About Potlatch Historical Collections Portal
Browse all digital collection content related to Potlatch, Idaho
Potlatch, Idaho was founded in 1905 as a company town for the Potlatch Lumber Company. The sawmill, built in 1906, was one of the largest in the world at the time. The mill was highly successful in its day and it was not until 1981 that it was closed due to depleted forests and a stagnant lumber market.
The full descriptive metadata can be downloaded as a CSV spreadsheet, JSON, or a GeoJSON export. The data can be subsetted and downloaded as CSV or Excel from the data table.
This website was created by UI Library’s Digital Initiatives using the open source static site generator Jekyll. The basic frame work is created using Bootstrap and jQuery. Metadata visualizations are created using DataTables and Leafletjs. Document metadata is exposed using DCMI, Schema.org and Open Graph protocol standards.
Last build date: 2018-07-10