 22

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Goldie Clyde and her Sunday school class

Goldie Clyde and her Sunday school class

Date: 1914-01-01

children churches

Sunday School class pictured outside of old Union Church that burnt down. Goldie Clyde in the photo.

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Nirk-Bysegger-Allen-Strong family photo

Nirk-Bysegger-Allen-Strong family photo

Date: 1914-09-30

portraits families houses

Family portrait of the Nirk-Bysegger-Allen-Strong families

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Bertha and John Nirk with Durell and Mary and Cleora

Bertha and John Nirk with Durell and Mary and Cleora

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits family children

Standing are Bertha Allen Nirk and John Matthew Nirk. Seated are Mary Bysegger Nirk and Durell Nirk holding daughter Cleora...

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Group Photo

Group Photo

Date: 1919-01-01

men Women

A group photo of Art Kislig (1), Mrs. Kislig (2), Jim Edmonds (3), Leta Kislig (4), Walt Kislig (5), Edith...

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Durell Nirk sits with his daughter Cleora

Durell Nirk sits with his daughter Cleora

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits family children

Durrell Nirk sits with his daughter Cleora Anna in his lap in a chair outside.

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Gathered at Last

Gathered at Last

Date: 1920-01-01

sheet music composition

Sheet music written and composed by the school superintendent. Became a high school teacher without a high school diploma. In...

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Bailing crew (2)

Bailing crew (2)

Date: 1920-01-01

farming horses

Fritz Leistner Baling Crew on home place. Jolson's Model-T Ford. 1. Edith Kisling, 2. Walt Kislig, 3. Fritz Leistner

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Self-Propelling Combine

Self-Propelling Combine

Date: 1920-01-01

combines fields

A self-propelling combine working in the fields.

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Bailing crew (3)

Bailing crew (3)

Date: 1920-01-01

farming horses

Fritz Leistner Baling on Home Place

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Draft horse teams near Potlatch

Draft horse teams near Potlatch

Date: 1915-01-01

farming horses

Louie Gilmore's outfit. In 2017 owned by Fred Rohn. Located west of Potlatch.

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Cora Exchange

Cora Exchange

Date: 1920-01-01

buildings fences

View of the Cora exchange.

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Old Kellmer Place

Old Kellmer Place

Date: 1920-01-01

homesteads builngs logs

The old Kellmer place. Stacks of logs can be seen piled up outside the buildings.

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Alva Strong Sawmill

Alva Strong Sawmill

Date: 1920-01-01

mills snow

Alva Strong Mill at Middle Deep Creek when covered in snow.

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Cora Exchange

Cora Exchange

Date: 1920-01-01

buildings homesteads

View of the Cora exchange and the post office. Before the 1950's, this was John Sanrock's place and from then...

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Three young couples

Three young couples

Date: 1920-01-01


Durell Nirk married to Mary Bysegger Nirk, Charles Bysegger married to Rose Katsenberger Bysegger, Edd Soncarty married to Ida Bysegger...

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Leona Carscallin in the cook house

Leona Carscallin in the cook house

Date: 1920-01-01

Women harvesting cooks

Leona Carscallin in the cook house where she cooked for the harvest for Durell Nirk.

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Nirk homestead

Nirk homestead

Date: 1920-01-01

homesteads barns

Durell and Mary Nirks place taken from hill south of the house.

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Durell Nirk and pet dog

Durell Nirk and pet dog

Date: 1920-01-01

portraits children dogs (Canis)

Durell Irving Nirk and his little dog ""Toots""

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Baling hay on the Nirk property

Baling hay on the Nirk property

Date: 1920-01-01

equipment hay

Bysegger hay baler, baling hay on the John Nirk place. John Nirks team of horses

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High school mens basketball team

High school mens basketball team

Date: 1920-01-01

basketball men

Postcard of high school men's basketball team taken in front of the old gymnasium. The name Chuck Johnson is on...

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View down 6th Street in Potlatch, Idaho

View down 6th Street in Potlatch, Idaho

Date: 1920-01-01

towns Stores churches automobiles

A view down 6th street. Potlatch Mercantile Store can be seen to the right front of the photograph, and the...

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Gold Hill Tower lookout

Gold Hill Tower lookout

Date: 1920-01-01

picture postcards towers

Postcard of Gold Hill Tower lookout with a couple standing at the top.

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Potlatch Lumber Company mill

Potlatch Lumber Company mill

Date: 1920-01-01

picture postcards lumber mill

A postcard of the Potlatch Lumber Company mill.

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Bysegger family portrait

Bysegger family portrait

Date: 1920-10-26

houses families

Lois, Will, and Eugene Bysegger standing in front of an unidentified house.

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Gathering at Fred Rohn place

Gathering at Fred Rohn place

Date: 1921-01-01

families houses

Taken at the place owned by Fred Rohn in 1921. Back row, Fred Rohn, Francis Rohn, Ma Rohn, Frankie McCown,...

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Alva Strong Sawmill Middle Deep Creek

Alva Strong Sawmill Middle Deep Creek

Date: 1921-01-01

mills logs

Alva Strong Mill at Middle Deep Creek, Ezra Graff, James Strong, Agnes Strong, Mrs. Rumbel, Edna Strong on Tramway, about...

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Wedding portrait of Ed and Ida Soncarty

Wedding portrait of Ed and Ida Soncarty

Date: 1921-01-01

couples weddings

Ed and Ida Bysegger Soncarty's wedding . He was 31, she was seventeen.

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Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Allen

Date: 1922-06-11


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Allen (Grandma Bertha Nirks parents)

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Edd and Ida Soncarty Wedding

Edd and Ida Soncarty Wedding

Date: 1921-01-01

weddings couples

Edward Oscar Soncarty and Ida Matilda Byegger's Wedding at Colfax, WA Presbyterian Church.

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Bailing crew (1)

Bailing crew (1)

Date: 1923-01-01

farming horses

Fritz Leistner Baling Crew near Palouse

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Durell Nirks first sawmill

Durell Nirks first sawmill

Date: 1923-01-01

lumber mills

Durell Nirks first sawmill east of the barn on the home place (Bysegger)

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Lumber production at Durell Nirk's first sawmill

Lumber production at Durell Nirk's first sawmill

Date: 1923-01-01

lumber forests

Durell Nirks first sawmill east of the barn on the home place (Bysegger)

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Charley Bysegger and Ed Soncarty with rabbits

Charley Bysegger and Ed Soncarty with rabbits

Date: 1923-01-01

men hunting rabbits

Charley Bysegger (left) and Ed Soncarty (right) with Jack rabbits in Colorado Springs when Ed and Ida Soncarty visted them...

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Eddie Bysegger with coyote pelts

Eddie Bysegger with coyote pelts

Date: 1923-01-01

men hunting dogs (Canis) pelts

Eddie Bysegger poses with coyote pelts. Eddie would sell pelts to supplement the farms income.

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Panorama of Pine Street

Panorama of Pine Street

Date: 1924-01-01

panoramic photography sawmills buildings

A panoramic image of Pine Street, showing all of the original buildings near the saw mill. Numbers correlate to building...

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Tilling by horse teams (1)

Tilling by horse teams (1)

Date: 1915-01-01

farming horses

Several multi-horse teams tilling. Louie Gilmore's outfit. Bill Leistner and Jim Woods in crew.

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Max Davis

Max Davis

Date: 1925-01-01

portraits children

Portrait of Max Davis as a child

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Swimming in Snake River

Swimming in Snake River

Date: 1925-01-01

rivers swimming

Friends swimming near Central Ferry. Left to right, Gene Snider, Frank Rohn, Sadie (Leistner) Wilcox, Fred Rohn, Loretta Herman, Rances...

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John Bysegger

John Bysegger

Date: 1925-01-01

portraits men

Portrait of John Bysegger

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Mountain Home School District students

Mountain Home School District students

Date: 1925-01-01

schools students

Mountain Home School, District no. 1, Latah County. Ed Woolverton, Henry Keilmer, Farrell Crithfield, James Strong, Idell Woolverton, Pearl Kellmer,...

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Rohn children

Rohn children

Date: 1925-01-01

families children

Gladis, Jake and Elmer Rohn as children.

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Charlie and Rose

Charlie and Rose

Date: 1914-12-25

portraits couples holidays

Christmas portrait for Emma Bysegger from Charlie and Rose

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Conklin Place

Conklin Place

Date: 1926-01-01

horses fields

Howard Wilcox, Leta Kislic, Ivan Clark, Rose Clark, Alfred Weible, Bill Leisther, Bud McKown, Art Kislig, Dave Kelmer, Randolph Zimmerman,...

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Soncarty sawmill

Soncarty sawmill

Date: 1925-01-01

mills lumber

At mill Edd Soncarty cut the lumber to build their new house and barn, which is now on National Register...

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Announcement of Santa Claus Day

Announcement of Santa Claus Day

Date: 1927-01-01

documents announcements

The Potlatch Mercantile Company announced the Santa Claus Day event

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Gibbs Homestead

Gibbs Homestead

Date: 1928-01-01

houses homesteads

Gibbs house around Mountain Home

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Grandma Bysegger and Grandson Max Davis

Grandma Bysegger and Grandson Max Davis

Date: 1927-01-01

houses children

A portrait of Grandma Bysegger and grandson Max Davis at Darrell and Mary Nirks place.

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Bysegger homestead

Bysegger homestead

Date: 1928-01-01

houses homesteads

Emaa Bysegger with her mother and father on homestead

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Pupils List

Pupils List

Date: 1928-01-01

teachers Women documents

Picture of Roberta McBride Nygaard, Albert Clausen's teacher at Burden School in 1928. Next to her picture is a list...

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Declaration of 50th Anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton

Declaration of 50th Anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton

Date: 1928-03-13

histories documents letters

A hand-written history and summary of 50 years of marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton, and an invitation to...

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New barn at Soncarty Farm

New barn at Soncarty Farm

Date: 1928-01-01

farming families barns

New barn on the Edd Soncarty farm, built in 1928. Now on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Portrait of Nirk-Soncarty-Davis-Katzenberg families

Portrait of Nirk-Soncarty-Davis-Katzenberg families

Date: 1930-01-01

portraits family children

Picture taken on Charley Byseggers place when all the families were home to visit one summer. Left to right back...

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Palouse High School class picture

Palouse High School class picture

Date: 1930-01-01

children schools portraits

Group photograph of several Palouse high school students. Pictured in the front row from left to right: L. Hilman, G....

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Edward (Eddie) Bysegger with fish

Edward (Eddie) Bysegger with fish

Date: 1930-01-01

Fishing camping tents

Eddie standing outside of a tent holding a line of fish he caught .

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Potlatch, Idaho Panorama

Potlatch, Idaho Panorama

Date: 1930-01-01

panoramic photography towns sawmills lumber

A panoramic image of Potlatch, Idaho

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Potlatch Post Office

Potlatch Post Office

Date: 1930-01-01

post offices buildings

The Post Office in Potlatch, Idaho. The building is no longer standing.

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Mill and lumber yard

Mill and lumber yard

Date: 1930-01-01

panoramic photography sawmills lumberyards

Panoramic photograph of the Potlatch Mill and Lumber Yard.

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Threshing Grain

Threshing Grain

Date: 1930-01-01

farming threshing horses

Threshing grain with horse team

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Rock Creek Bridge

Rock Creek Bridge

Date: 1930-01-01

rivers bridges

Rock Creek bridge and dam across the Palouse River at Potlatch. American Legion Cabin on hill in the background.

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Rohn family

Rohn family

Date: 1930-01-01

families automobiles

Family photo in front of car and with bicycle

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Venna Comstock

Venna Comstock

Date: 1930-01-01

horses carriages

Venna Comstock sitting in a wheeled chair, which is hooked up to a horse.

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Deep Creek view looking NE from Old Conklin House; John McManama Place

Deep Creek view looking NE from Old Conklin House; John McManama Place

Date: 1930-01-01

fields farming

McManama Place Fritz Leistner digging potatoes about 1920

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Burden School 3rd School House

Burden School 3rd School House

Date: 1930-01-01


A group of students standing against the wall of the Burden School 3rd school house.

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Guy Parnell sawmill

Guy Parnell sawmill

Date: 1930-01-01


Guy Parnell sawmill on what is Dale Slagle Place today.

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Ida Soncarty in her garden

Ida Soncarty in her garden

Date: 1930-01-01

gardens Women

Ida Soncarty stands behind a wheelbarrow full of tubers and squash in her garden at the Soncarty farm.

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Bysegger get together

Bysegger get together

Date: 1930-01-01

families parties

A group portrait of the Bysegger families during a gathering.

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Ida Soncarty with hogs

Ida Soncarty with hogs

Date: 1930-01-01

pigs (Sus) farms

Ida raised hogs for the family and to sell

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Ida Soncarty with Norman

Ida Soncarty with Norman

Date: 1930-01-01

families infants

Ida with baby son Norman.

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Anna Trachsel Bysegger and Gottfried Bysegger

Anna Trachsel Bysegger and Gottfried Bysegger

Date: 1930-01-01

portraits families

Anna Trachsel Bysegger and Gottfried Bysegger were the parents of Mary Nirks.

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Potlatch High School

Potlatch High School

Date: 1930-01-01

schools students

Potlatch High School where Dwight and Cleora attended.

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Potlatch High School sophomore girl's basketball team

Potlatch High School sophomore girl's basketball team

Date: 1931-01-01

Women basketball schools

Photograph of the Potlatch sophomore girl's basketball team posing in front of the elementary school, basketball in hand. From left...

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Lois, John, and John Jr. Bysegger

Lois, John, and John Jr. Bysegger

Date: 1933-01-01

portraits families

Portrait of Lois, John, and John Jr. of the Bysegger family

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Soncarty farm

Soncarty farm

Date: 1931-01-01

tractors automobiles fields

Lowell Soncarty with the tractor and sister Shirley (Sissy) in the old Model-T Ford. Gathering up old junk.

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Edd Soncarty with sons

Edd Soncarty with sons

Date: 1933-01-01

horses tractors

Edd with sons Lowell and Norman on horse-drawn tractor

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Friends with cars

Friends with cars

Date: 1934-01-01

automobiles families

At Edd and Ida Soncarty's place. Edd is in center, Ida is to the right holding daughter Shirley, rest of...

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Cleora Nirk Strong on her 16th birthday

Cleora Nirk Strong on her 16th birthday

Date: 1934-01-01

Women birthdays parties

A photograph of Cleora Nirk on her Sweet 16th birthday.

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Class photo for Potlatch High School

Class photo for Potlatch High School

Date: 1935-01-01

yearbooks students

The class photograph for Potlatch High School class of 1935. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to...

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Steam engine tractor

Steam engine tractor

Date: 1934-01-01

saws steam engines

Cutting wood with old swinging buzz saw. Edd Soncarty on top of his steam engine, Lowell and Norman sitting on...

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Men with tractor

Men with tractor

Date: 1935-01-01

tractors farming

Felix Stapleton, Fred Rohn, and Jake Rohn.

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Ned Hanna's 1927 Chev.

Ned Hanna's 1927 Chev.

Date: 1935-01-01


Ned Hanna's 1927 Chev at the Deep creek old pine tree looking SE.

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Dwight Strong hauling logs to sawmill

Dwight Strong hauling logs to sawmill

Date: 1937-01-01

lumber horses forests

Dwight with a lead of logs ready for the sawmill

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Soncarty's logging

Soncarty's logging

Date: 1935-01-01

families timber

Edd Soncarty with sons Lowell and Norman. Cutting timber for home. Milled on site.

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Roy and Max Davis on horseback

Roy and Max Davis on horseback

Date: 1938-01-01

horses houses

Roy and Max Davis on horseback at the Bean house at Yellow Dog

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Don Daily on horseback

Don Daily on horseback

Date: 1938-01-01

horses houses

Don Daily sits on horseback outside the Bean home.

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Roy and Max Davis with Sonny McMasters

Roy and Max Davis with Sonny McMasters

Date: 1938-01-01

horses houses

Roy and Max Davis and Sonny McMasters on horseback at the Bean home.

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Soncarty home

Soncarty home

Date: 1938-01-01

families houses construction

Building new Soncarty home. Ida, Shirley, Lowell, Edd and Norman.

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Cleora Nirk Strong graduation portrait

Cleora Nirk Strong graduation portrait

Date: 1938-01-01

Women portraits commencements

A portrait of Cleora Nirk Strong upon her graduation from high school.

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Arthur Strong and Durell Nirk

Arthur Strong and Durell Nirk

Date: 1938-01-01

men houses

Arthur Strong and Durell Nirk stand wearing hats in front of a house.

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Isla (Bysegger) Leigh

Isla (Bysegger) Leigh

Date: 1939-01-01

portraits Women

Portrait of Isla Bysegger as a High School graduate.

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Casual portrait of Nirk family

Casual portrait of Nirk family

Date: 1938-01-01

portraits children families

A casual portrait of the Nirk family. Front Row: Glen, Leala and Norma Jean Nirk. Back row: Gerald, Durell, Mary,...

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Hauling Hay

Hauling Hay

Date: 1938-01-01

horses hay wagons hay

Vic Beplate and a few horses hauling hay with a cart.

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Lyle Gottschalk during a riverside race

Lyle Gottschalk during a riverside race

Date: 1939-07-01

automobiles men races

Lyle Gottschalk stands beside car #77 before the Riverside Races

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Wedding photograph of Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong

Wedding photograph of Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong

Date: 1939-09-29

couples weddings

Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong were married Sept. 29, 1939. This picture taken by Charles Bysegger in front of the...

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Lyle Gottschalk racing #77

Lyle Gottschalk racing #77

Date: 1939-07-01

automobiles men races

Lyle Gottschalk drives car #77 during the Riverside Races

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Roy and Emma Davis in front of home

Roy and Emma Davis in front of home

Date: 1940-01-01

houses families

Roy and Emma Davis standing in front of their home on Duffield Flats Road owned by Grais and Crete Davis....

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W.W. and Anna Davis

W.W. and Anna Davis

Date: 1940-01-01

homesteads houses

W.W. (Bill) Davis and wife Anna Daly Davis at homestead on Duffield Flat Road

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Two Davis men in front of a home

Two Davis men in front of a home

Date: 1940-01-01

houses men

Two Davis men standing in front of a home on Duffield Flats Road owned by Grais and Crete Davis.

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Threshing grain with tractor

Threshing grain with tractor

Date: 1940-01-01

farming threshing equipment

Threshing machine at work in the fields.

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1943 Memoirs

1943 Memoirs

Date: 1943-01-01

annuals commencement students schools

Max Davis's memory book from his high school graduation in 1943. It contains signatures and well-wishes from classmates.

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Dale Slagle

Dale Slagle

Date: 1940-01-01

portraits men

Portrait of Dale Slagle in uniform.

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Virginia Cooper Soncarty's family picture

Virginia Cooper Soncarty's family picture

Date: 1940-01-01

families children

Children of H.R.H. and Sarah McCauley. Back row, Bessie, Alice, Barbara Ann, and Rose. Front row, Henry, Virginia, and Ona...

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Welch's Corner Texaco station

Welch's Corner Texaco station

Date: 1940-01-01

automobiles service stations

Welch's Corner Texaco gas station, which is now the Grange Supply Cenex.

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Soncarty barn

Soncarty barn

Date: 1940-01-01


Back side of Soncarty barn, now on NRHP

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Thelma and Edward Bysegger

Thelma and Edward Bysegger

Date: 1940-12-01

holidays portraits

Christmas portrait for Emma and Ray from Thelma and Edward Bysegger

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Philip Hearn military portrait

Philip Hearn military portrait

Date: 1941-01-01

military personnel potraits

A military portrait of Philip Hearn before his service in World War II.

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Vic Beplate's Place

Vic Beplate's Place

Date: 1940-01-01

houses snow

View of Vic Beplate's old house covered in snow.

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Uncover Cabin of Ancient Day

Uncover Cabin of Ancient Day

Date: 1941-11-23

articles log cabins newspapers local histories homesteads

An old landmark was uncovered when a building was razed on the W. E. Hearn place northwest of Potlatch. The...

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Cleora Nirk Strong with child

Cleora Nirk Strong with child

Date: 1941-01-01

Women children

Cleora Nirk stands outside a house holding a child in her arms.

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Idaho Sawmill in Potlatch

Idaho Sawmill in Potlatch

Date: 1942-01-01

sawmills buildings

An aerial view of the Idaho Sawmill in Potlatch, Idaho. Guard shacks can be seen along the perimeter of the...

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Marine Christmas card

Marine Christmas card

Date: 1943-01-01

holidays celebrations correspondence

A Christmas card from a marine that lived locally. (three scanned images associated with entry)

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Camp 36 logging camp

Camp 36 logging camp

Date: 1942-01-01

lumber camps automobiles

Camp 36 logging camp with trucks and tents. Smoke can be seen coming from the chimneys in the tent structures....

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Loading logs at Camp 36

Loading logs at Camp 36

Date: 1942-01-01

lumber camps equipment

Loading logs onto trucks at Camp 36 logging camp. A man guides the logs down with a rope attached to...

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Tilling by horse teams (2)

Tilling by horse teams (2)

Date: 1915-01-01

farming horses

Several multi-horse teams tilling. Louie Gilmore's outfit on the Colburn place. With John McManama. 56 horses.

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Skid Cat's Camp 36

Skid Cat's Camp 36

Date: 1942-01-01

lumber camps tractors

Rows of trucks are lined up waiting to be loaded with logs at Skid Cat's Camp 36 logging camp.

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Norman Soncarty with coyote

Norman Soncarty with coyote

Date: 1942-01-01

coyotes (Canis latrans) pelts

Norman Soncarty trapped coyotes, and collected money for the pelts.

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Max, Emma, and Roy Davis

Max, Emma, and Roy Davis

Date: 1943-01-01

portraits families

Family portrait of Max, Emma, and Roy Davis

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Lloyd Tharp Navy Portrait

Lloyd Tharp Navy Portrait

Date: 1943-01-01

portraits military personnel

Portrait of Lloyd Tharp from when he enlisted with the Navy in 1943.

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Max Davis graduation portrait

Max Davis graduation portrait

Date: 1943-01-01

portraits men graduates

Graduation picture of Max Davis

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Dorothy Anderson Davis

Dorothy Anderson Davis

Date: 1943-01-01

portraits Women graduates

Graduation picture of Dorothy Anderson

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Alfred Swatman

Alfred Swatman

Date: 1944-01-01

horses buildings

Swatman packed up in HooDoos and elsewhere; Buck and Ribbon are horses

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Fat Espy and pack string

Fat Espy and pack string

Date: 1944-01-01

horses automobiles snow

Two photograhps of Fat Espy and his pack string up near Lochsa

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Wedding portrait

Wedding portrait

Date: 1943-08-01

portraits weddings

Wedding portrait of Rena Cole and Edward Bysegger

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Max Davis in uniform

Max Davis in uniform

Date: 1944-08-06

men military personnel

Photograph of Max Davis joining Navy

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Haying with crew

Haying with crew

Date: 1915-01-01

farming horses

Men and women stand with hay and horse teams. Across from home place. Fritz Leistner, Ed Soncarty, John McManama and...

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Roy Davis holding a fawn on Mt. Spokane

Roy Davis holding a fawn on Mt. Spokane

Date: 1944-06-01

men fawns

Roy Davis holding a fawn on Mt. Spokane

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Davis Farm

Davis Farm

Date: 1944-08-01

farming combines tractors

Davis family farm and Harris combine

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Naval Enrollees

Naval Enrollees

Date: 1944-07-05

military personnel men Korean war

Group portrait of Naval enrollees.

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Elsie (Bean) Holmes

Elsie (Bean) Holmes

Date: 1945-01-01

portraits Women

Standing portrait of Elsie (Bean) Holmes

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Roy and Max Davis loggin at Meadow Creek

Roy and Max Davis loggin at Meadow Creek

Date: 1945-01-01

automobiles logging

Roy and Max Davis loggin at Meadow Creek

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Garfield High School Class of 1945 Portrait

Garfield High School Class of 1945 Portrait

Date: 1945-01-01

high schools graduates students

All seniors in class of 1945, including Max Davis and Dorothy Anderson, who ended up marrying

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Ration books

Ration books

Date: 1945-01-01

books documents

Paul Plummer's World War II Ration books. Owned the lumber mill locally.

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Ida Soncarty's Birthday

Ida Soncarty's Birthday

Date: 1945-01-01

families parties birthdays

Soncarty, Bysegger, Nirk, Teas and Davis families at surprise birthday party for Ida Soncarty at the Ed and Ida Soncarty...

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C.V. Hall Home

C.V. Hall Home

Date: 1945-01-01

buildings automobiles

Vick Belplate's bug parked outside of the C.V. Hall Home.

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Norman Soncarty skiing

Norman Soncarty skiing

Date: 1945-01-01

children snow skiing

Norman Soncarty, born 1930, skiing as a child.

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Lowell Soncarty

Lowell Soncarty

Date: 1945-01-01

portraits students

Lowell Soncarty's senior picture from Potlatch High School. He did not graduate from high school, he was one credit short...

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Max Davis Service Record

Max Davis Service Record

Date: 1946-05-15


Record of service in Navy of Max Davis

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Rohn boys in car

Rohn boys in car

Date: 1915-01-01

automobiles children

Frances, Frank, Fred, and Curt in automobile.

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Lowell Soncarty with horses

Lowell Soncarty with horses

Date: 1945-01-01

horses barns

Lowell stands beside Rocket the horse with 5 day old colt

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Roy and Emma Davis with Olive Pledger

Roy and Emma Davis with Olive Pledger

Date: 1947-01-01

fields buttes

Roy and Emma Davis with Olive Pledger On Fish Butte in Lochsa area

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Roy Davis and horses with truck.

Roy Davis and horses with truck.

Date: 1947-10-01

horses trucks

Roy Davis with horses and truck with Olive Pledger and his truck.

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Norman Willard Soncarty

Norman Willard Soncarty

Date: 1948-01-01

portraits students

Norman Willard Soncarty, Senior picture at Potlatch High School. Future husband of Virginia Soncarty.

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Davis home

Davis home

Date: 1948-12-03

houses snow

Max Davis standing in front of the W.W. Davis home on a snowy day.

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Rock Creek Dam

Rock Creek Dam

Date: 1949-01-01

Ponds bridges dams sawmills

Upper mill pond and dam bridge to rock creek. Picture was taken by Richard King in Spring of 1948 or...

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Snowy house

Snowy house

Date: 1949-01-01

houses snow

W.W. Davis family place on Duffield Flats Road on a snowy day.

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Emma and Roy Davis

Emma and Roy Davis

Date: 1950-01-01

portaits families

Portrait of Emma and Roy Davis

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Co-op Supply in Princeton Idaho

Co-op Supply in Princeton Idaho

Date: 1950-01-01

buildings Stores

The Co-Op supply in Princeton, ID

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The Potlatch Confectionary

The Potlatch Confectionary

Date: 1950-01-01

streets buildings mercantile

A close-up of the Potlatch Confectionary, located on Pine Street in Potlatch, ID

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Old Richield service station and garage

Old Richield service station and garage

Date: 1950-01-01

automobiles service stations garages

The Old Richield service station and garage sat where the current Cenex station is now located

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View on Pine Street

View on Pine Street

Date: 1950-01-01

girls libraries buildings

Girl stands on pine street. The confectionary can be seen on the left hand side of the street and the...

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Soncarty home

Soncarty home

Date: 1950-01-01

houses fields

Ed Soncarty home, about 8 miles north of Potlatch along Hwy 95. Ed purchased the home for $9.45, the amount...

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Butchering hogs

Butchering hogs

Date: 1915-01-01


Fritz Lestner butchering hogs.

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Gotfried and Anna Bysegger

Gotfried and Anna Bysegger

Date: 1950-01-01


Gotfried and Anna Bysegger pose for a photograph in front of some trees.

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Edd and Ida Soncarty Farm

Edd and Ida Soncarty Farm

Date: 1950-01-01

homesteads fields

Looked this way until Spring of 1992 when Lowell built a new garage in Idah's old garden.

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Putting on a play at the Grange

Putting on a play at the Grange

Date: 1950-01-01

bands showings

The Mountain Home Grange Hill-Sillies Band put on a show. Grandma Ida Soncarty in the band.

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D.I. Nirk Lumber Company

D.I. Nirk Lumber Company

Date: 1950-01-01

lumber automobiles buildings

D.I. Nirk Lumber Company. The old barn is on the left, and the house is in the center behind the...

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Nirk-Bysegger family portrait

Nirk-Bysegger family portrait

Date: 1950-01-01

portraits families

Nirk Family portrait. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Nirk, Larry; Nirk, Mary Anna Bysegger;...

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Arthur and Alice Strong

Arthur and Alice Strong

Date: 1950-01-01

portraits families

An informal portrait of Arthur and Alice Strong in Potlatch, Idaho.

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Potlatch Elementary School 4th grade class

Potlatch Elementary School 4th grade class

Date: 1951-01-01

schools students

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Potlatch Elementary School Mrs. Streeter's 3rd grade class

Potlatch Elementary School Mrs. Streeter's 3rd grade class

Date: 1950-10-01

schools students

Front row, Ronnie, Joe, Ralph, James A., Laverne Skyles, Gerald. Second row, Tommy; Raymond, Billy, Eddie, Don. Third row, Lowell,...

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Norman Soncarty in the Army

Norman Soncarty in the Army

Date: 1951-01-01

armed forces men

Norman Soncarty somewhere between South Carolina and Texas in the Army

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Norman Soncarty leaves for service

Norman Soncarty leaves for service

Date: 1951-01-01

families automobiles

Norman Soncarty between sister Shirley and brother Lowell the day he left for service in the Army, headed for Korean...

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Rodeo at Riverside Park

Rodeo at Riverside Park

Date: 1952-05-04

rodeos horses parks

A rodeo takes place at Riverside Park. A cowboy is in the arena participating in a bronco riding competition.

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Men Sitting on Cars

Men Sitting on Cars

Date: 1915-01-01

men automobiles

A few men sitting on the hoods of automobiles. Pictured are Mr. Nirk, Bill Leistner, Verne Clark, August Leistnea, Paul...

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Potlatch Elementary School 5th grade class

Potlatch Elementary School 5th grade class

Date: 1952-01-01

schools students

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Verle E Brown military portrait

Verle E Brown military portrait

Date: 1953-01-01

portraits uniforms military personnel

Portrait of Verle E Brown from the Korean conflict 1953-1955

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Potlatch Elementary School Mrs. Stella Benjamin's 6th grade class

Potlatch Elementary School Mrs. Stella Benjamin's 6th grade class

Date: 1953-01-01

schools students

Front row, Terry Kirtcher, Larry Griffin, Jim Spangler, James Merrit, David Morrison, Gary Hansen, Dannie Raupe. 2nd row, Ed Mitzenberg,...

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Norman Soncarty with airplane

Norman Soncarty with airplane

Date: 1953-01-01

armed forces men airplanes

Norman Soncarty was an airplane mechanic in the Army. This is his plane, ""Old 011""

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Norman Soncarty in Korea

Norman Soncarty in Korea

Date: 1953-01-01

armed forces men automobiles

Norman while in Korea, maybe in front of MASH.

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Daylight view of the Carscallen Brothers' Sawmill

Daylight view of the Carscallen Brothers' Sawmill

Date: 1954-01-01

sawmills buildings

An overview of the Carscallen Brothers Sawmill, located 10 miles north of Potlatch, on east fork of East Steep Creek....

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Strong family portrait

Strong family portrait

Date: 1954-01-01

portraits families

The Strong family gathered for a portrait. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Strong, Gary;...

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Gold Dredge on the Palouse River

Gold Dredge on the Palouse River

Date: 1955-01-01

rivers dredgers

A gold dredge set up on the Palouse River, circa 1955.

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Nirk family portrait.

Nirk family portrait.

Date: 1956-01-01

portraits families

Sterner Studio in Moscow, ID. Back row, left to right: Gerald, Leola, Ronald, Cleora, Glen. Front row, left to right:...

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Mule Team

Mule Team

Date: 1915-01-01

horses fields

The mule team pulling a binding machine through a field.

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Potlatch Confectionery

Potlatch Confectionery

Date: 1955-01-01

businesses diners

Interior view of diner. Norman Socarty dating Virginia Cooper. December Christmas party at Potlatch Confectionery where Gin worked.

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Potlatch Confectionery

Potlatch Confectionery

Date: 1956-01-01

businesses Stores

Interior view of store. Caption on back reads ""Virginia Anna Cooper working at Potlatch Confectionery. The day before I took...

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Potlatch Drug store

Potlatch Drug store

Date: 1958-01-01

businesses drugstores

Interior of Potlatch Drug with Ida Bysegger Soncarty

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Memorial card for Judith An Whitesel

Memorial card for Judith An Whitesel

Date: 1960-01-01

Women Memorials

Member of the Potlatch High School class of 1960

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Mineral Mountain Lookout

Mineral Mountain Lookout

Date: 1960-01-01


All the material to make the tower was packed up on the mountain with the Forest Service pack mule string....

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Lowell Soncarty in Boise

Lowell Soncarty in Boise

Date: 1963-01-01

rehabilitation centers men

Lowell Soncarty had an autoimmune condition that resulted in severe arthritis. Here he is in the Elks Rehabilitation facility in...

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Soncarty family

Soncarty family

Date: 1958-01-01

families children

Norman and Virginia Soncarty with first child Willa at Coeur d'Alene. Norman was 28 and Virginia 21.

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Strong Christmas family portrait from 1964

Strong Christmas family portrait from 1964

Date: 1964-12-23

portraits families

Christmas Family portrait. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Strong, Arthur Dwight; Strong, Cleora Anna;...

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Wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversary

Date: 1967-01-01

portraits weddings Anniversary

Durell and Mary Nirk on their 50th wedding anniversary

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Fritz Leistner House

Fritz Leistner House

Date: 1967-01-01


The Fritz Leistner house.

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Arthur and Alice McClure Strong

Arthur and Alice McClure Strong

Date: 1967-01-01

families couples

Arthur and Alice McClure Strong pose for a photograph together

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Roy Davis' House

Roy Davis' House

Date: 1968-05-11


Resided house of Davis'

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Memo and check information from Potlatch Lumber Company

Memo and check information from Potlatch Lumber Company

Date: 1916-11-10

documents letters

A letter from Mr. Laird to Mr. Maxwell stating that a check for $25 should be made to the Deep...

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Cement Man is Nocturnal Copper Etcher

Cement Man is Nocturnal Copper Etcher

Date: 1969-07-23

articles newspapers

Daily News story on Llloyd Tharp, covering his hobby of copper etching and his daytime role as a cement worker...

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Mt. Home Community Hall

Mt. Home Community Hall

Date: 1975-01-01

buildings communities

View of the Mt. Home Community Hall.

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Fred Rohn place

Fred Rohn place

Date: 1970-01-01

homesteads houses

An aerial view of Fred Rohn's farm and barn. The house is in the lower left quadrant of the photograph....

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Deer Hunters

Deer Hunters

Date: 1979-01-01

hunting deer men

John Rohn, Jerry Rohn, Joe Rohn, Harold Rounds, Ivan Rounds stand for a photograph with their deer in a garage....

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Ida Soncarty in her garden

Ida Soncarty in her garden

Date: 1985-01-01

gardens Women

Ida Mithaldia Soncarty in her garden. The last picture of her in her garden taken by her granddaughter Trudy Soncarty....

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Riverside ""Potlatch's Famous Fun Spot"" book

Riverside ""Potlatch's Famous Fun Spot"" book

Date: 2016-01-01

histories documents booklets

A multi-page history of Riverside Park, presented by the Potlatch Historical Society

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Kelly Soncarty wedding

Kelly Soncarty wedding

Date: 1988-01-01


Willa, Norman, Amy, Kelly, Virginia, Teresa, Trudy Soncarty

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Old Fort

Old Fort

Date: 1988-05-01

forts fields homesteads

View of the Old Fort on Vic Morris' place, with is northwest of Potlatch Idaho.

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Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong portrait

Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong portrait

Date: 1991-06-01

portraits couples

Dwight and Cleora Nirk Strong taken summer of 1991.

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Victor Beplate

Victor Beplate

Date: 1989-11-01

men trees

Victor Beplate standing next to a tree trunk at Ruke Zimmerman's place.

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Old Fort

Old Fort

Date: 1988-05-01

forts fields homesteads

View of the Old Fort on Vic Morris' place, with is northwest of Potlatch Idaho.

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Davis Farm during harvest

Davis Farm during harvest

Date: 1998-01-01

farming combines gardens

Harvest time at Davis family farm with combin in the background. Gardens in the front.

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Family Photo

Family Photo

Date: 1915-01-01


Family photo of Leta Kislig, Mrs. Kislig, Art Kislig, and Edith Kislig.

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Potlatch High School Class of 1960 40th Reunion

Potlatch High School Class of 1960 40th Reunion

Date: 2000-01-01

schools meetings celebrations

Group photo of reunion celebration. Front row, Ray Gilliam, David Morrison, Denny Knott, Gary Whitmore, Jerry Roberts. 2nd row, Joe...

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Elk Hunters

Elk Hunters

Date: 1999-01-01

hunting elk

Kent Chambers and Joe Rohn with elk.

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Fred and Violet Rohn

Fred and Violet Rohn

Date: 2000-01-01


A photograph of Fred and Violet Rohn prior to their passing.

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Augir Homestead a century later

Augir Homestead a century later

Date: 2003-01-01


The Augir homestead as seen in 2003.

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Bucket of Blood Bar

Bucket of Blood Bar

Date: 2003-01-01

log cabins

Cabin originally on summit of Mineral Mountain on Hwy 95 (pictured at original site), then moved to Skyline Drive when...

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Obituary for Violet Rohn

Obituary for Violet Rohn

Date: 2004-03-09

funerals obituaries

Violet M. Rohn obituary

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Funeral Program

Funeral Program

Date: 2004-03-11

funerals programs

The funeral program for Violet Rohn.

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Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

Date: 2005-01-01

articles newspapers

Newspaper article by Liz Smith about the Potlatch Mercantile.

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Soncarty barn on National Register

Soncarty barn on National Register

Date: 2005-02-01

barns articles newspapers

1928 Soncarty barn now on National Register of Historic Places

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Soncarty anniversary announcement

Soncarty anniversary announcement

Date: 2006-01-01

Anniversary articles newspapers

50th anniversary announcement for Virginia and Norman Soncarty

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Potlatch High School Class of 1960 50th Reunion

Potlatch High School Class of 1960 50th Reunion

Date: 2010-01-01

meetings celebrations

Group photo of reunion celebration. Front row, Shultz, Sharon; Doty, JoAnn; Doty, Barbara; Largent, Connie; Coble, Kieth; Keiser, Caroline; Vandermark,...

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John Matthew Nirk family portrait

John Matthew Nirk family portrait

Date: 1915-01-01

portraits families children

Family portrait of John Matthew, Durell Irving, and Bertha Clemina Allen Nirk

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Potlatch Food Bank

Potlatch Food Bank

Date: 2015-01-01

buildings rural life

The new Potlatch Food Pantry, located on Pine Street behind city hall. 510 Pine Street

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Grand Marshalls during the Potlatch Days parade

Grand Marshalls during the Potlatch Days parade

Date: 2016-07-01

automobiles parades Women

The Grand Marshalls riding in the Potlatch Historical Society car during the Potlatch Days parade in July, 2016. Names read...

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Samuel Lynd

Samuel Lynd

Date: 1884-01-01

portraits men local histories

Samuel Lynd moved to Potlatch, Idaho, from Lawrence County, Ohio in 1884 with his wife Elizabeth Tipton Lynd, his son...

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Elizabeth Tipton Lynd

Elizabeth Tipton Lynd

Date: 1884-01-01

portraits Women local histories

Elizabeth Tipton Lynd moved to Potlatch, Idaho from Lawrence County, Ohio in 1884 with her husband Samuel Lynd and her...

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Ralph and Jane Strong

Ralph and Jane Strong

Date: 1880-01-01

families portraits

A formal portrait of Ralph and Jane Strong, Dwight Strong's grandparents

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Webster's Mill, Deep Creek; Swimming Hole - Fritz Brincken Place

Webster's Mill, Deep Creek; Swimming Hole - Fritz Brincken Place

Date: 1888-01-01

swimming creeks

Print from original photograph, taken at Webster's Mill, Deep Creek, Northern Latah County, Idaho, 1888 or 1889, F.H. Brinkren Place;...

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Gottfried ""Fred"" Bysegger family portrait

Gottfried ""Fred"" Bysegger family portrait

Date: 1915-01-01

portraits families children

Fred Bysegger family portrait. Names read as subjects appear. Front row: Grandpa Fred, Clara, Eddie, Grandma Anna and Ida. Back...

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W.W. Davis

W.W. Davis

Date: 1890-01-01

paintings men

Photograph of a painted portrait of W.W. Davis

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Edward S. Allen

Edward S. Allen

Date: 1890-01-01

portraits men

Formal portrait of Edward S. Allen, Bertha Nirks Father

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Bertha Clemina Allen Nirk

Bertha Clemina Allen Nirk

Date: 1890-01-01

portraits Women

A formal portrait of Bertha Clemina Allen Nirk, Durell Nirk's mother.

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Ida V. Bysegger

Ida V. Bysegger

Date: 1885-01-01

portraits Women

Portait of Ida Bysegger, spelled Idah V. Biseger

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Strong homestead

Strong homestead

Date: 1891-04-01

houses families

J.R. Strong and home on Deep Creek, northwest of Potlatch. Names read as subjects appear, left to right: McElroy, Alice;...

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Men hauling timber from mill

Men hauling timber from mill

Date: 1915-01-01

lumber horses saws

Ed Soncarty, Earnest Spets, ""Dirty"" Bill Tucker hauling logs near Alvah Strongs mill.

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Augir Homestead

Augir Homestead

Date: 1892-01-01

homesteads fields houses

Harriosn and Clarence Augir Homestead of 1877

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Allen family portrait

Allen family portrait

Date: 1890-01-01

portraits families

Family portrait for the Allen families. Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Springmire, Mary; Allen,...

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Roy F. Kislig

Roy F. Kislig

Date: 1893-01-01

portraits men

Portrait of Roy F. Kislig at 18 years old.

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Isabel Starner Store

Isabel Starner Store

Date: 1895-01-01

Stores children

View of the Isabel Starner Store at Freeze, Idaho. Three children are standing in front of the store. The store...

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John Matthew Nirk

John Matthew Nirk

Date: 1895-01-01

portraits men families

Portrait of John Matthew Nirk, father of Durell Nirks.

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Family portrait

Family portrait

Date: 1915-01-01


Names read as subjects appear, left to right, front to back: Altemier, Grace; _, Charley; Allen, Charles, Mrs.; Reeve, Mary...

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Durell Irwin Nirk infant portrait

Durell Irwin Nirk infant portrait

Date: 1896-01-01

children families portraits

Durell Irwin Nirk when he was a baby, born Dec 23, 1895

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Family Photo

Family Photo

Date: 1915-01-01

families horses carriages

The Kislig family sitting in a carriage behind two horses.

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Collection of older and new photographs of Davis, Soncarty, and Nirk families

Collection of older and new photographs of Davis, Soncarty, and Nirk families

Date: 1916-01-01

portraits articles newspapers Women baseball families

Older portraits - All Emma Bysegger Davis; clipping regarding death of Roscoe Davis (died at 22) in early 40s; family...

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Vern Clark's twenty-first birthday

Vern Clark's twenty-first birthday

Date: 1916-06-16

families birthdays

The clark family gathered together to celebrate Vern's twenty-first birthday outside an unknown house. Vern is seated in the second...

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Two groups in nice attire pose for photos

Two groups in nice attire pose for photos

Date: 1916-01-01

men Women couples

Two separate couples pose for photographs in nice attire.

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Ladies of the Clark family

Ladies of the Clark family

Date: 1916-06-16

Women families birthdays

The women of the Clark family gathered for a group portrait during Vern Clark's twenty-first birthday celebration.

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Potlatch Mercantile Company postcard

Potlatch Mercantile Company postcard

Date: 1916-10-01

automobiles postcards

Postcard of the arrival of Potlatch Mercantile Company's new garage. A.A. McDonald is pictured inside a new Mitchell car.

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Rohn's in home

Rohn's in home

Date: 1917-01-01

families men houses

J. Fred and Lula (Beeson) Rohn. Taken in house on Parvin Road near Colfax, WA. Interior of home featured.

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John Jacob Rohn portrait

John Jacob Rohn portrait

Date: 1917-01-01

portraits men

John Jacob Rohn, grandfather of Curt Rohn. Fought in the Steptoe Battle. Taken in Walla Walla, WA.

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Rohn Family in front of house

Rohn Family in front of house

Date: 1917-01-01


Rohn Family and home near Parvin, WA, across from Grange Hall. From left to right, Jake, Elmer, Fred, Gladys, Curt,...

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Men Working in Field

Men Working in Field

Date: 1917-01-01

fields horses men

Fritz Brinken, John Nirk, Durell Nirk, and Amel Brinken sitting in a field next to some horses

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1916 Chevrolet

1916 Chevrolet

Date: 1917-01-01


Paps first car, a 1916 Cheverlot.

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Bertha Nirk on wash day.

Bertha Nirk on wash day.

Date: 1917-01-01

Women washtubs chores

Grandma Bertha Nirk on wash day.

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Durell and Mary Nirk on porch

Durell and Mary Nirk on porch

Date: 1917-01-01

couples houses

Durell and Mary Bysegger Nirk sit on a porch for a photograph. Both individuals are sitting on cushions on top...

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Date: 1917-01-01

men uniforms

Edd Soncarty, Durell Nirk in WWI uniform, and George Teas

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Arthur and Alice Strong wedding portrait

Arthur and Alice Strong wedding portrait

Date: 1917-01-01

portraits couples weddings

Arthur and Alice McClure Strong's wedding picture

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Elmore School

Elmore School

Date: 1917-01-01


Last Elmore school 1917 where Cleora Nirk attended first 8 grades

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Durell and Mary Nirk wedding portrait

Durell and Mary Nirk wedding portrait

Date: 1917-09-29

portraits weddings

A formal portrait of Durell and Mary Bysegger Nirk on their wedding day.

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Cleora Nirk Strong

Cleora Nirk Strong

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits families children

Portrait of Cleora Nirk Strong

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Eddie Bysegger with two horses

Eddie Bysegger with two horses

Date: 1918-01-01


Eddie Bysegger with two horses near a farm

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John Matthew Nirk holding granddaughter

John Matthew Nirk holding granddaughter

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits families Women children

Family portrait of Durrel and Mary Nirk with daughter Clara Anna being held by her grandparents, Bertha Allen Nirk and...

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Nirk and Bysegger women

Nirk and Bysegger women

Date: 1918-01-01

Women families

Photograph of Clara Nirk, Ida, Mom holding Cleora Anna, and Emma

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Mary and Durell Nirk with daughter Cleora

Mary and Durell Nirk with daughter Cleora

Date: 1918-01-01

families children

Mary Bysegger Nirk, standing, and Durell Nirk holding daughter Cleora Anna Nirk

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Mary Nirk and daughter Cleora Anna

Mary Nirk and daughter Cleora Anna

Date: 1918-01-01

Women children

Mary Bysegger Nirk holds daughter Cleora Anna outside the Bysegger homestead.

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Cleora Anna Nirk as an infant

Cleora Anna Nirk as an infant

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits children

A formal portrait of Cleora Anna Nirk as an infant.

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Durell Nirk holding daughter Cleora

Durell Nirk holding daughter Cleora

Date: 1918-01-01

portraits family children

Durrell Nirk holding daughter Cleora Anna on his parents homestead.

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